M. V. Sc. Animal Production Sciences

Animal Genetics and Breeding

  1. Animal Cytogenetics and Immunogenetics I
  2. Molecular Genetics I
  3. Population and Quantitative Genetics
  4. Selection Method and Breeding System
  5. Biometrical Genetics I
  6. Conservation of Animal Genetics Resources
  7. Cattle and Buffalo Breeding
  8. Sheep and Goat Breeding
  9. Poultry Breeding
  10. Laboratory Animal and Rabbit Breeding
  11. Swine Breeding
  12. Pet Animal Breeding (Dogs and Cats)
  13. Wild Animal Genetics and Breeding
  14. Equine Breeding
  15. Camel Breeding
  16. Yak and Mithun Breeding
  17. Statistical Methods in Animal Breeding

Animal Nutrition

  1. Nutritional Biochemistry
  2. Energy and Protein Nutrition
  3. Minerals and Vitamin Nutrition and Feed Additives
  4. Feed and Fodder Technology
  5. Ruminant Nutrition
  6. Non-Ruminant Nutrition
  7. Research Methodology in Animal Nutrition
  8. Companion Animal Nutrition
  9. Nutrition of Laboratory, Wild and Zoo Animals
  10. Non-Conventional Feed Resources
  11. Introductory Clinical Nutrition
  12. Rumen Biotechnology

Livestock Production and Management

  1. Cattle and Buffalo Production Management
  2. Sheep and Goat Production Management
  3. Swine Production Management
  4. Climatology and Livestock Production
  5. Behaviour and Welfare of Farm Animals
  6. Equine Production Management
  7. Companion Animal Production Management
  8. Farm Hygiene and Waste Management
  9. Integrated Livestock Farming Systems
  10. Management and Conservation of Wild and Zoo Animals
  11. Laboratory Animal Production Management
  12. Livestock Business Management
  13. Livestock Farm Machinery Management
  14. Poultry Farm and Hatchery Management
  15. Regional Animal Production Management

Livestock Products Technology

  1. Abattoir Practices and Meat Plant Operations
  2. Fresh Meat Technology
  3. Processing and Preservation of Meat
  4. Processing of Milk and Milk Products
  5. Packaging and Marketing of Livestock Products
  6. Microbiology and Quality Control of Livestock Products
  7. Slaughterhouse By-products Technology
  8. In-Plant Training
  9. Egg and Egg Products Technology
  10. Market Milk Processing and Dairy Plant Practices
  11. Processing and Marketing of Wool
  12. Biotechnology of Foods of Animal Origin
  13. Fish and Fish Products Technology

Poultry Science

  1. Poultry Breeding and Genetics
  2. Poultry Nutrition and Feeding
  3. Commercial Layer and Broiler Management
  4. Breeder Stock and Hatchery Management
  5. Poultry Health and Biosecurity
  6. Management of Other Avian Species
  7. Poultry Products Technology
  8. Poultry Economics, Project Formulation and Marketing
  9. Physiology of Poultry Production
  10. Commercial Poultry Nutrition
  11. Poultry Welfare and Waste Management

Animal Genetics and Breeding

  1. Animal Cytogenetics and Immunogenetics I

Content: Physical and chemical basis of heredity; Development in animal cytogenetics and immunogenetics of farm animals; Inborn errors of metabolism and inherited disorders; immunoglobulin and their types; Antigen-antibody interactions; Immune response; ELISA. Unit Chromatin structure of eukaryotes; Chromosome number and morphology in farm animals; Karyotyping and banding; Chromosomal abnormalities and genetic syndromes; DNA packing in chromosomes; Types of DNA; FISH chromosome painting and PRINS; SCH and RH panel mapping. Genetic variants in blood group systems of farm animals; Major histocompatibility complex: BoLA, BuLA; Genetics of biochemical variants and their applications; Immune response genes and concepts of disease resistance including major genes; Hybridoma and its significance; Concept of immunofertility; TLRs and interleukins. Mutation and assays of mutagenesis; Sister chromatid exchanges.

Practical: Identification of Barr bodies; In-vitro and in vivo preparation of somatic metaphase chromosomes; Screening of chromosomal abnormalities; Microphotography and karyotyping; Banding procedures for comparing the chromosomal complement; FISH and PRINS; ELISA; Immunocompetence tests.

  1. Molecular Genetics in Animal Breeding

Content: Basic concepts in molecular genetics; Concepts of proteomics and genomics; Genesis and importance of molecular techniques; Genome organization: physical and genetic map, current status of genome maps of livestock; Gene expression and control. Molecular markers and their applications; RFLP, RAPD, Microsatellite/ Minisatellite markers, SNP marker, DNA fingerprinting. DNA sequencing; Genome sequencing; Genomic Library; Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and its types (PCR-RFLP, AS-PCR, etc.) and applications; Transgenesis and methods of gene transfer; Recombinant DNA technology and applications. Analysis of molecular genetic data; Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping and its application in animal breeding: Genome scan, candidate gene approach.

Practical: Extraction and purification of genomic DNA; Gel electrophoresis; Restriction enzyme digestion of DNA and analysis; PCR-RFLP; PCR-SSCP; Bioinformatics tool for DNA sequence analysis; Isolation of RNA; cDNA synthesis; Statistical methods for analyzing molecular genetic data

  1. Population and Quantitative Genetics II

Content: Genetic structure of population; Hardy Weinberg Law; Idealized population; Factors affecting changes in gene and genotypic frequencies; Systematic processes; Approach to equilibrium under different situations: Single autosomal locus with two alleles, single sex-linked locus, two pairs of autosomal linked and unlinked loci; Linkage equilibrium and disequilibrium; Combined effect of all forces changing gene frequency. Dispersive process - small population: random genetic drift; Effective population size; Regular and irregular inbreeding systems; Founder effect and bottleneck; Effective number of founders and ancestors. Quantitative genetics: Gene effects, population mean, breeding value; Variance and its partitioning; Genotype-environment interaction and correlation; Resemblance between relatives. Genetic and phenotypic parameters (heritability, repeatability, correlations): Methods of estimation, uses, possible biases, precision, optimal designs; Scale effects and threshold traits.

Practical: Estimation of gene and genotypic frequencies under different conditions; Estimation of inbreeding in regular and irregular systems; Estimation of effective population size; Computation of quantitative genetic effects; Estimation of variance components; Computation of heritability, repeatability, genetic, phenotypic and environmental correlations and their standard errors.

  1. Selection Method and Breeding System II

Content: Types of selection and their genetic consequences; Response to selection: Prediction and improvement. Theoretical aspects of accuracy and efficiency of selection bases; Prediction of breeding value using different criteria; Combined selection; Correlated response and efficiency of indirect selection. Selection for several traits; Different types of selection indices; Evaluation of shortterm and long term selection experiments: bidirectional selection, asymmetry of response, selection limit. Different mating systems: assortative mating, inbreeding, out-breeding; Genetic and phenotypic consequences and applications of various mating systems in animal improvement; Heterosis; Selection for general and specific combining abilities; Genetic polymorphism and its application in genetic improvement: Basic concepts of marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genomic selection.

Practical: Prediction of direct and correlated response; Computation of realized heritability and genetic correlation; Computation of selection index; Estimation of breeding values from different sources of information; Determining the accuracy of selection; Estimation of heterosis for different types of crosses; Estimation of GCA and SCA.

  1. Biometrical Genetics I

Content: Nature and structure of animal breeding data; Source of variation; Adjustment of data; Outliers and their removal; Basic concepts in statistical inference and experimental designs. Introduction to matrix algebra; Types of matrices and their operations; Determinants and their properties; Matrix inversion and its applications. Multiple regression and correlations; Fisher’s discriminant function and its application; D2 statistics in divergent analysis; Cluster analysis; Fixation index; Genetic distance estimation and phylogeny construction; Linear models and their types; Least-squares (LS) analysis; Generalized LS and weighted LS; BLUE, BLUP; Methods of estimation of variance components: ANOVA, ML, REML, MINQUE, MIVQUE; Bayesian approach. Animal model; Reduced animal model; Sire model; Maternal grandsire model; Maternal effects model; Repeatability model; Random regression model; Threshold model; Multidimensional scaling (MDS) and principal component analysis (PCA); Database management and use of software in animal breeding.

Practical: Collection, compilation, coding and transformation of animal breeding data; Matrix applications, determinant and inverse of matrices; Building of models for various types of data; Least-squares analysis of data; Estimation of BLUE and BLUP solutions; Formation of numerator relationship, dominance and identical by descent matrix; Estimation of variance components.

  1. Conservation of Animal Genetics Resources

Content: Domestic animal diversity in India: Origin, history and utilization; Present status and flow of AnGR and its contribution to livelihood security; Methodology for phenotypic and genotypic characterization of livestock and poultry breeds through systematic surveys; Management of breed; Physical, biochemical and performance traits and uniqueness of animals of a breed; Social, cultural and economic aspects of their owners/ communities rearing the breed. Methods for increasing effective population size of endangered breed/ species: Effective number of alleles, inbreeding effective size, variance effective size, minimum viable population size; Methodology for characterization of AnGR; nuDNA and mtDNA based diversity analysis and relationship among the breeds; Concept of conservation: In-situ and ex-situ (in-vivo and in-vitro); Models of conservation; Prioritization of breeds for conservation; Strategies for conservation of livestock and poultry genetics resources; Gene bank concept; Preservation of ecosystem. Status, opportunities and challenges in the conservation of AnGR; IPR issues on animal genetic resources/ animal products or by-products; Registration of livestock breeds and protection of livestock owner’s rights in India; Breed societies and their role in conservation.

  1. Cattle and Buffalo Breeding

Content: History of dairy cattle and buffalo breeding; Evolution of cattle and buffalo breeds and their characteristics; Population dynamics and production systems; Inheritance of important economic traits; Recording and handling of breeding data; Standardization of records; Computation of correction factors for the adjustment of the data; International Committee on Animal Recording (ICAR) and INAPH. Progeny testing under farm and field conditions; Evaluation of bulls by different models; Estimation of breeding values of the cows; Nucleus breeding system; Markerassisted selection and genomic selection. Crossbreeding in cattle in India and abroad; Development of new breeds; Conservation of threatened breeds of cattle and buffaloes; Role of breed associations in dairy improvement; Breeding policy: national and state. Import of exotic germplasm for breeding cattle in the tropics; Appraisal of buffalo and cattle breeding programme; Role of breed associations in dairy improvement.

Practical: Performance recording; Standardization of records; Estimation of economic traits; Computation of genetic parameters; Genetic gain; Sire evaluation methods; Estimation of heterosis; Culling and replacement.

  1. Sheep and Goat Breeding

Content: Breeds; Economic traits; Population dynamics and production systems; Prolificacy; Breeding records and standardization; Computation of correction factors. Genetic parameters; Selection of males and female; Selection indices for sheep and goat; Breeding systems; Breeding strategies for improvement of production (meat, milk and wool) and reproduction (fertility and fecundity); Inbreeding and its effects on production traits; Group breeding schemes; Development of new breeds; Strategies for introgression of genes (fecundity and growth). Breeding policy; Sheep and goat improvement programme in India; Conservation of breeds; Culling and replacement; Equivalent Animal Death Rate (EADR).

  1. Poultry Breeding

Content: Origin and history of poultry species: Chicken, turkey, duck and quail; Poultry classes and breeds; Important qualitative traits in poultry including lethal; Economic traits of egg and meat-type chicken and their standardization; Different mating systems. Selection criteria and selection indices; Response to selection; Genetic controls; Genotype and environment interaction; Inbreeding and its effects on production traits in egg and meat-type chickens; Development of inbred lines and strains; Strain and line crosses; Introduction to diallel cross; Utilisation of heterosis and reciprocal effect; Recurrent selection, reciprocal recurrent selection and modified RRS; Specialized sire and dam lines; Genetic improvement programs in poultry; Selection strategies for the improvement of layers and broilers; Performance testing of commercial strains; Backyard poultry. Industrial breeding; Artificial insemination in chicken; Auto-sexing; Random Sample Test. Biochemical variants and immunogenetics of poultry; Use of molecular genetics in poultry breeding; Quantitative trait loci; Marker-assisted selection and genomic selection; Conservation of poultry genetic resources.

Practical: Inheritance of qualitative traits; Economic traits of egg-type and meat-type chicken; Procedures of standardization; Estimations of heritability, the correlation between various production traits; Inbreeding co-efficient and heterosis; Selection of sires and dams; Osborne index; Restricted selection index; Collection and evaluation of semen and insemination; Estimation of GCA and SCA.

  1. Laboratory Animal and Rabbit Breeding

Content: Introduction to laboratory animal genetics; Breeding colonies of mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits and their maintenance; Use of primates in animal research. Selection methods and mating systems: Monogamous, polygamous and others. Development of genetically controlled laboratory animals; Rules for nomenclature: Inbred strains, outbred stocks, mutant stocks, recombinant inbred strains, transgenic strains; Gene targeting and production of ‘gene knock-out’ animals; Production and use of specific pathogen-free animals; Guidelines and SOPs for the establishment of lab animal house; Genetic control and monitoring; Record-keeping; Ethics of laboratory animal research: FELASA, CPCSEA and IAEA regulations. Rabbit production and management systems; Rabbit breeds for meat and wool; Economic traits and their inheritance; Breeding records and standardisation; Selection methods and breeding systems.

  1. Swine Breeding

Content: History and development of swine industry; Different breeds of pigs; Economic traits; Breeding records and standardization; Computation of correction factors; Culling and replacement; Equivalent Animal Death Rate (EADR). Genetic parameters; Bases and methods of selection; Selection of boars and sows; Breeding systems; Breeding strategies for improvement of indigenous and pure exotic breeds; Inbreeding and its effects on performance traits; Exploitation of heterosis; Development of synthetic varieties/ breeds. Swine breeding policy; National swine improvement programme; Conservation of breeds.

  1. Pet Animal Breeding (Dogs and Cats)

Content: Breeds of dogs: Classification of breeds, important Indian and exotic breeds; Pedigree breeding and maintenance of breeding records; Kennel Club; Breed associations; Breeding management of dog. Breeds of cats: Classification of breeds, important Indian and exotic breeds; Pedigree breeding and maintenance of breeding records; Breeding management of cat.

  1. Wild Animal Genetics and Breeding

Content: Wildlife biodiversity of India; Adaptation and natural selection; Species and speciation; Population dynamics; Variation; Loss of genetic variation; HardyWeinberg equilibrium. Inbreeding: Inbreeding depression, effective population size, demographic bottleneck; Genetic considerations in the translocation of wild animals; Wild animal breeding in nature and captivity; Captive breeding projects and principles; Concept of landscape genetics. Conservation of wild animals; Cryopreservation of semen and embryos of endangered species; Frozen zoo concept; Genetic markers; Application of molecular and cytogenetic techniques in wildlife breeding; Genetic defects in wild animals; Wildlife Protection Act.

  1. Equine Breeding

Content: Equine population in India; Domestic diversity, its origin, history and utilization; Breeds of native and exotic horses; Types and classes of light and work-horses. Cytogenetics of horses and donkeys; Breeding of horses and donkeys and production of mules; Foaling and care of foal; Important quantitative and qualitative traits and their inheritance; Recording and handling of breeding data; Standardization of records. Stallion and mare complementation; Judging criteria for elite animals; Conservation strategies; Selecting the mare and the stallion for breeding; Ongoing breed improvement programmes; Biotechnology in equine breeding programmes.

  1. Camel Breeding

Content: Population dynamics and economic importance; Breeds of the camel; Production systems and herd structure; Inheritance of important economic traits; Recording and handling of breeding data; Standardization of records; Cytogenetics of the camel; Behaviour and breeding management. Judging criteria for elite animals; Selection of breeding stock; Breeding seasons; Methods for detection of heat; Natural service and artificial insemination; Breed improvement programmes. Conservation strategies; Immune status of camel; Molecular genetics in camel breeding.

  1. Yak and Mithun Breeding

Content: Population dynamics and economic importance; Breeds/ types of yak and mithun; Production systems; Inheritance of important economic traits; Recording and handling of breeding data; Standardization of records; Cytogenetics of yak and mithun; Behaviour and breeding management. Judging criteria for elite animals; Selection of breeding stock; Breeding seasons; Methods for detection of heat; Natural service and artificial insemination; Breed improvement. Programmes. Conservation strategies; Molecular genetics in yak and mithun breeding.

  1. Statistical Methods in Animal Breeding

Content: Measures of central tendency; Measures of dispersion; Correlation and regression; Probability; Theory of distributions; Transformation of data; Sampling: Theory, need and properties; Estimators: Concept, standard error and importance. Basics of statistical inferences; Parametric tests: Z, t and F distribution; Nonparametric test: c2 sign test, run test and rank test; Confidence interval. Analysis of variance: One and two way; Experimental designs: CRD, RBD and LSD; Missing plot techniques; Analysis of covariance.

Practical: Measures of central tendency; Measures of dispersion; Correlation and regression; Transformation of data; Probability; Z, t, F and c2 tests; CRD, RBD and LSD; Analysis of covariance.

Animal Nutrition

  1. Nutritional Biochemistry

Content: Classification of carbohydrates and their functions. Digestion and metabolism of carbohydrate in ruminants and non-ruminants. Carbohydrate synthesis. Classification and properties of fats and their functions. Digestion and metabolism of fat in ruminants and non-ruminants. Fat synthesis. Classification, structure, properties and function of proteins, amino acids and nucleic acids. Digestion and metabolism of proteins and other nitrogenous compounds in ruminants and non-ruminants. Protein synthesis. Control of metabolism

  1. Energy and Protein Nutrition

Content: Measures of feed energy. Partitioning of feed energy. Energy balance, Fasting catabolism. Direct and indirect calorimetry. Efficiency of energy and protein utilization. Rumen degradable protein (RDP), and rumen undegradable protein (UDP) and fermentation kinetics. Protein turnover. Quantification of microbial protein synthesis. Protein quality determination in ruminants and monogastrics. Supplementary value of amino acids. NPN metabolism, urea fermentation potential and metabolizable protein. Amino acids imbalance, antagonism and toxicity. Feeding standards: comparative appraisal and limitations. Determination of energy and protein requirements. Nutrients metabolism with special reference to milk, meat and wool production. Energy and protein requirement for maintenance, growth, pregnancy and lactation in farm animals.

  1. Minerals and Vitamin Nutrition and Feed Additives

Content: General role of minerals, factors affecting mineral requirements. Macro-minerals and micro-minerals, their, distribution, metabolism, physiological functions, deficiencies and excesses, and sources and requirements. Probable essential minerals. Mineral interactions. Chelated minerals and concept of nano-minerals. Bioavailability studies in minerals. Impact of minerals on reproduction, fertility, and immunity. Soil-plant-animal-human relationship, development of area-specific minerals. Toxic minerals; their role in health and production of farm animals. Newly recognized trace minerals. Definition, history, classification, chemistry, functions, deficiencies and excesses, requirements and sources of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Role of vitamins in energy metabolism. Vitamin-mineral interrelationship. Vitamin toxicosis. Role of vitamins in reproduction, fertility and immunity. Feed additives and nutraceuticals. Probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics; eubiotics. Feed enzymes. Phytochemical feed additives; polyphenols and essential oils; organic acids and acidifiers.

Practical: General principles of mineral estimation. Sampling and processing techniques. Use of atomic absorption spectrometry and ICP in mineral estimation. Estimation of macro- and micro-minerals. Formulation of mineral mixture for various species. Estimation of some important vitamins (vitamin A, E and C). Purified diets for mineral and vitamin studies. Calculation of mineral and vitamin requirements.

  1. Feed and Fodder Technology

Content: Various feed mill equipment and their handling; layout and operations in feed mill (small, medium and large feed plants); automated feed mill: merits and demerits. Procurement of feed ingredients: specification and guidelines. Quality control of feed ingredients and finished feeds. BIS standard. Principles and process of material handling, weighing, grinding, mixing, pelleting, packaging and other major processing operations. Crumbling, flaking, popping and extrusion. Premixes. Codex Alimentarius, HACCP. Feed and fodder processing and preservation techniques. Densification, chemical and biological treatment of feeds/ fodders. Fodder conservation through hay and silages; Microbiological evaluation of processed and preserved feeds; Effect of preservation on the nutritional value of feed. Feed storage and godown management; goods sanitation and hygiene of go-down. Traditional and modern farm-level storage structures. Factors affecting feedstuffs during storage. Liquid feed ingredients. Storage losses; insect pests and rodents control measures; Mycotoxins in feedstuffs and its control measures.

Practical: Quality control and inspection of feed materials. Qualitative tests for adulterants urea, urease, thiram. Identification of insect pests and fungi in stored products. Feed microscopy. Formulation and preparation premixes. Quality evaluation of silage and hay, Laboratory preparation of silage. Visit to feed plant: Hands-on training on preparation of feed and mineral mixture. Preparation of project report on plant layout and design, problems related to feasibility, record-keeping in different sections of a feed mill.

  1. Ruminant Nutrition

Content: Functional anatomy of the digestive system of ruminants. Introduction to rumen microflora and fauna. Development of rumen. Feeds and fodders for ruminant feeding. Water requirements. Nutrient requirements and feeding of calves, heifers, dry, pregnant and lactating cows, buffaloes, sheep and goat. Peculiarities of digestive physiology, nutrition and feeding management of camels. Voluntary feed intake. Determination of digestibility, factors affecting digestibility. Manipulation of rumen fermentation. Concept of complete feed and total mixed ration. Precision feeding. Phase feeding. Limiting nutrients and strategic feeding of high yielding ruminants. Concept of bypass nutrients and their impact on production, reproduction and immune status. Nutritional approaches for increasing the functional properties of milk: role of CLA, omega fatty acids. Different systems of feeding buffalo for beef production. Feeding during stress and natural calamities. Feeding management of migratory/ nomadic small ruminants.

Practical: Design and planning of feeding experiments. Identification of feed and fodder based on its composition. Ration formulation for large and small ruminants for different physiological stages. Estimation of digestibility and nutritive value of feeds and fodders by metabolism trial in dairy cattle. Determination of nutritive value of pastures by the use of range techniques. Collection and processing of rumen liquor. Estimation of rumen metabolic profile (pH, ammonia, lactate, and TVFA, etc.). Estimation of purine derivatives.

  1. Non-Ruminant Nutrition

Content: Feeding of poultry for meat and egg production. Ideal protein concept. Standard ileal digestible amino acids. Nutrient requirements for broilers and layers. Feeding of breeder hens; nutritional factors affecting hatchability. Feeding systems for poultry. Feed additives for poultry. Nutritional approaches for designer egg and meat production. Nutritional disorders in poultry and the role of nutrition in diseases prevention. Water intake and quality in poultry production. Nutrition and feeding of swine in different stages of growth and production. Nutritional factors affecting the quality of the products: lean meat production. Water intake and quality in pig production. Feeding of equines. Feeding of rabbits. Hindgut fermentation and its importance. Nutrient requirements of equines. Special features of equine feeding management. Nutritional management of colic and other health disorders. Nutrient requirements of rabbits for wool and meat production. Nutrition-related disorders in rabbits.

Practical: Design and planning for poultry and swine feeding experiments. Calculation of nutrient requirements for broilers and layers. Formulation and compounding of general and least-cost rations, determination of the nutritive value of poultry and swine feeds by balance experiments. Formulation of rations for horses and rabbits. Visit poultry and piggery units, feed and fodder stores. Calculation of different measures of protein quality.

  1. Research Methodology in Animal Nutrition

Practical: Principles of animal experimentation. Common statistical tools for nutritional research. Preparation of standard solutions. Proximate analysis of feeds and fodders. Cellwall partitioning using Van Soest methods. Markers in digestibility determination. In-vitro/ in sacco determination of digestibility and digestion kinetics. Determination of energy content of feed, faeces and urine using bomb calorimeter. Determination of blood metabolic profile. Introduction and principles of GC, HPLC, AAS, ICP, tracer technique, flame photometer, NIR, SF6, rumen-simulation technique, and amino acid analyzer.

  1. Companion Animal Nutrition

Content: Philosophy of companion animal nutrition. Digestion and absorption of nutrients in dogs and cats. Nutrient requirements for dogs and cats during different life stages: energy, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Critical nutrients for cats. Common feed ingredients and supplements for pets. Homemade diets. Commercial pet foods: types and nutritional profile. Processing techniques in pet food manufacturing. Pet food evaluation and quality control. Feeding management for dogs and cats of different age groups, viz., pregnancy, lactation, neonatal puppies and kitten, growth, adult maintenance, stress and geriatrics including feeding behaviour. Water requirements. Deficiencies and excesses of nutrients. Nutritionally responsive disorders: inherited disorders of nutrient metabolism, diabetes mellitus, obesity, urinary tract health and kidney diseases. Parenteral nutrition for hospitalized pets.

  1. Nutrition of Laboratory, Wild and Zoo Animals

Content: Digestive structure and functions of laboratory animals: rats, mice, and guinea pigs. Nutritional requirements of various species of laboratory animals. Feeding of laboratory animals. Concept of purified diets in laboratory animals. Nutrition of non-human primates. Natural dietary habits of zoo animals. Feeding schedules of various classes captive and zoo animals and birds. Feeding orphan and neonates. Role of nutrition in the management of health disorders in zoo animals. Feeding of sick and old animals: parenteral nutrition. Feeding habits, and behaviour of wild animals. General aspects of digestive physiology of herbivores and carnivores. Nutrition of semi-wild animals like mithun and yak. Nutritive characteristics of forages for wild animals. Adequacy of forage plants for wild and zoo animals.

Practical: Formulation and preparation of hygienic, balanced diets and feeding of laboratory animals. Characteristics of ration formulation and feeding schedules wild and zoo animals. Visit zoological parks and wildlife sanctuary, and collection of information on the feeding schedule of different categories of captive animals.

  1. Non-Conventional Feed Resources

Content: Present and future feed requirements and current availability for livestock and poultry. Use of non-conventional feeds; By-products of agricultural, industrial, food processing units and forest by-products. Slaughterhouse by-products, aquatic weeds. Permissible levels of inclusion of various non-conventional feeds in the ration of different kinds of livestock. Formulation of economical rations using the nonconventional feed. Classification of toxic principles in animal feedstuffs. Chemico-physical properties of various anti-nutritional factors (ANFs). Rumen microbial adaptation to various ANFs. Effect of anti-nutritional factors on health and production indifferent species of livestock. Detoxification of toxin principles by various physical, chemical and biological techniques. Insecticide and pesticide residues, heavy metals residues in feeds and fodders.

Practical: Qualitative methods for the presence/ detection of ANFs in feedstuffs. Estimation of mycotoxins in various feeds and fodders. Estimation nitrates, HCN, oxalates, protease inhibitors, tannins, saponins, gossypol, mimosine and heavy metals.

  1. Introductory Clinical Nutrition

Content: Metabolic disorders and peri-parturient diseases: milk fever, ketosis, downer cow syndrome, retained placenta, sub-acute ruminal acidosis, laminitis, abomasal displacement, mastitis. Nutrient parasite interaction. Enterotoxaemia. Nutritional amelioration of biotic and abiotic stress: heat and cold stress, transportation stress. Potential plant toxicity to grazing animals. Toxicity of grazing animals: signs of poisoning. Nitrite poisoning, toxic effects of goitrogens, glucosinolates. Nutritional management of reproductive disorders.

  1. Rumen Biotechnology

Content: Rumen ecology. Manipulation of rumen fermentation for better utilization of fibrous feeds and reduction in methane production. Biotechnological applications for lignin degradation. Role of feed additives, chemicals, antibiotics and probiotics and their effect on rumen metabolism. Degradation of anti-nutritional factors in the rumen. Genetic manipulation, DNA recombinant technology for improvement in rumen fermentation. Factors influencing the fate of introduced microbes. Metagenomics for microbial diversity: concept and application.

Livestock Production and Management

  1. Cattle and Buffalo Production Management

Content: Development of dairy industry in India and the world. Present status and future prospects of dairying in India and the world. SWOT analysis of the dairy sector in different agro-climatic zones. Production systems in vogue under Indian conditions. Breeds of cattle and buffalo with more emphasis on breeds of economic importance. Housing/ Shelter management. Housing and equipment requirements for different classes of cattle and buffaloes. Layout plans and construction details for different sized farms in different climatic zones of India. Ventilation and lighting systems in dairy farms. Feed and fodder resources used for feeding cattle and buffaloes. Scientific technique and regimen of feeding and watering of different categories of cattle and buffaloes. Feed and fodder requirements of different categories of cattle and buffaloes. Supply of green fodder round the year. Enrichment of poor quality roughages. Nonconventional feeding resources. Pasture management. Traits of economic importance and their inter-relationships. Selection and methods of breeding. Reproduction management - Pre-natal and post-natal care and management of dams. Care of neonates and young calves. Management strategies for reducing mortality in calves, optimizing age at first calving and calving interval. Improving breeding efficiency of dairy animals. Farm management - Routine management practices and farm labour management. Milking management - Machine milking and hand milking. Clean milk productionTechniques of harvesting clean milk, cooling and transportation. Different lawsand practices governing the dairy sector to produce quality products on par with international standards. Health management of dairy animals. Summer and winter management of dairy animals. Draughtability and management of draught animals.

Practical: Visits to different sized dairy farms and assessment of routine managemental practices. Analysis of various farm records for economic evaluation. Computation of practical and economical rations. Layout plans and housing details. Housing, milking, calf, heifer and adult management. Dairy Cattle and Buffalo judging and body condition scoring (BCS). Project preparation for commercial farms.

  1. Sheep and Goat Production Management

Content: Population structure and importance. Sheep farming under different systems of management. Advantages and limitations of sheep and goat farming. Genetic resources of sheep and goats with special emphasis on breeds of economic importance. Shelter management. Housing and equipment requirements for different classes of sheep and goats. Designing feeders and waterers. Layout plans and construction details for different size farms in different agro-climatic zones of India. Feed and fodder resources for small ruminants. Common property resources (CPR’s) and their management. Principles and systems of feeding and watering different categories of sheep and goat. Pasture utilization and improvement. Breeding Management, Traits of economic importance and their inter-relationship. Breeding seasons. Selection of breeding animals. Methods of detection of heat, use of teaser, flushing, tupping. Estrous synchronization, Natural Service, artificial insemination and off-season breeding in small ruminants. Care and management of pregnant animals and breeding stock. Culling. Disease Management. Prevention and control measures including vaccination, deworming, dipping and spraying, etc. Transportation of small ruminants. Meat, Methods of slaughter, dressing percentage. Wool: Shearing methods. Importance of wool, wool quality. Goat fibers: mohair, pashmina - Marketing of goat fibers/ wool. Milk, Milking, avoidance of goaty odour in milk, clean milk production and its therapeutic uses.

Practical: Visits to modern sheep and goat farms and critical analysis of various managerial practices under different conditions. Study of practical housing management. Diseases control management. Shearing management. Record keeping and economics of sheep and goat farming for mutton/ chevon, wool/ fibre and milk. Preparation of project for commercial farming. Daily and periodical farm operations. Dipping and vaccination.

  1. Swine Production Management

Content: Population dynamic, Economic contribution of pigs, Advantages and limitations of swine rearing, Systems of management. Breeds of economic importance. Housing and rearing systems. Housing and equipment requirements for different classes of swine, layout plans and construction for different sized farms. Feeding principles and nutritional requirement of different classes of swine. Feeding schedule for different classes of swine. Traditional and scientific methods of swine feeding. Traits of economic importance and their interrelationship. Selection of breeding stock. Reproductive parameters of swine. Methods for detection of heat. Mating systems. Care and management of pregnant sows, piglets, growers and boar. Summer management in swine. Health Management, Prevention and control measures including sanitation, vaccination, deworming, etc. Piglet anaemia and its management. Methods of slaughter, dressing percentage, Methods of marketing and transportation. Use of by-products from the swine industry.

Practical: Visit modern piggeries and critical analysis of various types of managemental practices. Practical feeding and breeding management, disease control measures, Judging. Record-keeping. Economics of pig production. Formulation of economic rations for different classes of swine. Project formulation of commercial swine production.

  1. Climatology and Livestock Production

Content: Climatology and agro-climatic regions of India. Study of climatic factors and their measurement. Climatic stress in livestock (heat stress/ cold stress): effects, measurement and amelioration. Temperature-humidity index and thermo-neutral zone. Adaptation and acclimatization. Light: natural and artificial, photoperiod, mechanism of light action and responses. Application in livestock production. Performance of livestock introduced in different climates. Micro-climate modification in animal houses. Livestock and global warming. Climate-resilient livestock production systems. Natural disasters-effects on livestock and mitigation measures.

Practical: Visit modern weather forecast stations. Assessment of climate: Microclimatic conditions within the animal house, Measurement of Temperature, Relative humidity, wind velocity and intensity of light. Ambient temperature. Construction of climographs and hythergraphs. Heat tolerance test in bovines.

  1. Behaviour and Welfare of Farm Animals

Content: Introduction to Animal behaviour. Evolution of animal behaviour: Theories of animal behaviour. Importance of animal behaviour studies. Physiological basis of behaviour. Natural selection, proximate and ultimate causes, fitness, optimality theory, selfish genes, kin selection, and game theory. Influence of genetic, environmental and physiological influence. Daily and seasonal cycles of behaviour. Patterns of behaviour. Favourable and unfavourable behaviours of domestication. Ethogram construction for general behaviour management – interpretation - behaviour assisted animal management - flight zone, Animal learning and trainingconditioning- operant and classical, animal behaviour based housing designs – Methods of studying animal behaviour- Vices – causes and prevention. Group formation. Social relationships like hierarchy and aggression, the process of socialization, locality and behaviour. Behavioural characters for management practices. Animal welfare – concepts – animal rights – animal freedoms – animal welfareorganizations Measurement of animal welfare: - indicators of animal welfareimprovement of animal welfare through selection- the welfare of livestock in commercial farms and captivity, environmental enrichment- Welfare of livestock during various management activities such as handling, transportation, etc., Legislation and regulations of animal welfare – welfare and economics.

Practical: Behavioural characters for managemental practices. Behavioural adaptations under domestication. Analysis of behaviour in relation to climate. Analysis of social behaviour. Preparation of ethogram (time budgeting).

  1. Equine Production Management

Content: Scope of equine husbandry in India. Equine population dynamics. Types and classes in equines. Breeds of economic importance. Housing and stable management, behaviour, stable vices and their management. Feeding and breeding of equines. Care and management of stallion, broodmare, pregnant mare and foal. Stud farms, Race clubs, Race-horses and their care, training, exercising, doping and horsemanship. Foot care and dental care in equines. General health management and diseases control. Colic, equine azoturia - prevention and management. Regulatory acts in equine disease control and welfare. Transportation, Laws governing the import and export of equines, Horse passport and trading.

Practical: Visit institutional stables. Identification, ageing, soundness and selection. Passing of nasogastric tube, Shoeing and covering. Saddle fitting, Gaits of horses and horse colours.

  1. Companion Animal Production Management

Content: Various companion animals, evolutionary history, the process of domestication of dog and cat. Breeds of dogs and cats. Ownership. Selection of dog, cat and other companion animals. Dogs/ cat body: structure, movement and special senses. Reproduction and breeding management, care of newborn, weaning, reproductive problems of bitch/ queen, Socialization. Principles of the feeding of dog and cat, Feeding during different life stages and disease conditions, feeding behaviour, common nutritional problems and their preventive measures. Basic Kennel and health management. Principles of training of dogs/ cats. Dog shows. Preparation for the shows, kennel clubs, important characters for judgment. Vaccination/ deworming schedules.

Practical: Recognizing various breeds. Handling and Restraining of dogs/ cats, Routine management practices of dogs/ cats. Detection of oestrus, mating, whelping/ kittening (through demonstration). Kennel/ cattery design and management. Hygiene of kennel/ pens. Licensing and identification of companion animals. Visit dog hostels and dog park/ shows.

  1. Farm Hygiene and Waste Management

Content: Animal air hygiene. Measure air pollutants and their sources. Factors affecting outdoor and indoor pollution. Methods to control these factors. Water Hygiene. Sources of drinking water-Impurities and inclusions. Hygienic requirements and standards for drinking water. Purification of water. Water conservation. Manure, Quantity of manure voided by domestic animals. Animal excreta a factor in the spread of disease. Hygienic and economic disposal of farm wastes. Drainage in livestock farms. Lagoons, Sewers, septic tanks, drains and traps. Environmental protection act: Air (Prevention and control of pollution) act and water (Prevention and control of pollution) act. Factors affecting environmental pollution and their effect on livestock and livestock products for human consumption. Controlling measures there of.

Practical: Assessment of air pollutants on animal health and production. Collection of water samples: Physical, chemical, bacteriological and microscopic examination. Biosecurity measures. Modern techniques used in the disposal of farm wastes. Valueadded products from farm wastes. Visit water filtration plants and study of filtration systems (rapid and slow-sand, etc.). Testing of drains in livestock farms.

  1. Integrated Livestock Farming Systems

Content: Classification of livestock-based farming systems. Principles, Scope, drivers and tradeoffs in integrated livestock farming systems. Sustainability and ecological advantages of integrated livestock farming systems and their economic importance. Integration of various components of farming systems. Livestock-fish, arable farming, plantation crops and different livestock enterprises (cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, rabbit, poultry, beekeeping, silkworm, etc.) along with the bio-gas plant, FYM, vermicompost, solar and wind energy utilization New approach for changing farming systems in the light of global warming, carbon sequestration and mitigation of GHGs (reducing carbon and water footprints). Project formulation and evaluation of various integrated livestock enterprises in light of reducing poverty, livelihood diversification, environmental sustainability and resource conservation.

Practical: Visit modern integrated livestock farming units. Critical analysis of different subunits, economic analysis and preparation of feasibility reports

  1. Management and Conservation of Wild and Zoo Animals

Content: Taxonomy and distribution of important Indian wild animals and birds – Ecology of wildlife sanctuaries and National parks - Principles and concepts of Zoo and captive wild animals- Status of forest in India - Biological and ecological basis of management of wildlife Rules and regulations of Zoo Authority of India - Wildlife protection act - Conservation of wild animals – feeding of captive animals and birds- Habitat Components-Cover, food, water, space and their development and conservation. Wildlife health control - Population dynamics- and it’s manipulation Movements – Corridors, – Mortality - Predator and prey relationship - Human-animal conflict - Refuge rehabilitation. Principles for the protection of wild and zoo animals - Breeding seasons - Breeding characteristics – puberty - pregnancy - parturition - postnatal survival of the young. Social factors among various species. Miscellaneous management procedures. Wildlife Census methods- captive animal breeding.

Practical: Visit wildlife sanctuary/ national park/ biosphere reserves/ conservation breeding centre and zoo. Restraining methods. Funding agencies for wildlife research and preparation of project proposals, Habitat analysis and design.

  1. Laboratory Animal Production Management

Content: Importance of rabbit, rats, mice, hamster and guinea pigs as laboratory animals. Systems of housing, layout and design for laboratory animals house. Feeding management of laboratory animals. Feeding regimen, Types of diets. Production of laboratory animal models for various experiments. Management of specific pathogen-free, gnotobiotic and germ-free animals. Concepts related to the welfare of laboratory animals. Sanitary and hygienic measures. Common diseases and their control measures. Biosecurity measures. Transportation. Breeding, growth, sexual maturity, mating, gestation, parturition, litter size, weaning. Selection of breeding stock for replacement.

Practical: Visit to laboratory animal house and critical analysis of various types of managerial practices. Handling and restraining of laboratory animals. Practical breeding methods. Disease control and special management. Ageing and identification. Economics of production.

  1. Livestock Business Management

Content: Management principles, Planning Techniques, strategic planning, organization structure, co-ordination and controlling techniques, Approaches to management. Key economic concepts, factors of production, farm enterprises, cost of production, opportunity cost, value of production, gross margin, farm profit, net farm family income, substitution, and efficiency: return to scarce resources, risk. SWOT analysis for different livestock species and products, Livestock production economics, theory of supply and demand, production relationships, production function, cost input variables, profit maximization. Economics and the market, market intelligence, newer concepts in marketing, market research and opinion polling, advertising research, market surveillance, etc. Marketing channels, Marketing of livestock and livestock products and laws governing them, Pricing strategies, supply chain management, marketing agencies.

Practical: Accounting records, fund flow statement, Cost and benefit analysis. Budgeting and control. Preparation of financial statements, depreciation accounting methods, trend and variance analysis, cost-volume profit analysis. Financial planning and forecasting. Estimation of working capital requirement. Break even analysis. Visit to livestock business firms and banks. Preparing projects for financing.

  1. Livestock Farm Machinery Management

Content: Visit to Instructional Livestock Farm Complex, Identification of various livestock farm machineries. Familiarization with different parts and their functions of tractor and power tiller (for tillage implements for fodder land development). Irrigation of fodder field. Familiarization with different electric motors and diesel engines, use of sprinkler for irrigation. Non-conventional energy source-Wind energy and its utilization in livestock farm. Post-harvest equipment/ machineries. Common terms used in harvesting of fodder crops; hay and forage harvesting equipment, mowers, field choppers, chaff cutters for silage making, different types of silos, forage harvesters, mechanical hay driers, conventional balers, hay stackers, straw combine. Familiarization with different parts of milking/ shearing machines, handling, operation and cleaning after use, instruments used for milk packaging. Automatic feeders and waterers Unit Milk storing equipment, pasteurization equipment and transportation of milk, handling of equipment for preparation traditional milk products. Forage densifying machine/ Feed block machine and its use- preparation of complete feed block (CFB). Visit to feed mill- use and maintenance of feed grinder and mixture machines in the farms. Visit milk processing unit

  1. Poultry Farm and Hatchery Management

Content: Poultry housing systems - cage vs floor system, litter management and lighting for poultry, rearing turkey, duck and quails, backyard poultry. Management of chicks, growing, laying and breeding flocks, broiler production, selection and culling of laying flocks. Health management. Management of birds during disease outbreaks. Procuring, care and pre-incubation storage of hatching eggs - Method of incubation, sanitation disinfection and management of hatchery. Biosecurity in poultry farms. Embryonic development and factors affecting fertility and hatchability of eggs. Chick sexing, packing and hatchery business - Transporting management of farm and hatchery waste.

Practical: Observation and recording of Poultry Farm management - Brooding of chicks; selection of laying flocks - Disease preventive measures - Selection and care of hatching eggs; incubator operation, fumigation and candling setting and hatching, packaging of chicks - Waste management - Marketing of products.

M.V.Sc. in Livestock Products Technology

  1. Abattoir Practices and Meat Plant Operations

Content: Handling and transportation of meat animals including poultry - Pre-slaughter handling and care of food animals – Ante-mortem inspection - Humane slaughter - Principles and methods of stunning - Ritual methods of the slaughter of food animals and poultry - Machinery for slaughter and dressing of food animals - Postmortem inspection - Handling, disposal and condemnation of unfit materials. Abattoir - layout, designing, organization and operation - Maintenance of meat and poultry processing plants - Record keeping - Legislations and regulations for establishment and operation of slaughterhouses and meat processing plants. Sanitation of slaughterhouse - Sanitary practices in meat plant and its benefits - Solid and liquid waste management of slaughterhouse - Different methods of effluent treatment and designs of effluent treatment plants - State and Central Pollution Control Board norms.

Practical: Design and outlay of modern abattoir including poultry processing and effluent treatment plants for different capacities - Judging and grading of food animals - Procedure for the slaughter of food animals and poultry - Ante-mortem and postmortem inspection - Recording of carcass data - carcass yield, meat bone ratio, etc. - Measurement of effluent characteristics - pH, BOD, COD, suspended solids, etc. - Visit slaughterhouse, poultry processing and effluent treatment plants - DPR for the establishment of an abattoir.

  1. Fresh Meat Technology

Content: History, current development and prospects of meat and poultry industry in India – Skeletal muscle development – pre- and post-natal- Structure and chemistry of muscle including poultry – Muscle Proteins - sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins – Stromal proteins – Types of muscle fibres - Post mortem changes – Rigor mortis - Conversion of Muscle to meat - Pre and post-slaughter factors affecting meat quality – Defects during the conversion of muscle to meat – PSE/ DFD/ Cold Shortening – Off odour development. Composition and nutritive value of meat and poultry - Qualities of fresh meat – pH, WHC, colour, odour, juiciness, texture/ tenderness and firmness - Chilling, ageing and conditioning of meat - Electrical stimulation - Carcass evaluation, grading and fabrication- Tenderization of meat.

Practical: Evaluation/ estimation of physicochemical properties of fresh meat pH, colour, water holding capacity, ERV, shear force value, glycogen, R-value and myoglobin - Proximate analysis of meat - Estimation of drip loss - Determination of sarcomere length, fibre diameter and myofibrillar fragmentation index - Fractionation of sarcoplasmic, myofibrillar and stromal proteins - Carcass evaluation and grading - Meat cutting, retail and wholesale cuts.

  1. Processing and Preservation of Meat

Content: Basic principles of meat preservation – dehydration, chilling, freezing, freeze-drying, thermal processing, direct microbial inhibition, irradiation, use of chemicals and antimicrobials - Curing and smoking - Hurdle technology concept. Principles of Meat Processing - Meat and non-meat ingredients and their roles - Additives - Processing techniques - comminution, chopping, blending, marination, massaging, tumbling, etc. - Cooking methods including microwaving – Development of meat products including ham, bacon, tandoori and barbeque - Emulsion formation – factors affecting emulsion formation - Emulsion based meat products - sausages, nuggets and patties - Enrobed, restructured, fermented and intermediate moisture meat products – Ready-to-cook, ready-to-eat and shelf-stable meat products - Cannedand retort meat products – Traditional and ethnic meat products - Functional meat products. Sensory evaluation – Sensory physiology, types, methods, quality attributes - Factors influencing sensory measurements - Types of sensory panels - Selection of sensory panellists- Sensory evaluation tests- Layout and designing of sensory evaluation laboratory.

Practicals: Estimation of tyrosine value, nitrite content, TBARS value, peroxide value - Preparation of Meat Products - Minced meat products - Emulsion based meat products – sausages, nuggets and patties - Ham and Bacon - Meat Pickles – Enrobed, restructured, fermented and shelf-stable meat products - Canned/ retorted Meat Products - Traditional and ethnic Meat Products - Kebabs - Sensory evaluation of meat products - Subjective and objective method of sensory evaluation - differential, descriptive, training tests, etc. – Test practices and training in the sensory lab - Determination of emulsion stability - Cooking yield - Texture Profile Analysis.

  1. Processing of Milk and Milk Products

Content: Basic concepts of dairy plant organization and operation - collection, chilling, transportation - Heat treatments of Milk - Cleaning and sanitization of Dairy plants - Composition, nutritional, physico-chemical and functional properties of milk - Standards for milk and milk products. Manufacture of milk products - Flavoured Milk - Drying of milk and milk products - Evaporated and condensed milk - Milk powders – Butter - Ice cream and other frozen desserts - Manufacture of different fermented milk products - Manufacture of cheddar, mozzarella, cottage and processed cheese - Manufacture of indigenous milk products – paneer, channa, khoa, ghee, dahi and shrikhand - Rheology of milk products - Dairy by-products. Membrane filtration technology- principles and concepts - Manufacturing and functional properties of casein - Caseinates- Co-precipitates - Whey protein concentrates (WPC) - Lactose- Dairy whiteners.

Practical: Platform tests - Determination of fat, SNF, TS, protein, lactose and ash contents of milk - Preparation of butter, ice cream, cheese – cheddar, mozzarella and cottage cheese, khoa, paneer, channa, ghee, dahi, yoghurt, casein, caseinate, co-precipitate, flavoured milk - Determination of degree of browning - Measurement of rheological properties of different milk products - Evaluation of sensory quality of milk and milk products - Visit dairy plants.

  1. Packaging and Marketing of Livestock Products

Content:Principles of packaging - objectives and functions - Product characteristics affecting packaging requirements - Packaging materials and their characteristics - Different packaging systems for fresh, cured, dehydrated, freeze-dried and shelf-stable products of milk, meat and chicken - Aseptic packaging of milk - UHT milk - Vacuum packaging – MAP and role of different gases - Retort pouch processing - Active and intelligent/ smart (biosensors) packaging - Edible and biodegradable packaging - Nanotechnology for food packaging - Recycling of packaging materials - Labelling requirements – Barcoding and its importance - Packaging standards and regulations – Economics of different packaging systems. Unit II (7 Lectures) Marketing of Livestock Products - Types of markets - Marketing channels of live meat animals and Poultry - Existing systems - constraints and possible solutions - Value Chain of meat, poultry and processed products - strategies and interventions for better profitability – Meat retailing and establishment of retail outlets for meat and poultry - FSSAI, APEDA, EIA, GOI/ WTO regulations for the domestic market, import and export of livestock products. VII. Practical (17 Classes) Different packaging materials and their properties - Determination of thickness, bursting strength, piercing strength, water vapour transmission rate, gas transmission rate, headspace gas analysis - Vacuum, shrink, MAP and retortpackaging of meat and milk products - Visit milk and meat processing plants - Study of the value chain of livestock products including online marketing.

  1. Microbiology and Quality Control of Livestock Products

Content: Microorganisms associated with spoilage of livestock products - Factors affecting microbial growth - Contamination of livestock products - Microbial spoilage of meat, poultry, eggs, milk and their products - Physical and chemical changes produced by microbes in milk, meat, eggs and their products - Meat and milk-borne infections and intoxications - Control of microbial growth in livestock products - Antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Good Hygienic practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS) and Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) - Quality Control – Quality Assurance - principles and practices - Quality Management Systems – Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSAI, 2006 Act) - Codex regulation for food products safety - ISO 9001 - ISO 22000 - HACCP concepts - Risk-based quality assessment - Microbial quality control - FSSAI/ BIS standards for milk, meat and poultry, Chemical residues in livestock products and their effects on the health of the consumer.

Practical: Basic requirements for setting up of quality control laboratory - Sampling methods for the microbiological examination of different processing plants, products and equipment - Development of HACCP plan for milk and meat processing plants - Microbial evaluation of market samples of milk, meat and egg – Total Viable Count, coliform, etc. - Pathogens of Public Health importance - E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter - Rapid detection methods of food pathogens.

  1. Slaughterhouse By-products Technology

Content:  Status and scope of slaughterhouse by-products utilization - Trade practices - Planning, design and layout of by-products plant - Classification of by-products - edible and inedible - Rendering methods and products - Yield and characteristics of rendered fat and meat cum bone meal. Utilization of blood, horns and hooves, intestine, bones, feathers, bristles, glandular by-products and ruminal contents - Value-added by-products from slaughterhouse and poultry processing plants - Processing of animal by-products for pet foods - High-value low volume by-products – collagen sheets, scaffolds, bone morphogenic proteins, biopeptides, biodiesel, etc.- Legislation and regulations related to animal by-products. Flaying - Classification and factors affecting the quality of hides and skin - Physical and chemical characteristics of hide and skin - Grading and processing of hide and skin for the manufacture of leather - Preparation and quality control of gelatine and glue.

Practical: Preparation of casing, neatsfoot oil, gelatin and glue - Demonstration of preparation of carcass meal, meat meal, bone meal, blood meal, feather meal, slime meal - Grading of casings - Collection and preservation of glandular by-products - Preparation of pet foods -Visit local by-products processing units - Quality evaluation of rendered animal fat.

  1. In-Plant Training

Practical: (34 sessions/ Hours equivalent to 34 credit hours of practical) LPT students shall undergo in-plant training in any one of the specialized area of Restructured and Revised Syllabi of Post-graduate Programmes Vol. 3 730 Livestock Products Technology in an institute/ industry – private or public sector. After completion of the training, the student will submit a training report. The evaluation will be based on attendance, report submission and viva-voce examination.

  1. Egg and Egg Products Technology

Content: Status of egg production and processing in India - Structure, composition, nutritive value and functional properties of eggs - Grading, preservation, packaging and marketing of shell eggs - Quality evaluation of shell eggs and factors influencing egg quality - Defects and Spoilage of eggs. Layout and design of egg processing Unit - Principles and procedures involved in pasteurization, chilling, freezing, desugarization and drying of egg products - Quality standards of egg products - Packaging of egg products - Designer egg products.

Practical: Evaluation of physical, chemical, functional and microbial quality of egg and egg products - Preservation of eggs - Preparation of value-added egg products - Visit egg-processing plant.

  1. Market Milk Processing and Dairy Plant Practices

Content: Organization of procurement and pricing plans of raw milk - Operation of automatic milk collection stations - Reception of milk at Raw Milk Reception Dock (RMRD) - Assessing raw milk quality - Sanitary handling of milk - Milk standards and legislations. Unit operations in milk processing plants - Clarification – Bactofugation - Different chilling methods - Standardization - Homogenization (theories, methods and effects) - Heat treatments (thermization, boiling, pasteurization, sterilization (UHT and In-container) - Separation technologies (Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, diafiltration, nanofiltration etc). Distribution methods for liquid milk - Consumer pricing - Traceability - Handling of unsold and returned milk- - Adulteration of milk and detection - Residues in milk and preventive steps Unit Fortified, special and functional market milk - A1 and A2 milk Design and layout of dairy plants of different capacities - Dairy by-products - Treatment of Dairy Effluents.

Practical: Platform tests - Principles of rapid milk analyzers including milko-tester and operation of automatic milk collection stations - Raw milk quality, somatic cell count, bacteriological count - Estimation of homogenization efficiency - Assessment of efficiency of pasteurization, sterilization and boiling- Detection of adulterants.

  1. Processing and Marketing of Wool

Content: Status and prospects of wool industry - Wool types and their uses - Growth and molecular structure of wool fibre - physical and chemical properties of wool - Grading of wool, Characteristics of speciality hair fibres and their uses- factors influencing the quality of wool and speciality hair fibres - principles and steps involved in the processing of wool and speciality hair fibres, Impurities in wool and their removal, Defects in wool. Physical, chemical and mechanical testing of wool - by-products of wool industry - Trade and Marketing of wool, specification and regulation for quality control - Characteristics of natural and synthetic fibres.

Practical: Physical, chemical and mechanical testing of wool and speciality hair fibres - Characterization of wool - grading of wool - Identification of natural and synthetic fibres - Visit the wool processing industry and acquaintance with various steps in the processing of wool and speciality hair fibres.

  1. Biotechnology of Foods of Animal Origin

Content: Role of Biotechnology in improving productivity and quality of Meat, Milk and their products - Application of biotechnological tools in food preservation and packaging - Transgenic meat animal production - techniques - Genes influencing meat quality traits – Production of meat and milk with the desired composition - Application of enzymes in dairy and meat industry - Genetically modified enzymes - Biotechnologically produced food flavours and colours for animal products. Starter cultures in Meat and milk - Pre and probiotics, and their supplementation in animal origin foods - Biopreservation- Bacteriocin - Fermentation technology - Upstream and Downstream processing - Biosensors - Antimicrobial Peptides - Meat Species Identification- Molecular tools.

Practical: Introduction of basic biotechnological techniques such as western blotting, enzyme isolation and identification, DNA extraction, amplification, different types of PCR, Acquaintance with RT-PCR, Multiplex PCR, gene identification and characterization - Biotechnological techniques for meat species identification and meat quality - Electrophoresis, Chromatography for fatty acids- Operation of Fermenters.

  1. Fish and Fish Products Technology

Content: Fishery resources, marine and freshwater fishes- Transportation and hygienic handling of fish - Fish Muscle structure, composition and nutritive value - Processing of fish - gutting, filleting, beheading, peeling, deveining, etc. - Preservation - chilling, freezing, etc. - Principles and procedure of canning, curing, smoking, dehydration - Surimi and other Fish based products. Quality control- identification of freshness of fish - Chemical and Microbial spoilage of fish, labelling and marketing of fish and fish products, utilization of fish processing waste. National and international regulations, standards, quality control and marketing of fish and fish products.

Practical: Visit fish processing plant - Grading of live fish for freshness - Filleting and other techniques for the processing of fish - Proximate Composition of Fish - Physicochemical and Microbial evaluation of fish quality - Preparation of Value added fish products.

Poultry Science

  1. Poultry Breeding and Genetics

Content: Genetic classification of Poultry – Origin and breed characteristics of poultryMendel’s laws of inheritance related to poultry - Qualitative and Quantitative traits in Poultry breeding – Additive and Non-additive – Dominance, Incomplete dominance, Epistasis and complementary gene actions – Lethals and mutations in poultry – Sex-linked, Sex limited and Sex influenced traits – Economic traits – Partitioning of variance - Heritability – Quantitative inheritance – Phenotype, Genotype and environment interactions. Systems of Breeding – Systems of Mating – Selection methods – Breeding programme for developing egg-type, meat type and rural poultry strains - Developing hybrids - Breeding and management of other species of Poultry- Formation and Management of inbred pure lines, grandparent and parent stock - Industrial breeding. Artificial insemination in chicken –Autosexing–Random Sample Test - Use of molecular genetics in poultry breeding-Quantitative trait loci and marker-assisted selection- Conservation of poultry genetic resources.

Practical: Breeds of poultry – Estimation of qualitative and quantitative traits in poultry – Exercises on individual and family selection – Constructing multi-traits selection index and Osborne index-Estimating heritability – Breeding program for developing commercial hybrid layers, broilers and Japanese quail– Breeding programmes for rural poultry - Semen collection, evaluation, dilution and insemination in chicken and turkey – Breeding records –Use of computers to maintain breeding records and for selection– Estimation of effective population size, rate of inbreeding, response to selection and genetic and phenotypic responses.

  1. Poultry Nutrition and Feeding

Content: Digestive system, digestion, metabolism and absorption of nutrients in poultry – Factors influencing the feed consumption in birds – Macro and micro-nutrients – Protein and amino acids - Nutrient requirements for various species of poultry – Factors influencing the nutrient requirements - Partitioning of energy - Calorie: protein ratio – Nutrient interrelationships. Feed ingredients composition - Feed storage techniques - Milling and quality controlProcessing of feed – Types and forms of feeds and feeding methods - Commonly occurring antinutrients and toxicants in poultry feed ingredients – Mycotoxins and their prevention – Feeding chicks, growers, layers, broilers and breeders – Principles of computing feed – Balanced feeds - Least cost feed formulation and programming – Feeding in different seasons and stress conditions - Nutritional and metabolic disorders in poultry. Systems of feeding – restricted, forced, controlled and phase feeding -Use of Additives and Non-additives- enzymes, probiotics, prebiotics, antibiotics, herbs and other performance enhancers – Utilization of non-conventional feedstuff - Feeding of ducks, turkeys, Japanese quails and Guinea fowls. Organic, functional, designer and SPF feed production - Production of feeds free from drug residue, pesticide residue and toxins – Regulations for Import and Export of feed and feed supplements.

Practical: Physical and sensory evaluation of feed ingredients- sampling techniques for ingredients and compounded feed-Estimation of proximate principles of feed and feed ingredients – Computing various poultry feed formulae based on commonlyavailable feed ingredients – Computer applications in feed formulations - Estimation of Aflatoxin, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sand, Silica and Salt – Mash, pellet and crumble feed preparation – Feeding procedures. Visit to feed mills –Hands-on training in feed analytical lab.

  1. Commercial Layer and Broiler Management

Content: Development of Poultry Industry in India and the World – Systems of layer and broiler farming – Location and layout of the farm – Systems, types and design of houses – Poultry farm equipment - Automation in poultry houses and its maintenance - Environmentally controlled houses and their management -Deep litter and cage system of management- Litter materials -All in All out and Multiple batch systems of rearing layers and broilers –Brooding management - Lighting programme for egg-type and meat-type birds- Water quality standards, watering and water sanitation - Biosecurity and health management – Production indices for broilers and layers – Integration in broiler and layer production. Cages and modified cages for egg-type birds – Feeding management in layers - Medication and vaccination schedules and procedure for layers –Brooder, grower, pre-layer, layer and cockerel management – Management of layers during peak egg production and maintaining the persistency in production – Strategies to prolong the egg production beyond 72 weeks of age - Factors causing uneven growth and low egg production - Monitoring egg production curve - Culling of unproductive birds – Record keeping –Management during different seasons – Induced moulting. Management of broilers during different seasons -Mash, crumble and pellet feeding of Broilers – Weekly growth rate, feed conversion and livability in broilers- Sexseparate feeding – Feeding broilers for optimum growth rate and feed efficiency – Broiler farm records - Broiler farm routine, medication and vaccination schedule – Transport of broilers - Regulations and specifications for the production of export quality broilers.

Practical: Layer farm layout– Design of different chick, grower and layer houses, their specifications – Selection and culling of layers, debeaking, dubbing, deworming, delicing, vaccination and other farm routines and operations – Farm sanitation, disinfection and waste disposal – Visit commercial layer farms including environmental controlled houses – Record keeping – Calculating Hen day egg production, Hen housed egg production and other economic traits – Calculating the cost of production of eggs and meat and economics–Location and layout for a broiler farm – Broiler house design – Visit to commercial broiler farms including environmental controlled houses – Broiler brooding, Medication, vaccination, transportation and farm routines - Record keeping - Calculating the cost of production of broilers – Feeding of broilers at different ages – Working-out feed efficiency.

  1. Breeder Stock and Hatchery Management

Content: Different types of commercial breeder flocks –Special care of breeder chicks – Breeder male and female management – Feeding the breeder flocks: Separate sex feeding, feed restriction in broiler breeders. Management for improving fertilityand hatchability, Management of parent and grandparent farms - Management of pure lines – Artificial Insemination - Care and management of Hatching eggs. Vaccination of layer and broiler parents - Nutrient supplementation – Seasonal management of breeders – Lighting management in breeder farms - Flock testing and culling. Natural and Artificial incubation –Stages of embryonic development -Incubation principles – Location of hatchery – Layout and design of hatchery - hatchery equipment– Hatchery management - Ventilation and temperature control –Preincubation storage, Fumigation and sanitation – Hatchery operations, routine and schedule – Egg candling -Packaging and transportation of hatching eggs and chicks, hatchery troubleshooting- Factors affecting fertility and hatchability - Biosecurity and hatchery waste disposal – Control of vertically transmissible and hatchery borne diseases – Special incubator management during hot summer – Hatch analysis. SPF egg production - Import and export regulations – Maintaining Salmonella and Mycoplasma free breeding flock –Application of HACCP and Good Management Practices (GMP) in hatchery management for better chick quality.

Practical: Layout and blueprints for breeder farm and hatchery –Incubator management – Candling - Hatchery sanitation, fumigation procedures and hatchery hygiene – Pedigree hatching – Hatchery waste disposal and recycling – Calculating the cost of production of hatching eggs and day-old-chicks, management of bangers– Attending breeder farm routines and operation – Flock testing and culling of reactors – Analyzing hatchability results – Use of computers in hatchery operations - Economics of setting up of layer and broiler hatchery. Vaccinating day-old chicks and concept of in-ovo vaccination, visit to commercial breeder farm and hatchery.

  1. Poultry Health and Biosecurity

Content: Common bacterial diseases: Salmonella, Pasteurella, E.coli, Fowl typhoid, Mycoplasma, Infectious Coryza, Gallibacterium, Clostridium. Common Viral diseases: Newcastle, Infectious bronchitis, Infectious laryngeotracheitis, Marek’s, Fowl pox, Infectious Bursal disease, Egg drop syndrome76, Avian Encephalomyelitis, Avian influenza, Duck viral hepatitis, Chicken Infectious Anaemia, etc. Common Fungal, parasitic and metabolic diseases: Aspergillosis, Mycotoxicosis, Fatty liver haemorrhagic syndrome(FLHS), Gout, Ascites, leg weakness - Coccidiosis, Ecto- and endo-parasitic infestation of poultry, etc. Diagnosis, vaccination, prevention, treatment and control of various poultry diseases. Principles of biosecurity - Locational, structural and operational biosecurity in Poultry farms – Water sanitation and control of water-borne diseases – Quarantine of poultry - Farm sanitation and disinfection procedures.

Practical: Ante-mortem and Post-mortem examination of birds – Sample collection – Despatch of samples – Processing of samples and detection of pathogens/ etiological agents -Different sanitizers and disinfectants available and their uses. Care and contraindication of using different products. Personal hygiene and isolation – Different vaccines and routes of administration – Methods of medication – Water quality analysis, Field visit to poultry diagnostic lab.

  1. Management of Other Avian Species

Content: Breeds and varieties of Turkey, Duck, Goose, Guinea fowl, Japanese quail, Emu and Ostrich – Incubation periods and incubation procedure for different species – Production standards - Housing, cage and equipment for other avian species under different systems of rearing. Management and rearing of Turkey, duck, goose, Guinea fowl, Japanese quail, emu and ostrich- Feeding standards and feeding, watering and rearing systems and procedure for different species of poultry - Breeding programmes for egg and meat production in different species. Different types of pet birds - Management and rearing of pet birds of regional importance (Pigeon, budgerigar, parakeets, love birds, macaws, doves, parrots, etc.) – Housing for pet birds, their habitat, feeding and breeding under captivity. Common diseases affecting other avian species and their control – Regulations for import and export of different species of poultry – Prevention of exotic diseases through the import of live birds. Concept and definition of organic poultry – status, certification and guidelines for organic poultry production – Government policies on organic poultry farming.

Practical: Layout and design of housing and cages for other species of poultry. Visit commercial Japanese quail, turkey and duck farms. Incubation and care of hatching eggs and young ones – Rearing practices followed by duck, quails and turkey farmers under field conditions - Sexing of pet birds – Preparing project reports for different species and calculating the cost of production – Feeding pet birds and their chicks.

  1. Poultry Products Technology

Content: Physical and chemical composition and nutritive value of eggs and meat – Grading of eggs and meat by different standards - Egg quality deterioration - Factors affecting egg quality – Handling, processing, packaging materials, packaging, transport and marketing of eggs. Quality control of poultry meat – Preservation of egg and meat-Functional and value-added egg and meat products – Further processing of eggs and meat – Various egg and meat fast foods. Sanitary and phytosanitary measures to ensure food safety – Pre and Post oviposition value addition to the eggs and Post-processing value addition to the meat for export–Microbial safety of poultry products – Import and export of poultry products – Further processing of poultry for export – Implementation of GMP and HACCP procedures for food safety – Codex regulations for poultry products safety – Traceability and branding of poultry products.

Practical: Measuring internal and external egg qualities – Measurement of meat quality - Preservation of table eggs, grading of eggs – Processing of chicken – Further processing of poultry – Preservation of poultry meat – Preparation of various eggs and poultry meat products and fast foods – Preservation, packaging and transport – Quality control of value-added poultry products – Measures of microbial safety of poultry products for export, visit to poultry processing plant.

  1. Poultry Economics, Project Formulation and Marketing

Content: Glossary of terms used in poultry economics and projects – Measures of performance efficiency in the broiler, layer, breeder and other poultry species, hatcheries and other poultry-related operations – Production standards and goals for layer, broiler and breeders. Planning poultry enterprise – Minimum viable units - Bank norms for poultry projects – Poultry insurance– Methods to improve the production efficiency and reduce the production cost - Components of project reports and preparing projects and return on investment. Integration in Poultry production and marketing – Marketing channels for eggs and meat - Cost of production of the egg, broiler, hatching egg, day-old chick and compounded feed –New regulations on cage rearing of layers. Traceability and branding of poultry products. Export norms for poultry products.

Practical: Preparing different poultry projects for bank finance – Calculating the cost of production of various products under various systems-case study – Preparation of Balance sheet, break-even points, Cost: Benefit ratio and other farm economic indices- Preparation of feasibility and viability reports.

  1. Physiology of Poultry Production

Content: Skeletal system of poultry – Comb pattern and plumage - Physiology of poultry digestive system- Digestion, metabolism and absorption of feed and water – Role of enzymes – Poultry circulatory system – Respiratory system – Physiology of growth. Poultry nervous system and its function – Excretory system – Male and female reproductive system - Semen production-semen characteristics- Semen extenders – Egg formation- Egg laying pattern-photo periodic responses – Role of endocrine glands and their functions - Neuroendocrine control of egg production - Ovulation and Oviposition – Clutch and Pause. Thermoregulatory mechanism – Stress due to adverse environmental factors – Acid-base balance.

Practical: Demonstration of various systems of birds – the structure of feather - Identification of endocrine glands and demonstration of hormones estimation in poultry production and reproduction - Haematology of poultry species - SGOT, SGPT, free fatty acids - Morphology of Poultry spermatozoa. Demonstration of artificial insemination in poultry.

  1. Commercial Poultry Nutrition

Content: Breed specific nutrient requirements. Factors influencing the digestibility of nutrients – Reasons to assist the birds for digestion – Gut health management. Commercial use of feed ingredients by the industry – their drawbacks - Use of different feed additives and supplements: Enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, phytobiotics, nucleotides, acidifiers, emulsifiers, and essential oils, etc. – Trace minerals: organic, inorganic and nanoparticles – Pre-digested proteins. Unconventional feed ingredients: Merits and demerits – Measures to counteract the demerits – Responsible use of them for reducing the cost of production – Least cost feed formulation – Phase feeding for layers and broilers – Juvenile nutrition.

Practical: Analytical methods for quick estimation of proximate principles and other nutrients – Use of latest technologies like NIR – Force-feeding, Challenge feeding – Factors preventing the birds from optimum feeding: Particle size, feed milling technologies, etc.– Seasonal variations in feeding practices, in-ovo feeding, visit to commercial poultry nutrition lab and feed mill.

  1. Poultry Welfare and Waste Management

Content: Concept of poultry welfare – Different freedoms to the birds – Present housing systems with relation to the welfare – Welfare and productivity – Feed restriction – Economics - Welfare cages – Welfare in relation to country’s requirement. Precautions and requirements before, during and after transport of birds from one place and another, thermal imaging, assessment of welfare in poultry. Waste generated from poultry farms and hatcheries – Male chicks disposal - Hazards of waste for humans and environment – Spread of diseases – Fly problems – Leaching of toxic substances in groundwater – Emission of gases – Dust and smell problem – Disposal of carcasses – Means to mitigate the hazardous effects of wastes – Composting of manure and dead birds - Generation of biogas, electricity, rendering plant products for feeding other species – Wastewater recycling – Usage of slurry – Preparation of bio-fuel pellets, methods of recycling poultry feathers.