M. Sc. Social Sciences
Agricultural Economics
- Micro Economic Theory And Applications
- Agricultural Production Economics
- Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis
- Macro Economics And Policy
- Econometrics
- Agricultural Development and Policy Analysis
- Agricultural Finance and Project Management
- Linear Programming
- Research Methodology for Social Sciences
- Indian Economy: History and Contemporary Issues
- International Economics
- Institutional Economics
- Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
- Commodity Future Trading
- Development Economics
- Rural Marketing
- Evolution of Economic Thought
Agricultural Extension Education
- Extension Landscape
- Applied Behaviour Change
- Organisational Behaviour and Development
- Research Methodology in Extension
- Capacity Development
- ICTs for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
- Evaluation and Impact Assessment
- Managing Extension Organisations
- Enabling Innovation
- Gender Mainstreaming
Agri-Business Management
- Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour
- Managerial Accounting and Control
- Applied Agribusiness Economics
- Human Resource Management for Agricultural Organizations
- Production and Operations Management
- Agricultural and Food Marketing Management-I
- Agricultural and Food Marketing Management-II
- Agri Supply Chain Management
- International Trade for Agricultural Products
- Food Technology and Processing Management
- Rural Marketing
- Fertiliser Technology and Management
- Management of Agro-Chemical Industry
- Seed Production Technology Management
- Technology Management for Livestock Products
- Fruit Production & Post Harvest Management
- Farm Power & Machinery Management
- Food Retail Management
- Management of Agricultural Input Marketing
- Feed Business Management
- Management of Veterinary Hospitals
- Poultry And Hatchery Management
- Management Of Floriculture And Landscaping
- Risk Management In Agri Business
- Management Of Agri-Business Co-Operatives
- Business Analytics for Agriculture
- Dairy Business Management
- Agri Extension Management
- Renewable Energy Sources Management
- Quality Management for Agri Business
- Advertising And Brand Management
- Agri Infrastructure and Warehousing Management
- Contract Farming
- Human Resource Competence and CapacityBuilding Systems
- Agri Commodity Markets and Futures Tradin
- Strategic Management for Agri Business Enterprises
- Operations Research
- Financial Management in Agri Business
- Communication for Management and Agri Business
- Research Methodology for Agri Business Mgmt
- Computer Applications for Agri Business
- Project Management and Agri Business Entrepreneurship
- Agribusiness Environment and Policy
- Agri Business Laws and Ethics
Agricultural Economics
Micro Economic Theory and Applications
Content: Introduction to micro-economics. Basic Concepts: A review Scarcity and Choice; Production possibility frontier, Positive and normative economics; concepts of opportunity cost, Demand and Supply: determinants of individual demand/supply; demand/ supply schedule and demand/ supply curve; market versus individual demand/ supply; shifts in the demand/ supply curve. Insight of consumer, production and cost involved. Consumer Choice Cardinal Utility Approach – Ordinal Utility Approach -Budget sets and Preferences under different situations – Hicks and Slutsky income and substitution effects –Applications of Indifference curve approach – Revealed Preference Hypothesis – Consumer surplus – Derivation of Demand curve – Elasticity of demand – Demand and supply together; how prices allocate resources; controls on prices – price floor and price ceiling – applications in agriculture. Production and Cost Production functions: single variable - average and marginal product, variable proportions, stages of production. Two variables - isoquants, returns to scale and to a factor; factor prices; Technical progress; cost minimization and output maximization; Elasticity of substitution. Expansion path and the cost function Concept of economic cost; Short run and long run cost curves; increasing and decreasing cost industries; envelope curve; L-shaped cost curves; economies of scale; revenue and expenditure, elasticity and marginal revenue; Firm equilibrium and profit. Overview of market. Market Forms Behaviour of profit maximizing firms and the production process- Perfect competition: Equilibrium of the market. Long run industry supply, applications: effects of taxes and subsidies; Monopoly: Equilibrium; supply; multiplant firm; monopoly power; deadweight loss; price discrimination; Monopolistic Competition: Product differentiation; equilibrium of the firm in the industry-with entry of new firms and with price competition. Comparison with pure competition. Duoploy: Cournot model and reaction curves; Stackelberg‘s model, Bertrand model; Oligopoly. Factor Markets Labour and land markets - basic concepts (derived demand, productivity of an input, marginal productivity of labour, marginal revenue product); demand for labour; input demand curves; shifts in input demand curves; competitive labour markets; Economic rent and quasi rent.
Agricultural Production Economics
Content: Introduction to Production Economics. Concepts of production economics Nature, scope and significance of agricultural production economics- Agricultural Production processes, character and dimensions-spatial, temporal - Centrality of production functions, assumptions of production functions, commonly used forms - Properties, limitations, specification, estimation and interpretation of commonly used production functions. Factors and costs Factors and theory of production Factors of production, classification, interdependence, and factor substitution -Determination of optimal levels of production and factor application -Optimal factor combination and least cost combination of production - Theory of product choice; selection of optimal product combination. Concepts of cost Cost functions and cost curves, components, and cost minimization -Duality theory– cost and production functions and its applications -Derivation of firm’s input demand and output supply functions -Economies and diseconomies of scale. Dynamics of economic assessment Technology in agricultural production, nature and effects and measurement - Measuring efficiency in agricultural production; technical, allocative and economic efficiencies - Yield gap analysis-concepts-types and measurement - Nature and sources of risk, modeling and coping strategies.
Practical: Different forms of production functions; Specification, estimation and interpretation of production functions; Returns to scale, factor shares, elasticity of production; Physical optima-economic optima; Least cost combination; Optimal product choice; Cost function estimation, interpretation; Estimation of yield gap; Incorporation of technology in production functions; Measuring returns to scale-risk analysis.
Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis
Content: Introduction to Agricultural Marketing. Introduction to agricultural marketing New Concepts in Agricultural Marketing - Characteristic of Agricultural product and Production–Problems in Agricultural Marketing from Demand and Supply and Institutions sides. Market intermediaries and their role - Need for regulation in the present context - Marketable & Marketed surplus estimation. Marketing Efficiency-Structure Conduct and Performance analysis - Vertical and Horizontal integration - Integration over space, time and form-Vertical co-ordination. Agricultural Markets: Aspects of agricultural marketing Different Forms of marketing: Co-operatives Marketing – APMC Regulated Marketing - Direct marketing, Farmer Producer Companies, e-NAM and marketing under e-NAM, e-marketing Contract farming and Retailing, Organized retailing - Supply Chain Management - State trading, Warehousing and other Government agencies -Performance and Strategies -Market infrastructure needs, performance and Government role - Value Chain Finance. Future marketing and government Introduction to Commodities markets and future trading - Basics of commodity futures - Operation Mechanism of Commodity markets – Price discovery - Hedging and Basis - Fundamental analysis - Technical Analysis – Role of Government/SEBI in promoting commodity trading and regulatory measures. Advances in Agricultural Marketing: Use of Information Technology Role of Information Technology and Market Intelligence in marketing of agricultural commodities, -electronic auctions (e-bay), e-Chaupals, Agmarknet and Domestic and Export market Intelligence Cell (DEMIC). Unit 2: Dynamics of price Price forecasting – time series analysis – time series models – spectral analysis. Price policy and economic development – non-price instruments.
Practical: Supply and demand elasticities in relation to problems in agricultural marketing; Price spread and marketing efficiency analysis.; Marketing structure analysis through concentration ratios.; Performance analysis of Regulated market and marketing societies. Analysis on contract farming and supply chain management of different agricultural commodities, milk and poultry products; Supply Chain Analysis - quantitative estimation of supply chain efficiency; Market Intelligence – Characters, Accessibility, and Availability Price forecasting; Online searches for market information sources and interpretation of market intelligence reports – commodity outlook; Technical Analysis for important agricultural commodities; Fundamental Analysis for important agricultural commodities; Presentation of the survey results and wrap-up discussion.
Macro Economics And Policy
Content: Conceptualising Macro Economics. Introduction: Measurement and Concepts Basic concepts and scope of Macro-economics, National Income Accounting: Methods of measurement of key macro-economic aggregates, relationship of national income and other aggregates (with numerical exercises), real and nominal income. Theories of macroeconomics. Classical Macroeconomics Say’s Law, Quantity Theory of Money, aggregate labour supply and demand of labour, Classical theory of determining output, wages and prices. Income And Spending: Keynesian Framework Simple Keynesian model of income determination; Keynesian Multiplier- aggregate spending, taxation, transfer payments, foreign spending, balanced budget; budget surplus (with numerical exercises). Money, Consumption and Inflation. Money, Interest and Income Goods market equilibrium-IS curve; Demand for Money, the Liquidity Preference Theory – Liquidity Trap; asset market equilibrium- LM curve; simultaneous equilibrium in goods and asset market- effect of fiscal and monetary policy. Theories of Aggregarte Consumption and Investment Absolute Income Hypothesis, Relative Income Hypothesis, Fisher‘s Inter-temporal Choice Model, Life-Cycle and Permanent Income Hypotheses; Profits and Accelerator Theory. Inflation and Unemployment Inflation: Nature, Effects and control; Types of inflation – demand pull, cost pushstagflation, core inflation, hyperinflation; Phillips curve.
Content: Introduction to Econometrics. Introduction Relationship between economic theory, mathematical economics, models and econometrics, methodology of econometrics-regression analysis. Classical Regression. Classical Linear Regression Basic two variable regression – assumptions estimation and interpretation approaches to estimation – OLS and their properties – extensions to multi-variable models-multiple regression estimation and interpretation. Breaking down of Classical assumptions Violation of assumptions – identification, consequences and remedies for Multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation – data problems and remedial approaches – model misspecification. Qualitative Variables. Qualitative variables and simultaneous equation models Use of dummy variables- Introduction to simultaneous equations- identification problem
Practical: Single equation two variable model specification and estimation; Hypothesis testing transformations of functional forms and OLS application; Estimation of multiple regression mode; Testing and correcting specification errors; Testing and managing Multicollinearity; Estimation of regressions with dummy variables.
Agricultural Development and Policy Analysis
Content: Introduction. Introduction Role of agriculture in economic/ rural development – Evolution of thinking on agriculture and development; Agricultural development – meaning, stages and determinants – Population and food supply – need for sound agricultural policies. Theoretical Concepts. Theories of Agricultural Development Resource exploitation model- Conservation model- Location (Urban impact) modelDiffusion model- High pay-off input model-Induced Innovation Model- Agricultural R&D and Linkages. Performance and policies. Performance of Indian Agriculture Agrarian structure and land relations; trends in performance and productivity; agrarian structure and technology; credit, commerce and technology; capital formation; subsidies; pricing and procurement; Post Green Revolution agriculture; Production and productivity crisis in agriculture; Regional differences; Food Security, PDS system and Malnutrition. Agricultural Policy: Process and Implementation Instruments of Agricultural Policy; Process of agricultural policy formulation, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation in India; Global experiences in participatory approach to Agricultural policy process; critical review of various elements of Indian agricultural policy-resource policies – credit policies – input and product marketing policies – price policies; WTO – Agreement on Agriculture; Planning models. Planning for utilization of resources and Indian Five Year Plans.
Agricultural Finance and Project Management
Content: Introduction to Agricultural Finance. Basic concepts: A Review Role and Importance of Agricultural Finance. Financial Institutions and credit flow to rural/priority sector. Agricultural lending – Direct and Indirect Financing - Financing through Co-operatives, NABARD and Commercial Banks and RRBs. District Credit Plan and lending to agriculture/priority sector. Micro-Financing and Role of MFI’s - NGO’s, and SHG’s. Credit and Financial Analysis, Credit and its aspects Lending to farmers – The concept of 3 C’s, 7 P’s and 3 R’s of credit. Estimation of Technical feasibility, Economic viability and repaying capacity of borrowers and appraisal of credit proposals. Understanding lenders and developing better working relationship and supervisory credit system. Credit inclusions – credit widening and credit deepening. Financial analysis Financial Decisions – Investment, Financing, Liquidity and Solvency. Preparation of financial statements - Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement and Profit and Loss Account. Ratio Analysis and Assessing the performance of farm/ firm. Project and Risk Management Project Overview Project Approach in financing agriculture. Financial, economic and environmental appraisal of investment projects. Identification, preparation, appraisal, financing and implementation of projects. Project Appraisal techniques – Undiscounted measures. Time value of money – Use of discounted measures - B-C ratio, NPV and IRR. Agreements, supervision, monitoring and evaluation phases in appraising agricultural investment projects. Net work Techniques – PERT and CPM. Risk and its Management Risks in financing agriculture. Risk management strategies and coping mechanism. Crop Insurance programmes – review of different crop insurance schemes - yield loss and weather based insurance and their applications.
Practical: Development of Rural Institutional Lending; Branch expansion, demand and supply of institutional agricultural credit and Over dues and Loan waiving; An overview, Rural Lending Programmes of Commercial Banks, Lead Bank Scheme; Preparation of District Credit Plan, Rural Lending Programmes of Co-operative Lending Institutions; Preparation of financial statements using farm/firm level data, Farm credit appraisal techniques and farm financial analysis through financial statements; Performance of Micro Financing Institutions; NGO’s and Self-Help Groups, Identification and formulation of investment projects; Project appraisal techniques – Undiscounted Measures and their limitations; Project appraisal techniques – Discounted Measures; Network techniques – PERT and CPM for project management; Case Study Analysis of an Agricultural project; Financial Risk and risk management strategies – crop insurance schemes; Financial instruments and methods – E banking, Kisan Cards and core banking.
Linear Programming
Content: Decision Making- Concepts of decision making, introduction to quantitative tools, introduction to linear programming, uses of LP in different fields, graphic solution to problems, formulation of problems. Simplex Method: Concept of simplex Method, solving profit maximization and cost minimizations problems. Formulation of farms and non farm problems as linear programming models and solutions. Extension of Linear Programming models: Variable resource and price programming, transportation problems, recursive programming, dynamic programming. Game Theory- Concepts of game theory, two person constant sum, zero sum game, saddle point, solution to mixed strategies, the rectangular game as Linear Programming.
Practical: Graphical and algebraic formulation of linear programming models; Solving of maximization and minimization problems by simplex method; Formulation of the simplex matrices for typical farm situations.
Research Methodology for Social Sciences II
Content: Concepts of research methodology. Concepts of research methodology Importance and scope of research in agricultural economics. Types of research – Fundamental vs. Applied. Concept of researchable problem – research prioritization – selection of research problem. Approach to research – research process. Building up hypothesis and sample selection. Hypothesis: Framing and Testing Hypothesis – meaning – characteristics – types of hypothesis – review of literature – setting of Course Objective and hypotheses – testing of hypothesis. Sampling Sampling theory and sampling design – sampling error - methods of sampling – probability and non-probability sampling methods - criteria to choose. Project proposals – contents and scope – different types of projects to meet different needs – trade-off between scope and cost of the study. Research design and techniques – Types of research design. Data Collection and Analysis. Data Collection Data collection – assessment of data needs – sources of data collection – discussion of different situations. Mailed questionnaire and interview schedule – structured, unstructured, open ended and closed-ended questions. Scaling Techniques. Preparation of schedule – problems in measurement of variables in agriculture. Interviewing techniques and field problems - methods of conducting survey – Reconnaissance survey and Pre testing. Data Analysis Data coding, tabulation, cleaning. –Multivariate analysis –factor analysis’ PCA’ cluster analysis. Universal procedures for preparation of bibliography – writing of research articles.
Practical: Exercises in problem identification; Project proposals – contents and scope; Formulation of Objective and hypotheses; Assessment of data needs – sources of data – methods of collection of data; Methods of sampling – criteria to choose – discussion on sampling under different situations; Scaling Techniques – measurement of scales; Preparation of interview schedule; Field testing. Method of conducting survey; Exercise on coding, editing, tabulation and validation of data; Preparing for data entry into computer; Hypothesis testing – Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests; Exercises on format for Thesis/ Report writing; Presentation of the results.
History and Contemporary Issues Credit II
Content: History of Indian Economy. India from Independence to Liberalization An overview of the economic developments during the period 1947-1980; Objectives and strategies of planned economic development and the role of the State; Sectoral growth performance; savings and investment; Demographic trends and issues; education; health and malnutrition; Trends and policies in poverty; inequality and unemployment. India Since 1980’s (Liberalization And Beyond): Overview Policy Changes since 1980s. The 1990 Crisis. Causes and Effects of liberalization. Regional differences: infrastructure, primary, secondary and tertiary sector. Macro Trends Since 1990 Growth; Savings and Investment, Employment; productivity; diversification; Agrobased industries; competition policy; foreign investment, Regional differences.
International Economics
Content: Introduction. Concepts of International Economics Scope and Significance of International Economics – The role of trade- General Equilibrium in a Closed Economy (Autarky Equilibrium) – Equilibrium in a Simple Open Economy - Possibility of World Trade - Trade gains and Trade Equilibrium. Models, Rate and Terms of Trade. Barriers to trade Tariff, Producer Subsidy, Export Subsidy, Import Quota and Export Voluntary Restraints- The Case of Small Country and Large Country Case. Models of trade Ricardian Model of Trade- Specific Factors Model- Heckscher - Ohlin Model - Trade Creation and Trade Diversion – Offer Curve - Export Supply Elasticity and Import Demand Elasticity – Comparative Advantage and Absolute Advantage. Rates and Terms of trade Official Exchange Rate and Shadow Exchange Rate - Walra’s Law and Terms of Trade – Trade Blocks. Institutions Trades Institutions IMF, World Bank, IDA, IFC, ADB – International Trade agreements – Uruguay Round – GATT – WTO.
Practical: Producer’s Surplus, Consumer’s Surplus, National Welfare under Autarky and Free Trade Equilibrium with small and large country assumption; Estimation of Trade Gains; Estimation of competitive and comparative measures like NPC, EPC, ERP and DRC; Estimation of Offer Curve Elasticity; Estimation of Effect of Tariff, Export Subsidy, Producer Subsidy, Import Quota and Export Voluntary Restraints on National Welfare; Estimation of Ricardian Model; Estimation of Effect of Trade under Specific Factor Model; Estimation of trade Equilibrium under Heckscher -Ohlin model; Trade Creation and Diversion.
Institutional Economics
Content: Introduction. Basics of Institutional Economics Old and New Institutional Economics – Institutional Economics vs Neo-classical Economics. Definition of institutions – Distinction between institutions and organizations – Institutional evolution. Approaches. Institutional changes & Resource allocation Institutional change and economic performance - national and international economic institutions. Transaction cost economics – Transaction costs and the allocation of resources. Transaction costs and efficiency. Asymmetric information - Moral hazard and Principal-Agent problem. Group and collective Approach Free rider problem – path dependency – Interlinked transactions. Collective action and the elimination of free-rider problem - The logic of collective action and its role in reducing free rider problem – theory of Groups. Rent seeking – interest groups and policy formulation. Law Protection and Institutions. Property rights Economic analysis of property rights- property rights regimes – private property – State Property - Common property Resources (CPRs) – public goods and club goods. Agrarian Institutions Special features of institutional arrangements in agriculture – Transaction costs in agriculture - Case Studies - Theories of agrarian institutions - tenancy institutions.
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
Content: Introduction to natural resource and environmental economics. Basic Foundation Concepts, Classification and Problems of Natural Resource Economics – Economy Environment interaction – The Material Balance principle, Entropy law-Resources Scarcity - Limits to Growth - Measuring and mitigating natural resource scarcity – Malthusian and Recardian scarcity – scarcity indices - Resource Scarcity and Technical Change. Insights of the subject. Theories and economics of natural resources Theory of optimal extraction renewable resources –economic models of oil extractionefficiency - time path of prices and extraction - Hotelling’s rule, Solow-Harwick’s Rule. Theory of optimal extraction exhaustible resources – economic models of forestry and fishery. Functioning of Market Efficiency and markets – market failures - externalities – types - property rights – transaction costs – Coase’s theorem and its critique - public goods - common property and open access resource management - Collective action. Dealing with the issues and sustainability. Environmental Issues Environmental perspectives - biocentrism, sustainability, anthropocentrism - Environmental problems and quality of environment - Sources and types of pollution -air, water, solid waste, land degradation – environmental and economic impacts - Economics of pollution control - efficient reduction in environmental pollution. Regulations Environmental regulation – economic instruments - pollution charges – Pigovian tax - tradable permits – indirect instruments – environmental legislations in India. Sustainability aspects Concept of sustainable development – Economic Perspective – Indicators of sustainability Relation between development and environment stress-Environmental Kuznet’s curve Environmental Accounting – resource accounting methods –International Environmental Issues – climate change – likely impacts – mitigation efforts and international treaties.
Practical: Exhaustible resource management – optimum rate of oil extraction; Renewable resource management – optimum harvest of Forestry/fishery; Exercise on pollution abatement-I; Exercise on pollution abatement-II; Concepts in valuing the environment.; Taxonomy of valuation techniques; Productivity change method – substitute cost method – Hedonic price method – Travel cost method – Contingent valuation methods; Discount rate in natural resource management; Environment impact assessment; Visit to Pollution Control Board.
Commodity Future Trading Credits
Content: Introduction to commodity market. Concepts of commodity future trading History and Evolution of commodity markets – Terms and concepts: spot, forward and futures Markets – factors influencing spot and future markets. Speculatory mechanism in commodity futures. Techniques and Risks in Commodity Market. Technical aspects Transaction and settlement – delivery mechanism - role of different agents - trading strategies -potential impact of interest rate, Foreign Exchange, FDI in Commodity Markets. Risk and its Management Risk in commodity trading, importance and need for risk management measures - managing market price risk: hedging, speculation, arbitrage, swaps - pricing and their features. Commodity exchange and market analysis. Commodity Exchange – A review Important global and Indian commodity exchanges - contracts traded – special features -Regulation of Indian commodity exchanges - FMC and its role. Analysis of commodity market Fundamental Vs Technical analysis – construction and interpretation of charts and chart patterns for analyzing the market trend – Market indicators – back testing. Introduction to technical analysis software – analyzing trading pattern of different commodity groups.
Development Economics Credit
Content: Introduction to Development Economics. Conceptions of Development Development Economics – Scope and Importance - Economic development and economic growth - divergence in concept and approach - Indicators and Measurement of Economic Development –GNP as a measure of economic growth – New Measures of Welfare – NEW and MEW – PQLI – HDI – Green GNP - Criteria for under development – Obstacles to economic development –Economic and Non-Economic factors of economic growth- Development issues, poverty, inequality, unemployment and environmental degradation. Theories and comparison. Theories of Economic growth and development Classical theories- Adam smith - Ricardo- Malthus, Marx’s theory of economic development; Schumpeter’s theory, Approaches to development- low income equilibrium trap - critical minimum effort- The Strategy of economic developmentBalanced vs. Unbalanced growth, choice of technique, investment criteria, big push theory, Rostow’s stages of Economic Growth, unlimited supply of labour; social and technological dualisms; roles of capital accumulation, human capital and technological change in economic development, Models of economic growth Harrod Domar, Kaldor, Mahalanobis, Lewis, FeiRanis, Input-Output, multisectoral models. Comparative Economic Development Countries selected for case studies -USA, Japan, China and India; Overview of economic development is selected countries; agrarian surplus and the role of the peasantry in economic development; industrial revolution; division of labour, organisation of work and industrial production, the role of the State in developmental transition.
Social Sciences – Agricultural Extension Education
Extension Landscape
Theory: Challenges before Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) Extension and Advisory Services (EAS)- Meaning (embracing pluralism and new functions) New Challenges before farmers and extension professionals: Natural Resource Management-Supporting farmers to manage the declining/deteriorating water and soil for farming; Gender Mainstreaming- How extension can enhance access to new knowledge among women farmers; Nutrition- Role of extension in supporting communities with growing nutritious crop and eating healthy food; Linking farmers to markets- Value chain extension including organizing farmers, strengthen value chain and supporting farmers to respond to new standards and regulations in agri-food systems; Adaptation to climate changes-How extension can contribute to up-scaling Climate Smart Agriculture; Supporting family farmsstrengthening the capacities of family farms; Migration-Advising farmers to better respond to opportunities that emerge from increasing mobility and also supporting migrants in enhancing their knowledge and skills; Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture including promotion of agripreneurship and agri-tourism; Urban and peri-urban farming- How to support and address issues associated with urban and peri-urban agriculture; Farmer distress, suicides- Supporting farmers in tackling farm distress. New Functions and New Capacities Beyond transfer of technology: Performing new functions to deal with new challenges; Organising producers into groups-dealing with problems that need collective decision making such as Natural Resource Management (NRM) and access to markets; Mediating conflicts and building consensus to strengthen collective decision making; Facilitating access to credit, inputs and services-including development of service providers; Influencing policies to promote new knowledge at a scale Networking and partnership development including convening multi-stakeholder platforms/ innovation platforms. New Capacities needed by extension and advisory services at different levels –at the individual (lower, middle management and senior management levels), organizational and enabling environment levels; –Core competencies at the individual level; Varied mechanisms for capacity development (beyond training). Pluralism in EAS Pluralism in Extension Delivery: Role of private sector (input firms, agri-business companies, consultant firms and individual consultants)- Trends in the development of private extension and advisory services in India and other countries; challenges faced by private extension providers; Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (National/international)/ Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in providing extensionExperiences from India and other countries; Producer Organizations- Role in strengthening demand and supply of extension services; their strength andweaknesses-experiences from different sectors; Role of Media and ICT advisory service providers; global experiences with use of media and ICTs in advisory services provision. Insights From Innovation Studies and New Extension Approaches From the Linear Paradigm to Systems Paradigm Diffusion of Innovations paradigm- strengths and limitations; multiple sources of innovation-farmer innovation, institutional innovation; farmer participation in technology generation and promotion; strength and limitations; Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems (AKIS); strength and limitations; Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS); Redefining Innovation- Role of Extension and Advisory Services in AIS-From information delivery to intermediation across multiple nodes; Role of brokering; Innovation Platforms, Innovation Management; Strength and weaknesses of AIS. Rethinking Communication in the Innovation Process – Network building, support social learning, dealing with dynamics of power and conflict. Evolving Extension Approaches Evolution and features of extension approaches: Transfer of technology approach; educational approach, farmer participatory extension approach, demand-driven extension, market led extension (value chain extension), extension for climate smart agriculture, gender sensitive extension, extension for entrepreneurship Extension systems in different regions: Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Australia, North America Networking for Strengthening EAS: GFRAS (Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services) and its regional networks. Extension Reforms and Policy Challenges Changes in Governance, Funding and Delivery Reduction in public funding: public withdrawal from extension provision (partial/ full); Examples/Cases; Privatization: Public funding and private delivery; cost sharing and cost recovery; Examples/Cases; Decentralisation of extension services; Examples/ Cases; Lessons from extension reforms in different countries; Extension and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Challenges in Managing Pluralistic Extension Systems Pluralism: Managing pluralism and Co-ordination of pluralistic extension provision; Public private partnerships in extension (including the role of local governments/ panchayats and producer organisations); Examples, challenges in co-ordination; Achieving convergence in extension planning and delivery, Financing Extension: Mobilising resources for extension: public investments, donor support (grants/loans); Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension: Generating appropriate data for Assessment and Evaluation of pluralistic extension; Strengthening extension policy interface; generating evidence on impact of extension and policy relevant communication.
Applied Behaviour Change
Theory: Foundations of Behaviour Change Foundations of Human Behaviour Human behaviour – Meaning, importance and factors influencing human behaviour; Biological bases of human behaviour – Nervous system, brain, endocrine system and genes; Individual variations – intelligence, ability and creativity– foundations and theories, personality and temperament - foundations, approaches, theories of personality, measuring personality (traits, locus of control, self-efficacy; Personal, social and moral development – meaning, concepts – self-concept, self-esteem and self-worth and theories. Motivation – foundations, approaches, theories, managing human needs and motivations; perceiving others – impression, attitude, opinions; Emotions - foundations, types and functions, measuring emotional intelligence. Cognitive Processes And Learning Cognitive Processes affecting Human Behaviour Sensory organs and their role cognition; Cognitive processes – Attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, knowledge and expertise – foundations and theories; Principles and processes of perception; Consciousness – meaning, types, sleep and dreams; Learning and Memory – Memory - meaning, types and mechanisms ofstorage and retrieval of memories in the Human brain; Complex cognitive processes - Concept formation, Thinking, Problem solving and transfer – foundations, theories and approaches. Information Processing Information processing – meaning, principles; Models of information processing - Waugh and Norman model of primary and secondary memory; Atkinson and Shiffrin’s stage model of memory; other models including blooms taxonomy and Sternberg’s Information Processing Approach; Attention and perception – meaning, types, theories and models; Consciousness. Learning Learning – foundations, approaches and theories; Cognitive approaches of learning – meaning, principles theories and models; Memory – foundations, types; Behavioural approaches of learning – foundations and theories - classical conditioning, operant conditioning, applied behaviour analysis; Social cognitive and constructivist approaches to learning – foundations and theories – social cognitive theory, Selfregulated learning; learning styles – meaning, types and applications in learning. Judgement, Choice and Decision-making Human judgement – meaning, nature, randomness of situations, theories and models; Choice – meaning, criteria for evaluating options; theories and models of human choice; Choice architecture; Decision-making – Meaning, problem analysis; steps and techniques of decision-making under different contexts. Human Behaviour in the Society Attitudes and Influence Attitudes - meaning, assumptions, types, theories and models of attitude formation; methods of changing attitudes, Relating to others - liking, attraction, helping behaviour, prejudice, discrimination and aggression; Liking/ affect – meaning, types and theories; Attraction – meaning, types and theories; Persuasion – meaning, theories and techniques; Social influence and groups – conformity, compliance and obedience. Social Judgement, Social Identity and Inter-Group Relations Social judgement – meaning, frame of reference, stereotyping; The judgement of attitude models; Attribution – meaning, theories; Rational decision making; Social identify – meaning, types; assessment; Groups – meaning, types, group processes; sustainability of groups; Inter group processes and theories social learning.
Practicals: Understanding perception – Attentional Blink and Repetition Blindness exercise. Understanding attention - Testing selective attention capacity and skills and processing speed ability through Stroop test. Hands-on experience in the techniques for assessing creative thinking – divergent and convergent thinking. Lab exercise in applying Maslow’s need hierarchy to assess motivation. Learning - Classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Assessing learning styles through Barsch and Kolb inventories. Practical experience in building self-esteem. Assessment of emotional intelligenceExercises in problem solving. Exercises in visual perception. Measuring self-concept using psychometric tools. Experiment on factors influencing information processing. Assessment of attitudes. Hands on experience in methods of persuasion. Field experience in assessing social judgement. Simulation exercise to understand decision-making under different situations. Exercise in rational decision-making.
Organisational Behavior and Development
Theory Organizational Behavior Basics of Organization Introduction to organizations-concept and characteristics of organizations; Typology of organizations; Theories of organizations: nature of organizational theory, Classical theories, Modern management theories, System Theory - Criticisms and lessons learnt/ analysis. Basics of Organizational Behaviour Concepts of Organisational Behaviour, Scope, Importance, Models of OB. Individual Behaviour in Organizations Introduction, Self-awareness, Perception and Attribution, Learning, Systems approach to studying organization needs and motives – attitude, values and ethical behavior, Personality, Motivation-Concept & Theories, Managing motivation in organizations. Group Behaviour in Organization Foundations of group, group behaviour and group dynamics, Group Development and Cohesiveness, Group Performance and Decision Making, Intergroup Relations; Teams in Organizations-Team building experiential exercises, Interpersonal Communication and Group; Leadership: Meaning, types, Theories and Perspectives on Effective Leadership, Power and Influence, managing Conflict and Negotiation skills, Job/ stress management, decision-making, problem-solving techniques. Productive Behaviour and Occupational Stress Productive behaviour - Meaning, dimension; Job analysis and Job performance – meaning, dimensions, determinants and measurement; Job satisfaction and organizational commitment - meaning, dimensions and measures roles and role clarity; Occupational stress – meaning, sources, theories and models, effects, coping mechanism, effects and management; Occupational stress in farming, farmer groups/ organizations, research and extension organizations. Organizational System Organizations Structure- Need and Types, Line & staff, functional, committee, project structure organizations, centralization &decentralization, Different stages of growth and designing the organizational structure; Organizational DesignParameters of Organizational Design, Organization and Environment, Organizational Strategy, Organization and Technology, Power and Conflicts in Organizations, Organizational Decision-Making; Organizational Culture vs Climate; Organizational Change; Organizational Learning and Transformation. Organisational Development. Overview of Organizational Development Concept of OD, Importance and Characteristics, Objectives of OD, History and Evolution of OD, Implications of OD Values. Managing the Organizational Development Process Basic Component of OD Program-Diagnosis-contracting and diagnosing the problem, Diagnostic models, open systems, individual level group level and organizational level diagnosis; Action-collection and analysis for diagnostic information, feeding back the diagnosed information and interventions; Program Management- entering OD relationship, contracting, diagnosis, feedback, planned change, intervention, evaluation. Organizational Development Interventions Meaning, Importance, Characteristics of Organization development Interventions, Classification of OD Interventions-Interpersonal interventions, Team Interventions, Structural Interventions, Comprehensive Interventions. Organizational Development Practitioner or Consultant Who is OD consultant? Types of OD consultants and their advantages, qualifications, Comparison of traditional consultants Vs. OD consultants, Organizational Development process by the practitioners skills and activities.
Practicals: Case Analysis of organization in terms of process – attitudes and values, motivation, leadership. Simulation exercises on problem-solving – study of organizational climate in different organizations. Study of organizational structure of development departments, study of departmentalization, span of control, delegation of authority, decision-making patterns. Study of individual and group behaviour at work in an organization. Conflicts and their management in an organization. Comparative study of functional and nonfunctional organizations and drawing factors for organizational effectiveness. Exercise on OD interventions (Interpersonal, Team, Structural, Comprehensive) with its procedure to conduct in an organization.
Research Methodology in Extension
Theory Introduction To Behavioural Research Nature of Behavioural Research Methods of knowing; Science and scientific method; Behavioural research – Concept, aim, goals and objectives; Characteristics and Paradigms of research; Types of behavioural research based on applications, objectives and inquiry; Types of knowledge generated through research – historical, axiological, theoretical and conceptual knowledge, prior research studies, reviews and academic debate; Role of behavioural research in extension; Careers in behavioural research. The Behavioural Research Process Basic steps in behavioural research – Formulating a Research Problem; Reviewing the Literature; Identifying the variables and hypotheses; Formulating research designs, methods and tools; Selecting sample; Collecting data; Analyzing and Interpreting the Data; Reporting and Evaluating Research; Skills needed to design and conduct research; Writing research proposals. Steps in Behavioural Research Process. Formulating a Research Problem The research problem and research topic - definitions; Importance of formulating a research problem; Sources of research problems; Characteristics of a good research problem; Research problems in quantitative and qualitative research; Steps in formulating a research problem; Strategies for writing research problem statement; Research purpose statement; Research questions – Types, Criteria for selecting research questions, techniques for narrowing a problem into a research question; Objectives - Meaning, types and criteria for judging the objectives. Reviewing the Literature Review-meaning and importance; Types of literature review – Context, Historical, Integrative, methodological, self-study and theoretical; Literature review for quantitative and qualitative studies; Steps in conducting literature review – Identify key terms, locate literature, critical evaluation and selection; organising literatureand writing literature review. Identifying Variables and Hypotheses Developing theoretical, conceptual, empirical frameworks; Approaches for identifying concepts, constructs and variables; Role of theory in behavioural research; Steps in identifying variables – Domain, Concepts, Constructs, Dimensions; Indicators; Variables, Definitions, premises, propositions and hypotheses; Techniques of identifying concepts, constructs and variables - Types of concepts; Types of variables –causal relationship, the study design; and the unit of measurement; Types of definitions-Types of propositions and hypotheses. Characteristics of good hypotheses; Measurement – Meaning, levels of measurement – nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio; Criteria for choosing measurement levels for variables. Formulating Research Designs, Methods and Tools Research designs – Definition, purpose and functions; Research Design as Variance Control - MAXMINCON Principle; Criteria for selecting a suitable Research Design; Classification of research designs: Quantitative designs - experimental, descriptive, comparative, correlational, survey, ex-post facto and secondary data analysis; Qualitative designs - ethnographic, grounded theory, phenomenological and Narrative research; Mixed method designs – Action research design; Translational research; Elements of research design - Research strategies, Extent of researcher interference, Study setting, Unit of analysis and Time horizon. Sources of errors while specifying research designs. Internal and external validity; Choosing right research design; Triangulation - Importance in behavioural research, Types of triangulation. Research methods: Designing research Instruments – questionnaires, interview schedules; tests – knowledge tests, behaviour performance tests; scales – scales and indexes, checklists, focus groups; Steps in developing and using research methods and tools; participatory rural appraisal. Selecting Sample Sampling - population, element, sample, sampling unit, and subject; Sampling strategies for quantitative and qualitative research; Principles of sampling; Factors affecting the inferences drawn from a sample; Types of sampling, Methods of drawing a random sample, Sampling with or without replacement, Types of sampling - Probability Sampling - Simple random sampling, Cluster sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified random sampling and Unequal probability Sampling; Nonprobability Sampling - Reliance of available subjects, Purposive or judgmental sampling, accidental sampling, expert sampling, Snowball sampling, and Quota sampling; Sample size requirements for quantitative and qualitative studies. Methods for estimating sample size; Generalisation – Importance, Types of generalisations. Collecting Data The process of collecting data – Selection, training, supervision, and evaluation of field investigators; Online data collection; Errors and biases during data collection. Testing goodness of measures through item analysis - Reliability and validity; Types of validity – Content validity: Face and content validity, Criterion-related validity: concurrent and predictive validity, Construct validity: convergent, and discriminant validity, factorial validity, and nomological validity; Types of reliability – Test-Retest, Parallel forms, Inter-item consistency reliability, Split-half reliability. Factors affecting the validity and reliability of research instruments, Strategies for enhancing validity and reliability of measures. Validity and reliability in qualitative research. Analyzing and Interpreting the Data Data coding, exploration and editing; Methods of data processing in quantitative and qualitative studies; Quantitative data analysis - parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses; Parametric analysis – Descriptive and inferential statistics, Hypothesis testing - Type I and Type II errors. Concepts in hypothesis testing - Effect Size, á, â, and Power, P Value; Multivariate data analysis – regression, factor analysis, cluster analysis, logistic regression and structural equation modelling. Guidelines for choosing appropriate statistical analysis; Statistical packages for data analysis; Methods of interpreting data and drawing inferences - The Ladder of Inference; Methods of communicating and displaying analysed data. Reporting and Evaluating Research Writing reports and research publications; Evaluation Methodology.
Practicals: Selecting a research problem and writing problem statement., Narrowing down research problem to purpose, research questions and objectives, Choosing, evaluating and reviewing research literature, Selection of variables through construct conceptualisation and defining variables, Choosing research design based on research problem, Choosing right sampling method and estimating sample size, Developing research methods and tools – questionnaires, interview schedule, check lists and focus group guides, Writing a research proposal, Field data collection using research methods and tools, Testing reliability and validity of research instruments, Hands on experience in using SPSS for coding, data exploration, editing, analysis and interpretation Formulation of secondary tables based on objectives of research, Writing report, writing of thesis and research articles, Presentation of reports.
Capacity Development
Theory: Introduction to Capacity Development Capacity Development–An Overview Training, capacity building, capacity development and HRD-Meaning and differences; Need and principles of capacity development; Types and levels of capacities - Institutional capacities (include the rules, regulations and practices that set the overarching contextual environment), Organisational capacities (how various actors come together to perform given tasks), Individual capacities (technical, functional and leadership skills). Types of capacity building - Based on structure (structured, semi-structured &unstructured), Based on context (orientation, induction and refresher), and other categories (online, Webinar, distance etc.). Components of capacity development; Capacity development cycle. Capacity Development- Approaches and Strategies Capacity Development Dilemma- Theory versus Practice, Trainee versus Task, Structured versus Unstructured, Generic and Specific; Approaches in Capacity Development -Informative approach, Participatory approach, Experimental approach/ Experiential, Performance based approach; Capacity Development Strategies - Academic strategy, Laboratory strategy, Activity strategy, Action strategy, Personal development strategy, Organizational development strategy. Planning and Organization of Capacity Development Programmes Steps in Designing and Planning of Capacity Development- Step 1. Select the participants, Step 2. Determine the participants’ needs, Step 3. Formulate goal and objectives, Step 4. Outline the content, Step 5. Develop instructional activities, Step 6. Prepare the design, Step 7. Prepare evaluation form, Step 8. Determine follow-up activities; Organising capacity development programme; Operational arrangements at different stages- Before the programme, During the programme, Middle of the programme, At the end of the programme, After the programme, Follow up; Stakeholders’ responsibilities. Capacity Development Needs Assessment Planning and Organization of Capacity Development Programmes Concept of Need Assessment; Approaches in Need Analysis- Performance Analysis, Task Analysis, Competency Study; Needs Survey. Capacity Development Needs Assessment Methods Data Collection Methods in Identifying Needs - Rational Methods (Observation, Informal talks, Complaints, Comparison, Analysis of report, Opinion poll, Buzz session, Analysis of the new programme), Empirical Methods (Job analysis, Performance evaluation, Checklist or Questionnaire Method, Tests, Critical Incident Technique, Card Sort Method, Focus Group Discussion, Interview, SWOT Analysis); Information and Skills required in Need Analysis; Identification of Needs through Task Analysis - Task identification, Task Analysis, Gap Analysis. Capacity Development Institutions and Management Capacity Development Institutions Capacity Developer (Trainer): Meaning and concept; Types of Capacity Developers (regular, ad-hoc, part time, guest and consultants); Roles of Capacity Developer (explainer, clarifier, supporter, confronter, role model, linker, motivator, translator/ interpreter, change agent); Good Capacity Developer – Qualities, skills and roles Qualities, Skills (Intrapersonal & Inter personal), Roles (Manager, Strategist, Task Analyst, Media Specialist, Instructional Writer, Marketer, Facilitator, Instructor, Counsellor, Transfer Agent, Evaluator); Capacity Development Centres and Locations; Organisation’s Role in Capacity Development. Capacity Development Project Formulation Project Proposal: Concept and Meaning; Steps in Project Formulation- Review of past proposals, Consulting experts, consultants, and previous organizers, Review past project evaluation reports, Interact with the prospective beneficiaries; Format for Writing Project Proposal (LFA). Capacity Development Process and HRD. Capacity Development Methods and Tools Capacity Development Methods –Lecture, Discussion, Syndicate, Seminars, Conference, Symposium, Role Play, Case study, Programmed Instruction, T - group/ Laboratory methods; Factors Determining Selection of Methods - Capacity development objectives, subject matter, categories of participants, and the available resources like time, location, budget; Capacity Development Aids. Evaluation Capacity Development Programme Evaluation - Meaning & Importance; Purpose of Evaluation; Principles of Evaluation; Types of Evaluation – Formative, Summative, Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation; Process of Evaluation- Evaluation at the beginning, Evaluation during the programme, Evaluation at the end; Use of evaluation findings; Statistical Tools for evaluation. Impact Assessment Impact Assessment- Meaning, Need, Features, Benefits, Concepts; Indicators for Impact Assessment - Direct indicators, Indirect or proxy indicators, Quantitative indicators, Qualitative indicators, Result chain / hierarchy of indicators; Methods of Impact Evaluation- Learning retention of participants (KOSA), Impact on the job performance, Impact on organizational effectiveness, Impact on stakeholder’s competency. Human Resource Development HRD: Meaning, Importance and Benefits; Types of HRD Systems & Sub-systems Career system (Manpower planning, Recruitment, Career planning, Succession planning, Retention), Work system (Role analysis, Role efficacy, Performance plan, Performance feedback and guidance, Performance appraisal, Promotion, Job rotation, Reward), Development system (Induction, Training, Job enrichment, Self-learning mechanisms, Potential appraisal, Succession development, Counselling, Mentor system), Self-renewal system (Survey, Action research, Organisational development interventions), Culture system (Vision, mission and goals, Values, Communication, Get together and celebrations, Task force, Small groups); Components of HRD System - Performance Appraisal, Potential Appraisal, Task System, Development System, Socialisation System, Governance; Functions of HRD-Organisational Development, Career Development, Capacity Development.
Practicals: Capacity development needs assessment exercise, Capacity development project formulation exercise, Planning organizing and conducting an extension capacity development programme, Designing a programme Writing learning objectives, Developing objectives into curriculum, Training plan Organizing capacity development workshop, Evaluation with pre- and post-training tests, Training methods – Practicing each method mentioned in contents as group exercise.
ICTs for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services
Theory: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and E-extension, ICTs- Concepts and Status ICTs- meaning, concepts, basics of ICTs, global and national status, types and functions of ICTs, innovations, meaning of e-Governance, e-learning, mLearning, advantages and limitations of ICTs. ICTs in Knowledge Management Knowledge management-meaning, approaches and tools. Role of ICTs in Agricultural Knowledge Management. e-Extension initiatives in Agriculture and allied sectors e-Extension, overview on Global and national e-extension initiatives, Inventory of e-Extension initiatives in Agriculture and allied sectors from Central and State governments, ICAR, SAUs, private sector and NGO initiatives in India. Application of ICTs in Extension and Advisory Services ICT Applications Knowledge centres (tele centres), digital kiosks, websites and web portals, community radio, farmers call centres, mobile phone based advisory services and mobile applications (mExtension, mLearning), Self-learning CDs on Package of practices, social media, digital videos, Market Intelligence and Information Systems- ICT enabled Supply-Chains and Value-Chains/ e-Marketing (e-NAM, Agmarknet, etc.). ICT Expert Systems Expert System/ Decision Support System/ Management Information Systems, Farm Health Management & Intelligence System for Plant Health, Animal Health, Soil Health, Fishery, Water, Weather, etc. ICT Networks Global and regional knowledge networks, international information management systems, e-Learning platforms (MOOCS, Course CCRA, EduEx, etc), e-Governance Systems; digital networks among extension personnel, Farmer Producers Organisations (FPOs)/ SHGs/ Farmers Groups. Knowledge Management and Standards. Policies in Knowledge Management Global policy/ Standards on e-Governance, National policy on e-governance, Open Data / Open Gov Standards and Open Source etc; Language Technology Applications; National e-Agriculture policy/ Strategies/ guidelines. Web Standards Web standards, creating and writing for webportals, development of mobile applications, developing digital videos- story board- video recording- video editing, types of blogs and writing guidelines. Social Media Applications to engage audience Video conference, live streaming and webinars, types and functions of social media applications, guidelines for preparing social media content, engaging audience and data-analytics. Smart and Disruptive Technologies and Advanced Analytics for Agricultural Extension. Smart Technologies Open technology computing facilities, System for data analytics/ mining/ modelling/ Development of Agricultural simulations; Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS, Information Utility (AIU); disruptive technologies- Analysis; Internet of Things (IoTs), Drones, Artificial intelligence (AI), block chain technology, social media and Big Data analytics for extension. Human Computer Interactions Human Centered Learning/Ergonomics/ Human Computer Interactions-Meaning; Theories of multimedia learning - Sweller’s cognitive load theory, Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning, Schnotz’s integrative model of text and picture comprehension, van Merriënboer’s four-component instructional design model for multimedia learning; Basic Principles of Multimedia Learning - Split-attention, Modality, Redundancy, Coherence, Signaling, segmenting, pre-training, personalisation, voice embodiment; Advanced principles - Guided discovery, worked examples, Self-explanation, drawing, feedback, multiple representation, Learner control, animation, collaboration, prior knowledge, and working memory. Designing ICT gadgets based on human interaction principles - Interactive design-Meaning, importance; Approaches of interactive design - user-centered design, activitycentered design, systems design, and genius design; Methods of interactive design - Usability testing methods.
Practicals: Content and client engagement analysis, Designing extension content for ICTs, Creating and designing web portals, blogs, social media pages, Developing digital videosLive streaming extension programmes and organising webinars, Working with Farmers call centres, Engaging with professional digital networks, Writing for digital media.
Evaluation and Impact Assessment
Theory: Programme Evaluation, Introduction to Evaluation Concept of Evaluation: Meaning and concept in different contexts; Why Evaluation is Done and When? Programme planning, analyse programme effectiveness, decision making, accountability, impact assessment, policy advocacy; Objectives, types, criteria and approaches of programme evaluation, evaluation principles; the context of program evaluation in agricultural extension; Role and Credibility of Evaluator: Role as educator, facilitator, consultant, interpreter, mediator and change agent. Competency and credibility of evaluator. Evaluation Theories Evaluation theory vs. practice – synergistic role between practice and theory in evaluation; Evaluation theories - Three broad categories of theories that evaluators use in their works - programme theory, social science theory, and evaluation theory (other theories/ approaches - Utilization-Focused Evaluation & Utilization-Focused Evaluation (U-FE) Checklist, Values Engaged Evaluation, Empowerment Evaluation, Theory-Driven Evaluation). Integration between theory and practice of evaluation: –evaluation forums, workshops, conferences and apprenticeship/ internship. Evaluation Process, How to Conduct Evaluation Ten Steps in programme evaluation: (1) Identify and describe programme you want to evaluate (2) Identify the phase of the programme(design, start-up, ongoing, wrap-up, follow-up) and type of evaluation study needed (needs assessment, baseline, formative, summative, follow-up) (3) Assess the feasibility of implementing an evaluation (4) Identify and consult key stakeholders (5) Identify approaches to data collection (quantitative, qualitative, mixed) (6) Select data collection techniques (survey interviews and questionnaires with different types) (7) Identify population and select sample (sampling for evaluation, sample size, errors, sampling techniques (8) Collect, analyse and interpret data (qualitative and quantitative evaluation data analysis) (9) Communicate findings (reporting plan, evaluation report types, reporting results, reporting tips, reporting negative findings (10) Apply and use findings (programme continuation/ discontinuation, improve on-going programme, plan future programmes and inform programme stakeholders). Evaluating the Evaluation Evaluating the Evaluation - 10 Steps as above with focus on conceptual clarity, representation of programme components and stakeholders, sensitivity, representativeness of needs, sample and data, technical adequacy, methods used for data collection and analysis, costs, recommendations and reports. Programme Management Techniques SWOT Analysis and Bar Charts SWOT Analysis – Concept, origin and evolution; SWOT As a Programme Management Tool; Conducting SWOT Analysis - Common Questions in SWOT Analysis; Advantages and Disadvantages of SWOT; Bar Charts (Gantt Charts and Milestone Charts) - Characteristics, advantages and limitations. Networks Networks – Introduction, origin and widely used networks (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM), differences between PERT and CPM, advantages and disadvantages. Networks Terminology – Activity, Dummy activity, Event (predecessor event, successor event, burst event, merge event, critical event), Earliest Start Time (EST), Latest Start Time (LST), Critical Path, Critical Activity, Optimistic time (To), Pessimistic time (Po), Most likely time (TM), Expected time (TE), Float or Slack, Event Slack, Lead time, Lag time, Fast tracking, Crashing critical path, Acclivity Table, Danglers, Normal Time. Rules for Preparation of Networks and Steps in Network Preparation with example. Programme Evaluation Tools Bennett’s Hierarchy of Evaluation Introduction to Bennett’s hierarchy – Background and description; Relation between programme objectives & outcomes at 7 levels of Bennett’s hierarchy – Inputs, activities, participation, reactions, KASA changes, practice and behaviour changes, end results. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bennett’s hierarchy. Logic Framework Approach (LFA) Introduction to LFA – Background and description; Variations of LFA - Goal Oriented Project Planning (GOPP) or Objectives Oriented Project Planning (OOPP); LFA Four-by-Four Grid – Rows from bottom to top (Activities, Outputs, Purpose and Goal & Columns representing types of information about the events (Narrative description, Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVIs) of these events taking place, Means of Verification (MoV) where information will be available on the OVIs, and Assumptions). Advantages and Disadvantages of LFA. Impact Assessment. Introduction to Impact Assessment Concept of Impact Assessment: Meaning, concept and purpose in different contexts; Impact Assessment Framework: Meaning of inputs, outputs, outcomes, impacts and their relation with monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment. Impact Assessment Indicators Indicators for impact assessment – meaning and concept; Selecting impact indicators; Types of impact indicators for technology and extension advisory services - social and behavioral indicators, socio-cultural indicators, technology level indicators, environmental impact assessment indicators and institutional impact assessment indicators. Approaches for Impact Assessment Impact assessment approaches – Quantitative, qualitative, participatory and mixed methods with their advantages and disadvantages; Quantitative Impact Assessment Types – Based on Time of Assessment (Ex-ante and ex-post), Based on Research Design (Experimental, quasi experimental, Non-experimental). Econometric Impact Assessment: - (Partial Budgeting Technique, Net Present Value, Benefit Cost Ratio, Internal Rate of Return, Adoption Quotient, etc). Qualitative and Participatory Impact Assessment Methods. Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Concept of EIA – Introduction, What it is? Who does it? Why it is conducted? How it is done?; Benefits and important aspects of EIA-risk assessment, environmental management and post product monitoring. Environmental Components of EIA – air, noise, water, biological, land; Composition of the expert committees and Steps in EIA process - screening, scoping, collection of baseline data, impact prediction, mitigation measures and EIA report, public hearing, decision making, monitoring and implementation of environmental management plan, assessment of alternatives, delineation of mitigation measures and EIA report; Salient Features of 2006 Amendment to EIA Notification - Environmental Clearance/Rejection, participants of EIA; Shortcomings of EIA and How to improve EIA process?
Practicals: Search the literature using web / printed resources and identify evaluation indicators for the following: – Utilization-Focused Evaluation – Values Engaged Evaluation – Empowerment Evaluation – Theory-Driven Evaluation, Visit Directorate of Extension in your university and enquire about extension programmes being implemented / coordinated by Directorate. Develop an evaluation proposal of any one programme using ‘Ten Steps in Programme Evaluation’ discussed in the theory class. Review any comprehensive programme evaluation report from published sources. Evaluate the report and write your observations following the ‘Evaluating the Evaluation’ approach. Identify at least four agriculture development programmes and their objectives being implemented in your state. Write two attributes each on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats related to the identified programme objectives in the SWOT grid. Identify an on-going development programme and make-out 6 activities from the programme. Draw a Gantt chart for 12 months programme activities. Write a report on evaluation hierarchy levels and indicators as per Bennett’s hierarchy of evaluation for any development programme or project. Develop LFA four-by-four grid for any development programme or project with activities, outputs, purpose and goal and objectively verifiable indicators, means of verification & assumptions. Visit a nearby KVKs / ATIC. Select any agriculture technology with package of practices and extension advisory services promoted by KVK / ATIC. Identify impact assessment indicators for social and behavioral indicators, socio-cultural indicators, technology level indicators, environmental impact assessment indicators and institutional impact assessment indicators. Refer any Environment Impact Assessment report and analyse steps in EIA. Write your observations.
Managing Extension Organizations
Theory: Basics of Management Management- An Over view Management and Extension management – Meaning, concept, nature and importance; and theories of management. Management, administration and supervision - meaning, definition and scope; Approaches to management, Principles, functions and levels of management; Qualities and skills of a manager; Interpersonal relations in the organization; Reporting and budgeting. Management in different types of Extension Organizations. Extension Management in public, private sector and other sectors Extension management (POSDCORB) in public sector, Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), SAUs, ICAR Institutes, Private sector, Cooperatives, NGOs, FPOs etc. Organisational Structure, Relations between different units- Challenges in management. Concepts in Management Decision making – Concept, Types of decisions, Styles and techniques of decision making, Steps in DM Process, Guidelines for making effective decisions; Human Resource Management: Manpower planning, Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Orientation, Training and Development; Dealing with fund and staff shortages in different extension organizations (KVK, ATMA etc.); Leadership – Concept, Characteristics, Functions, Approaches to leadership, Leadership styles; Authority and responsibility, Delegation and decentralization, line and staff relations; Challenges of co-ordination in extension organizations; Managing interdepartmental coordination and convergence between KVK, ATMA and line departments; Coordinating pluralism in extension services; Challenges in managing public-private partnerships (PPPs) at different levels in agricultural development in general and extension in particular; Performance appraisal – Meaning, Concept, Methods. Motivation and Organizational Communication. Motivation and Communication Managing work motivation – Concept, Motivation and Performance, Approaches to motivation, team building; Organizational Communication – Concept, Process, Types, Networks, Barriers to Communication; Mentoring, Time management, Team work and team-building strategies; Modernization of information handling. Supervision and Control Supervision – Meaning, Responsibilities, Qualities and functions of supervision, Essentials of effective supervision; Managerial Control – Nature, Process, Types, Techniques of Control, Observation, PERT and CPM, Management Information Systems (MIS): Concept, tools and techniques, MIS in extension organizations.
Practicals: Simulated exercises on techniques of decision making, Study the structure and function of agro-enterprises, Designing organizational structure/ organograms. Group activity on leadership development skills, Simulated exercise to understand management processes, Field visit to extension organizations (ATARI, KVKs, NGOs), FPOs, dairy cooperatives to understand the functions of management, Practical exercises on PERT & CPM, Group exercise on development of short term and long term plans for agroenterprises, Developing model agriculture-based projects including feasibility study, financial planning and cost-benefit analysis.
Enabling Innovation
Theory: Agricultural Innovation Systems, Agricultural Innovation Systems: Concepts and Elements Origins of the innovation systems concept-Innovation vs Invention; Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) -ToT, FSR, AKIS and AIS compared, Key insights from AIS: How Innovation takes place; Role of different actors in AIS; Importance of interaction and knowledge flows among different actors, Role of Communication in Innovation Process; Role of Extension in AIS, Different views to analyze AIS: structural view, functional view, process view and capacity view. Enabling Innovation Role of enabling environment: Policies and institutions in enabling innovation; Role of Government-Innovation Policy: Achieving coordination and policy coherence; Innovation Platforms; Role of Innovation Brokers, Methodologies for AIS Diagnosis: Typologies of existing methodologies-strengths and limitations; Assessing Extension and Advisory Services within AIS; Capacity Development in AIS: Strengthening capacities to innovate. Scaling Up Knowledge for Innovation, Scaling Up: Tools, Approaches and Pathways Scaling Up: Definitions; Changing views on scaling up: Approaches to Scaling Up: Push, pull, plant, probe: Scaling up pathways: Drivers and spaces for scaling up; Framework and Tools for Scaling up: Planning and implementing a scaling up pathways; Scalability assessment tools; Role of policies in scaling up: Influencing policies for scaling up; Innovation Management for scaling up knowledge and implications for Extension and Advisory Services.
Practical: Identify one crop/commodity sector and use AIS framework to diagnose actors and their roles, patterns of interaction, institutions determining interaction and the enabling policy environment and develop a AIS Diagnosis Report (Review and Key informant interviews), Undertake a case study on a successful case of scaling up knowledge and identify factors that contributed to its success, Identify one specific knowledge (a technology, an approach) that has been recently introduced and develop an Up scaling Strategy.
Gender Mainstreaming
Theory: Why Gender Matters?: Historical Perspective of Gender Historical perspective of gender: Feminism and emergence of gender as a concept, Scope of gender studies in agriculture and rural development. Agrarian Importance of Gender Agrarian Importance of Gender: Understanding the importance of gender in national and global agriculture-Key gender issues and challenges in agriculture - Gender and value chain- Global actions to address gender-needs and strategies to address gender and women empowerment. Gender Related Concepts, Analysis, Gender and Technology Gender Related Concepts and Divides Gender related concepts and divides: Understanding of the concepts of gender, gender equality and equity, gender balance, gender blindness, gender relations, gender neutrality, gender bias and discrimination, gender rights, gender roles and responsibilities. Gender budgeting, Gender divides and their implications such as gender digital divide, gender access to resources and inputs divide, gender mobility divide, gender wage divide, Gender needs: practical and strategic. Gender Analysis Gender analysis: Importance, usage, prerequisites, techniques of gender analysisTools for gender analysis. Gender and Technology Gender and technology: How gender and technology impact each other, Gender neutral technology, Gender sensitive technology, Gender supportive assistance in technology adoption-Gender in agricultural research and extension. Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment Gender Mainstreaming Gender mainstreaming: Importance of gender mainstreaming in agriculture, Extension strategies to address gender issues such as gender and health, nutrition, gender in agricultural value chains, gender and climate change adaptation, gender and globalization& liberalization for mainstreaming gender concerns into the national programmes and policies. Women Empowerment Women Empowerment: Importance of women empowerment, Current national women empowerment and gender indices. Women empowerment approaches (technological, organizational, political, financial, social, legal and psychological), Case studies based on experiences and learning from various development and rural development programmes. Global Best Practices, Policies and Frameworks Global Best Practices, Policies and Frameworks: Global best practices, women empowerment and gender mainstreaming models and frameworks for addressing gender concerns in agriculture, approaches of various organizations: gender mainstreaming and special women focused programmes in agriculture and rural development. Entrepreneurship Development for Women Entrepreneurship development for women: Women entrepreneurship development in agriculture and agro processing: current status, women led enterprises, supporting organizations and schemes, Govt. policies, entrepreneurship development programme and process for women in agriculture.
Practicals: Visit to a village for understanding rural gender roles and responsibilities as groups, followed by class presentation by groups, Exercise for capturing shifts in gender roles and responsibilities, Conducting gender analysis in a village using gender analysis techniques, Visit to agencies supporting women empowerment followed by report presentation. Each student to visit a different organization such as State Rural Livelihood Mission, Women Development Corporation, Department of Agriculture, Important NGOs working for women empowerment, Exercise for identification and prioritization of issues affecting/needs for women empowerment, Interaction with a successful women entrepreneur/ SHG.
Agri-Business Management
Principles of Management and Organizational Behaviour
Theory: Basic Concepts of Management, Introduction to Management: Nature, Scope and Significance of Management, Evolution of Management Thought, Approaches to Management, functions and skills of a manager Management functions: Planning – Types, Steps, Objective, Process, Strategies, Policies, MBO, Organizing – Structure & Process, Line, Staff, Authority & Responsibility, Staffing – Recruitment and Selection, Directing – Training, Communication & Motivation, Controlling- Significance, Process, Techniques, Standards & Benchmarks, Management Audit. Insights About Organizational Behavior. Nature, Scope and Significance of Organizational Behavior; Foundations ofIndividual behaviour – Emotions, Personality, Values, Attitudes, Perception, Learning and individual decision making, Motivation- Types of motivation, theories of motivation, motivational practices at workplace, managing stress and work life balance. Group dynamics- types of groups, group formation, Group decision making, teambuilding and developing collaboration, leadership styles and influence process; leadership theories, leadership styles and effective leader.
Agri-Business Management
Managerial Accounting and Control
Theory: Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting- Meaning, Need, Accounting principles: Accounting Concepts and Conventions; Branches of Accounting, Users of Accounting information, Advantages and Limitations of Financial Accounting, Accounting Standards, The Double Entry System- Its Meaning and Scope, The Journal, Cash Book, Ledger, Trial Balance, Trading Account Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, entries and adjustments of different heads in different Books and Accounts, Introduction of Company Accounts, Use of Accounting Software Block 2: Managerial Accounting. Management Accounting-Meaning, Functions, Scope, Utility, Limitations and Toolsof Management Accounting, Analysis of Financial Statements- Ratio, time series, common size and Du pont Analysis, Comparative and Common Size Statements, Cash Flow and Fund Flow Analysis. Cost Accounting, Cost Accounting–Nature, Course, Significance of Cost Accounting; Classification of Cost, Costing for Material; Labour and overheads; Marginal Costing and cost volume profit Analysis- Its Significance, Uses and Limitations; Standard Costing – Its Meaning, Uses and Limitations, Determination of Standard Cost, Variance Analysis-Material, Labour and Overhead. Budget and Budgetary Control- Meaning, Uses and Limitations, Budgeting and Profitplanning, Different Types of Budgets and their Preparations: Sales Budget, Purchase Budget, Production Budget, Cash Budget, Flexible Budget, Master Budget, Zero Based Budgeting. Mergers and Acquisition, Tax System- GST.
Applied Agribusiness Economics
Content: Overview of Managerial Economics. Scope of managerial economics, objective of the firm and basic economic principles; mathematical concepts used in managerial economics. Introduction to behavioral economics. Indifference curves and budget sets - Demand analysis - meaning, types and determinants of demand; demand function; demand elasticity; demand forecasting-need and techniques. Production, Cost and Supply Analysis. Production, cost and supply analysis- production function, Multi period production and cost least-cost input combination, factor productivities and returns to scale, cost concepts, cost-output relationship, short and long-run supply functions. Pricing-determinants of price - pricing under different market structures, pricing ofjoint products, pricing methods in practice, government policies and pricing. Price discrimination (First, Second and Third level). Macroeconomics. The national income; circular flow of income: consumption, investment and saving: money-functions, factors influencing demand for money & supply of money; inflation; economic growth; business cycles and business policies; business decisions under certain and uncertain situations.
Human Resource Management for Agricultural Organisations
Theory: Introduction to Human Resource Management. Strategic Human Resource Management, Human Resource Planning-Nature and Significance, Job Analysis and talent management process, Job Description, job Specification, Job enlargement, Job enrichment, Job rotation. Recruitment and Selection Process, Induction, Training and Human Resource Development-Nature, Significance, Process and Techniques, e- recruitment, use of Big Data for recruitment, use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning tools in recruitment practices Career planning and Development Internal mobility including Transfers, Promotions, employee separation. Performance Appraisal–Significance and methods, Compensation management, Strategic pay plans, Job Evaluation, Wage and Salary Administration; Wage Fixation; Fringe Benefits, Incentive Payment, bonus, and Profit Sharing. Industrial Relations Role and Status of Trade Unions; Collective Bargaining; Worker’s Participation in Management, employee retention. Quality of work life, employee welfare measure, work life balance, Disputes and Grievance Handling Procedures; Arbitration and Adjudication; Health and Safety of Human Resources; Ethical And Global Issues In Hrm. Ethical issues in HRM, Managing Global Human Resources, Managing Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial firms, Human Resources accounting, Human Resources outsourcing. HR Information System, Human Resource Metrics and Workforce Analytics, Future trends in workforce technologies.
Production and Operations Management
Theory: Introduction to Production and Operations Management, Nature Concept and Scope of Production and Operations Management; Factors Affecting System; Facility location, Types of Manufacturing Systems and Layouts, Process Selection and Facility Layout, Layout Planning and Analysis, Forecasting Operations Strategy: Operations Strategy, Competitive Capabilities and Core Competencies, Operations Strategy as a Competitive Weapon, Linkage Between Corporate, Business, and Operations Strategy, Developing Operations Strategy, Elements or Components of Operations Strategy, Competitive Priorities, Manufacturing Strategies, Service Strategies, Global Strategies and Role of Operations Strategy. Productivity Variables and Productivity Measurement, Production Planning and Control, Mass Production, Batch Production, Job Order Manufacturing, Product Selection, Product Design and Development, Process Selection, Capacity planning. Inventory Management. An Overview of Inventory Management Fundamentals, Determination of Material Requirement, Safety Management Scheduling, Maintenance Management Concepts, Work Study, Method Study, Work Measurement, Work Sampling, Work Environment, Production Planning and Control (PPC) Industrial Safety, humanmachine interface, types of interface designs. Cloud operations management Quality Management Quality Assurance, Accepting Sampling, Statistical Process Control, Total Quality Management, ISO standards and their Importance, Introduction to reengineering, value engineering, check sheets, Pareto charts, Ishikawa charts, JIT Pre-requisites for implementation Six Sigma, Lean Management, Reliability Engineering, Safety Engineering, Fault Tree Analysis.
Agricultural And Food Marketing Management-I
Theory: Overview Of Marketing Management, Introduction and Concept/ philosophies of Marketing Management; Product Management: The product, The product mix, Product line extensions, Product linedeletions, Branding products, The advantages and disadvantages of branding, Branding decisions Brand loyalty models, Homogenous first-order markov models, Higher-order markov models Packaging, The functions of packaging, Packaging technology, Recent developments in packaging. Pricing Decisions, Pricing objectives, The laws of supply and demand, Elasticity of demand Cross-price elasticity of demand, Practical problems of price theory, Cost - revenue - supply relationships, The meaning of price to consumers, Price as an indicator of quality, Pricing strategies, Cost-plus methods of price determination, Breakeven analysis, Market-oriented pricing, Psychological pricing, Geographical pricing, Administered pricing, Channel Management and Physical Distribution, Channel decisions in relation to marketing strategy, The value of middlemen, Key decisions in channel management, Types of distribution system, Marketing to middlemen, Power and conflict in distribution channels, Physical distribution, Customer service levels, Developing a customer service policy, The total distribution concept, Warehouse management, Inventory management, Calculating the economic order quantity, Transport management, Technological advances in physical distribution, Vehicle scheduling and routing, Fixed and variable routing systems, Vehicle scheduling tools, Vehicle scheduling models, Computer-based vehicle scheduling Marketing Communications The nature of marketing communications, Setting marketing communication objectives, Factors influencing the communications mix, The marketing communications mix, Advertising, Sales promotion, Public relations, Personal selling, Digital Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Social Marketing and Social Media Marketing, Training the sales force, Change agents, Selecting the media, Establishing the promotional budget, Monitoring the effectiveness of marketing communications Marketing Costs And Margins: Assessing the performance of a marketing system, Marketing efficiency and effectiveness, Operational efficiency, Pricing efficiency, Identifying marketing costs and margins, The reference products concept, Handling costs, Packaging costs, Transport costs, Storage costs, Processing costs, Capital costs.
Agricultural and Food Marketing Management-II
Theory: Agricultural and Food Marketing, The importance of agricultural and food marketing to developing countries, the marketing concept and marketing systems, Marketing sub-systems Marketing functions, Links between agriculture and the food industry, Agricultural and food marketing enterprises, Marketing boards in developing countries, Cooperatives in the agriculture and food sectors, Control and management of secondary co-operatives, The weaknesses of co-operatives, Selling arrangements between cooperatives and their members Market Liberalisation: Economic structural adjustment programmes, Macro-economic stabilisation, The role of the state in liberalised markets, Strategies for reforming agricultural marketing, Obstacles to be overcome in commercialisation and Privatisation of agricultural marketing, Dealing with accumulated deficits, Encouraging private sector involvement in agricultural marketing, Impediments to private sector participation in agricultural markets, impact of the macro-economic environment on private traders, Government action to improve private sector performance. Marketing Strategy, Planning and Control Marketing Strategy, Planning and Control: Strategy, policy and planning, Strategic business units, The need for marketing planning, The process of marketing planning, Contents of the marketing plan, Monitoring, evaluating and controlling the marketing planning, Marketing controls, Marketing plan control, Efficiency control New Product Development: The impetus to innovation, New product development process The adoption process, The effect of products characteristics on the rate of adoption, Buyer behavior: The influences on buyer behaviour, Exogenous influences on buyer behaviour Endogenous influences on buyer behaviour, The consumer buying decision process, Buyer behaviour and market segmentation, Lifestyle segmentation, Organisational markets Industrial markets, Industrial buyer characteristics Commodity Marketing Unit 5: Stages in a commodity marketing system, Grain marketing, Challenges for grain marketing systems, fruits and vegetables, Livestock and meat marketing, Poultry and eggs marketing, marketing of fresh milk.
Agri Supply Chain Management
Theory: Overview Of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain: Changing Business Environment; SCM: Present Need; Conceptual Model of Supply Chain Management; Evolution of SCM; SCM Approach; Traditional Agri. Supply Chain Management Approach; Modern Supply Chain Management Approach; Elements in SCM. Innovations in Global Agri-SCM. Demand Management in Supply Chain: Types of Demand, Demand Planning and Forecasting; Operations Management in Supply Chain, Basic Principles of Manufacturing Management. SCM Metrics/Drivers and Obstacles. Procurement Management in Agri. Supply Chain Purchasing Cycle, Types of Purchases, Contract/Corporate Farming, Classification of Purchases Goods or Services, Traditional Inventory Management, Material Requirements Planning, Just in Time (JIT), Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). Logistics Management. History and Evolution of Logistics; Elements of Logistics; Management; Distribution Management, Distribution Strategies; Pool Distribution; Transportation Management; Fleet Management; Service Innovation; Warehousing; Packaging for Logistics, Third-Party Logistics (TPL/3PL); GPS Technology. Concept of Information Technology: IT Application in SCM; Advanced Planning andScheduling; SCM in Electronic Business; Role of Knowledge in SCM; Performance Measurement and Controls in Agri. Supply Chain ManagementBenchmarking: introduction, concept and forms of Benchmarking. Case Studies onthe following: (a) Green Supply Chains (b) Global Supply Chains (c) Coordination in a SC. Value of and distortion of information: Bullwhip effect (d) Sourcing and contracts in SC (e) Product availability with uncertain demand (f) Inventory planning with known/ unknown demand (g) Cases from FAO/IFPRI, etc.
International Trade in Agricultural Products
Content: Introduction To International Trade, International trade–basic concepts, WTO and its implications for Indian economy in general and agriculture sector in particular. TRIPS, TRIMS quotas, anti dumping duties, quantitative and qualitative restrictions, tariff and non-tariff measures, trade liberalization, subsidies, green and red boxes, issues for negotiations in future in WTO; CDMs and carbon trade. Importance of foreign trade for developing economy; absolute and comparative advantage, foreign trade of India. Cases on agri business commodity trade practices Block 2: Regulations and Policy Measures for International TRADE India’s balance of payments; inter regional Vs international trade; tariffs and trade control; exchange rate; the foreign trade multiplier. Foreign demand, supply side analysis, opportunity cost, trade and factor prices, implications for developing countries, market entry methods, export procedures & documentations.
Food Technology and Processing Management
Content: Food Technology, Food Industry in India: Present status of food industry in India; Organization in food industry; Introduction to operations of food industry; Deteriorative factors and hazards during processing, storage, handling and distribution. Processing Management Basics of Food Processing: Basic principles of food processing and food preservation through technology interventions; Application of energy, radiations, chemicals and other agents for food preservation; aseptic modes of processingfreezing, quick, cryogenic, high pressure, membrane technology; Packaging of foods, labelling techniques, advanced technologies for packaging. Food Safety and Costs Analysis: Analysis of costs; risk management; Laws and regulations w.r.t to food industry including production, processing and marketing; Food Safety and Quality Standards-AGMARK, BIS/ISO, FPO, FSSAI, TQM, HACCP etc. Case studies on project formulation in various types of foodindustries: Discussion sessions and analysis of Case studies related to dairy, cereal milling, sugarcane production; baking/confectionary, vegetable storage, handling, egg processing, fish and meat products; Cases related HACCP.
Rural Marketing
Content: Rural Marketing Environment, Rural Market Concept & Scope: Concept, Definition and Scope of rural marketing, nature and characteristics of rural markets, potential of rural markets in India, rural V/S urban market. Environmental factors: Socio-cultural, economic, demographic, technological and other environmental factors affecting rural marketing. Rural finance: Concept, demand, banking model; Finance Schemes of NABARD, Other Schemes of State Govt, Central Govt. Rural consumer’s behavior: Behavior of rural consumers and farmers; buyer characteristics and buying behavior; customer relationship management, rural market research. Rural Marketing Strategy. Rural Product strategy: Marketing of consumer durable and non-durable goods and services in the rural markets with special reference toproduct planning; marketing mix, product mix. Pricing for rural markets: Pricing policy and pricing strategy, distribution strategy, Rural retailing and modern store formats in rural areas. Promotion and communication strategy: Media Planning, Distribution channels, personal selling strategies in rural markets, innovations in rural marketing.
Fertilizer Technology and Management
Content: Fertilizer Production, Fertilizer development: Concept, scope, need, resource availability; import and export avenues for fertilizer; types of fertilizers, grading and chemical constituents, role of fertilizers in agricultural production, production and consumption of fertilizer in India. Raw material Supply; Principles of manufacturing-potassic fertilizers, secondary and micro-nutrient Production efficiency: Production efficiency and capacity utilization; quality control and legal aspects fertilizer control order Testing and Field Trials Testing facilities; constraints in fertilizer use; assessment of demand and supply of different fertilizers, fertilizer distribution, fertilizer storage. Field trials and demonstrations; environmental pollution due to fertilizers.
Management of Agro Chemical Industry
Content: Agro Chemicals, Introduction: Agro-chemicals: Definition and classification; Basic knowledge of agro- chemicals; role andstatus of agro-chemical industry in India; Pesticides – Classification and Introduction, knowledge of different pesticides. Insecticides: Insecticides – Definition and classification based on (a)Mode of Entry (b) Mode of Action and(c) Chemical Structure with example; Insecticidal formulation; preliminary knowledge of mode of action of insecticides; knowledge of plant protection equipments. Fungicides: Fungicides – Classification and preliminary knowledge of commonly used fungicides; Biomagnifications ofpesticides and pesticidal pollution. Insecticide Act and Plant Protection. Insecticide Act: Introductory knowledge about development of agrochemicals; Insecticidal poisoning, symptoms and treatment; Main features of Insecticide Act. Plant Protection: Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage– A brief account of its organizational set up and functions; IPM Concept – Biopesticides – Plant products.
Seed Production Technology Management
Content: Seed Technology, Seed Technology: Role of Seed Technology, its Course Objective and goal, Seed Industry in India, National Seed Corporation – Tarai Seed Development, Corporation, State Seed Corporations, National Seed Project and State Farms and their role. Seed Management Development and Management of Seed Programmes: Seed Village Concept, Basic Strategy of Seed Production and Planning and Organization of Seed Programme; Types of Seed Programme–Nucleus seed, Breeders seed, Foundation seed and Certified seed etc. Maintenance of genetic purity: Minimum seed certification standard and Management of breeders & Nucleus seed; Management of seed testing laboratory and research and development. Management of seed processing plant seed storage management; seed packaging and handling. Seed Marketing: GM Crop seed, IPR, PBR, Patents and related issues and their impact on developing countries; Statutory intervention in the seed industry; Seed legislation and seed law enforcement, Seed act; Orientation and visit to seed production farms, seed processing Units, NSC, RSSC, RSSCA and seed testing laboratories.
Technology Management for Livestock Products
Content:Livestock Product and Technology, Present status of livestock products industry in India: Dairy, meat, skin and hides, wool, etc; SWOT analysis of livestock product industry, importance of value addition of livestock products, Concept of organic milk and meat. New techniques of biotechnology for improving food value. Manufacturing technologies: Dairy-Manufacturing technologies of various dairy products and byproduct utilization. Meat- Manufacturingtechnologies of meat and its products, industrial processing and utilization of wool and animal byproducts, valueadded egg product development. Milk and meat processing plant: Layout and designing of milk and meat processing plant, abattoir design, sanitation and basic slaughterhouse practices, Plant Management- Production, planning and control, packaging, preservation and storage system for livestock products; transportation system for domestic markets and international markets. TQM and Marketing of Livestock Products Total quality management in processing Total quality management in processing of milk and its byproduct, meat and byproduct, value added eggduct and wool, Quality control measures during storage transit; extent of losses during storage and transport, management measures to minimize the loss. Marketing livestock products Milk, meat, wool, fish etc and its byproduct, Marketing and distribution system of animal products; National and international specifications and quality standards for various products; environmental and legal issues involved.
Fruit Production and Post-Harvest Management
Content: Fruit Production Introduction: Global and National Status of Horticultural production in India and emerging scenario. Management of horticultural crops: Establishing an orchard, basic cultural practices, regulation of flowering, fruiting and thinning, protection against insectpest, weeds: Maturity indices, Harvesting and its relationship with quality, sorting and grading, pre-harvest crop management practices and their influence on quality during storage and marketing. Post-Harvest Management Post-harvest management in horticulture-procurement: Procurement management, important factors for marketing, standardization and quality control, packaging. Physiology of ripening and senescence. Storage system: on-farm storageevaporatively cooled stores, ventilated storage, pit storage etc. Refrigerated storage refrigeration cycle, controlled/modified atmosphere, hypobaric storage. Post harvest management in horticulture process: Application of growth regulators for quality assurance, post-harvest treatments: pre cooling, heat treatments (hot water, hot air and vapor heat), fungicides & biologically safe chemicals, irradiation, curing, pulsing etc. Packingline operations, packaging of horticultural produce. Transportation rail, road, sea, air. Codex norms for export ofperishables. Development of fruit-based carbonated drinks, development of dehydrated products fromsomeimportant fruits, storage of pulp in pouches, essential oils from fruit waste, dehydrated fruits. Market structure andexport potential of fruits. Marketing of fruits: Problems in marketing of fruits, and government policy; quality standards for domestic and international trade.
Farm Power and Machinery Management
Content: Farm Power And Machinery Farm power and tractors: Farm power in India - sources, IC engines – working principles, two stoke and four stoke engines, IC engine terminology, different systems of IC engine. Tractors – types and utilities. Tillage and Tillage machinery: Tillage – ploughing methods – primary tillage implements – mould board, disc plough and chisel plough – secondary tillage implements –cultivators, harrows and rotovators – wetland equipment – puddlers, tramplers and cage wheels. Sowing, Planting and Intercultural Equipment: Sowing methods – seed drills, seed cum fertilizer drills – Paddy transplanters – nursery requirements – implements for intercultural operations – wet land, dry land and garden land intercultural tools. Plant Protection Gadgets, Harvesting Machinery and Horticulture tools: Plant protection equipment, tools for horticultural crops. Agricultural Equipments Industry and Cost Analysis Of Operations. Agricultural equipments industry: Agricultural equipments production, marketing and constraints; establishment of agricultural engineering enterprises (agro service centers, etc.). Equipment for land development and farm machinery selection: Equipment for land development and soil conservation. Cost analysis of operations: Cost analysis ofoperations using different implements, economic performance of machines, optimization of tractor implements system and transport of farm produce. Cost of operation of farm machinery – Tractor and implement selection.
Food Retail Management
Content: Introduction to Food market: Introduction to International Food market, India’s Competitive Position in World Food Trade, Foreign Investment in Global Food Industry, Retail management and Food Retailing, The Nature of Change in Retailing, Organized Retailing in India, E-tailing and Understanding food preference of Indian Consumer, Food consumption and Expenditure pattern, Demographic and Psychographic factors affecting Food Pattern of Indian Consumer. Value Chain in Food Retailing: Value chain and value additions across the chain in food retail, Principal trends in food wholesaling and retailing, Competition and pricing in food retailing, various retailing formats, the changing nature of food stores, market implications of new retail developments, food service marketing. Retail Marketing Strategy Marketing Mix in Food Retail Management: Merchandise Management, Pricing Strategies used in conventional and non-conventional food retailing, Public distribution system, Promotion mix for food retailing, Management of sales promotion and Publicity, Advertisement Strategies for food retailers & Brand Management in Retailing. Managing Retail Operations: Managing Retailers’ Finances, Merchandise buying and handling, Logistics, procurement of Food products and Handling Transportation of Food Products. Retail Sales Management: Types of Retail Selling, Salesperson selection, Salesperson training, Evaluation and Monitoring, Customer Relationship Management, Managing Human Resources in retailing, Legal and Ethical issues in Retailing.
Management of Agricultrual Input Marketing
Content: Market for agricultural inputs: Nature of demand, promotional media, nature of competition, a framework for understanding the markets for inputs, agronomic potential, agro economic potential, effective demand, actual consumption. Marketing of Agricultural Inputs Marketing of seeds: Government policy, product, trade practices in seed production, seed pricing, input costs, distribution system, management of seed distribution. proper storage of seeds, promotion, problems faced by seed industry, strategy for a seed enterprise, source of seeds, terms of transaction for seed procurements. Marketing of fertilizers: Nature of Indian fertilizer market, product, fertilizer distribution, marketing cost and margins, credit, dealer selection and management, fertilizer promotion and extension, promotional program, advertising in fertilizers, emerging marketing mix in fertilizer, extension strategy for the future, marketing of biofertilizers, strategies for fertilizer marketing. Marketing of pesticides: Market profile, structure of industry, farmer behaviour, problems of farmers in pesticide purchase and usage, marketing mix, bio pesticides market development and promotion activities, problems in marketing of bio pesticides. Integrated pest management. Marketing of tractors: Segments in tractor market, market share, nature of demand, buyer behaviour, role of distribution, promotion, MNC’s. Marketing of credit-Nature of market, market segment, market players, marketing mix, marketing options. Strategies for input marketing-Client and location specific promotion, joint promotion, interdependence of input markets, management of demands, developmental marketing, usp, extension services, ethics in business, sustainability.
Feed Business Management
Content: Introduction Feed resources: Gap between demand and availability of nutrients; status of feed industry in India and world, constraints in the development of Indian feed industry. Nutrients requirements of livestock and poultry: Knowledge about the quality of feed ingredients used in feed manufacturing. Procurement procedure of feed ingredients, scientific storage of feeds and feed ingredients. BIS, CLAFMA and all other commercial standards of all class of livestock and poultry feeds. Feed Preparation and Distribution Feed preparation: Layout and design of feed plants, feed plant management; Basic principles of processing of feeds, Feed preparation for cattle and poultry and as specialty feeds for aqua and pet animals. Importance of mineral mixture: Feed additives, supplements and pass feed, to know the new technology regarding improving the feeding value of poor quality roughages. To acquaint the concept of silage technology, complete feed block technology, hydroponics technology and UMMB technology. Feed Distribution: Distribution channels, regulations relating to manufacture and sale of feed stuffs.
Managmement of Veterinary Hospitals
Content: Veterinary Hospital Administration Needs, aims and objectives: Objectives of Veterinary hospitals; the existing and simulated situations under which veterinary hospitals work or are to work. Designing and planning an ideal hospital: Optimizing the use of resources - human, space, equipment, drugs, time, capital, etc.; Materials management and problems Normal purchase procedure. Receipt; storage and distribution of materials Cost reduction & scientific inventory control. Information system and materials management performance. Equipment maintenance, condemnation & disposal. Authority, responsibility: Accountability of management for optimizing the use of skill, developing and upgrading skills and technology; efficient system of record keeping and accounting; Concept of quality & Total quality management (TQM) Introduction to Veterinary audit, Statistical quality control (SQC), Quality control Circle (QCC). Information System & Quality Control Hospital information system: Hospital information system as an aid to efficient controlling and monitoring; need for financial resources - investment and working capital; Records: Types & Methodology, Reports and Reporting system. Contemporary and need-based methods of accounting; General consideration. Need based information system. Applicability in surveillance & monitoring; planning & policy making; cost control. Quality control system: Economic functions and quality control system; Animal health Economics: An introduction Need for financial resources (type and need). Investment planning and working capital; Budgeting.
Poutlry and Hatchery Management
Content: Introduction to Poultry and Hatchery Industry, Poultry and hatchery Business: Poultry and hatchery industry; Present scenario of Poultry industry, Integration in poultry farming, Scope and future perspective, role of management in poultry industry. Poultry and hatchery unit: Planning and establishing a poultry and hatchery unit- location, size and construction; farm and hatchery equipments and physical facilities; organizing and managing a poultry farm and hatchery. Hatcheries and Risk Management. Incubation and hatching Production of quality chicks and eggs; factors affecting hatchability; bio-securityand hatchery sanitation; handling of hatching eggs; maintaining chick quality-chick grading, sexing, packing, dispatch, transportation and chick delivery. Franchise hatcheries management: Custom hatching; brooding; growing and laying management; crisis management; industrial breeding, feeding, housing and disease management; waste management; Record management; cost accounting and budgetary control. Personal management and insurance: Labour relations including wages and salaries, job evaluation and employee appraisal; marketing management direct sale and sale through franchisees/ agents, advertisement, sale and after sale services, other innovative sales strategies.
Management of Floriculture and Landscaping
Content: Management Of floriculture, Introduction, importance and scope of floriculture industry and landscaping; Recent advances in floriculture industry. Indoor and ornamental plants: Raising of foliage plants in pots, production technology of ornamental plants, commercial cultivation of flower crops (rose, jasmine gladiolus, tuberose, marigold, aster, carnation, gerbera, cilium chrysanthemum; special techniques for forcing of flowers for export. Landscaping and Trading, Introduction: Drying and dehydration of flowers; bonsai; scope of landscaping, response of flowering plants to environmental stresses; Landscape gardening: Styles of gardening; modern and traditional garden planning; Socio-aesthetic planning; use of computers in designing gardens; planning towns. Value Addition in floriculture: Extraction, purification and storage of essential oils and perfumes; post-harvest storage changes; packing techniques of produce harvesting of flowers for export and home use, Export-Import trade in flowers and their specifications along major trading countries.
Risk Management in Agri Business
Content: Risk Management Process. Financial Intermediation, Indian Financial system, Origin and Growth of Banking. RBI and its functions. Principles of Banking, Banking Law and Practice. Nationalization of Banks in India, Deposit Products, Lending Activities, Retail Banking, Wealth Management, Financing SMEs, Corporate Banking, Forex Management, Fee-Based & Subsidiary Services, Plastic Money, Role of Central Banks, Emerging Trends in Banking, Fundamentals of International Banking. Strategic Issues in Bank Marketing, Positioning Bank Services in the Market, New Product Development, Pricing and Launching, New Distribution Channels for Bank Marketing, Communicating and Promoting Bank Services, Improving Quality and Productivity, Customer Relationship Management in Banks, Globalizing Bank Services, Opportunities and Challenges in Bank Marketing. Credit Policy in Banks, Principles of Credit Management, Objectives of Credit Management, Credit Disbursal and Monitoring, Credit Deployment and Types of Borrowers, Follow up and Recovery Management, Treasury Operations, Introduction to Risk Management in Banks, Rural Banking in India, Security Considerations, Control System in Banks, Corporate Governance in Banks, Annual Reports and Statutory Audit. Introduction to Banking Operations and Risk Management. Introduction to Banking Operations, Front Office and Back Office Operations, Operational Controls, Demand Forecasting and Resource Allocation, Policy Framing – Deposits, Advances and Investments, Services Design and Delivery Strategies in Banks, Service Quality Metrics, Work Measurement and Quality Assurance, Payment and Settlement Systems, RTGS and Clearing House, Cash Management Services, Facilities Planning, ERP in Banks, BPR in Banks, IT Enabled Supply Chain Management, Disaster and Recovery Management. Introduction to Risk, Risk Management Essentials, Measurement of Risk, Loss Exposure, Risk Management – Non-insurance Techniques, Introduction to Insurance, Principles of Insurance, Insurance Industry, Insurance Market, Insurance as Risk Management Techniques, Selection and Implementation of Risk Management Techniques.
Management of Agribusiness Cooperatives
Content: Introduction, Cooperative administration: Global perspective, ecology of cooperative administration, cooperative sector and economic development. Cooperative management: Nature, functions and purpose of cooperatives –procurement, storage, processing, marketing, process of cooperative formation, role of leadership in cooperative management. Cooperative Movement and Management. Cooperative Movement: The state and cooperative movement, effects of cooperative law in management, long range planning for cooperative expansion, policy making. Human resource management: Placement and role of board of directors in cooperative management. Overview of agribusiness cooperative: Credit cooperatives, cooperative marketing, dairy cooperative; financing agribusiness cooperative.
Business Analytics for Agriculture
Content: Introduction, Introduction to data science, evolution of data science, work profile of a data scientist, career in data science, nature of data science, typical working day of a data scientist, importance of data science in agribusiness; defining algorithm, big data, business analytics, statistical learning, defining machine learning, defining artificial intelligence, data mining; difference between analysis and analytics, business intelligence and business analytics, typical process of business analytics cycle. Fundamental of Research Fundamentals of R and RStudio, fundamentals of packages of RStudio, data manipulations, data transformations, normalization, standardization, missing values imputation, dummy variables, data visualization (2D and 3D), basic architecture of machine learning analytical cycle, descriptive analytics-case study covering data manipulation, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, measures of distribution, measures of associations, t-test, f-test, ANOVA, Chi-square test, basic statistical modeling framework. Machine and Deep Learning, Supervised machine learning: Basic framework, regression models and classification models. Linear regression, nonlinear regression, multiple regression, polynomial regression, lasso regression, ridge regression, stepwise regression, quantile regression, logistic regression. Supervised machine learning: Linear discriminant analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis, support vector machines, naïve Bayes, nearest neighbors, decision trees, random forest, ensemble methods, k-fold cross validation, X gradient boosting. Unsupervised machine learning—basic framework, concept of clustering, k-means, c-means, hierarchical clustering, hidden markov models, forecasting models (AR, MA, ARMA and ARIMA). Deep learning: Basic framework of neural nets, types of neural nets, computer vision, object detection and localization, gradient descent optimization for loss function, regularization L1 and L2, feed forward neural nets, back propagation, recurrent neural nets, convolutional neural nets, reinforcement neuranet, concurrent net, introduction to IoT. All the illustrations used in the syllabus of Data Science in Agribusiness will be primarily from agribusiness domains and RStudio will be used for practical purposes.
Dairy Business Management
Content: Introduction, Dairy Development in India: Dairy organizations: functioning, Challenges and Opportunities, Anand pattern dairy Cooperatives: features and impact; Public sector dairy schemes, Dairy Development schemes, Dairy problems and policies, National Dairy Plan-I, Rise of Producer Companies. Policy Frameworks in context to dairying. Dairy Plant Management System: Production Planning and control in dairy plants, milk procurement from the rural milk producer, milk processing and products manufacturing. Pricing and marketing of milk and milk products. Survey on milk production potential and marketed surplus of milk for setting up of milk plants, energy utilization, Conventional and nonconventional sources of energy used in dairy sector. Concept of Quality; TQM concept and Kaizen in Dairy Industry, new concepts in quality assurance (HACCP; ISO certification); patent laws, pollution control laws in relation to dairy plants. Guidelines for obtaining ISO/HACCP certification for dairy plants. SQC in dairy operations. Dairy Business Strategy, Marketing Management, Supply Chain and International Trade in Dairy sector: Marketing- mix in relation to dairy sector, marketing environment,. Marketing Opportunities Analysis in Milk and Milk Products: Demand status of Milk and milk products in the country, growth rates, Marketing research and marketing information systems; Market measurement present and future demand; Market forecasting. Market segmentation, Product-mix; Promotion mix decisions. Advertising; Sales Promotion. Food and Dairy Products Marketing, Consumer Buying Behaviour; New product development process Price determination and pricing policy International Marketing; Composition & direction of Indian exports Exports- Direct exports, indirect exports; WTO and its Implications; SPS/ TBT; Supply chain Management in Dairy sector Logistics Management: Primary and Secondary Markets; Distribution channels; chilling points. Strategic, HR Management and Entrepreneurship in Dairy Sector: PESTLE analysis, BCG matrix, Strategic Management in dairy industry, Governance Structure in Dairy Sector, Management control System. Organisational Performance parameters – Quantitative and Financial, Use of Balanced Score card and other strategy control tools. HR management practices in dairy sector, Promotions, transfers employee remuneration and other HR benefits and problems. Motivation, turnover, employee capacity building, Training and orientation etc. social and business economics; industrial relations and human values; labour laws; trade unionism Business Plan Preparation; TIDP plant setting; Compliances Systems in Dairy Industry. Financial Management and Financial Analysis in dairy sector: Nature and uses of financial analysis, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, Activity ratios, Profitability ratios, Utility of Ratio analysis. Sources of long term capital in dairy Industry: Grants from NDDB, Grants from NABARD, Government and Other Schemes, cost of debt, debentures, preference share capital, equity share capital & retained earnings, overall cost of capital. Capital budgeting in dairy Industry. Various techniques: NPV, IRR, etc. Financial Planning and control in dairy Industry: Budgeting process, Problems and practices in Budgeting and evaluation. Cost Volume– Profit analysis and operating leverage, Break-even analysis, Profit analysis and operating analysis, Utility of CVP analysis. Costing in Dairy sector: Costing Techniques and Costing of various dairy products – Milk costing based on Fat and SNF, Ice cream, milk, Paneer, etc. Essentials of sound costing system. Different methods of costing, elements of cost: Labour- recording of time, idle time, methods of remunerating labour, Premium & Bonus Plans, Materials, Overheads.
Dairy Business Management
Content: Introduction, Approaches of Agricultural Extension: A critical analysis of different approaches of agricultural extension. Importance and relevance of indigenous knowledge system, identification and documentation of ITK, Integration of ITK system in research formulation, Concept of Agricultural Knowledge and Information System, Training of Stakeholders of AKIS. Cyber Extension: Concept of cyber extension, national and international cases of extension projects using ICT and their impact of agricultural extension, alternative methods of financing agricultural extension - Scope, limitations and experience and cases. Research -Extension -Farmer - Market linkage: Importance, Scope, Implications etc., Market – Led Extension, Farmer - Led Extension, Concept of Farm Field School, Farm School, Public - Private Partnership: Meaning, Models, Identification of various areas for partnership. Stakeholder’s analysis in Extension. Main streaming gender in Extension - Issues and Prospects. Implications and Contemporary Issues. Implications of WTO: OA for extension services, re-orientation of extension services for agri-business and marketing activities, GOI- NGO collaboration to improve efficiency of extension. Extension and contemporary issues: Extension and issues related to rural poverty. Privatization of Extension. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). Extension Reforms in India –Decentralized decision making, Bottom up planning, Farming System and Situation based Extension Delivery System, Extension delivery through Commodity Interest Groups. Organization innovations in Extension - ATIC, IVLP, Kisan Call Centres.
Renewable Energy Sources Management
Content: Introduction: Concept on alternate and non-conventional energy sources. Biofuels, Geothermal, Ocean, Hydropower, Biogas, Solar and Wind energy. Commercial application: Commercial application of renewable energy sources and its benefits. Government Policy towards promoting renewable energy. Institutional Framework and Types. Institutional Framework: MNRE, CREDA-Renewable Energy Development Authority, State level Renewable Energy Development Agency, Society of Renewable Energy. Devices for renewable energy development: Biogas plant, Wind Mills, Solar Cells – Solar Pumps, Solar Dryers, Solar water heating system, etc.
Quality Management for Agribusiness
Content: Introduction, Basic concepts of quality management: importance of quality and the role of quality assurance in agribusiness. Total Quality Management: TQM and business strategy. Quality control process and its relevance. Quality Grades, Standards And Control. Quality grades and standards: Overview and relevance, benefits to consumers, producers and food processors, food grades and standards for various food commodities; cereals, fruits and vegetables, meats, poultry products. Statistical to quality control: Statistics relevant to quality control, quality control charts used in the food industry, process control to assure food quality, food processing. Food quality standards: Food quality standards and world food trade. HACCP, ISO9000, auditing and certification.
Advertising and Brand Management
Content: Introduction to Advertising Management: Integrated Marketing Communications, Setting Goals and Objectives, How advertising works: Segmentation and Positioning Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of different kinds of promotional campaigns. Message Strategy: Attention and comprehension, Advertising appeals, Associating Feelings with the Brand, Brand Equity, Image and Personality and Group Influence and word of month advertising, Media Planning and Media Strategy, Media Strategy and Tactics, Legal, Ethical and Social concerns of Advertising. Consumer Promotions and Trade Promotions: Their purpose and types How to plan and evaluate a successful promotion, The relationship between advertising and promotions, Introduction to Global Marketing, Advertising and sales promotion. Branding Decision. Major Brand Concepts and branding Decision: Identifying and selecting brand name Building brand personality, image and identity; Brand positioning and re-launch; Brand extension; Brand portfolio; communication for branding Enhancing brand image through sponsorship and even management. Managing Brand Equity and Loyalty: Brand Building in Different Sectors - Customers, industrial, retail and service brands. Building brands through Internet, social Media. Building Indian brands for global markets.
Agri Infrastructure and Waregousing Management
Content: Introduction, Agricultural Infrastructure in India: Incentive schemes, Agri-infra fund, Agri-market Infrastructure, Agri-technological infrastructure fund, Central Government policy on Infrastructure promotion for the development of primary sector such as Irrigation, Watershed development, Rural electrification, Connectivity, Communication and Markets in coordination with the Institutional framework. Warehouse Functions: Meaning of Warehousing - Importance –Functions: Receiving: Logistics support for Inward Transportation, Unloading, Inspection, Acceptance and Recording; Storing: Space allocation, Facilitation to stocking, Guarding &Recording; Risk bearing- Processing- Grading and branding – Disinfecting services -Issuing: Order preparation, Picking, Dispatching/ Delivery & Recording- Handling, Transportation & Storage of ISO Containers– Utility and Advantages of warehouses- Problems and issues in receiving processes. Warehouse Types, Characteristics: Warehouse Types, Characteristics of ideal warehouses- Warehouse Layout-Principles and Facilities- Types, Internal Operations: Measures and metrics of warehouse operations, Logistics in the warehouse- Localization of materials in a warehouse, Identification and classification of Materials and products in the warehouse, Managing the material/products turns in warehouse (FIFO/LIFO) - Problems and issues in shipment processes. Warehousing Equipment, Inventory management. Warehouse Management. IT for Warehouse Management (WM): Warehouse documentationInformation flows in the warehouse- ERP-WMS - Bar code – RFID- Organization Data- Warehouse Structure- Warehouse Master Data - WM Material master viewOrganization Data- Define Warehouse structure, Warehouse number - Storage type- Storage section - Storage Bin - Picking Area -Storage unit – Quantity- Creating Transfer requirement automatically/ manually – Creating Transfer requirement for storage. Agri-warehousing Management in India: Agri-warehousing in India, capacity development and utilisation, Role and significance of Central Warehousing Corporation, State warehousing Corporation, Private sector in Agri-warehousing. Status of Warehousing Industry: Agri-warehousing organisations in India, e-NAM to promote agri-warehouse.
Contract Farming
Content: Introduction, Need for contract farming: objectives and its definition; contract farming framework, contract farming arrangement-centralized model, nucleus estate model, multipartite model, informal model, intermediary model. Project formulation and management: Coordination, crop husbandry, human resource. Advantages of contract farming for farmers and sponsors and the problems faced by them. Policies, Prospects And Global Issues Policies for promoting contract farming: Agreement for contract farmingparties, duration, produce and quality specification, delivery arrangements pricing, insurance, support services, etc.: Prospects of contract farming in India: Prospects of contract farming in India in view of interest for commercialization of agriculture. Active organizations in contract farming and their success stories. Global issues: lobal issues in contract farming, Contract farming and WTO agreement.
Human Resource Competence and Capacity Building Systems
Content: Introduction, Human Resource competence: Concept and rationale; processes, Organization and Management of competence and competency mapping. Competency modelling and assessment: Approaches, tools and techniques, competency based human resource management applications. Capacity Building Competency based training and development: Training methods compared with objectives, learning process and facilities, Developing Group and the Climate: the social process – indicators of group development, the training climate, Trainers And Training Style: Post training support for improved performance at work. Performance Management System: Establishing and operationalising performance management system; measuring performance- results and behaviour; conducting performance review discussions; harnessing performance management system for performance improvement. Capacity building systems in agriculture and agri business: Capacity building of farmers and agri stakeholders through e-learning, knowledge management for agri business.
Agri-Commodity Markets and Futures Trading
Content: Overview of Commodity Market In India. Introduction to commodity derivatives and price risk management in agricultural markets; organizational setup of exchanges and specifications of futures contracts in world’s leading commodity exchanges. Mechanics of Futures Trading. Futures trading; hedging price risk using futures contracts; option transaction andforward transaction – concept and mechanism, price discovery mechanism and market efficiency. Clearing house and margin system; clearing, settlement and delivery of contracts. Market Surveillance and Risk Control. Market surveillance and risk control; trading in warehouse receipts (WRs): WRs and collateralized commodity financing. Regulation of futures and trading practices in leading national and regional exchanges in India.
Strategic Management for Agri Business Enterprises
Content: Overview of Strategic Management. Introduction - Concepts in Strategic Management, Strategic Management Process; Corporate Governance, Social Responsibility and Ethics in strategic management, Environment Scanning and Industry analysis. Strategy Formulation And Choice. Organization appraisal and strategy formulation: organizational dynamics and structuring organizational appraisal, business models and Value chain analysis, Strategy formulation- corporate level strategies and business strategies, Generic Strategies- Types of Strategies, tools and techniques for strategic analysis. Turnaround and Diversification Strategies: Turnaround strategy - Management of Strategic Change, Strategies for Mergers, Acquisitions, Takeovers and Joint Ventures - Diversification Strategy. Strategy Implementation And Control. Strategy implementation and control: aspects, structures, design and change: behavioural implementation-leadership, culture, value and ethics, strategic evaluation and control-an overview and techniques of strategic evaluation and control. Strategic issues in managing technology & innovation, entrepreneurial ventures andsmall businesses, Cases in strategic management.
Operations Management
Content: Introduction to Linear Programming. Linear Programming: Objective, Assumptions, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem, Data Envelopment Analysis, Graphic Method, Simplex method, Introduction to Dynamic Programming, Transportation and Assignment Problems. Inventory Control And Waiting Line Models. Inventory control Models: Costs Involved in Inventory Management, Types of Inventory, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model, Continuous Review (Q) System, Periodic Review (P) System, and Hybrid System. Waiting Line Models: Waiting Line Problem, Characteristics of a WaitingLine System, Single- Channel Model, Multiple-Channel Model, Constant-Service Time Model, Finite Population Model, Sequencing and Replacement models. Decision making Under Risk and Uncertainty. Decision making under Risk and uncertainties, Decision problem, Maximax Criterion, Maximin Criterion, Minimax Regret Criterion, Laplace Criterion, Pay off Tables, Decision Trees, Expected Value of perfect Information, stochastic models, neural networks, Markov process. Game Theory - Two -Person Zero-Sum Game, Simulation, Network analysis– PERT& CPM. Financial Engineering.
Financial Management in Agribusiness
Content: Financial Management In India. Meaning, importance, nature and scope of financing in India, agribusiness financing in India; classification and credit need in changing agriculture scenario; finance functions, investment financing, Risk and return concept & analysis. Business Financing System in India, Money and Capital Markets, Regional and All -India Financial Institutions; venture capital financing and its stages, International financial management. Capital Budgeting. Features, types and Techniques of capital budgeting decision. Cost of Capital, Leverage analysis, Capital structure. Theory and Policy, Sources of Long and Short term finance, Dividend Theory, Dividend Policy. Current Assets Management. Management of Working Capital, Management of Receivables, Management of cash; Cash budget, Management of collections and disbursement, Investment of Surplus cash. Perspectives and operational aspects of Micro finance: Definition, Scope and importance of Micro Finance, Evolution of Micro Finance in India, Micro Finance credit lending models: - Association model, Community Banking model, Credit union model, Co-operative model, SHG model, Village Banking model.
Communication for Management and Business
Content: Introduction to Business Communication.: Communication process, barriers to communication, methods of communication, effective communication, assertive communication, types of organisational communication. Listening skills, active listening, barriers to effective listening, Non Verbal Communication. Reading And Writing Skills. Reading comprehension and techniques, rules of good writing, business letter writing, e-mail writing, crafting messages for electronic media, social media, business blogs, podcasts, employment messages. Oral, Visual Communication and Technical Writing. Visual presentation, oral presentation skills, conducting business meetings, brainstorming sessions and presentations, public speaking skills, Communicating across cultures, Various forms of scientific writings, theses, technical papers, reviews, manuals, research work, various parts of thesis and research communication Title page, authorship, contents, preface, introduction, review of literature, material and methods, experimental results and discussion, Technical Writing Style and Editing, Writing Introductions & Conclusions, Editing and Proof reading, Writing a review article and book summary. Team And Interpersonal Communication Developing interpersonal skills (transactional analysis), Business Etiquettes, essentials of business conversations. Business meeting agenda and minutes, circulars and sales letters, notices, overview of business proposals. Developing self awareness (Johari Window), solving problems analytically andcreatively, introduction to case method of learning, case reading, approaches and analysis.
Research Methodology for Agri Business Management
Content: Overview of Research. Meaning, Course Objective, types, and process of research; research methodology inmanagement- exploratory, descriptive, experimental, diagnostic, Problem formulation, setting of Course Objective, formulation of hypotheses, models, types of models, process of modeling. Scales of measurement - nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio, Likert scale and other scales; Primary and secondary data, sources of data, Questionnaire Designing, instruments of data collection, data editing, classification, coding, validation, tabulation, presentation, analysis, development process of scale, identification of variables, variable measurement, variable standardization and dummy variables. Use of Softwares for Statistical Analysis, introduction to multivariate statistical analysis techniques, Multivariate linearregression models, principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, factor analysis, evaluation matrices and model diagnostics for regression models. Logistic regression, decision trees, cluster analysis, random forest, GARCH, CARTmodels, support vector machines, Forecasting techniques (AR, MA, ARMA and ARIMA models). Introduction to Data Science. Definition, scope and importance, machine learning, types of machine learning, linearand nonlinear models in machine learning, introduction to deep learning, basic differences in machine learning and deep learning, concept of cloud machine learning, Big data analysis.
Computer Applications for Agri Business
Content: Basics Of Computers. Concept of Computers- Brief History of Computers, Generation and Its Evolution, Characteristics of Computers, Main Areas of Computers and their Applications; Classification of Computers, Input-Output Devices, Memory Types (Cache, RAM, ROM), Memory Units, System Software and Application Software, Open source software, introduction tocomputer languages, Introduction to Operating Systems – Functions, Features and Types., MS Windows and LINUX. Data Base Management System, MS Office (MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel, MS-Access and use of various management software Like SPSS, SAS etc. Business Value Of Internet The business value of internet, Intranet, extranet and Internet, Introduction to Web page design using HTML, Cloud Computing, Security and ethical challenges: Computer crime – Hacking, cyber theft, unauthorized use at work. Piracy – software and intellectual property. Health and Social Issues, Ergonomics and cyber terrorism. Management Information System. The concept of MIS–Definition, importance, Course Objective, prerequisites, advantages and challenges; Information Needs of organization, MIS and Decision – Making. Types/Classification of Information System for organizations; Introduction to Artificial Intellignce (AI), Neural Networks, Fuzzy logical control systems. Unit V: e-business/ e-commerce: e-business models, e-commerce processes, electronic paymentsystems, e-commerce trends with special reference to agri business. Applications of MIS in the areas of Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Production/Operations Management, Materials Management, Marketing Management.
Project Management and Agribusiness Entrepreneurship
Content:Concept of Project Management. Concept, characteristics of projects, types of projects, project identification, and Project’s life cycle. Project feasibility- market feasibility, technical feasibili ty, financial feasibility, and economic feasibility, social cost-benefit analysis, project risk analysis. Network Methods: Meaning, Network Analysis, Critical Path Method (CPM), Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Project scheduling and resource allocation. Financial appraisal/evaluation techniques- discounted/nondiscounted cash flows; Net present values, profitability index, Internal rate of returns; Cost benefits ratio; Accounting rate of return, Payback period, Project implementation; Cost overrun, Project control and information system. Introduction to Agri Entrepreneurship. Concept of Agri Entrepreneurship: Objective, Introduction to agri entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development Models, Successful Models in Agro Entrepreneurship Intrapreneur, Development of women entrepreneurship with reference to SHGs, Social entrepreneurship. Creativity, Innovation and Agro Entrepreneur: Inventions and Innovation, The Environment and Process of Creativity, Creativity and the Entrepreneur, Innovative Approaches to Agro Entrepreneurship, Business Incubation, Steps and Procedure to start a new business, Business Opportunities in different field of Agriculture and Allied Sectors.: Support System For Agri Entreprenuership Sources of Financing, Structure and Government Policy Support: Estimating FinancialRequirements, Preparation of Detail Project Report, Project Appraisal, Sources of Long-Term Financing, Working Capital Financing, Venture Capitalist, Finance from Banking Institutions, Industrial Policy Resolutions in India, Incentives and Subsidies, Schemes for Incentives, Government Organisations like SIDO, DIC, KVIC, NSIC, SIDBI, NABARD and their role, Sick Industries and their Up gradation policy measures.
Agribusiness Environment and Policy
Content:: Agribusiness in India. Role of agriculture in Indian economy; Problems of agriculture in India; Agribusiness–definition and nature, Structure of Agriculture and linkages among sub-sectors of the agribusiness. Economic Reforms Affecting Agri Business. Economic reforms: liberalization, privatization and globalization specifically affecting Agri Business; WTO Agreement on Agriculture and its compliances; changes in policies and regulations related to the sub sectors of agribusiness and its impact on agribusiness in India. Emerging Trends in Agri Business. Emerging trends in farm supplies, farm production, agricultural finance, agroprocessing, international trade etc.; reforms in agri output markets: private markets, contract farming, futures trading in agri commodities and e-NAM, etc. Pricing of agricultural outputs, public distribution system, imports and exports. Importance of food safety and quality management in agri business; Environmental issues and including carbon markets and Clean Development Management etc. Other major issues: Intellectual property rights, importance of cooperative or collectiveeactions in present scenario with examples of mergers and acquisitions, Farmers Producer Organisations, etc.
Agri Business Laws and Ethics
Content: Indian Legal System, Introduction to Indian legal system, The Indian Contract Act-1872: Contract meaning, types of contract, essentials of a valid contract, offer and acceptance, capacity to contract, free consent, performance of contract. Law of Negotiable Instruments: Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Bank Drafts, Endorsements, Law of Sale of Goods, Sales of Goods Act-1930-: Sale and agreement to sale, types of goods, Transfer of property in goods, mode of delivery of goods, performance of contract of sales, rights of an unpaid seller. Companies Act-1956: incorporation, commencement of business, types of companies, management of company, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, prospectus, winding of companies. Regulatory Environment For Agri Business Essential Commodities Act, Consumer Protection Act, RTI Act, MRTP Act- majorprovisions and implications. Competition Act-2002, Regulatory environment for International Business. Business Ethics, Nature and importance of ethics and moral standards; corporations and social responsibilities, scope and purpose of business ethics; Ethics in business functional areas; industrial espionage; solving ethical problems; governance mechanism. implementing business ethics in a global economy.