M. Sc. Sericulture
Sericulture– (M.Sc.) List
- Mulberry Production Technology
- Genetics and Breeding of Mulberry
- Systematics and Morphology of Sericigenous insects
- Silkworm Egg Production Technology
- Silkworm Rearing Technology
- Genetics and Breeding of Silkworms
- Diseases and Pests of Silkworms
- Silk Technology-I
- Non-mulberry Sericulture
- Nutrition of Host Plants of Silkworms
- Mulberry Pests and Diseases
- Biotechnology of Mulberry
- Anatomy and Physiology of Sericigenous insects
- Silkworm Biochemistry and Nutrition
- Biotechnology of Silkworm
- Sericulture By-product utilization and Value addition
Major courses
Mulberry Production Technology
Content: Introduction, scope and varieties: Overview and Scope of mulberry sericulture Scope of mulberry sericulture, an overview of sericulture industry in the world and India. Leaf quality requirements, factors influencing mulberry leaf yield and quality. Scope for mechanization in mulberry cultivation. Varieties of mulberry: Mulberry varieties, Traditional mulberry varieties, popular mulberry varieties in different climatic zones, high yielding varieties, varieties for rainfed condition, varieties for specific conditions. Mulberry production: Raising of mulberry saplings and planting Technology for raising of saplings for bush and tree type mulberry cultivation. Preparation of bed, planting material, transportation, storage, planting, weeding, fertilizer application and disease and pest management, uprooting, transportation and planting in main field. Establishment of mulberry garden: Package of practices for rainfed and irrigated mulberry cultivation, separate chawki garden, tree mulberry, mulberry cultivation in hilly areas. Selection of land, land preparation, planting, initial care and maintenance for different methods of mulberry cultivation and pruning practices. Mechanization in mulberry cultivation, intercropping, organic farming and IFS component. Manure and fertilizer schedule, irrigation schedule, use of biofertilizers for enhanced yield, use of growth hormones and growth regulators. Mulberry protection: Mulberry pests and their management: Mulberry pest status, occurrence, type of damage, symptoms, crop loss, life-cycle, different methods of management techniques, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in mulberry. Mulberry diseases and their management: Mulberry diseases, occurrence, damage, symptoms, crop loss and different methods of management techniques and Integrated Disease Management (IDM) in mulberry. Economics: Economic of mulberry production: Farm records, role of non-monetary inputs in mulberry production, effective farm management, economics of mulberry production.
Practical: Analysis of area, production and productivity of mulberry and sericulture in Karnataka, India and world; Study of Agronomic features of different mulberry varieties; Practising of different mulberry planting systems; Study of rooting and sprouting behaviour of mulberry varieties; Raising saplings through soft, semi soft and apical tender shoots; Mulberry nursery establishment and management; Study of mulberry as an intercrop in plantations; Selection of fruits and preparation of mulberry seeds for raising mulberry seedlings; Study of different planting systems of tree mulberry; Study of Intercropping in mulberry garden; Study of organic mulberry farming; Study of Mulberry as IFS component; Effect of different pruning systems on mulberry yield; Estimation of leaf area by non-destructive and destructive methods; Study of different leaf preservation techniques and different methods of leaf harvest with special reference to chawki and grown up silkworms; Study of different schedules of operation in mulberry garden and fertilizer application, methods of application and irrigation schedules; Study of weed flora in mulberry garden; Study of Farm records and Economics of mulberry cultivation; Institutional/ Farmers field visits.
Genetics and Breeding of Mulberry
Content: Taxonomy and botanical description and classification of mulberry: Origin and diversity studies of mulberry Centre of origin and diversity studies of mulberry, Mulberry species and their distribution in India and other countries. Taxonomy of the genus Morus. Botanical description of the Morus spp. Study of floral structure, biology and pollination Reproduction and genetic constitutions in mulberry –asexual reproduction- characteristics of mulberry florets- sexual behaviouranthesis- reproductive variability. Pollination in mulberry. Cytology of mulberry, cell division- mitosis and meiosis and their significance. Karyomorphological studies. Microsporogenesis and Megasporogenesis in mulberry. Embryological studies of mulberry. Genetic basis and general concept of mulberry breeding Expression of gene: Segregation of genes, linkage, homozygosis, quantitative inheritance, features of polygenic inheritance, population structure, Selection of Parents for Hybridization. Procedure of Hybridization: Pruning and Synchronization of Flowering, Bagging, Tagging, Pollination. Harvesting and storing of F1 seeds, Raising F1 generation. Seedling Selection criteria. Difficulties in hybridization, Consequences of hybridization. Combining ability: general combining ability and specific combining ability, Heritability, genetic advance and genetic divergence. Mulberry germplasm and breeding methods: Mulberry germplasm Establishment of mulberry, objectives and need, exploration, collection and introduction of mulberry germplasm, acclimatization and utilization. Introductions, world collection of mulberry germplasm, plant quarantine, conservation and maintenance of mulberry germplasm, characterization and evaluation of mulberry germplasm, role of mulberry germplasm study in mulberry improvement. Conventional methods of breeding: Objectives and pre-requisites of mulberry breeding. Genetics of important traits. Early works of mulberry breeding, problems associated with mulberry breeding, conditions favouring mulberry breeding. Reproductive systems and plant breeding methods, Pollination in mulberry and crossing techniques. Mulberry varieties developed through direct selection, selection without controlled pollination, controlled pollination methods, handling of segregating progenies, Conventional methods of breeding- introduction, clonal selection, backcross method. Intervarietal and distant hybridization. Heterosis breeding. Population improvement. Polycross hybrids – Principles involved, advantages and disadvantages, steps in development of polycross hybrids. Multilocational trial and mulberry authorization programme, testing of feed quality. Advanced generation breeding. Improved varietal evaluation distribution and maintenance. Challenges for future. Non-conventional methods of breeding Polyploidy breeding in mulberry: Introduction, origin of polyploids, general features of polyploidy, induction of polyploidy and optimal level, special features of triploids, process of triploid mulberry development, varieties developed by polyploidy breeding in mulberry. Mutation breeding in mulberry: Induction of mutation, bud mutation and chimeras, mutation breeding achievements in mulberry, usefulness of induced mutation, cutting back treatment, limitations and achievements of mutation breeding in mulberry. Breeding for leaf quality, resistance against diseases and pests, tolerance for drought, alkalinity and salinity. Evaluation of mulberry genotypes for different growth and yield parameters. Centres involved in mulberry improvement. Statistical approaches for yield test: Field plot techniques in mulberry breeding experiments. Different experimental designs- RCBD, ARCBD and LSD. Recent approaches in mulberry improvement: In-vitro techniques- achievements and prospects.
Practical: Floral structure of mulberry; Floral biology of mulberry; Practising of staggered pruning in mulberry for inducing flowering; Sporogenesis: Micro and Megasporogenesis in mulberry; Preparation of mitosis slides in mulberry; Preparation of meiosis slides in mulberry; Study of pollen morphology, pollen fertility and viability; Study of stigma receptivity; Pollination and crossing techniques in mulberry; Characterization of available mulberry germplasm; Collection of mulberry fruits, extraction of seeds and raising of seedlings; Practising of selection in segregating population/ progenies; Study of varietal characteristics of released mulberry varieties; Layout of field experiments in mulberry for yield evaluation; Techniques of induction of mutants and polyploidy in mulberry; Testing for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in mulberry; Breeding for quality improvement in mulberry; Visit to Germplasm research station, CSGRC, Hosur.
Systematics and Morphology of Sericigenous insects
Content: Morphological studies: Introduction to morphology: Introduction, general morphology with special reference to the morphology of sericigenous insects. Morphology of integument Structure, segmentation and out growths, body regions, appendages and other structures, their modifications in general. Morphology of body segments and appendages Morphology of head, thorax, abdomen and their appendages, antennae, mouthparts, setae, legs, cerci, styli and others. Morphology of reproductive organs – modifications. Systematics of sericigenous insects: Introduction, scope and methods Introduction to systematics: Concept, scope and applications, methods involved in systematics. Type concept Holotype, syntype, erection of type and preservation of type. Preparation of keys Key formation for sericigenous insects to identify orders, families, genera, species and tribes/ eco-races. Zoological nomenclature: Binomial nomenclature; concept, scope and application.
Practical: Study of head of sericigenous insects; Study of thorax and abdomen of sericigenous insects; Study of integument, their processes, out growths and setal maps; Preparation of temporary/ permanent slides to study the processes; Drawing of sketches using grid and camera lucida; Collection and preservation of specimens – whole specimen, dry/ wet preservation, labelling of the specimens; Study of type concept – Hollotype, Syntype and allotype; Preparation of keys to orders, families, genera, species and tribes; Study of different sericigenous insects by making diagrams; Study of Chaetotaxy in sericigenous insects; Study of immature stages of silkworm Bombyx mori L.; Study of immature stages of Tropical Tasar silkworm; Study of immature stages of Eri silkworm; Study of Polymorphism in silkworm Bombyx mori L., Tropical Tasar and Eri silkworm; Field visits for collection of Non-mulberry silkworms; Collection and preservation of sericigenous insects (Dry preservation); Collection and preservation of immature stages of sericigenous insects (Wet preservation); Visit to Taxonomic section of department of entomology to understand preservation of specimens and their management.
Silkworm Egg Production Technology
Content: Organization of egg production: Three tier multiplication of silkworm seeds Organization of egg production. Breeder stock, foundation stock and commercial egg production (egg cards and loose egg preparation). Seed Act Seed legislative act, 1959. Seed Act 2010. Grainage: Establishment of grainage Location of grainage, plan of grainage, grainage equipments and capacity of grainage. Grainage activities: Seed areas, seed cocoon market, procurement and transportation of seed cocoons, selection, storage, handling and processing of seed cocoons. Sex separation in pupal stage, moth emergence, synchronization of moth emergence, pairing, depairing, moth examination, laying preparation on egg cards/ loose egg production, rejection of defective eggs, disinfection and washing and incubation of eggs. Artificial Hatching of eggs: Production of hybrid eggs Production of hybrid seeds (Multivoltine × Bivoltine), (Bivoltine × Bivoltine), (Bivoltine × Bivoltine) × (Bivoltine × Bivoltine) (Double Cross Hybrid). Grainage pests. Economics of egg production and special determinants. Artificial methods of hatching: Artificial methods of hatching of bivoltine eggs, cold and hot acid treatments, physical and chemical methods, hibernation schedules.
Practical: Silkworm breeds and their classification; Study of ground plan of model grainage building; Study of grainage equipments; Preliminary examination of seed cocoons for production of dfls, study of handling and processing of seed cocoons; Study of sex separation at pupal and adult stages; Study of Silkworm egg incubation; Study of silkworm egg hibernation schedules; Study of grainage pests and their management; Preservation of male moths for reuse; Preservation of male and female pupae for synchronization; Effect of mating duration on egg production and fertility status of eggs; Disinfection of grainage equipments; Designation of multivoltine and bivoltine seed areas in Karnataka; Estimation of cocoon requirement for production of unit number of DFLs; Production of non-hibernating eggs of silkworm; Production of hibernating eggs of silkworm (on egg cards and loose egg preparation); Artificial hatching of silkworm eggs through acid treatment; Economics of silkworm egg production.
Silkworm Rearing Technology
Content: Planning for silkworm rearing: Planning for chawki rearing and late age silkworm rearing Planning for rearing, criteria to be considered for rearing, plan of rearing house for chawki and late age silkworm rearing, rearing equipment, measurement and regulation of environmental factors. Disinfection and disinfectants: Disinfection of rearing room and equipment. Mulberry leaf preservation: Planning for silkworm rearing; harvesting, transportation and preservation of mulberry leaves. Incubation of silkworm eggs: Different methods of incubation of silk moth eggs, black-boxing, hatching and brushing. Silkworm rearing: Early instar silkworm rearing: Early instar silkworm (Chawki) rearing, different methods, environmental conditions, quality of leaf, feeding, bed cleaning, spacing. Chawki rearing centres. Late age silkworm rearing: Different methods of late age silkworm rearing, environmental conditions, feeding and bed spacing. Management of silkworm during moulting. Mounting, harvesting and marketing of silk cocoon. Mounting of ripe worms and cocoon marketing: Mounting of ripe worms, different kinds of mountages. Rearing house and equipment for shoot method of rearing. Comparison of different rearing methods: Comparing shoot feeding and shelf method of rearing.
Practical: Ground plan for model rearing house for shelf method of rearing; Chemical and physical agents used in silkworm rearing and disinfection; Rearing equipments for shelf method of rearing; Incubation of silk moth eggs and black- boxing; Hatching and brushing; Early instar silkworm rearing; Late age silkworm rearing; Regulation of environmental conditions for silkworm rearing; Harvesting and preservation of mulberry leaf; Management of silkworms during moulting; Mounting of ripe silkworms; Cocoon harvesting, grading, transportation and marketing; Rearing house and equipment for shoot method of rearing; Shoot feeding for late age silkworm rearing; Harvesting and preservation of mulberry shoots; Spacing and bed cleaning in shoot feeding method of silkworm rearing; Economics of silkworm rearing Rearing from brushing to mounting for seed and silk production.
Genetics and Breeding of Silkworms
Content: Genetics of silkworm: Cytology Ancestor and cytological basis of origin of silkworms. Cytological aspects of silkgland and achievements in deciphering molecular biology of silk gene. Hormonal control mechanisms. Reproductive biology: Phenomena of spermatogenesis and oogenesis with relevance to crossing over, cell division types in silkworms, synaptonemal complex, fertilization, chromosomes in silkworms. Sex determination, parthenogenesis, polyploidy, mosaics. Inheritance of characters: Hereditary traits of importance in egg, larva, pupa-cocoon and adult. E- Group as a tool in genetics and significance. Linkage groups in silkworms. Sex linked inheritance, Quantitative and Qualitative. Characters in silkworm breeding. Genetics of cocoon colours. Bombyx mori L. genome and latest genome sequence, Translocation of characters in metamorphic stages. Breeding of silkworm: Silkworm breeding resources: Multivoltine and bivoltine races and hybrids. Silkworm germplasm and resource potential. Methods of silkworm breeding: Methods of silkworm breeding and their importance with relevance to Indian scenario. Breeding for thermotolerance, disease resistance, special characters required for the nation and also for silk export. Sex linked and sexlimited races- their importance and need of the hour, Authorization and release of silkworm races.
Practical: Study of mitosis and meiosis in silkworm; Study of oogenesis in silkworm; Study of spermatogenesis and fertilization in silkworms; Study of important hereditary traits in egg and larva of silkworm Bombyx mori L.; Study of important hereditary traits of pupa and cocoons of silkworm Bombyx mori L.; Study of important hereditary traits of adult Bombyx mori L.; Study of Marker genes and linkage groups in silkworm; Study of heterosis - working out heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis for economic characters; Study of silkworm germplasam; Study of biometrical methods in silkworm breeding; Study of modern methods of silkworm breeding; Study of induction of parthenogenesis in silkworm breeds; Study of induction of polyploidy in silkworm breeds; Study of conventional methods of silkworm breeding; Study of breeding of newly evolved silkworm breeds; Study of breeding of non-mulberry silkworms; Study of breeding plans; Visit to CSGRC,CSB, Hosur.
Diseases and Pests of Silkworm
Content: Silkworm diseases and their management: Importance and classification: Taxonomic position of silkworm disease causing organisms including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans, classification of various pests causing economic loss to silkworms, and their importance. Silkworm pathogens, disease development and diagnosis Occurrence, causative agent, symptoms and infection, source of infection, predisposing factors, seasonal incidence, transmission and management of the pathogens individually including viral, fungal, bacterial, protozoan and mixed infections. Diagnosis of different pathogens based on symptoms (external and internal), patho-physiology and histopathology. Management of silkworm diseases: Comparative etiology of silkworm pathogens. Management, prevention and control of diseases of silkworms, regulation of predisposing and environmental factors contributing to diseases, rearing disease resistant breeds of silkworm. Management of alternative hosts of silkworm disease causing pathogens (lepidopteran crop pests and pests of mulberry). Intergrated disease management. Silkworm pests and their management: Ujifly, Exorista bombycis Louis - a major pest of silkworms History and taxonomy, Bio-ecology, Life cycle-egg, maggot, pupa, adult, oviposition, damage and extent of damage caused, prevention and control, biological control and IPM. Other pests and predators affecting silkworm crop and their management Pests and predators causing loss to silkworms and cocoons including Ants, type of damage, management. Straw itch mite, life cycle, kind of damage, management. Dermestid beetles, classification, life cycle, nature of damage, management. Rats, squirrels, lizards, earwigs, etc., Pesticide toxicity: Poisoning by agricultural chemicals to silkworms, acute and chronic symptoms of poisoning by different agricultural chemicals. Residual toxicity of chemicals on mulberry and damage caused, prevention and control.
Practical: Sterilization techniques for isolation of silkworm pathogens; Isolation and purification of BmNPV; Isolation and purification of BmCPV; Isolation and purification of BmIFV and BmDNV; Isolation and purification of white muscardine fungus Beauveria bassiana from silkworm Bombyx mori; Isolation and purification of brown muscardine fungus Aspergillus tamarii from silkworm Bombyx mori; Isolation and purification of bacteria from the gut and haemolymph of silkworm Bombyx mori; Study of life cycle, symptoms and diagnosis of BmNPV; Study of life cycle, symptoms and diagnosis of BmCPV; Study of life cycle, symptoms and diagnosis of BmIFV and BmDNV; Study of life cycle, symptoms and diagnosis of silkworm microsporidiosis; Study of life cycle, symptoms and diagnosis of white and green muscardines; Study of bacteria invading the digestive system and haemolymph; Study of bacterial toxicosis in mulberry silkworm; Intergrated management for prevention of silkworm diseases; Study of life-cycle of silkworm ujifly and its management; Study of life cycle and management of dermestid beetles; Visit to sericulture farmers fields.
Silk Technology-I
Content: Cocoon as raw material: Physical characteristics: Introduction; Importance and use of silk, cocoon quality. Physical characteristics- cocoon colour, shape, size, wrinkles, uniformity and compactness. Commercial characteristics: Cocoon weight, shell weight, shell percentage, filament length, denier, non-breakable filament length, reelability and raw silk percentage. Transaction of cocoons: Defective cocoons: Types of defective cocoons, reasons for defective cocoons, cocoon sorting, methods of sorting, estimation of defective cocoons per kg. Technological aspects. Selection of raw material for silk reeling – scientific method of testing and classification of cocoons. Cocoon marketing: Marketing based on visual observation and based on quantitative parameters, open auction system (Quality based pricing) and Etransaction. Limitations of open auction system and estimation of renditta. Steps in silk reeling: Cocoon stifling: Definition, different methods of stifling of cocoons - sun drying, steam stifling, hot air drying (shelf carrier type, Tunnel type, Band type- hot air circulating, air heating type and one step band type) and other methods. Effect of storage on stifling. Moisture percentage, Phenomenon of cocoon drying, drying percentage, equilibrium moisture percentage (Phenomenon of moisture evaporation). Effect of cocoon thickness and compactness on cocoon stifling, advanced system of cocoon stifling and machineries. Cocoon cooking and brushing: Cocoon cooking- objectives of cocoon cooking, effect of pressure and temperature on infiltration of water into cocoon cavity, swelling of sericin layer, different methods of cooking (Open pan, two pan and three pan cooking system). Brushing of cocoons, different methods of brushing. Effect of temperature on solubility of sericin and fibroin layers, dipping period and brushing. Cocoon reeling: Cocoon reeling- definition, different methods of reeling (Open/ Floating/ Sunken), Importance of croissure, length of the croissure and croissure angle and silk reeling, reeling machineries – Silk reeling on charaka, cottage basin, multiend, semi automatic and automatic reeling machines. Re-reeling: Re-reeling, reel permeation, different methods of permeation, re-reeling methods, advantages and disadvantages of open re-reeling and closed type of re-reeling. Reeling water: Different sources of water used in reeling, characteristics/ Properties of water (Impurities of water), Physical and chemical properties of water, Importance of reeling water, water qualities suggested by Kim and amelioration of water, different methods of amelioration (aeration, filtration, sedimentation and ion exchange method), amelioration of reeled water and reuse of water after treatment. Silk testing and examination: Different methods of silk examination: Different silk examination methods and lacing, book and bale making. Silk testing and grading: Silk testing and grading-grading of raw silk based on I.S.A., silk testing tools for physical (visual inspection) and mechanical properties of silk. Procedure adopted for conducting physical and mechanical properties of silk and equipments used for testing of raw silk. Post reeling technology: Doubling, twisting and weaving: Silk throwing, weaving, warping and wefting, silk doubling and twisting, by-products of reeling units, types of reeling waste (brushing waste, reeling waste, cooking waste, re-reeling waste, throwing waste and pelade layer) as raw material for spun silk industry. Marketing of raw silk: Factors influencing the assessment of rawsilk quality. Role of silk exchange, auctioning of raw silk based on physical and mechanical properties and economics of silk reeling.
Practical: Classification of cocoons of silkworm breeds; Study of Physical and Commercial characters of cocoons; Study of mode and time of cocoon transportation and marketing; Cocoon sorting, methods and estimation of defective cocoons; Cocoon stifling methods and estimation of drying and moisture percentage; Practising of cocoon cooking and brushing methods; Estimation of reeling and cooking waste percentage; Reeling appliances and practising reeling on Charaka and improved Charaka; Study of reeling appliances and practising reeling on Cottage basin and Domestic basin; Visit to government filature to acquaint with large scale reeling on Multiend reeling machine; Visit to Automatic reeling machine unit at Ramanagara; Silk examination, skein making and book making; Study of Reeling water and its quality; Amelioration of silk reeling water and its importance; Study of physical properties of mulberry raw silk; Study of microscopic examination of silk bave; Study of quality tests of raw silk and By-products in silk reeling; Visit to Central silk technological research institute, Bengaluru.
Non-mulberry Sericulture
Content: Underexploited less known non-mulberry silks: Scope, importance and distribution in the World Uses of less known sericigenous species for commercial exploitation, distribution pattern on different host plants and their statistics. Introduction to Anaphe, Coan and Fagara silks: Systematics, morphology and cocoon characteristics of Anaphe, Fagara, Coan silks and possibilities of their exploitation. Commercially exploited non-mulberry silks: Scope, importance and their distribution in the world: Scope, importance, distribution in the country and World of Eri, Tropical Tasar, Temperate Tasar and Muga silks and their primary and secondary host plants. Rearing of Eri silkworm: Host plant distribution and their classification, agronomic practices and their protection, grainage techniques, rearing of eri using improved techniques and crop protection. Rearing of Tasar (tropical/ temperate): Host plant distribution and their classification, agronomic practices and their protection, grainage techniques, rearing of tropical/ temperate tasar using improved techniques and crop protection. Rearing of Muga silkworms: Host plant distribution and their classification, agronomic practices and their protection, grainage techniques, rearing of muga silkworms using improved techniques and crop protection. Economics of non-mulberry silkworm rearing: Economics of non-mulberry silkworm rearing, viz., eri, tasar and muga silkworm rearing and their cost benefit ratio.
Practical: Study of primary and secondary host plants of eri silkworm; Study of primary and secondary host plants of tasar silkworm; Study of primary and secondary host plants of muga silkworm; Cultivation of popular castor genotypes for eri silkworm rearing; Preparation of rearing house for eri silkworm rearing; Rearing of eri silkworm on different castor genotypes; Calculation of consumption indices in eri silkworm using leaves of different castor genotypes; Collection and dry preservation of different primary and secondary host plants of non-mulberry silkworms; Preparation of disease free layings of eri silkworm; Morphology of eggs and larvae of eri silkworm; Morphology of pupa and moth of eri silkworm; Morphology of eggs and larvae of tasar and muga silkworms; Morphology of pupa and moth of tasar and muga silkworms; Effect of different mating durations on fecundity and fertility of eri silk moths; Study of different natural enemies of eri silkworm; Study of different diseases of eri silkworm; Practising of tasar egg production; Economics of eri silkworm rearing; Visit to Eri Silkworm Seed Production Centre, CSGRC Hosur, CSB.
Minor courses
Nutrition of Host Plants of Silkworms
Content: Organic manure application: Principles of manure application: Role of mineral nutrition on growth and development of mulberry, Classification of minerals i.e. organic and inorganic, Types of organic nutrition –FYM, Compost, Pressmud, Animalmanure-Poultry manure, piggery manure, Horse manure, methods of green manuring and composting. Nutrition of non-mulberry silkworm host plants: Nutrition of non-mulberry silkworm host plants: Nutritional aspects of Castor, Tapioca, Terminalia, Soalu and Som. Physico-chemical properties of soil and Nutrient uptake: Influence of physical and chemical properties of soil: Types of mulberry soils, soil structure, texture, CEC, clay and mineral composition, soil pH, micro and macro fauna, organic matter and their influence on growth and development. Role of physical and chemical properties on nutrient uptake and growth. Absorption pattern of major and micro nutrients in different soils. Response of mulberry varieties on absorption pattern of N, P, K and micronutrients. Application of major nutrients: Principles of fertilizer application: Role of bio-fertilizers –Nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing fungi, exploitation of K solubilizing organism, VAM, application methods, split application based on soil test for both rainfed and irrigated conditions. Role of nitrogen: Sources of nitrogen, types and method of application on growth and development and biochemical constituents of mulberry and their effect on rearing parameters. Role of Phosphorus: Sources of Phosphorus, types and methods of application on growth and development and biochemical constituents of mulberry and effect on rearing parameters. Role of Potash: Sources of Potash, types and methods of application on growth and development and biochemical constituents of mulberry and effect on rearing parameters. Role of secondary nutrients: Sources of secondary nutrients, types and methods of application on growth and development and biochemical constituents of mulberry and effect on rearing parameters. Nutrient deficiency: Deficiencies of Major nutrients and their toxicity: Deficiency symptoms of N, P and K toxicity in mulberry plants and their effect on quality of mulberry, correction of the soil by soil application, foliar application and fertigation methods Deficiencies of Secondary nutrients and their toxicity: Deficiency symptoms of S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Mg, Ca, Zn and other micronutrients and their toxicity in mulberry plants and their effect on quality of mulberry, correction of the through soil and foliar application and fertigation.
Practical: Collection of soil samples in mulberry garden and interpretation of soil test results; Development of recommended fertilizer schedule for both rainfed and irrigated mulberry; Modern methods of vermin-composting techniques by using sericulture wastes; Different methods of green manuring and conservation practices; Growth and root parameters of mulberry under different moisture regimes; Estimation of mulberry yield per unit area in both rainfed and irrigated condition; Use of soil amendments on sprouting and rooting pattern in mulberry; Pot culture studies on the effect of nutrient solution and bacterial inoculants on the growth of mulberry cuttings; Enumeration of beneficial microflora (Bacteria, Fungi and Actinomycetes) in mulberry rhizosphere; Induction of deficiency symptoms of major nutrients using sand culture techniques; Practising of foliar nutrient application in mulberry; Application of conventional methods of fertilizer application in mulberry; Practising supply of nutrients to mulberry through fertigation; Study of different methods of fertilizer application in mulberry; Study on effect of fertilizer use pattern on physico-chemical properties of mulberry soil; Supplementation of deficit nutrients for both rainfed and irrigated mulberry schedule as per soil test; Enumeration of micro fauna of soils under mulberry cultivation; Study of fertilizer use efficiency in mulberry; Practising Seri Suvarna Technology (Trenching and Mulching) in mulberry garden.
Mulberry Pests and Diseases
Content: Mulberry diseases and their management: Fungal diseases: Root rot diseases, powdery mildew, leaf spot and leaf rust diseases. Classification, occurrence, symptoms and damage, extent of crop loss and management. Bacterial diseases: Leaf blight and Rot diseases-Classification, occurrence, symptoms of damage extent of crop loss and management. Viral diseases: Leaf mosaic and mulberry dwarf diseases classification, occurrence, symptoms extent of crop loss and management. Nematode disease: Root knot diseases- Classification, occurrence, symptoms, identification of root knots extent of crop loss and management. Mulberry Pests and their Management: Leaf eating pests (Defoliators): Mulberry leaf roller, Bihar hairy caterpillar, wingless grasshopper, cutworm, rootgrubs -Classification, status, seasonal incidence, damaged caused symptoms, loss, lifecycle and management. Sap feeders (Sucking pests): Thrips, jassids, spiraling whitefly, scale insects, mealy bugs, spider mites -Classification, status, seasonal incidence, damaged caused symptoms, loss, lifecycle and management. Minor pests of mulberry: Stem borer, termites, May–June beetles, stem girdler beetle – Rots Classification, status, seasonal incidence, damaged caused symptoms, loss, lifecycle and management.
Practical: Collection of insect and non-insect pests from mulberry garden and their preservation; Classification of mulberry pests based on taxonomy and nature of feeding; Classification of mulberry diseases; Collection of diseased specimen from mulberry garden and their preservation; Classification of mulberry diseases based on taxonomy and parts of the plants damaged; Incidence and estimation of damage to mulberry caused by mulberry leaf webber; Incidence and estimation of damage to mulberry caused Bihar Hairy Caterpillar; Study of life cycle of mulberry leaf webber; Study of life cycle of Black Headed Hairy Caterpillar; Study of life cycle of mulberry leaf spot; Study of life cycle of mulberry leaf rust; Study of life cycle of powdery mildew of mulberry; Isolation of leaf spot fungus and bacterial blight pathogen in the laboratory and characterization; Varietal response of mulberry to root knot nematode disease; Incidence, symptoms and damage of Tukra disease on different varieties of mulberry; Life cycle of wingless grasshopper and cutworm on mulberry; Incidence of thrips on the available varieties of mulberry; Collection of specific predators and parasites in mulberry garden, preservation and their classification; Diseases and pests associated with mulberry nursery and tree mulberry; Commonly used insecticides and fungicides in mulberry garden-classification, forms, formulations and their applications.
Biotechnology of Mulberry
Content: Mulberry biotechnology, scope and prospects: Mulberry biotechnology, scope and prospects: Scope of breeding for hardier and productive mulberry genotypes. Preservation of genetic material. Development of transgenic mulberry. Molecular linkage map of mulberry. Micropropagation: In-vitro propagation in mulberry-production of haploids- induction of haploids, advantages and disadvantages of haploids. Double haploids-induction, advantages and disadvantages of double haploids. Practical achievements of DH method, polyploids- Somaclonal variations, Procedures, advantages, disadvantages and their applications. Secondary metabolites. Gametoclonal variations – their scope and applications. Cryopreservation: Definition and meaning, Steps in cryopreservation, Advantages and disadvantages, Cryopreservation Requirements, applications of cryopreservation in mulberry for germplasm preservation. Mulberry germplasm characterization: Mulberry germplasm characterization by using molecular markers. Introduction, features of ideal DNA markers, types of DNA markers, uses in crop improvement. Application of biotechnological tools in screening for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in mulberry. Genotyping and phenotyping: Introduction, definition of genotype and phenotype. Phenotyping advantages and disadvantages. Methods of genotyping, advantages and disadvantages of genotyping and applications of genotyping. Marker Aided Selection (MAS) for economically important traits in mulberry. Steps involved in MAS. Application of MAS, advantages of MAS, limitations of MAS. Recombinant DNA technology: Genes transfer systems: Vector mediated gene transfer, microinjection, electroporation, direct DNA uptake, gene gun technique, selectable markers and reporter system; comparison of transgenic technology and traditional breeding methods, detection of transgenic mulberry. Prospects of transgenic mulberry. Procedure of development of transgenic mulberry. Advantages and disadvantages of transgenic mulberry. Risks in transgenic technology. Biosafety and regulatory issues, Achievements. QTL mapping: Development of maps, Advantages and limitations of QTL mapping. Methods of mapping. Requirements and steps involved in QTL mapping. Mapping populations (F2S and back crosses RILs, NILs, DHs). Tagging of economically important traits in mulberry. Seri bioinformatics: Bioinformatics in crop improvement-introduction, branches of bioinformatics, computer programmes used in biology, applications in crop improvement, varietal information system, PGR data base. Studies on Genomics- genomics in crop improvement, types of genomics: structural, functional and applications, achievements and limitations. Studies on proteomics. Studies on metabolomics, advantages of bioinformatics, limitations. Intellectual Property Rights. Plant variety protection act (PVPA): introduction, types of protection, basic requirements, organizations involved, procedure of PVP, material to be protected, types of varieties, exemptions under PVPA, advantages and disadvantages of PVPA. Nano- technology: introduction, main features, Application of nano-technology, application in mulberry improvement.
Practical: Laboratory safety rules; Seri biotechnology lab and its facilities; Preparation of MS medium for tissue culture in mulberry; Selection, collection and preparation of plant material for mulberry tissue culture; Culturing of plant material/explant in culture media; Tissue culture techniques for mulberry propagation; Hardening of tissue cultured mulberry plants; Isolation of genomic DNA- mulberry leaf; Isolation of genomic DNA- mulberry leaf; Amplification of DNA in mulberry by using PCR; Study of diversity of mulberry germplasm by using molecular markers; Study of diversity of mulberry germplasm by using molecular markers; Comparative study of diversity of mulberry germplasm through morphological traits and molecular markers; Techniques for gene transformation in mulberry; Techniques for gene transformation in mulberry; Molecular databases in mulberry; Visit to MAS lab in Department of Biotechnolgy, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru; Visit to Seri-Biotechnology Research Laboratory, CSB, Kodathi, Bengaluru.
Anatomy and Physiology of Sericigenous insects
Content: Anatomy of sericigenous insects: Introduction, scope and importance: Different structures of the various internal systems. The scope of the study for their application aspects and its importance for future research work. Anatomical studies of various systems: Digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, muscular, reproductive and nervous systems (including central, visceral and peripheral) and sense organs of larva, pupa and adult. Endocrine and exocrine glands (including silkglands). Comparison of anatomical structures among various sericigenous insects: Variation of anatomical structures in different life stages, viz., larva, pupa and adult among different sericigenous insects mulberry, tasar, eri and muga. Physiology of different systems: Introduction, scope and importance: Relation of structure to function and its application aspects. Physiology of different systems: Physiology of digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, muscular, reproductive, nervous system and endocrine and exocrine glandular systems, Hormonal mechanism, enzymes, pheromones, nutritional role of vitamins and other growth factors. Properties of haemolymph, histology, nerve impulses, sensory physiology. Silkglands and silk sysnthesis. Silkworm nutrition and synthetic/artificial diets Qualitative and quantitative nutritional requirement of silkworms, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and role of microbes in nutrition. Preparation of artificial/synthetic diets for silkworms. Endocrinal aspects of silk production.
Practical: Study of digestive system of mulberry silkworm and silk moth; Study of excretory system of mulberry silkworm and silk moth; Study of digestive system of larva of Eri silkworm; Study of nervous system and endocrine glandular system mulberry silkworm larvae and Eri silkworm larvae; Study of circulatory and reproductive system in mulberry silkworm; Study of circulatory and reproductive system in Eri silkworm; Study of silk glands in mulberry silkworm, tasar, Eri and muga silkworms; Study of properties of haemolymph of mulberry, Eri and tasar silkworms; Study of physiology of digestion and excretion of mulberry silkworm; Study of physiology of circulatory and nervous system of mulberry silkworm; Study of physiology of reproductive system of mulberry silkworm; Study of physiology of silk protein synthesis; Study of endocrine systems, diapauses and hibernation; Preparation of artificial diets/synthetic diets; Study of comparative anatomy of digestive system of pupa and adult of mulberry silkworm; Study of comparative anatomy of digestive system of pupa and adult of Eri silkworm; Detection of frequency of variation in vaorioles in eri moths resulting from larvae fed with different hosts; Visit to sericulture institutes.
Silkworm Biochemistry and Nutrition
Content: Nutrients for silkworm growth: Requirement of nutrients to silkworm: Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, chemical nature of vitamins and hormones. Nutritional requirements of amino acids, lipids, vitamins, minerals. qualitative and quantitative requirements of nutrients. Metabolism and Utilization of nutrients: Metabolism of amino acids, lipids, vitamins, minerals, Leaf composition as affecting silkworm growth, feed efficiency, supplementation of nutrients. Biochemistry of nutrient utilization: Biochemical pathway for survival and cocoon production: Physiology of moulting, egg and pupal diapause in silkworm, biochemical pathways of silk synthesis and biochemistry of haemolymph.
Practical: Qualitative tests for carbohydrates in silkworm heamolymph; Quantitative estimations of total soluble sugars in silkworm heamolymph; Qualitative tests for proteins and free amino acids in silkworm heamolymph; Quantitative estimations of proteins in silkworm heamolymph; Qualitative tests for lipids in silkworm heamolymph; Quantitative estimations of lipids in silkworm heamolymph; Determination of ascorbic acid level in the mulberry leaves; Determination of ascorbic acid level in silkworm heamolymph; Study of amylase activity in silkworm haemolymph; Study of phosphatase activity in silkworm haemolymph and digestive juice; Study of esterase activity in silkworm egg, larval haemolymph and silk glands; Qualitative tests for phospholipids and cholesterol in silkworm tissues; Quantitative estimation of phospholipids and cholesterol in silkworm tissues; Study of food consumption indices in silkworm; Estimation of lipid biomass in different silkworm breeds; Estimation of silk gland biomass in different silkworm breeds; Study of isozymes of different enzymes associated with silk productivity; Visit to Seri Bio-technology research laboratory/CSGRC.
Biotechnology of Silkworm
Content: Biotechnological tools: Tissue culture techniques: Development ofpolyploids, gametoclonal variations - their scope and applications. Cryopreservation. Biotechnological methods: Biotechnology and its scope in silkworm, recombinant DNA technology, genes transfer systems-vector mediated gene transfer, microinjection, electroporation, direct DNA uptake, gene gun technique, selectable markers and reporter system. Molecular markers. Application of biotechnology in silkworm: Molecular characterization and mapping: Mulberry silkworm germplasm characterization by using molecular markers, Development of maps, QTL mapping, MAS for economically important traits in silkworm, Mapping populations (F2S and back crosses RILs, NILs, DHs), Molecular mapping and tagging of economically important traits. Transgenics, Bioinformatics and biosafety: Transgenic silkworm-prospects, achievements in silkworm. Silkworm as a bioreactor for foreign gene expression, Molecular aspects of silk synthesis. Application of biotechnological tools in screening for biotic and abiotic stress resistance. Biosafety and regulatory issues, Intellectual Property Rights. Seri bioinformatics. Genomics-structural, functional and applications.
Sericulture By-product utilization and Value addition
Content: Entrepreneurship in sericulture: Entrepreneurship in sericulture and problems: Concept, need, scope, prospects and problems of entrepreneurship in sericulture. Sericultural entrepreneurship development in different countries: Sericultural entrepreneurial development in India, China, Japan and other sericultural countries. Entrepreneurship development in different stages: Entrepreneurship development during mulberry cultivation: Entrepreneurship development in mulberry cultivation- kisan nursery, composting, vermicomposting, bio-digester, bio gas production, livestock production, fisheries, mushroom cultivation. Entrepreneurship development during egg production and silkworm rearing: Entrepreneurial development in silkworm-egg production, Chawki rearing centres and cocoon production. Entrepreneurship development during silk reeling and post reeling activities: Entrepreneurship development in silk reeling – establishment of reeling units, twisting and dying units, weaving units. Entrepreneurship development in manufacture/ production, marketing/ hiring of sericulture material/equipments and seri-inputs. Value addition of by-products in sericulture: Value addition during host plant cultivation: Value addition during host plant cultivation - mulberry as fuel, green manure, fodder, live fencing material, wind breaks. Mulberry fruits and uses in pickle, jam, jelly, beverage/wine preparation. Mulberry as medicine, mulberry in agriculture and sports industry, mulberry in biogas production, mulberry as shade and avenue tree. Processing of mulberry leaves for tea preparation and food products. Medicinal value of mulberry. Value addition during silkworm rearing –silkworm litter as livestock feed; as an organic manure, raw material for biogas production, mushroom raising, poultry feed, fish feed, silkworm excreta in cosmetic industry. Silkworm in human consumption. Value addition during silk reeling and post reeling: Pupal oil extraction and its uses, pupal powder as animal feed and manure. Flimsy cocoons and waste cocoons used as raw material in spun silk industry and quilting purpose. Silkworm pupa in human consumption-commercialized products and locally prepared dishes. Preparation of handicrafts, toys, wall plates, garlands, greeting cards, etc., from waste cocoons. Sericin for medicine, cosmetics, artificial membranes and plastic industry and other uses of silk.
Practical: Visit to grainage for collection of waste cocoons including pierced cocoons; Visit to Chawki rearing centres and cocoon production centres for collection of different by-products; Visit to Silk reeling units, twisting, dying and weaving units for collection of different by-products; Preparation of compost, vermi-compost and biodigester from mulberry waste; Value addition during host plant cultivation-mulberry as fuel, green manure, fodder, live fencing material, wind breaks; Estimation of calorific value of mulberry wood as fuel; Mulberry fruits for table purpose and preparation of pickles, juice, jam, jelly, beverage/wine; Raising of mulberry saplings from desired genotypes for social forestry, avenue tree and eco-friendly flora; Processing of mulberry leaf for the tea preparation; Preparation of different food products with mulberry leaf as ingredient; Mushroom cultivation using silkworm litter as substrate; Value addition during silkworm rearing – silkworm litter as cattle, sheep and goat feed; Preparation of mulberry silage along with popular fodders; Quantification of biogas production using silkworm waste; Pupal oil extraction and pupal powder preparation and nutrient status estimation; Preparation of handicrafts, toys, wall plates, garlands, greeting cards, etc. using waste cocoons; Estimation of manurial value of compost and vermi-compost derived from mulberry waste; Using of silkworm pupae as animal, fishery and poultry feed.