M. V. Sc. Basic Veterinary Sciences

Veterinary Anatomy

  1. Comparative osteology and arthrology
  2. Comparative splanchnology
  3. Myology, angiology, neurology and aesthesiology of Ox
  4. Gross, histological and histochemical techniques
  5. Clinical anatomy
  6. General histology and ultrastructure
  7. Systemic histology and ultrastructure
  8. Developmental anatomy
  9. Wild life and forensic anatomy

Veterinary Biochemistry

  1. Biophysical Chemistry
  2. Biochemistry of Biomolecules
  3. Enzymology
  4. Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation in Biochemistry
  5. Clinical Biochemistry of Animals
  6. Intermediary Metabolism and Regulation
  7. Molecular Biochemistry
  8. Nutritional and Industrial Biochemistry
  9. Endocrinology and Reproductive Biochemistry
  10. Biochemistry of Ruminants and Wild Animals
  11. Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Veterinary Biotechnology

  1. Basic and Applied Biotechnology
  2. Fundamentals of Cell Biology
  3. Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
  4. Animal Cell Culture–Principles and Applications
  5. Molecular Diagnostics
  6. Immunology Applied to Biotechnology
  7. Introduction to Bioinformatics
  8. Animal Genomics
  9. Techniques in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
  10. Reproductive Biotechnology

Veterinary Extension Education

  1. Development Perspectives of Extension Education
  2. Communication for Livestock Development
  3. Diffusion and Adoption of Innovations
  4. Programme Planning and Evaluation
  5. Research Methodology
  6. Social Psychology and Group Dynamics
  7. Livestock Entrepreneurship
  8. Human Resource Management in Animal Husbandry Sector
  9. Gender Empowerment and Livestock Development
  10. Farm Journalism
  11. Statistics for Social Sciences

Veterinary Physiology

  1. Physiology of Digestion
  2. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology
  3. Renal Physiology and Body Fluid dynamics
  4. Haematology
  5. Growth and Environmental Physiology
  6. Physiology of Animal Reproduction
  7. Clinical Physiology
  8. Neuromuscular Physiology
  9. Endocrinology of Domestic Animals
  10. Instrumentation and Research Techniques in Veterinary Physiology
  11. Physiology of Wild Life

M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Anatomy

  1. Comparative Osteology and Arthrology

Content: Technical terms, structure, chemical composition and classification of bones. Bones of appendicular skeleton of ox as a type and their comparison with those of horse, sheep, goat, dog, pig and poultry. Bones of axial skeleton of ox as a type and their comparison with those of horse, sheep, goat, dog, pig and poultry. Classification and detailed study of different joints of the body. Study the various indices for estimating race, sex and age of different animals. Basics of biomechanics of the locomotor system. Radiography of normal and developing bones.

Practical: Demonstration of all bones and dissection of joints of buffalo/ Cattle. Radiographic study of bones and joints

  1. Comparative Splanchnology

Content: Overview of different systems constituting descriptive anatomy of various organs of digestive system and associated glands of ox and their comparison with those of horse, sheep, goat, dog, pig and poultry. Study of formation of thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities; reflection of these cavities. Study of various organs/ structures and associated glands constituting the respiratory system of ox and their comparison with those of horse, sheep, goat, dog, pig and poultry. Detailed study of organs and associated glands comprising the urinary system of ox as a type and their comparison with those of horse, sheep, goat, dog, pig and poultry. Complete study of various organs and associated glands of male and female genital systems. Surgical sites for various operations and clinically significant areas for performing auscultation, percussion and for carrying out surgical procedures such as laryngotomy, oesophagotomy, gastrotomy, rumenotomy, cystotomy, urethrotomy, caesarian section, exploratory laparotomy, mammectomy, thoracotomy, thoracocentesis, etc. Study of various endocrine organs of ox and their comparison with horse, sheep, goat, dog, pig and poultry.

Practical: Demonstration of structure and placement of organs in body cavities of all the animals. Sonographic appearance of different organs.

  1. Myology, Angiology, Neurology and Aesthesiology of Ox

Content: Classification of muscle fibres. Origin, insertion and relations of muscles of different body parts. Topographic anatomy of the vascular system comprising of heart, arteries, veins and lymphatics. Study of various components of central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system. Complete study of the gross anatomy of various sense organs. Study of different nerve blocks, intravenous sites and enucleation of eye ball.

Practical: Dissection of heart, different vessels, brain, cranial nerves, brachial plexuses and lumbo-sacral plexus. Dissection of eye, ear, hoof and horn of buffalo/ cattle.

  1. Gross, Histological and Histochemical Techniques

Content: Preparation of tissues for microtomy and lightmicroscopy using different fixatives. Different staining methods for routine light microscopy and special staining methods. Frozen sectioning techniques and staining methods for enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, pigments, etc. Silver staining techniques for nervous tissue. Preparation of tissue for electron microscopic studies.

Practical: Embalming fluids, embalming of animals, maceration and preparation of skeletons. Gross staining of brain sections. Demonstration of sites of ossifications. Preparation of transparent specimens, preparation of casts of various organs, blood vessels and ducts, etc. Study of different techniques for collection, fixation and processing of animal tissues; preparation of paraffin and frozen sections; handling and care of microtomes. Demonstration of staining of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and enzymes.

  1. Clinical Anatomy

Practicals: Clinical examination of animal in health and disease, auscultation of different organs, different types of nerve blocks, surgical conditions of different body systems, radiographical techniques and post-mortem examination.

  1. General Histology and Ultrastructure

Content:Light and ultrastructural details of animal cell. Light and ultrastructural details of epithelial tissue. Light and ultrastructural details of muscular tissue. Light and ultrastructural details of connective tissue. Light and ultrastructural details of nervous tissue.

Practical: Demonstration of different components of cells and intercellular substances of the above referred tissues by special staining through the use of light, phase contrast, dark field, fluorescent and electron microscopes.

  1. Systemic Histology and Ultrastructure

Content: Light and ultrastructure of different organs of digestive system of ruminants with differential features among domestic animals. Light and ultrastructure of different organs of respiratory, lymphoid and cardiovascular systems. Light and ultrastructure of different organs of urino-genital systems. Light and ultrastructure of different sense organs and nervous system. Light and ultrastructure of different organs of endocrine system.

Practical: Study of histological structure of organs of digestive, respiratory, urinary, genital and cardiovascular systems of buffalo, horse and dog/ cat.

  1. Developmental Anatomy

Content: Gametogenesis, Classification of eggs, fertilization, cleavage and gastrulation. Development of foetal membranes and placenta in domestic animals. Histogenesis of nervous system, sense organs, lymphoid organs, endocrine organs and cardiovascular system. Embryonic development of digestive, respiratory, uro-genital and musculoskeletal system.

Practical: Study of serial sections of the chick and pig embryos at different stages of development.

  1. Wild Life and Forensic Anatomy

Content: Importance of anatomy of wild animals in veterinary anatomy. Anatomy of different body systems of wild animals. Anatomy of different body systems of wild birds. Application of wild life anatomy in forensic veterinary medicine

Veterinary Biochemistry

  1. Biophysical Chemistry

Content: Physical properties of water-the medium of life, Acids and bases, ionic strength and activity, Henderson-Hasselbach equation, pH, indicators and buffers, Colloids and their properties, Mechanism of osmosis, osmotic pressure, Donnan membrane equilibrium, Viscosity, surface tension, surface forces, Adsorption and light scattering, Membrane filtration, dialysis, diffusion coefficient and partial specific volume. Laws of thermodynamics, Concepts of enthalpy, free energy and entropy in biochemical reactions. High energy compounds, Redox potential and free energy changes, Bioenergetics and biological oxidation, Components of mitochondrial electron transport chain. Formation of ATP and ATP cycle. Energy transformation in living cells. Basic Methods in Biophysical Chemistry: Basic Optical Principles, Optical Properties of Biomolecules, Optical spectroscopy, Basic Fluorescence Techniques, Chiroptical and Scattering Methods; Conventional and Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy, Basics of Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy, Fluorescence spectroscopy, Patch Clamping.

  1. Biochemistry of Biomolecules

Content: Carbohydrates: Structure and biological significance of important monosaccharides:Ribose, Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Mannose and Amino Sugars; Chemical reactions of monosaccharides; Isomerism of carbohydrates; Structure and biological significance of Disaccharides (Maltose, Isomaltose, Lactose, Sucrose and Cellobiose); Structure and biological significance of polysaccharides (Starch, Dextrins, Dextrans, Glycogen, Cellulose, Inulin, Chitin), and Mucopolysaccharides including Blood group substances and Bacterial cell wall polysaccharides. Glycoconjugates in cell surface, extra cellular matrix, sugar code functions, peptidoglycan-specific antibiotics; Basic principles of separation, purification and characterization of carbohydrates; Methods of structural analysis of carbohydrates. Lipids: Definition, Classification, Properties and Biological significance of simple, compound and derived lipids; Fat indices; Structure and functions of prostaglandins, steroids, steroid hormones and fat soluble vitamins. Basic principles of extraction and analysis of lipids; Lipid bilayers, lipid motility, integral membrane proteins, lipid linked proteins, peripheral membrane proteins, fluid mosaic model, membraneskeleton, lipid asymmetry, cardiac glycosides, abnormalities in cell membrane fluidity, signaling biomolecules. Proteins: Amino acids - Structure and classification. Physical and chemical properties of amino acids - amphoteric nature, acid-base property, optical activity and peptide bond formation; Structure and geometry of peptide bond. Chemical synthesis of polypeptide and Oligopeptides of biological significance; Classification of proteins; Structure – primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary; Physicochemical, acid-base and colloidal properties of proteins; Biological significance of proteins; Denaturation, extraction and purification criteria for proteins. Nucleic acids: Chemistry of purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides and nucleotides. Biological significance of nucleosides and nucleotides. Structures and functions of Watson-crick model of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and a typical ribonucleic acid (RNA). Different types of DNA, acid-base properties, sedimentation behaviour, hyperchromic effect, melting of DNA, Chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis of nucleic acids. Base sequence analysis of DNA, Nucleic acid- protein interaction - histone and non-histone proteins.

  1. Enzymology

Content: Introduction and historical perspective, Enzyme nomenclature and classification, enzyme compartmentalization in cell organelles, measurement of enzyme activity. ribozymes, isozymes, abzymes, restriction endonucleases. Enzyme structure, enzyme specificity, active site, active site mapping, mechanism of enzyme catalysis. cofactors, coenzymes- their structure and role. Enzyme kinetics, enzyme inhibition and activation, multienzyme complexes, allosteric enzymes and their kinetics, regulation of enzyme activity. qualitative description of “concerted” and “sequential” models for allosteric enzymes. Half sitereactivity, Flip-flop mechanism, positive and negative co-operativity. Monod Koshland Model. Concept of ES complex, active site, specificity derivation of Michaelis-Menten equation for uni- substrate reactions. Different plots for the determination of Km and Vmax and their physiological significances. Importance of Kcat/ Km. Kinetics of zero and first order reactions. Significance and evaluation of energy of activation. Isolation, purification and characterization of enzymes, Applications of enzymes in chemical and feed industry, enzyme immobilization, biosensors, clinical and diagnostic applications of enzymes.

Practical: Enzyme assay by taking any model enzyme like alpha-amylase or alkaline phosphatase.; Isolation, purification and characterization of any model enzyme like Bgaloctosidase or acid phosphatase.; Study of the effect of enzyme and substrate concentrations and determination of Km and Vmax.; Determination of pH and temperature optima of alkaline phospatase.; To study the effect of various inhibitors of enzymatic activity.; Determination of the pH and temperature stability of alkaline phosphatase.; Assay of Diagnostic enzymes from Clinical samples.; Application of enzymes in ELISA and Western Blotting

  1. Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation in Biochemistry

Content: Solutions and Buffers: Units of expression of concentration of solutions - Preparation of solutions - Preparation of Buffers - Henderson-Hasselbalch equation in thepreparation of buffers. Spectroscopy: Theory and applications of Colorimetry and Spectrophotometry; Major components of the following instruments and their functions: UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Spectrofluorometer, Flame photometer, Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Chromatographic Techniques: Basic principle and applications of Paper, Column and Thin layer chromatography including HPTLC; Factors affecting chromatographic resolution; Methods of preparation of biological samples for chromatographic analysis and common methods for qualitative and quantitative chromatography of amino acids, lipids and sugars including elution and densitometry. Molecular Sieving and its application in Biochemistry – General properties of dextran, acrylamide, agar and other media used for gel filtration. Principles and applications of chromatographic techniques, viz., ion-exchange, gel-filtration, affinity, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, metal chelate chromatography, planar chromatography, lateral flow immunochromatographic assays, Introduction to GLC and HPLC (Normal and Reverse Phase). Theory and applications of Electrophoresis: Factors affecting migration of charged particles – Moving boundary, paper and gel electrophoresis - Electrophoresis of amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids – Use of SDS PAGE in molecular weight determination. Isoelectric focusing and Isotachophoresis - Densitometry procedures and quantitative assays. Introduction to 2-D gel electrophoresis; Immunoelectrophoresis and other techniques like ELISA, RIA and Immuno-blotting. Theory and applications of Centrifugation: Basic principle of sedimentation – Types, care and safety aspects of Centrifuges – Preparative centrifugation and Analytical centrifugation - Introduction to Ultracentrifugation - Fractionation of sub-cellular components - Density Gradient centrifugation – Determination of relative molecular mass. N.B.: GLC and HPLC at length are to be discussed under BCT 705 (Ph.D. course); here only introduction.

Practical: Preparation of solutions and buffers; Solving problems using Henderson– Hasselbalch equation, pH, pKa and buffer concentration, normality; Verification of Beer’s – Lambert’s law; Estimation of glucose and total cholesterol in serum; Determination of absorption maxima and molar extinction coefficient of pNitrophenol from its absorption spectrum; Estimation of proteins using biuret, foiln-ciocalteau methods and UV spectrophotometry; Estimation of enzyme activity by spectrophotometry (Kinetic mode).; Separation of Lipids/ amino acids using paper chromatography and TLC; Fractionation of proteins by ammonium sulphate precipitation and desalting by dialysis; Separation of proteins using Ion-exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography and gel-filtration chromatography; Demonstration of separation of fatty acid methyl esters using GLC.; Electrophoretic analysis of albumin using non-denaturing and denaturing conditions – Detection of molecular weight of protein by SDS-PAGE - Characterization of immunoglobulins by PAGE - Demonstration of sub-cellular fractionation by centrifugation.

  1. Clinical Biochemistry of Animals

Content: Quality control and automation in clinical biochemistry. Disturbance in water, electrolytes and acid-base balance - electrolyte abnormalities - respiratory acidosisand alkalosis - metabolic acidosis and alkalosis – compensation – biochemical tests for diagnosis. Disorders of Carbohydrate metabolism: Diabetes mellitus, hyperinsulemia, glactosemia, hypoglycaemia, Glycogen storage disease and glycated proteins. Carbohydrate and protein balance for optimum rumen microflora. Ruminant ketosis – Ketosis associated with fasting, diabetes, pregnancy, lactation and post-exercise. Disorders of Lipid metabolism: Hypercholesterlemia, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia in canine, feline, equine – pathophysiology of ketonemia. Disorders of proteins, amino acids and nucleic acids metabolism: Normal and abnormal plasma proteins – Dysproteinemia – acute phase proteins – inborn errors of amino acid metabolism– Phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism, tyrosinosis, maple syrup urine disease, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, sickle cell anemia, Histidinemia – defect in collagen biosynthesis. Abnormalities in Nitrogen Metabolism – Uremia, hyperuricemia, porphyria and factors affecting nitrogen balance. Composition and diagnostic significance of cerebrospinal fluid and amniotic fluid. Doping in horses. Liver function tests - indications and limitations - classification of tests – Biochemical tests for liver function - serum enzyme activities to asses liver function - Hepatic encephalopathy – Hepatic photosensitivity – Ascites. Renal function: Direct and indirect test for glomerular filtration – tests for tubular function – test for kidney damage Gastrointestinal function: Disturbances in gastrointestinal function – disturbance in rumen function. Clinical enzymology - functional and non-functional plasma enzymes - plasma enzymes of diagnostic importance - ALP, CK, LDH, AST, ALT, OCT - Iso-enzymes and their diagnostic importance. Oxidative Stress: Biochemical basis of disease progression and diagnostic enzymes. Biochemical markers of cardiac diseases: Hypertension, myocardial infarction and heart failure. Respiratory distress syndrome, COPD, Ischemia, shock. Disorders of mineral metabolism: Hypercalcaemia, hypocalcaemia, normocalcaemia, hypophosphataemia, hyperphosphataemia. Biochemistry of tumours and various types of tumour markers for the diagnosis of prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, mammary tumour, lymphoma, bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer. Biochemical basis and diagnosis of prevalent diseases and metabolic disorders in wild animals, and poultry.

Practical: Urine analysis - Physical and chemical tests for normal and pathological constituents of urine. Quality Control-Precision, Accuracy, Sensitivity and Specificity; Estimation of Blood glucose - Serum biochemical parameters – Total protein, A/G ratio, Cholesterol, urea, uric acid, bilirubin, creatinine – Serum enymes – ALP, ACP, AST and ALT – Electrophoresis of plasma proteins - Separation of Iso-enzymes. Estimation of Ca, Mg, P, K, Na in serum samples. Estimation of Vit C, D and E.

  1. Intermediary Metabolism and Regulation

Content: Carbohydrate metabolism and regulation - Major pathways - Glycolysis - Reactions, functions and its control - Metabolism of other sugars - Fructose, Galactose, Mannose and Lactose - Pyruvate dehydrogenase and reactions of Citric acid cycle - Anaplerotic reactions - Energetics of glucose oxidations. Alternate pathways of glucose metabolism - HMP pathway and its importance - Glucuronic acid cycle - Gluconeogenesis - Substrates - pathway and control of amino sugar - Glycogen metabolism - Glycogenolysis and Glycogenesis reactions - Metabolic disorders - Glycogen storage diseases (GSD). Lipid metabolism and regulation - Lipid transport and storage - Plasma lipoproteins - Role of liver and adipose tissue in fat metabolism - Role of brown adipose tissue in thermogenesis - Catabolism of triacylglycerols – Beta oxidation of fatty acids – Ketogenesis and utilization of ketone bodies - Biosynthesis of fatty acids, triacylglycerols, phopholipids and cholesterol – Production of Bile acids - Metabolism of Eicosanoids - Lipid storage diseases. Amino acids metabolism - Protein turnover and regulation - amino acid pools and absorption of amino acids - catabolism of amino acids - Deamination, transamination. Ammonia carriers; Excretion of nitrogen - urea cycle. Catabolism of carbon skeletons of amino acids. Conversion of amino acids to specialized products – Heme Biosynthesis - Physiologically active amines. Biosynthesis of non-essential amino acids. Metabolic disorders. Catabolism and regulation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides/ deoxynucleotides - Biosynthesis and regulation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides - Biosynthesis of nucleotide coenzymes and regulation - Inhibitors of purine and pyrimidine metabolism and role in cancer therapy – Metabolic disorders. Structural and functional relationships of specialized tissues and organs; Organ specialization in fuel metabolism: Brain, muscle, adipose tissue, liver, kidney; Inter organ metabolic pathways, hormonal control of fuel metabolism. Tracing metabolic fates, perturbing the system. Metabolic interrelationships in obesity, diabetes, cancer,

  1. Molecular Biochemistry

Content: Historical development of molecular biology, nucleic acids as genetic material, chemistry and structure of DNA and RNA, Genome organization in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, repetitive and non-repetitive DNA, satellite DNA; chromatin structure and function. DNA replication mechanisms in prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, DNA polymerases, Topoisomerases, DNA ligase, Reverse transcriptase, Transcription mechanisms in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, RNA polymerases, RNA editing, post transcriptional RNA processing. Recombination mechanisms, DNA repair mechanisms, Telomeres, Telomerase, Role of Telomeres in Cancer. Ribosomes - structure and function, organization of ribosomal proteins, genetic code, aminoacyl tRNA synthases, Inhibitors of replication, transcription and translation; Translation mechanisms in Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes and Post - translational modification; Nucleases and restriction enzymes, regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. DNA sequencing techniques, Recombinant DNA technology, Plasmid biology, Cloning Vectors, Expression vectors, selection of recombinants, Heterologous protein expression systems, Recombinant protein purification, Polymerase Chain Reaction and its variants; Site Directed Mutagenesis, In-vitro transcription, Gene Silencing. Transgenic Animals, Introduction to Systems Biology.

Practical: Isolation and purification of DNA - Plasmid isolation- Isolation and purification of RNA – Determination of concentration of DNA and RNA by spectrophotometry - Determination of Tm of DNA by Spectrophotometry - Restriction Digestion of DNA, Agarose gel electrophoresis - RAPD analysis of DNA - cDNA synthesis using PCR

  1. Nutritional and Industrial Biochemistry

Content: Introduction - Nutrients and their importance in ruminants, non-ruminants and poultry - Energy value of various nutrients their importance and calorimetry - Nutrient absorption and biochemical changes involved - Introduction to BMR, SDA, PER and Biological value for protein - Requirements of different nutrients in animals - Role of nutrients in growth and production of animals – Bio-availability of nutrients in different food sources. Metabolic role of Nutrients - Overview of metabolism of different nutrients and regulation of nutrient absorption and utilization - Alterations that occur in nutritional requirement s during diseases and biochemical reactions due to Toxic factors in feed - Biochemical role of Macro and micro minerals in animal production - Vitamins and their role as co enzymes in metabolism – Nutrient deficiencies and metabolic disorders in animals - Biochemical alterations occurring due to phytotoxins in ruminants - Biochemical importance of different feed additives - Agonists and antagonists of minerals and vitamins - Nutrient control of gene expression - Clinical issues of micro mineral metabolism - Nutrients (minerals) that resist digestion process in animals - Energy releasing and hematopoietic water soluble vitamins. Industrial biochemistry - applications of biological molecules for medical, industrial, environmental, agricultural or analytical purposes - Generation of gene-mediated industrial/ medical products - Introduction and application of fermentationtechnology for ethanol and biogas production - conversion of sunlight into biomass (bioreactors and biophotolysis) - Significance of pharmaceuticals products of animal origin (sex hormones- oestrogens, progesterone; corticosteroids) - Significance of pharmaceuticals of plant origin (alkaloids, atropine, morphine, cocaine, ergot alkaloids, flavonoids, xanthenes and terpenoids) - Physical, chemical and biological treatment of waste water, bioremediation of contaminated soils.

  1. Endocrinology and Reproductive Biochemistry

Content: Endocrinology - Classification, secretion, transport and regulation of hormones - Mechanism of hormone action and intracellular signalling after receptor activation - Releasing factors from hypothalamus and their effects on pituitary gland and metabolism - Synthesis, secretion, regulation, metabolic functions and physiopathology of Hormones from Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pancreas, Adrenal and Pineal Glands. Endocrinology of Gonads and Reproductive Biochemistry - Female hormonal system - Synthesis, secretion, regulation, functions, and physio-pathology of ovarian hormones and male sex hormones - Prostaglandins: chemistry, functions and clinical importance - Endocrine aspects of reproduction status in domestic animals - Endocrine aspects of reproduction in poultry - Hormones involved in the development of ductal and lobule-alveolar system of mammary gland - Endocrine control of biosynthesis of milk.

  1. Biochemistry of Ruminants and Wild Animals

Content: Biochemistry of Ruminants - An overview of metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids in ruminants - Metabolism of nutrients by rumen microflora - Blood biochemistry of ruminants - Disorders associated with carbohydrates, proteins and lipid metabolism in ruminants - Liver and Kidney function tests - Diseases associated with major and trace elements in ruminants. Biochemistry of Wild Animals - Blood biochemistry and blood typing of wild animals - Fluid balance and electrolyte maintenance in wild animals - Biomarkers for assessment of diseases in wild animals - Diabetes mellitus in primates - Neurological diseases in cheetah

  1. Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Content: Introduction to bioinformatics, scope and applications of bioinformatics; biological databases: primary, secondary and structural; basic concept of Protein and Gene Information Resources-PIR, SWISS-PROT, PDB, GenBank, DDBJ; Basic concept of computational biology, applications in different subfield of biology, software tools. Basic concept of sequence search algorithm and alignment tools: BLAST and FASTA; DNA and protein sequence analysis, local and global alignment; Algorithms: Dot Matrix method, dynamic programming methods; Pairwise and multiple sequence alignment and its application; Tools of Multiple sequence alignment: ClustalW. Basic concept of Phylogeny study; cDNA libraries and EST, EST analysis; database search engines: introduction and application; Commercial databases and software packages, GPL software for Bioinformatics. Computer aided drug design: basic principles, docking; QSAR, 2DQSAR, 3DQSAR, their basic concept and applications, machine learning tools for QSAR.

Practical: Basic computing: Introduction to LINUX and Windows; Nucleotide information resource: EMBL, GenBank, DDBJ; Protein information resource: SwissProt, TrEMBL, Uniprot • Structure databases: PDB, MMDB; Search Engines: Entrez, ARSA, SRS; Usage of NCBI resources; Retrieval of sequence/ structure from databases; Database searching; Visualization of structures of DNA and Proteins using Rasmol; Sequence similarity search using BLAST; Multiple sequence alignment; Primer designing.

Veterinary Biotechnology

  1. Basic and Applied Biotechnology

Content: History and scope of Biotechnology, Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, diagnostics and therapeutics, pharmaceutical industry, food industry, chemical industry and environment, plant tissue culture and its applications. Biofermentation, Fermentation technology, aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, Different types of fermentations, Basic design and construction of fermenter, Media sterilization, Upstream and Downstream processing, Microbes and enzymes of industrial importance, Microbial growth kinetics, Immobilized enzymes and cells and immobilization process. Vaccines and their immune response, Types of vaccines: Conventional and new generation vaccine, Subunit vaccine, recombinant vaccines, Vectored vaccines, DNA vaccine, edible vaccine, DIVA strategy and reverse vaccinology. Biodiversity, genetic diversity, molecular taxonomy, species and population biodiversity, quantifying biodiversity, maintenance of ecological diversity, conservation of biodiversity and conservation of animal genetic resources.

  1. Fundamentals of Cell Biology

Content: Origin and evolution of cells – from molecules to first cell – from prokaryotes to eukaryotes – from single to multi cellular organisms – Chemical components of a cell – catalysis and use of energy by cells – techniques used to study cells – microscopy – light microscopy – fluorescent microscopy – electron microscopy – confocal microscopy – cell and cell parts separation techniques – ultracentrifugation – flow cytometry – detection of cell parts - antibodies Structure of cell – Plasma membrane – cytoskeleton – Nucleus – ChromosomeChromosomal DNA packaging and its implications - endoplasmic reticulum – ribosome - mitochondria –Mitochondrial DNA organization - golgi complex – peroxisome – lysosome. Cell Membrane transport – transport of small molecules - macromolecules and particles- exocytosis and endocytosis – Nuclear transport –protein synthesis and sorting – endoplasmic reticulum – golgi complex – peroxisomes – lysomes – lipid synthesis and sorting – Electron transport chain – chemiosmotic coupling - Transport of metabolites across the inner mitochondrial membrane – Mechanism of muscle contraction – cell crawling – functions of keratin and neurofilaments – organelle transport and separation of mitotic chromosome. Cell signaling – modes of cell-cell signaling- steroid hormones and the steroidreceptor super family – Neurotransmitters - Peptide Hormones and Growth Factors - G Protein-Coupled Receptors - Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases - Cytokine Receptors and Non receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases - The cAMP Pathway: Second Messengers and Protein Phosphorylation - Cyclic GMP - Phospholipids and Ca2+ - Ras, Raf, and the MAP Kinase Pathway - The JAK/ STAT Pathway - Integrins and Signal Transduction - Regulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton - Hedgehog and Wingless - Notch Signaling – Cell signal network - Feedback and crosstalk and networks of cellular signal transduction – cell cycle – regulators of cell cycle – events of M phase

  1. Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

Content: History and scope of molecular biology – Discovery of DNA and evidence for DNA as the genetic material - structure of DNA, RNA and proteins – Organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome – Gene transfer in micro organisms like conjugation, transformation, transduction and protoplastic fusion – DNA replication - genetic code - transcription, RNA processing and alternative splicing - Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes - Regulation of gene expression. Enzymes used in molecular biology and recombinant DNA research - Cloning vectors – plasmids, phages, phagemids, cosmids, BAC, YAC - Expression vector – bacterial, viral, baculo and yeast vectors, shuttle vectors - Polymerase chain reaction and different types of PCR - Probes – Synthesis and types, Nucleic acid hybridization and blotting - Construction of gene libraries and cDNA library - Gene mapping and DNA structure analysis. Cloning in bacteria, yeast, plant and animal cells – identification of gene of interest and synthesis of double stranded DNA and complementary DNA - Restriction enzyme digestion – ligation - methods for transfer of cloned DNA - identification and enrichment of recombinant clones - expression of recombinant DNA in prokaryotic and eukaryotic vectors - strategies for purification of expressed protein. Molecular mechanism of mutation – DNA repair - site directed DNA alterations and gene manipulations - Gene editing techniques - Methods of DNA sequencing - Genetics of tumorigenic region of agrobacteria - Applications of genetic engineering in veterinary science- Ethics, legal issues and safety aspects of genetic manipulation.

  1. Animal Cell Culture–Principles and Applications

Content: Introduction, History of cell culture development, Methods of sterilization, Different tissue culture techniques including primary culture, Continuous cell lines- anchorage dependent and independent cell lines, Organ culture, Cell bank. Different types of cell culture media, Serum, growth supplements, Balanced salt solution, Serum free media, Enzymes used in cell culture, Factors that affecting the growth of cells. Cell culture contaminants, Cryopreservation of primary culture and cell line, Cell cloning, Types of cell culture bioreactor, Cell counting and cytotoxic assays. Applications of animal cell culture, Hybridoma technology and monoclonal antibody production, Applications of monoclonal antibodies in diagnostic and cancer research, Isolation and culturing of adult and embryonic stem cells, Therapeutic applications of adult stem cells.

Practicals:  Packaging and sterilization of glass and plastic ware for cell culture; Preparation of reagents and media for cell culture; Primary chicken embryo fibroblast; Primary sheep/ goat kidney culture; Cultivation of continuous cell lines; Quantification of cells by trypan blue exclusion dye; Isolation of lymphocytes and cultivation; Study of effect of toxic chemicals on cultured mammalian cells; Study of cytopathic effect of virus on mammalian cells; Cryopreservation of primary cultures and cell lines; Isolation and culture of stem cells from bone marrow

  1. Molecular Diagnostics

Content: Introduction, Importance and historical perspective of development of molecular diagnostic technology, Development and optimisation of Nucleic acid detection assays: OIE guidelines, Concept of development of group specific and strain specific nucleic acid-based diagnostics, Basis for selection of gene/ nucleotide sequence of pathogenic organism to target for detection. Types and application of different molecular diagnostic assays. Restriction endonuclease analysis for identification of pathogens, Principle of development of pathogen specific DNA probes, Blotting techniques e.g. Southern and Northern hybridization. Signal, target and probe based amplification techniques, Transcription based amplification (TBA)/ Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Amplification (NASBA)/ SelfSustaining Sequence Replication (SSSR/ 3SR), Strand Displacement Amplification (SDA), LAMP, Ligase Chain Reaction (LCR)-Prospects and Applications, History of PCR, principle, Cyclic and thermal parameters in PCR, Real time PCR, Variations in PCR, Applications of PCR for diagnosis of infectious diseases of animals and poultry. Advancements in diagnostic technology platforms including DNA array technology, biosensors, Nanodiagnostics, Mass spectrometry, Molecular cloning, DNA sequencingincluding Next generation sequencing, Bead based assays and lateral-flow device technology.

Practicals: Preparations of buffers and reagents. Collection of clinical and environmental samples from animal and poultry farms for molecular detection of pathogens.; Extraction of nucleic acids from clinical specimens.; Qualitative and quantitative analysis of extracted nucleic acid. Agarose gel electrophoresis of extracted nucleic acids.; Restriction endonuclease digestion and analysis in agarose electrophoresis.; Polymerase chain reaction for detection of pathogens in blood and other animal tissues.; RT-PCR for detection of RNA viruses; PCR-RFLP for detection and typing of pathogens; Real time PCR for detection of pathogens in semen and other animal tissues; DNA fingerprinting for identification of genetic diseases; PCR based detection of potential pathogens in milk, eggs and meat; Sanger sequencing using capillary electrophoresis

  1. Immunology Applied to Biotechnology

Content: Introduction, Principles of immunology, Immune system, Immune response, Major histocompatibility complex: Structure, Functions and gene organization and its association with disease and resistance; Immunity against infectious agents of animals; Immunological tolerance; Autoimmunity; Techniques used in biotechnology. Immunoglobulins: Isotype, Allotype and Idiotype; Antibody production and purification; Application of antibodies in purification, Immunoblotting; Expression of immunoglobulin genes in plants and production of antibodies; Cytokines: classification, Structure, Functions; Industrial production of cytokines and interferon. Application of antibodies in chemiluminescence and florescence assay used for identification of recombinant genes; Antibody based nucleic acid probes and their applications; Immunoinformatics; Transgenic animals and cellular chimeras; Immunodiagnostic tests: Agar gel precipitation, Agglutination reaction based tests, various types of immunoassays, immunofiltration tests, flow cytometry in disease diagnosis. Chimeric and humanized monoclonal antibodies, Recombinant antibodies; Modernuses of antibody: Biosensors, Catalysis, in vivo imaging, Microarrays, Proteomics; Cancer immunity and its immunotherapy.

Practicals: Agar gel immunodiffusion test; latex agglutination test; Immunofiltration assay; Immunodiffusion assays; Flow cytometry; Immunoelectrophoresis.;   Fluorescent antibody test.; Enzyme immunoassays including various types of ELISA & Immunoblotting.; Affinity chromatography; Lymphocyte proliferation assay; Cultivation of normal lymphocytes and myeloma cell line.; Somatic cell hybridization and production of hybridoma.; Screening of hybrids for production of monoclonal antibodies; Bioinformatics tools for immunological research

  1. Introduction to Bioinformatics

Content: Introduction, Database searching - Biological Data Acquisition, Retrieval methods for DNA sequence, protein sequence and protein structure information, General Introduction of Biological Databases;Nucleic acid databases (NCBI, DDBJ, and EMBL). Protein databases (Primary, Composite, and Secondary). Specialized Genome databases: (SGD, TIGR, and ACeDB). Structure databases (CATH, SCOP, and PDBsum) Format and Annotation: Conventions for database indexing and specification of search terms, Common sequence file formats. Data – Access, Retrieval and Submission: Standard search engines; Data retrieval tools – Entrez, DBGET and SRS; Submission of (new and revised) data; Sequence Similarity Searches. DNA sequence analysis, Progressive and hierarchical algorithms for MSA multiple sequence alignment, Local versus global. Distance metrics. Similarity and homology. Scoring matrices. Dynamic programming algorithms, Needleman-wunsch and Smithwaterman. Heuristic Methods of sequence alignment, FASTA, BLAST and PSI BLAST. Multiple Sequence Alignment and software tools for pairwise and multiple sequence alignment; Genome Analysis: Whole genome analysis, Viral vector resources, cDNA libraries and EST, EST analysis, EST contings resources, Phylogeny: Phylogenetic analysis, Definition and description of phylogenetic treesand various types of trees, Method of construction of Phylogenetic trees [distance based method (UPGMA, NJ), Maximum Parsimony and Maximum Likelihood method], Comparative genomics, orthologs, paralogs. Secondary database searching, Introduction to concept of secondary data bases and their applications, Genome databases at NCBI, SANGER, TIGR, EBI, AGD and T (Animal genome database and tool), Introduction to animal genome research, RNA databases, protein structural databases, Building search protocol, Introduction to concept chemoinformatics computer aided drug Design–basic principles, Docking, QSAR. Analysis packages–commercial databases and packages, GPL software for Bioinformatics, web-based analysis tools.

Practicals: Usage of NCBI resources; Retrieval of sequence/ structure from databases; Visualization of protein structures; Protein structure modeling/ predictions; Protein antigenicity predictions; Docking of ligand receptors; BLAST exercises.; Multiple sequence alignment and construction of phylogenetic tree.

  1. Animal Genomics

Content: Historical perspective, Genome organization in eukaryotes-Chromosome numbers in farm animals – Physical and molecular structure of chromosomes -Chromosome abnormalities– High order structures, Cohesions and condensins in chromosome structure. SMC proteins –Importance of repetitive DNA –Classical satellites, microsatellites and mini satellites- SINES and LINES- Minisatellite and microsatellite based fingerprinting techniques. Importance of gene mapping in livestock, Methods and techniques used for genemapping, Physical mapping, Linkage analysis, Cytogenetic techniques, FISH technique in gene mapping, Somatic cell hybridization, Radiation hybrid maps, insitu hybridization, Comparative gene mapping. DNA markers – Properties of DNA markers- RFLPs – Minisatellite and Microsatellite markers –PCR based markers- RAPD, PCR-RFLPs, Allele specific – PCR, SSCP, STMS markers, DAMD-PCR, ARMS PCR, AP-PCR, RAMPO, AFLP, SNP, EST, etc. Genetic characterization based on DNA markers, Genetic distance analysis, Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL), Applications of DNA markers in livestock improvement- Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) – Marker Assisted Introgression – Parentage determination – SNP chips - Genomic selection based on SNP typing – Methods of genome editing –ZFN, TALENS, Meganucleases and CRISPR –Cas. Role of genome editing in livestock improvement. Genome sequencing- Next Generation Sequencing – Metagenomics –RNASeq analysis-Exome sequencing and ddRAD sequencing for genome wide SNP detectionCurrent status of whole genome sequencing and gene maps of livestock, Role of MHC in disease resistance, Genes influencing production traits, Mitochondrial DNA of farm animals, Evolutionary significance, Applications of genome analysis in animal breeding.

Practicals: Chromosome preparation (normal karyotyping, different types of banding) in farm animals; Isolation and purification of animal genomic DNA from blood lymphocytes; Analysis of DNA by agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; Checking the quality and quantity of genomic DNA;  Restriction digestion and analysis; Southern hybridization; DNA testing by microsatellite markers; Techniques for revealing polymorphism- RFLP, SSCP, AFLP, Microsatellites, SNP chips; Genomic DNA cloning or cDNA cloning; Differentiation of tissues of different species by mitochondrial genome analysis.; NGS data analysis- metagenome, RNASeq, exome and ddRAD sequence data by bioinformatics software.

  1. Techniques in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering

  1. Reproductive Biotechnology

Content: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), History, Role of biotechnology in ART, importance of assisted reproductive technology in human and animals. Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET), in-vitro fertilization, Micro assisted fertilization, Embryo culture, Micromanipulation of gametes and embryos, preservation of embryos and oocytes. Semen sexing technology, Embryo splitting, Different methods of embryo sexing, Transgenic animal production, Application, Limitation and regulatory issues. Somatic cell nuclear transfer of domestic animals and application. Isolation and characterization of embryonic stem cells. Different applications of embryonic stem cells.

Practicals: MOET protocols for domestic animals; Oocyte and embryo freezing protocol; Oocyte collection and evaluation from live and slaughter house animals; In-vitro embryo production; Embryo quality analysis; Embryo biopsy and embryo sexing.

Veterinary Extension Education

  1. Development Perspectives of Extension Education

Content: Important concepts in extension science; various schools of thought; Critical review and reflections on the philosophy and principles of extension. Implications of earlier extension efforts. Emerging issues, problems and challenges of animal husbandry extension education. Changing approaches – ToT approach, Education Approach, Farmer Participatory Approaches (PRA, RRA, PLA, PTD, PCD, etc.), Demand Driven approach, Market led extension, FSA, Commodity Specific Approach, Market led Extension; Classification of PRA, Differences between PRA and RRA; Global concepts of extension (SAARC, BRICS, US, Japan, UK, Philippines and Israel) and its application to Indian context. Privatization of extension. Public Private Partnership. Extension approaches of State and Central Governments, ICAR, SVUs/ SAUs, NGOs, corporate and other organizations. Extension Advisory Services - Meaning, Concept - Challenges in Animal Husbandry Extension Advisory Services. Extension approaches followed in current livestock development programmes, viz., Rashtriya Gokul Mission, National Livestock Mission, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Livestock Insurance Scheme, Livestock Health and Disease Control, Pashu Sanjivini, National Programme for Dairy Development, National Programme for Bovine Breeding, Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan and digital initiatives such as E-Pashudhan Haat, National Animal Disease Reporting System for livestock development, etc. Linkages between researcher-extension agent - livestock farmer-industry in the generation, Dissemination and commercialization of animal husbandry practices/ technologies.

Practical: Study of the extension approaches, functions, roles, responsibilities, organizationalset-up of State Animal Husbandry Department/ Livestock Development Agency/ Dairy Federation/ Rural Development agencies, Study of selected FPOs, CIGs, NGOs, SHGs, etc. Critical analysis of cases on linkage between different actors of animal husbandry sector

  1. Communication for Livestock Development

Content: Communication- meaning, concept, purpose and process of communication- Models and theories of communication: Aristotle, Berlo, Osgood Schramm, Shanon and Weaver, Johari window, New Comb, Westley and McLean, etc. Critical analysis of models and theories of communication. Recent developments in communication theories and models. Types of communication-intrapersonal, interpersonal, verbal and non-verbal; Criteria of effective communication, Determinants of communication- Empathy, credibility, fidelity, distortion, feedback and barriers to effective communication; Group and mass communication. Key communicators and their role in livestock development. Organizational Communication - formal- informal; downward-upward- horizontal; Problems in organizational communication. Business Communication: Relevance and importance in livestock business development. Features of business communication, Guidelines for business communication, formal and informal business communication, Various types of business communication (Letters, Reports, Proposals, Manuals, Outreach writing (Advertisements, Pamphlets, Signs, Press Release, etc.). Effective business communication. ICT-concept, importance and types of tools and applications; Role and significance of ICT tools in Animal Husbandry Development - Use and importance of Social Media in livestock development. Overview of emerging technologies.

Practical: Exercises in improving communication skills (Speaking skill – Public speaking, Persuasive speech, Informative speech, etc.) Exercises on Listening, Exercises on Reading, Exercises on Non-verbal communication, Writing of Business Communication, Identification of key communicators, Communication barriers, distortion and fidelity in livestock development. Identification of different social media tools used for livestock development; Comparative study of different tools and their areas of applications in animal husbandry sector; Hands on experience in writing blogs; ICT tools in Animal Husbandry Extension delivery system; Analysis of web portals – KVK portals, Knowledge portal, ICAR, SAUs, etc.

  1. Diffusion and Adoption of Innovations

Content: Concept, meaning, importance of diffusion. Elements in diffusion process; Models and theories of diffusion. Concept, meaning, importance of adoption. Steps in adoption process. Adoption models; Stages in diffusion-adoption process; Innovation- Decision Process, Adopter categories and their characteristics. Factors influencing adoption. Attributes of innovations, Factors affecting the rate of adoption and sources of information. Consequences of innovations. Adopter categories and their characteristics. Identification and evaluation of innovations in livestock sector – Attributes, Reason for adoption, Non-adoption and Discontinuance, Consequences. Diffusion and adoption of livestock sectoral innovations. Agricultural Innovation System – Origin of innovation system - Concepts and elements; Innovation vs Invention, Innovation and types of innovation; Innovations in livestock sector; Role of enabling environment; Methodologies for AIS Diagnosis; Capacity Development in AIS.

Practical: Identification of adopter categories in the selected village, Study on attributes of innovation of selected dairy farming technologies/ sheep/ goat/ poultry farming technologies. Identification of sources of information at different stages of adoption on selected livestock technologies; Study of factors increasing or retarding the rate of adoption; Consequences of adoption of livestock technologies; Case studies in of Agricultural Innovation System, Presentation of reports on adoption and diffusion of innovations

  1. Programme Planning and Evaluations

Content: Genesis and importance of programme planning. Objectives, principles and steps in programme planning process. Role of animal husbandry extension agencies and stakeholders in planning and implementation of Animal Husbandry Extension programmes. Participatory Programme planning: Meaning, Role and Benefits; Stakeholders Participation in Development - Identify Key Stakeholders, Examine Stakeholder’s Interests and Impact of the Project, Assess Stakeholder Power and Interest, Outline a Stakeholder Participation Strategy. Meaning and Scope of Monitoring; Basic Concepts and Elements in Monitoring; Types of Monitoring; Techniques of Monitoring; What is Evaluation? Appraisal vs. Monitoring vs. Evaluation vs. Impact Assessment – Major differences; Types of Evaluation, Evaluation Designs. Project Management Techniques- Gantt chart, Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). Critical Path Method (CPM). Project formulation. Project appraisal in terms of social benefit analysis, logical frame work. Various stakeholders in livestock development; stakeholder analysis, and report writing.

Practical: Preparation of comprehensive livestock development programme for a village. Developing instruments for monitoring and evaluation of on-going development programme at village level (Logical Frame Work). Participatory techniques (RRA, PRA, Case study, etc.). SWOT analysis of a livestock development programme.

  1. Research Methodology

Content: Concept, nature and scope of research in social sciences. Types of researchfundamental, applied and action research, experimental and non-experimental research. Identification of concepts, constructs, variables. Hypothesis– importance, selection criteria (qualities of a workable hypothesis), formulation and testing of hypothesis. Selection and formulation of research problem. Measurement and levels of measurement; Research designs- exploratory, experimental, and ex-post-facto research design. Sampling -Sampling methodsprobability and non-probability sampling. Sources of errors. Methods of data collection– survey method, observation method, interview/ questionnaire method, case study, content analysis, sociometry, focus group discussion, projective techniques, Online tools of data collection, Reliability and validity of measuring instruments. Social statistics – designs in data analysis, Parametric and Non-Parametric statistical methods. Data analysis and interpretation and inference, Report writing. Review of studies in social research.

Practical: Construction of data collection tools, GPS-enabled data collection, Development of online tools of data collection (Google Forms, Survey Monkeys, etc.) Application of statistical software for data analysis and interpretation. Creative scientific thinking, selecting a research problem and working it out with all the steps; report writing and presentation of the reports.

  1. Social Psychology and Group Dynamics

Content: Concepts, scope and importance of psychology and social psychology in animal husbandry extension, Perception - nature, laws and selectivity in perception, factors in perception, importance of perception in extension work, Attitude - nature, theories, measurement and change of attitude towards livestock farming, Importance of attitude scales in livestock research and development. Motivation– nature, characteristics, theories, types and techniques of motivating farmers, Learning- principles, theories of learning and experiential learning and adult learning (andragogy). Intelligence- nature, theories and measurement, Personality- nature, traits, types, biological and socio-cultural determinants of personality, Group and individual behaviour. Concept and types of groups; Group behaviour and dynamics: structures - attraction, coalition, communication and power; group mobilisation – social capital, group decision making, Factors affecting group performance; Conflict management in groups; Group belongingness, Community Mobilization, Importance of coordination among livestock development organisations.

Practical: Study of groups and group dynamics (eg.: Self Help Groups (SHGs), Milk Cooperative Societies, Commodity groups and Farmer producer Company/ organization (FPO), Joint Liability Group (JLG), youth clubs, etc.). Exercises on measurement of motivation, perception and personality traits.

  1. Livestock Entrepreneurship

Content: Entrepreneurship - Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development of the country and current scenario and future prospects; Factors influencing Entrepreneurship (Internal factors, External factors, Political factors, Socio-Cultural Environment, Legal and Technological Environment); Role of Government and Non-Government agencies in promoting entrepreneurship in India- eg: Atal Innovation Mission, Startup India, Mudra Bank Scheme, Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme, Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centers (ACABC), Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation (EDEG), etc. Livestock -Business Plan: Business Idea Generation, Brainstorming and evaluation of ideas, Competition, Scalability of the product, Price feasibility, Distribution and logistics, Ease of technology, Opportunities and threats, Internal strengths and weaknesses (SWOT analysis) Government regulations and statutory compliances, Sources of financial assistance. Livestock Business Evaluation: Evaluating financial feasibility, Cost of production and marketing, Project cost determination and fund requirement, Assessing working capital requirement, Non-fund based requirements (BG, LC), Cost of capital sources and cost of finance. Technical feasibility, Patents, Make or buy decision, Plant size and location, Machinery requirement, Outsourcing requirements, Project report and appraisal techniques- Net present value, Payback period, Break even analysis, CB Ratio. Consumer Behaviour: Consumer behaviour- Definition, Consumer and customers, Buyers and users, Consumer behaviour and its applications in livestock marketing; Consumer behaviour models; Consumer motivation, Consumer perception, Consumer behaviour and marketing communications, Consumer decision-making process, Organizational buying behaviour, Modern marketing information system (marketing intelligence, communicating and acting on marketing intelligence).

Practical: Exposure visits to commercial livestock enterprises- Dairy, Poultry, Meat/ Dairy/ Feed Processing Units. Analysis of successful cases of livestock entrepreneurship, Development of livestock business plans, Presentation of livestock business development plans, Study of consumer behavior, Critical analysis of livestock markets/ super markets/ malls.

  1. Human Resource Management in Animal Husbandry Sector

Content: Concept, importance and functions of human resource management in animal husbandry sector. Process of management- planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordination, reporting and budgeting. Principles, levels and types of organizations. Supervision- meaning, process and techniques. Work motivation. Job efficiency and job satisfaction. Organizational communication. Organizational climate. Conflict management. Training– models, methods, Identification of training needs, Training evaluation and developing strategies for human resource development in animal husbandry sector. Capacity need assessment and personnel management in animal husbandry organizations.

Practical: Training needs assessment farmers/ extension personnel, Development of training modules, Organization and evaluation of a training programme

  1. Gender Empowerment and Livestock Development

Content: Gender and empowerment: meaning and importance in livestock sector, Gender related concepts and importance of empowering women in livestock development; Need and focus on gender sensitization, Gender in community diversity and its implication for empowerment.  Gender perspectives in development of women, Social characteristics, Roles, Responsibilities, Resources, Constraints, Legal issues and opportunities; Economical, educational and other parameters with special reference to livestock development. Gender tools and methodologies: Dimensions and methodologies for empowerment; Gender budgeting; Gender analysis framework- context, activities, Resources and programme action profile; Technologies and empowerment, Gender specific technologies, Household technology interface, Socio-cultural interface and women as consumers of technologies. Policies and programmes in empowering women in general and livestock development in specific eg: UJJAWALA, Pradhan Mantri Mahila Shakti Kendra, One Stop Centre Scheme, Mahila E-haat, STEP, etc.

  1. Farm Journalism

Content: Concept of farm journalism and communication. Journalism as a means of mass communication and its role in livestock development. Opportunities, strength and limitations. Ethics and principles of journalism for effective writing. Writing skills –Principles of writing - art of writing, News items, News stories, feature articles, Success stories, Magazines, bulletins, folders, etc. Fundamentals of lay-out in writing. Writing of research papers and popular articles in journals, Farm magazines and e-journals. Methods and techniques of broadcasting of farm programmes. Writing scripts for radio and televisions. Rapport building with different categories of clients involved in veterinary and animal husbandry extension programmes. Art of speaking. Importance of listening and reading. Writing for press news. Relations with press media. Event management, Organization of press meet. Qualities of a good public relations manager. Role and importance of art of speaking, listening and reading skills. Types of internet based media- Writing for web- concepts, Writing for social media (Blogs, etc.) – Ethics and values. Development of Multimedia Modules.

Practical: Designing and preparation of news stories, feature articles, success stories related to animal husbandry. Designing and preparation of Magazines, Pamphlets, folders, popular research articles, radio, T.V. scripts. Visit to Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) centre to record the activities of preparation, editing and publication of news articles and research publications.

  1. Statistics for Social Sciences

Content: Descriptive statistics- measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Coefficient of variance, Standard error, Skewness and kurtosis, Contingency tables, Normal distribution, Test of significance – One sample t test, Independent t test, paired t test, ANOVA and z - one tailed and two tailed tests. Population versus sample, Sampling errors, Sample size determination, Survey instruments, Open ended and closed ended questions, and online survey tools. Dependency among the variables, correlation- Pearson, Spearman and Kendall, point biserial correlation, Regression analysis, Assumptions, Multiple linear Regression, Regression diagnostics-outlier, Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation, logit/ probit model. Scaling Techniques: Ranking, Rating and Paired Comparison. Scaling techniques -Likert, Thurston and Guttman Scales. Construction and standardization; Knowledge test, Test of reliability and validity. Non-parametric tests- Signed Rank, Rank sum and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Test for independence and homogeneity. Multivariate techniques – cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and Factor analysis: Different rotations and interpretation of results.

Practical: Exercises on different statistical tools and their interpretations

Veterinary Physiology

  1. Physiology of Digestion

Content: Basic characteristics and comparative physiology of digestive system of monogastric and polygastric animals. Appetite andcontrol of feed intake. Gastro-intestinal motility, secretary functions of gastro-intestinal tract, their regulation and gastro-intestinal hormones. Digestion, absorption and metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat in simple and compound stomach. Absorption of water and electrolytes. Development of ruminant stomach, rumen microbiology and rumen environment. Ruminantmicrobial digestion, its advantages and disadvantages. Fate of rumen fermentation products. Rumino-reticularmotility, its significance and control. Digestion in birds.

  1. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology

Content: Functional anatomy of heart and properties of cardiac muscle, Origin and propagation of cardiac impulses. Rhythmic excitation of heart, Electrophysiology of heart, Cardiac cycle, Cardiac sounds. Cardiac output and its measurements, Factors affecting cardiac output. Venous return and its regulation. Regulation of the cardiac functions. Normal electrocardiogram, Electrocardiographic interpretation in common cardiac disorders. Cardiac murmurs and cardiac arrhythmias. Echocardiography. Circulation - coronary, systemic and pulmonary circulation and their regulation. Regional circulation. Pathophysiology of circulation. Hemodynamics. Arterial pressure. Capillary exchanges. Lymphatic circulation. Respiration, Mechanism of ventilation, Transport and exchange of respiratory gases at alveolar and tissue level, Respiratory adjustments at high altitude, Stress andexercise. Pulmonary volumes and capacities. Neural and chemical control of respiration. Respiration in birds.

  1. Renal Physiology and Body Fluid Dynamics

Content: An overview of nephron structure and function. Renal function in mammals. Renal haemodynamics. Glomerular filtration, Tubular reasbsorption and secretion. Urine formation- stages and factors affecting different stages. Role of kidney in acid-base balance, Physiology of micturition, Endocrine control of renal function- Renin angiotensin aldosterone system. Non excretory functions of kidney. Excretory system in birds. Body fluids – various body fluid compartments, Different types of body fluids and their functions, Composition of different body fluids and their regulation.

  1. Hematology

Content: Hematopoietic stem cells, Blood cells and hematological indices, Anaemia, Different types of anaemia, Polycythemia and their effect on circulation in mammals and birds. Fate of erythrocytes. Porphyrias. Resistance of the body to infection, Leukocytes, tissue macrophage system and inflammatory response. Haemoglobin and its types, Iron binding proteins in blood, Haemoglobin disorders. Hemophilias. Immunity, Ommunoglobulins complement system. Hemostasis and coagulation factors, Role of platelets, Fibrinolysis. Conditions causing bleeding disorders. Blood groups, transfusion of blood.

  1. Growth and Environmental Physiology

Content: Growth - Introduction and Concepts. Hormonal regulation of growth. Growth promoters. Minerals - Classification-functions and disorders. Chelated minerals, nanominerals. Vitamins - Classification-functions and disorders. Synthetic vitamins. Environment - Introduction and concepts. Weather and climate. Homeothermy, Poikilothermy. Hibernation and estivation. Thermoregulation, thermal stress. Effect of environment on production and reproduction.

  1. Physiology of Animal Reproduction

Content: Functional histomorphology of male and female reproductive system. Development of male and female sex organs in different domestic animals. Neuro-endocrine reflexes. Puberty and its endocrine control. Sexual cycles and mating behaviours in females, oogenesis, folliculogenesis and ovulation. Secretions of female reproductive tract in different species of animals. Endocrine regulation of female reproduction. Male mating behaviour, Spermatogenesis, Spermiogenesis, Spermatogenic cycles. Spermatozoa- structure and composition, Maturation and transportation. Secretions of male reproductive tract. Endocrine regulation of male reproduction. Transport of male and female gametes, Fertilization, implantation. Early embryo development and maternal recognition of pregnancy. Hormones of pregnancy. Placentation, parturition and Uterine Involution. Avian reproduction and formation of egg.

  1. Clinical Physiology

Content: Introduction and basic concepts of understanding of alteration in system functions Relationship of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory systems and liver in healthy domestic animals and compensatory mechanisms during failure/ disorder of one or other systems Clinical Haematology and enzymology. Metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, lipid, vitamin and minerals in health and disease of various species of domestic animals and poultry. Evaluation of common endocrine disorders – pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas in domestic animals (with reference to species and profile). Reproductive function alterations in male and female domestic animals during stress- productive, environmental, nutritional. Clinical evaluation of Gastrointestinal tract; Clinical evaluation of Special Senses; Neuromuscular disorders and clinical correlation; Assessment of acid base and electrolyte balance.

  1. Neuromuscular Physiology

Content: Functional anatomy, types and classification of muscles, of muscles. Properties of skeletal muscle, Contractile elements, Membrane and action potential, Molecular mechanism of muscle contraction, Myoneuronal junction and transmission of impulse, Smooth muscle contraction. Length and tension relationship, Force and velocity relationship. Skeletal muscle energetics, Metabolism and lactate shuttle. Exercise, adaptation to training and performance. Classification of nervous system. Neuron and its classification, Properties. Development of action potential and transmission of nerve impulse in nerve and synapse. Regulatory centres in brain. Reflexes. Functions of Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Hypothalamus, Limbic system. Receptors and its types. Special senses.

  1. Endocrinology of Domestic Animals

Content: Methods of study of bioregulation including methods of endocrine analysis. Manipulation and disruption of biorhythms in homeostatic and natural ecosystem. Hormonal relationship in animal production. Concepts in hormone function, classification and methods of study, Hormonal assay, Mechanism of hormone synthesis, Release and transport. Mechanisms of hormone action, Target cell interactions. Genetic and genomic approaches in endocrinology. Animal models and alternate uses of animal model. Regulation and metabolism of hypothalamic, hypophyseal, thyroid and adrenal hormones. Gonadal and placental hormones, their regulation and mechanism of action. Hormonal principles of pineal gland and its role in production. Endocrine control of carbohydrate and calcium homeostasis. Hormones andadaptation to environment. Hormonal regulation of gastro-intestinal activity. Prostaglandins. Hormones in fertility regulation and production augmentation. Avian endocrinology.

  1. Instrumentation and Research Techniques in Veterinary Physiology

  1. Physiology of Wild Life

Content: Overview of Indian forests – Identification of sex in wild animals and birds - Blood collection methods in wild animals – Hematology - Common clinical biochemical estimations.  Body temperature measurement techniques – Measurement of stress - Measuring senescence. Reproduction management in wild animals - Understanding sound mechanics and communication methods – Ethology of wild animals - Government policies for wild life protection.