M. V. Sc. Veterinary Para-Clinical Subjects

 Veterinary Microbiology

  1. General Bacteriology
  2. Systematic Veterinary Bacteriology
  3. General Virology
  4. Systematic Veterinary Virology
  5. Principles of Veterinary Immunology
  6. Veterinary Mycology
  7. Vaccinology
  8. Techniques in Microbiology
  9. Techniques in Molecular Microbiology
  10. Molecular Immunology
  11. Mucosal Immunology
  12. Introduction to Microbial Bio-informatics

Veterinary Pathology

  1. General Pathology
  2. Techniques in Pathology
  3. Animal Oncology
  4. Clinical Pathology
  5. Necropsy Procedures and Interpretations
  6. Necropsy Conference
  7. Systemic Pathology
  8. Pathology of Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals
  9. Toxicopathology
  10. Avian Pathology
  11. Pathology of Wild/ Zoo and Aquatic Animal Diseases
  12. Pathology of Laboratory Animal Diseases

Veterinary Parasitology

  1. Platyhelminthes-I
  2. Platyhelminthes-II
  3. Nemathelminthes and Acanthocephala
  4. Arthropod Parasites
  5. Parasitic Protozoa
  6. Diagnostic Parasitology
  7. Clinical Parasitology
  8. Management of Parasitic Diseases
  9. Immunoparasitology
  10. Parasitic Zoonoses
  11. Parasites of Wildlife

Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

  1. Concepts in Veterinary Public Health and One Health
  2. Zoonoses-I
  3. Zoonoses-II
  4. Principles of Epidemiology
  5. Hygiene and Safety of Foods of Animal and Aquatic Origin
  6. Food-borne Infections and Intoxications
  7. Food Safety Standards, and Regulations
  8. EnvironmentalHygiene and Safety
  9. Applied Epidemiology
  10. Biosecurity, Bioterrorism and Disaster Management
  11. Laboratory Techniques in Veterinary Public Health

 Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

  1. Concepts of Pharmacology, Drug Design and Development
  2. Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology
  3. CNS Pharmacology
  4. Digestive and Respiratory Pharmacology
  5. Cardiovascular and Urinary System Pharmacology
  6. Endocrine and Reproductive Pharmacology
  7. Chemotherapy
  8. Toxicology of Xenobiotics
  9. Toxinology
  10. Pharmacological Techniques
  11. Techniques in Toxicology
  12. Ethnopharmacology
  13. Fundamentals of Pharmacokinetics

M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Microbiology

  1. General Bacteriology

Content: Historical events of microbiology, Taxonomy and nomenclature of bacteria. Basic principles of microscopy and micrometry, Classical, Confocal, Nomaraski and electron microscopy. Staining of bacteria, Structure and function of bacterial cell. Growth, Nutrition, Metabolism, Secretion and excretion systems of bacteria. General principles of bacterial disease diagnosis. Bacterial genetics, Bacterial variation, Horizontal genetic transfer mechanisms (transformation, transduction and conjugation), Plasmids, Transposons and drug resistance.  Determinants of pathogenicity and its molecular basis, Markers and PAMPs, exotoxin and endotoxin. Bacteriophages: temperate and virulent phages; lysogeny and lysogenic conversion. Antimicrobial agents and disinfectants: Mechanism of action, Resistance and susceptibility testing. Bacterial immunity.

Practical: Orientation to a bacteriology laboratory, Sterilization and disinfection techniques, Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity. Cultivation of aerobic, Microaerophilic and anaerobic bacteria, Isolation of bacteria in pure culture, Microscopy, Morphological characterization of bacteria, Different staining methods and biochemical tests for identification of bacteria, Determination of bacterial number and biomass and standard protocols for antibiotic sensitivity test and detection of MIC.

  1. Systematic Veterinary Bacteriology

Content: Systematic study of following groups of bacteria: Spirochetes: Leptospira, Brachyspira and Borrelia. Gram-negative; Aerobic/ Microaerophillic, motile helical/ vibrioid: Campylobacter;; Aerobic/ Microaerophillic rods/ cocci: Bordetella, Brucella, Morexella, Pseudomonas and Burkholderia; Facultative anaerobic Gram-negative rods: members of Enterobacteriaceae, Pasteurella, Mannheimia and Haemophilus; Anaerobic, straight, curved and helical rods: Dichelobacter andFusobacterium. Rickettsia and Chlamydia: Rickettsia, Chlamydia (Chlamydophila) and Coxiella. Gram-positive; Gram-positive cocci: Staphylococcus and Streptococcus including Enterococcus.; Endospore-forming rods: Bacillusand Clostridium.; Regular non-spore forming rods: Erysipelothrixa and Listeria; Irregular non-spore forming rods: Actinomyces, Corynebacterium and Truepurella. Mycobacteria: Mycobacterium; Actinomycetes: Nocardia and Rhodococcus, Dermatophilus.; Mollicutes: Mycoplasma. Emerging and transboundary bacterial pathogens.

Practical: Collection, transport and dispatch of clinical samples from various disease conditions. Isolation of bacteria in pure cultures from different clinical samples. Identification of the bacteria using staining, biochemical tests and other molecular techniques. Preservation and storage of bacterial cultures.

  1. General Virology

Content: History of virology, Origin and nature of viruses, Morphological structure and chemical composition of viruses, Nomenclature and classification of viruses, Cultivation and purification of viruses, Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections, Viroid and Prions.  Replication of DNA and RNA viruses, genetic and non-genetic interactions between viruses. Virus-cell interactions, viral pathogenesis, viral persistence, oncogenic, oncolytic viruses and epidemiology of viral infections. Immune response to viruses, viral vaccines, viral chemotherapy.

Practical: Orientation to a virology laboratory, Preparation of glassware, Plasticware, Media and reagents for cell culture and other items required for virus cultivation. Protocols for primary and secondary cell cultures, Maintenance of cell lines, Cryopreservation of cells and their revival. Staining of virus infected cultured cells and demonstration of inclusion bodies. Viable cell counting. Cultivation of viruses in embryonated chicken eggs and cell cultures.

  1. Systematic Veterinary Virology

Content: Double and Single stranded DNA virus families Poxviridae, Asfarviridae, Herpesviridae, Adenoviridae, Papilomaviridae, Polyomaviridae, Parvoviride, Circoviridae and Hepdnaviridae. Single stranded Negative sense and Double stranded RNA viruses Orthomyxoviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Bornaviridae, Reoviridae and Birnaviridae. Single stranded Positive sense RNA viruses Picornaviridae, Caliciviridae, Togaviridae, Flaviviridae, Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, Astroviridae and Retroviridae. Prions BSE, Scrapie and introduction to viriods. Emerging, re-emerging and transboundary viral pathogens.

Practical: Collection, Preservation, Transportation of clinical samples and their processing for virus isolation and identification. Isolation and cultivation of viruses from clinical samples, using different methods and its plaque purification. Titration of viruses for 50% end points using different methods, Serum neutralization test. Electropherotyping. Concentration and purification of viruses by chemical agents, differential centrifugation, density gradient centrifugation and ultra-filtration. Methods for preservation of animal viruses.

  1. Principles of Veterinary Immunology

Content: Introduction to livestock and poultry immune system: ontogeny and phylogeny of vertebrate immune system, cells and organs of immune system. Types of immunity: Innate and adaptive immune system. Antigen and its characteristics Characteristic of ideal antigen; Classification of antigens, Factors affecting immunogenicity, Concept of hapten and carrier. Antigenic determinant/ epitope and cross reactivity. B-cell epitope and T cell epitope. Immunoglobulins: Basic structure and function of immunoglobulins, Immunoglobulin diversity and immunoglobulin classes. Antigen recognition by B cell and T cell: B cell receptor, T cell receptor, receptor diversity, B cell and T cell activation. Major Histocompatibility Complex General feature, structure, function, gene organization, MHC and immune response. Immune-response development: Phases of humoral and cell mediated immune response. Immunoregulation with B and T cells: Antigen recognition, antigen presentation and processing, antigen recognition by TCR, MHC restriction, Cytokines and chemokines. Cell mediated immune response: General properties of effector T cells, cytotoxic T cells, NK-cells and ADCC. Role of integrin and selectin. Complement System Basic concept of complement, mechanism of complement activation, complement pathways and Complement deficiencies. Autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases, immunological tolerance and hypersensitivity: classification, mechanism of induction with examples. Immunodeficiency: Types with examples. Immune response in foetus and new born. Antigen antibody interaction Antibody affinity, avidity, cross reactivity, precipitation and agglutination test, radio-immunoprecipitation assay (RIPA), ELISA, Western blotting, Immunodiagnostics and Immunotherapy. Monoclonal antibodies and methods for production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies.

Practical: Preparation of antigens, raising of antisera against soluble and insoluble antigens. Detection of antibody by gel diffusion, radial immunodiffusion, immuneelectrophoresis techniques. Haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition test, ELISA and its modifications. Immunoblotting. Agglutination tests. Separation and purification of Immunoglobulin from serum. Separation of mononuclear cells from blood by density gradient centrifugation, viable count of lymphocyte by dye exclusion method. Measurement of T cell response (DTH, lymphoproliferative assay).

  1. Veterinary Mycology

Content: History of mycology, Glossary of mycological terms; Morphology of fungi: structure and ultra-structure, differentiation, nutrition, physiology, reproduction, spores, cultural characters and classification of fungi of veterinary importance. Fungal immunity. Antifungal agents and important techniques in diagnosis of fungal infections. Systematic study of animal mycoses: Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Cryptococcosis, Epizootic lymphangitis, Rhinosporodiosis, Zygomycosis, Blastomycosis, Sporotrichosis, Histoplasmosis, Coccidioidomycosis, Mycetomas, Dermatophytoses, Dermatomycosis, Mycotoxicosis, Malassezia infections, Mycotic abortion, Mycotic mastitis, and Emerging mycoses.

Practical: Collection and processing of clinical material for isolation of fungi. Microscopy of fungi: Lactophenol cotton blue and India ink preparations. Preparation of basal and special fungal media of veterinary importance. Slide culture and cellophane tape technique for fungi. Diagnosis of dermatophytes. Biosafety precautions in handling yeast and dimorphic fungi. Study of gross and microscopic characters of pathogenic fungi, antifungal sensitivity testing, detection of mycotoxin. Serological and molecular diagnosis in fungi.

  1. Vaccinology

  1. Techniques in Microbiology

Practical: Orientation to a microbiology laboratory. Different sterilization and disinfection techniques. Laboratory biosafety and biosecurity. Microscopy, media preparation, isolation, cultivation and purification of bacteria and fungi and their morphological and biochemical characterization. Antibacterial sensitivity test by Disc diffusion, broth dilution and MIC determination technique. Cultivation of viruses in embryonated eggs and cell culture. Virus Neutralization test. Different immunological techniques: Agglutination, precipitation, ELISA, Haemagglutination and HaemagglutinationInhibition and other immunological assays.

  1. Techniques in Molecular Microbiology

Content: Basic requirements for establishing molecular diagnostics Laboratory. Principles of molecular diagnostic tests. Methods of nucleic acid extraction from pathogenic microorganisms. PCR, and variants of PCR. Principles of primer designing. Gel electrophoresis methods andblotting techniques: Southern blotting, northern blotting, western blotting, dot-blot. Microarrays, nucleic acid sequencing methods. Sequence analysissequence editing, sequence alignment, sequence comparison and phylogentic analysis. Gene cloning and expression. Molecular diagnosis as epidemiological tool.Development and validation of diagnostic tests.

Practical: Orientation of molecular diagnosis laboratory: especially RNA and diagnostic PCR laboratory (handling RNA and DNA). Extraction of nucleic acid from different microbes: Gram positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria, DNA viruses, RNA Viruses and fungi, DNA and RNA isolation from cell culture and blood and isolation of plasmids. Quality and quantity check of nucleic acids. Principles for Primer designing. Procedure for molecular diagnostic tests like PCR, RT-PCR and LAMP. Absolute and relative quantitation of DNA/ RNA using QPCR. SDS PAGE of proteins and RNA, study of nucleic acid and proteins by blotting techniques. Restriction Enzyme digestion Techniques and RFLP; PCR product concentration and purification for sequencing. Nucleic acid sequence analysis. Gene Cloning, expression and purification of expression products. An introduction to high throughput sequencing and MALDI-TOF.

  1. Molecular Immunology

Content: Molecular Structure and function of PRRs. Ligands of PRRs, signal transduction through PRRs andinflammosome. Cytokines, Lymphocyte markers and CD nomenclature. Molecular structure of Immunoglobulin and class, Isotypes, Synthesis and expression of immunoglobulin, Rearrangement and its organization, Immunoglobulin gene diversity and mechanism of recombination of B cell gene. Theory of antibodygeneration. Signature molecules of T cell and T regulatory cell. T cell receptor and T cell gene diversity. MHC structure, Genomic organization of the MHC gene haplotype. Concept of congenic and syngeneic, concept of polymorphism of MHC gene, pathway of signal transduction, role of co-stimulators in B cell and T cell activation and recruitment of adaptor proteins. Molecular mechanisms (events) of cell cytotoxicity.

Practical: Isolation and purification of mammalian and avian immunoglobulin by precipitation technique: Caprylic acid, PEG, Ammonium Sulphate, Sodium Sulphate. Separation of immunoglobulins by size, charge and ligand affinity: size exclusion chromatography (gel filteration on Sephadex G200), ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography (Protein-A-Sepharose). Immuno-electrophoresis Technique: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis innative and reducing conditions, fixed andgradient gel, Western blot, Crossed immune-electrophoresis. Chemiluminscence assay and Cell cytotoxicity assays; Non-radioactive methods like LDH realease assay. Antigen detection by Immuno PCR. Haplotype matching between individuals, Flow cytometry for CD4 and CD8 ratio determination and other applications. ELISpot test for cytokine assay.

  1. Mucosal Immunology

Content: Innate Mechanisms Mucosal barrier: Development and physiology of mucosal defense. Cells and lymphoid tissues of mucosal immune system: MALT, GALT, NALT and BALT. Innate immune response at mucosal surfaces: mucus, antimicrobial peptides, role of PPRs, intestinal Dendritic cell, intestinal macrophage, mucosal inductive and effector sites. Antigen uptake and presentation at mucosal sites, transepithelial transport of antigen. Acquired response Mucosal Immunoglobulin, IgA synthesis and transport to intestinal lumen.Description and role of Paneth cell and crypto patches.M-cells and their functions.Mucosal immune effector mechanisms including secretory IgA response. Extrathymic T cell development in mucosal tissues and their phenotypes and functions. Applications Importance and limitations of mucosal immunization. Mucosal adjuvants and delivery systems. Oral tolerance mechanistic approach. Immunopathology at mucosal surfaces: Celiac disease, Inflammatory bowel disease, Jhone’s disease; Assessment of mucosal immune response and potency testing.

  1. Introduction to Microbial Bioinformatics

Content: Introduction to Bioinformatics; History, Scope and Application, Internet and world wide web. Bioinformatics resources and information retrieval system. Nucleic acid sequence databases, Genome databases, Protein sequence databases, Metabolic pathways databases, NCBI, ExPASy and Ensembl Genome browser. Sequence comparison and alignment methods; Introduction to sequence alignment, principal methods of pairwise sequence alignment and Dot plot analysis. Significance of BLAST and FASTA programs in DNA and protein sequence analysis, variants of BLAST and FASTA programs. Introduction to multiple sequence alignment and Phylogenetic analysis to retrieve evolutionary information, Global multiple sequence alignment tool- CLUSTAL-W. Overview of protein structure and databases, Structure based protein classification, Protein structure database (CASP), Protein structure alignment tools (VAST, DALI), Protein 3-D structure visualization and modeling using SWISS PROT.

Veterinary Pathology

  1. General Pathology

Content: Introduction and principles of Pathology including genetic basis of disease; Cellular responses to injury: Causes and mechanisms of reversible and irreversible cell injury; Morphologic characteristics, Significance and fate of various intracellular (lipids, glycogen, proteins) and extracellular (hyaline material, amyloid, fibrinoid change, gout) accumulations/ degenerations, Endogenous and exogenous pigmentations, Cell death (necrosis, apoptosis and gangrene), Pathologic calcifications and cellular adaptive changes. Inflammation and repair: Introduction to inflammation, Acute inflammation-cellular and molecular events including mediators and heat shock proteins of acute inflammation; Cellular components, Morphologic classification and outcomes of acute inflammation, Chronic inflammation-causes, Morphologic features and cellular components of chronic inflammation, Healing and repair, Systemic effects of inflammation. Disturbances in circulation: Causes, mechanisms, Morphologic features, Significance and fate of hyperemia, Oedema, Haemorrhage, Thrombosis, Embolism, Ischaemia, infarction and shock. Immune mediated reactions: Introduction to autoimmunity and immune mediated diseases, mechanisms of hypersensitivity reactions.

Practical: To study the morphologic descriptions of lesions and nomenclature of a morphologic diagnosis based on gross and/ or microscopic lesions of variety of conditions (degenerations, infiltrations, pigmentations, necrosis, circulatory and growth disturbances and different types of inflammation) in the preserved specimens/ slides. Demonstration of post-mortem changes.; Continuous assessment of students for their skills in the diagnosis of gross lesions during post-mortem examination of different tissues of domestic animals. Preparation of histopathology slides on the selected cases followed by interaction in the student seminars/ group discussions.

  1. Techniques in Pathology

Practical: Basic histopathological techniques-Collection of tissues, fixation, processing, section cutting and H and E staining of tissue sections. Collection and fixation of tissues for scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, histochemical, toxicological, bacteriological and virological examinations. Application of micrometry and special staining techniques. Demonstration of different inclusions, bacteria and fungi in tissues.; Principles of dark field, phase contrast and fluorescent microscopy; introduction to scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.; Histochemical techniques for demonstration of fat, glycogen, connective tissue, mucopolysaccharides and common enzymes, pigments and minerals Cryosectioning and application of immunohistochemical techniques–immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence.; Principles and applications of PCR and its variants.; Museum specimen preparation and maintenance.

  1. Animal Oncology

Content: Tumour-Etiology, Carcinogens and oncogenesis, Nomenclature and classification, characteristics of benign and malignant tumours, Molecular mechanisms, Pathways of spread of tumors and tumor immunology. Effects of tumour, Grading, Staging and laboratory diagnosis of tumours. Animal tumour models–experimental induction of neoplasms. Pathology of different types of epithelial and connective tissue tumours with their characteristic identification features and epidemiology. Commonly encountered tumours of respiratory, haemopoietic, integumentary, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, uro-genital, nervous, ocular, ear and endocrine system.

Practical: Cytological diagnosis of tumours via impression smears and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology.; To study the gross and microscopic changes in different types of neoplasms.

  1. Clinical Pathology

Content: Study of changes in blood/ plasma/ serum including biochemical profile for organ function tests, Cytological examination and examination of urine, Faeces, Cerebrospinal fluid and biopsy specimens and their interpretation.

Practical: Analysis of clinical samples (blood/ serum/ plasma, urine, faeces, Biopsy samples (exfoliative/ FNAC) including biochemical profile for organ function tests in different disease conditions in animals/ poultry and their interpretations.

  1. Necropsy Procedures and Interpretations

Content: General knowledge about the laws relating to veterinary practice, professional discipline and professional etiquettes. Regulations dealing with diseases of animals in India regarding epidemiology, quarantine certificate, issue of soundness certificate, etc. Different manners/ modes of death such as criminal assault, Cruelty to animals, malicious poisoning, Snake bite, Death due to drowning, Lightning strokes during thunderstorms; Veterolegal wounds like electrocution, Gunshot wounds, Automobile accidents, and violent death; Legal implications in animals in above conditions, doping in horses, etc.

Practical: Detailed necropsy examination of various species of large and small animals including poultry, laboratory animals and wildlife. Systematic examination of brain, lungs, heart, endocrine glands, lymph nodes, liver, gastro-intestinal tract, urinary and genital systems for gross pathological and histopathological studies and correlation of the observations to diagnose the disease conditions.; Necropsy case presentation and report writing/ protocol preparation. Collection, preservation and dispatch of morbid materials for diagnosis of viral, bacterial, protozoan, parasitic diseases, toxic/ poisoning and for histochemistry/ histopathology.

  1. Necropsy Conference

Practical: Continuous assessment of students on detailed necropsy examination of various species of large and small animals including poultry; Necropsy associated cytological examinations; Systematic examination of different organs for morphologic description of gross lesions; gross photography; Collection of tissues for histopathology and based on nature of gross lesions, if possible further collection for investigation of viral/ bacterial/ protozoan/ fungal/ parasitic diseases/ toxic or poisoning, etc.; • Morphologic description of microscopic lesions; microscopic photography; correlation of gross and microscopic observations with the results of other parallel investigations to diagnose the disease conditions; presentation of select case(s) in the monthly seminars followed by report writing and final morphologic/ etiologic diagnosis, classification and preservation of microscopic slides

  1. Systemic Pathology

Content: Advanced study of pathological conditions in relation to their etiology, Pathologyand pathogenesis including examples of specific infectious or non-infectious diseases affecting cardiovascular (heart, blood vessels and lymph vessels), Respiratory (nasal cavity, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs and pleura) and haemopoietic (bone marrow, blood, spleen, lymph node) systems. Advanced study of pathological conditions in relation to their etiology, Pathology and pathogenesis including examples of specific infectious or non-infectious diseases affecting different organs of digestive (buccal cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach and intestines), Urinary (kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra) and genital (male and female organs including mammary gland) systems. Advanced study of pathological conditions in relation to their etiology, Pathology and pathogenesis including examples of specific infectious or non-infectious diseases affecting different organs of nervous (brain and spinal cord), endocrine (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas) musculo-skeletal systems (muscles and bones) and organs of special senses (eye, ear), skin and its appendages (hoof, tail).

Practical: To study the morphologic description of lesions and nomenclature of a morphologic diagnosis based on gross and/ or microscopic lesions in variety of organs in the preserved specimens/ slides.; Continuous assessment of students for their skills in the morphologic description of lesions and nomenclature of a morphologic diagnosis based on gross and/ or microscopic lesions in variety of organs during post-mortem examination of domestic animals followed by interaction in the student seminars/ group discussions.

  1. Pathology of Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals

Content: Study of etiology, Pathology and pathogenesis of various viral diseases-Foot and mouth disease, Vesicular stomatitis, Vesicular exanthema, Vesicular disease, Rinderpest, Bovine viral diarrhoea-Mucosal disease, Bovine malignant catarrhal fever, Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, Parainfluenza-3, Bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection, Pox diseases, Blue tongue, Contagious ecthyma, PPR, Rabies, Canine distemper, Parvovirus infections, Infectious canine hepatitis, Pseudorabies, Classical swine fever, Swine and Equine influenza, Equine infectious anaemia, African horse sickness, Equine viral arteritis, Equine viral encephalomyelitis, Equine herpesvirus infections, Papillomatosis, Rift Valley fever, Japanese encephalitis, Ovine encephalomyelitis (Louping ill) and Prion diseases. Study of etiology, pathology and pathogenesis of various bacterial diseasesTuberculosis, Johne’s disease, Actinobacillosis, Actinomycosis, Brucellosis, Listeriosis, Pasteurellosis, Leptospirosis, Anthrax, Clostridial group of diseases, Streptococcal and Staphylococcal infections, Campylobacter infections, Swine erysipelas, Glasser’s disease, Foot rot, Colibacillosis and Salmonellosis, Glanders, Melioidosis, Nocardiosis, Cutaneous strepthricosis, Corynebactrium infections, Chlamydial and Mycoplasma infections. Study of etiology, Pathology and pathogenesis of various fungal, Rickettsial and parasitic diseases-Aspergillosis, Blastomycosis, Coccidioidomycosis, Histoplasmosis, Epizootic lymphangitis, Rhinosporidiosis, Sporotrichosis, Candidiasis, Crytococcosis, Dermatomycoses;Diseases due to commonly occurring mycotoxins; Important rickettsial diseases-Q-fever, Heart water disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Haemobartonellosis; Important protozoan diseases-Coccidiosis, Toxoplasmosis, Babesiosis, Theilariosis, Cryptosporidiosis, Trypanosomiasis and Pathology of important diseases caused by helminths.

Practical: Morphologic description of lesions based on gross and/ or microscopic lesions and the study of their correlation with a specific disease in the preserved specimens/ slides.

  1. Toxicopathology

Content: Introduction, classification and mode of action of different poisons. Study of pathogenesis, symptoms, gross and microscopic pathology of diseases caused by toxic plants, Organic and inorganic poisons commonly taken or administered maliciously to different species of domestic animals. Various regulatory bodies and regulatory processes, Protocols in conducting toxicopathological trials; Chronology for conducting preclinical toxicology. OECD-Good Laboratory Practices, Toxicopathological profile including battery of tests for pharmaceutical/ toxic agents. In-vitro and In vivo models for toxicity studies and evaluation parameters.

Practical:  To study gross and histopathological alterations as a result of ingestion of toxic plants and extraneous poisons in domestic animals.; Assignments on commonly occurring toxic plants of the region; Diagnosis of commonly taken or maliciously administered poisonous substances.

  1. Avian Pathology

Content: Avian inflammation and immunology, Study of etio-pathology, symptoms, transmission, and diagnosis of infectious diseases of chickens, turkeys, ducks and other birds caused by Bacteria: Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Clostridial infections, Infectious coryza, Fowl cholera, Tuberculosis and Spirochaetosis; Chlamydial and Mycoplasmal infections; Viruses: Ranikhet disease, Infectious bursal disease, Infectious bronchitis, Infectious laryngotracheitis, Marek’s disease, Leukorsarcoma group of diseases, Reticuloendotheliosis, Fowl pox, Avian influenza, Avian encephalomyelitis, Inclusion body hepatitis, Hydropericardium syndrome, Egg drop syndrome-76, Chicken infectious anaemia, Avian nephritis, Reovirus infections- Viral arthritis and Infectious stunting syndrome, Duck plague, Duck viral hepatitis, Coronaviral enteritis and Haemorrhagic enteritis of turkeys: Fungi and mycotoxins; Parasites-Coccidiosis, Histomoniasis, Round worm and Tape worm infections; Ecto-parasites of birds. Study of etio-pathology, clinical symptoms, and diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies - Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies; Metabolic diseases-Ascites, Gout, Fatty liver and kidney syndrome, Fatty liver haemorrhagic syndrome, Cage layer fatigue, etc.; Miscellaneous conditions of poultry-Heat stress, Blue comb, Breast blister, Bumble foot, Cannibalism, False layer, Internal layer, Pendulous crop, Round heart disease etc. Emerging and re-emerging diseases of poultry: Introduction to an emerging and a re-emerging pathogen, mechanisms of poultry pathogen’s emergence, co-evolution of poultry pathogens with their vaccines and medications, common diseases of poultry susceptible to point mutations and their pathology.

Practical: Necropsy examination of the different species of poultry; morphologic description of gross and/ or microscopic lesions in the preserved specimens/ slides.; Continuous assessment of students for their skills in the diagnosis of gross lesions in different organs of various systems during post-mortem examination of poultry. Preparation of histopathology slides on the select cases followed by interaction in the student seminars/ group discussions.

  1. Pathology of Wild/ Zoo and Aquatic Animal Diseases

Content: Wild/ Zoo Animal diseases Etiology, transmission, gross and microscopic pathology of some commonly occurring infectious diseases of wild animals: West Nile fever, Rabies, Foot and mouth disease, Pox, Kyasanaur forest disease, Infectious hepatitis virus, Infectious feline peritonitis, Anthrax, Tuberculosis, Colibacillosis, Clostridial infections Trypanosomosis, Babesiosis, Theileriosis; Etiology, gross and microscopic pathology of commonly occurring non-infectious diseases of Wild/ Zoo animals. Infectious diseases of fish Study of etiology, gross and microscopic pathology of Bacterial diseases- Bacterial cold water disease, Bacterial fin disease, Fill rot, Furunculosis, Aeromonas septicemia, Epizootic ulcerative syndrome, Yersiniosis, Pseudomoniasis, Alteromoniasis, Pasteurellosis, Enteric septicemia of catfish, Edwardsiellosis, Vibriosis, Streptococcosis, Bacterial kidney disease, Mycobacteriosis, Nocardiosis, Epitheliocystis: Salmonid rickettsialsepticaemia, Columnaris disease; Viral diseases-Spring viremia of carp, Infectious pancreatic necrosis, Viral hemorrhagic septicaemia, Koi herpes virus disease, Infectious spleen and kidney necrosis, Carp pox, Virus nervous necrosis, Lymphocystis disease, Infectious salmon anemia, Salmon alpha virus infections, Infectious hematopoietic necrosis, Herpes viral hematopoeitic necrosis, Chinese grass carp reovirusdisease, Viral hemorrhagic necrosis, Epizootic hemorrhagic necrosis; Fungal diseases- Saprolegniasis, Branchiomycosis (Gill rot), Ichthyosporidiosis, Exophiala infection, Aphanomyces and Fusarium infection; Parasitic and Protozoal diseases-Ich or White spot disease, Costiasis, Trichodiniasis, Velvet disease, Coral fish disease, Epistylis, Red sore disease, Glossatella, Myxosporidiosis, Whirling disease, Microsporidiosis (Glugea, Pleistophora, Loma), Coccidiosis, Proliferative kidney disease, Cryptosporidiosis. Other diseases of Fish Nutritional diseases-Nutritional deficiency of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals; Neoplastic conditions- Melanoma in Platyfish/ Swordtail hybrids, Hepatoma and hepatocellular carcinoma in rainbow trout, Stomatopapilloma of eels (Cauliflower disease), Papilloma of the brown bullhead, Lip Fibroma (Fibropapilloma) of Angel fish, Dermal fibrosarcomas of walleye pike, Lymphosarcoma of pike, Schwannoma/ Neurofibromas of the bicoloured damselfish; Environmental stress-Gas bubble disease, Acidosis/ Alkalosis, Thermal shock, Sun burn disease, Anoxia, Increased in dissolved CO2 or H2S or Ammonia concentration in water, Increased in turbidity of pond water, Algal toxicosis disease.

Practical: Post-mortem examination of wild animals including wild birds. Study of gross and microscopic lesions of important infectious and non-infectious diseases of fish and wild animals

  1. Pathology of Laboratory Animal Diseases

Content: Etiology, transmission, gross and microscopic pathology of some commonly occurring diseases of Rabbits: Pasteurellosis, Bordetellosis, Colibacillosis, Tyzzer’s disease, Staphyloccal infections, Venereal spirochetosis, (rabbit syphilis, cuniculosis), Proliferative ileotyphilitis, Salmonellosis, Tularemia, Clostridium infections, Myxomatosis, Rabbit fibroma/ shope fibroma, Rabbit papillomatosis, Viral hemorrhagic disease, Coccidiosis, Enephalotozoonoses, Baylisascarisprocyonis, Cestode, Mites, Fleas and lice, miscellaneous and neoplastic diseases of rabbits. Etiology, transmission, gross and microscopic pathology of commonly occurring diseases of Rats: Bacterial diseases-Staphylococcal dermatitis, Pasteurellosis, Streptococcal diseases, Helicobacter infection, CAR bacillus, Mycoplasma pulmonis, Pseudotuberculosis (corynobacteriosis), Tyzzers disease, Salmonellosis, Rat bite fever; Viral diseases- Rat theilo virus (RTV-1), Parvovirus, coronavirus, pneumonia virus of mice, Hantaan virus, Sendai virus, Reovirus-3, Protozoan diseases(Trichomonads, Chilomastixbettencorti, Spironucleusmuris, Giardia muris, Rat sarcodines, Rat enteric coccidian), Arthropods (Mesostigmated mites, lice of rats), Helminths (rat pinworms, Hymenolepid tapeworm, Cestodes with a rat intermediate host, rat threadworms); fungal disease (Pneumocystis carinii), other miscellaneous and neoplastic diseases Etiology, transmission, gross and microscopic pathology of commonly occurring diseases of Mice: Bacterial diseases- Helicobacter infection, Pasteurellosis, Staphylococcal furunculosis, Mycoplasma pulmonis, Cilia associated respiratory bacillus, Corynebacterium bovis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Citrobacter rodentium, Tyzzer’s disease, Salmonellosis; Viral diseases- Mouse norovirus, Mouse hepatitis virus, Mouse encephalomyelitis virus, Epizootic diarrhoea of infant mice, Parvovirus, Murine cytomegalovirus, Mouse adenovirus, Ectromelia virus, Lymphocytic choriomengitis virus, Pneumonia virus of mice, Lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus, Sendai virus, Mouse thymic virus, Mouse polyoma viruses, Reo-3 virus; Parasitic diseases-Pin worms, Fur mites of mice, Mange mites, Mesostigmatid mites, Lice of mice, Trichomonads, Chilomastixbettencorti, Spironucleusmuris, Giardia muris, Mouse sarcodines, Mouse enteric coccidian, Mouse parentral coccidian, Mouse sporozoans, Hymenolepid tapeworms, Encysted tape worm; Fungal disease (Pneumocystis pneumonia) and other miscellaneous and neoplastic diseases. Etiology, transmission, gross and microscopic pathology of commonly occurring diseases of Guinea pigs: Bacterial diseases- Antibiotic-induced enterotoxemia/ haemorrhagic typhlitis, Bordetella pneumonia, Streptococcal pneumonia, Cervical lymphadenitis, Pododermatitis, Mastitis, Tyzzer’s disease, Salmonellosis; Viral diseases- Guinea pig cytomegalovirus, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza virus, Coronalike virus, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus; Parasitic diseases- Coccidia, Fur mites, Helminthes, Lice of guinea pigs, Mange mites, Cryptosporidiosis, Microsporidium parasites and other miscellaneous conditions. Etiology, transmission, gross and microscopic pathology of commonly occurring diseases of Hamsters, Gerbills and primates.

Practical: Post-mortem examination of laboratory animals. Study of gross and microscopic lesions of important infectious and non-infectious diseases of laboratory animals.

Veterinary Parasitology

  1. Platyhelminthes-I

Content: Introduction, classification, general account and economic importance of trematodes. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, Treatment and control measures of trematodes belonging to families: Dicrocoeliidae, Opisthorchiidae and Fasciolidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of trematodes belonging to families: Echinostomatidae, Heterophyidae, Plagiorchiidae, Troglotrematidae, Prosthogonimidae, Nanophyetidae and Paragonimidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of trematodes belonging to families: Notocotylidae, Brachylemidae, Cyclocoelidae, Paramphistomatidae and Schistosomatidae. Classification, characters of snails and control strategies of molluscs of veterinary importance. Practical: Collection, preservation/ processing and identification of trematode parasites; their eggs and intermediate hosts.; Observation on parasitic stages in host tissues and associated pathological lesions.; Identification of molluscs of veterinary importance and examination of molluscs for various developmental stages of trematode parasites.

  1. Platyhelminthes-II

Practical: Collection, preservation/ processing and identification of cestode parasites; their eggs, larval stages and intermediate hosts. Parasitic stages in host tissues and associated pathological lesions.

  1. Nemathelminthes and Acanthocephala

Content: Introduction, classification, general account and economic importance of nematodes and thorny-headed worms. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of nematodes belonging to families: Ascarididae, Anisakidae, Oxyuridae, Heterakidae and Subuluridae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment, and control measures of nematodes belonging to families: Rhabditidae, Strongyloididae and Strongylidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment, and control measures of nematodes belonging to families: Trichonematidae, Amidostomidae, Stephanuridae, Syngamidae and Ancylostomatidae. Unit V Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of nematodes belonging to families: Filaroididae, Trichostrongylidae, Ollulanidae, Dictyocaulidae and Metastrongylidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of nematodes belonging to families: Spiruridae, Thelaziidae, Acuariidae, Tetrameridae, Physalopteridae, Gnathostomatidae, Filariidae, Setariidae, Onchocercidae and Dracunculidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of nematodes belonging to families: Trichinellidae, Trichuridae, Capillariidae and Dioctophymatidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Life cycle, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, treatment and control measures of thorny headed worms belonging to families: Polymorphidae, Oligacanthorhynchidae and Gnathobdellidae.

Practical: Collection, preservation/ processing and identification of nematode parasites and thorny headed worms; their eggs and larvae and associated pathological lesions.

  1. Arthropod Parasites

Content: Introduction, Classification, Harmful effects and Economic importance of arthropod parasites. Distribution, Morphology, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Pathogenesis, Vector potentiality, Economic significance and control of arthropods belonging to the families: Culicidae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae and Psychodidae. Distribution, Morphology, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Pathogenesis, Vector potentiality, Economic significance and control of arthropods belonging to the families: Tabanidae, Gasterophilidae, Muscidae, Cuterebridae and Glossinidae. Distribution, Morphology, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Pathogenesis, Vector potentiality, Economic significance and control of arthropods belonging to the families: Oestridae, Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae and Hippoboscidae. Importanceof blow flies in forensic entomology and treatment of wounds. Distribution, Morphology, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Pathogenesis, Economic significance and control of arthropods belonging to the families: Pediculidae, Haematopinidae, Linognathidae, Menoponidae, Philopteridae and Trichodectidae. Distribution, Morphology, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Pathogenesis, Economic significance and control of arthropods belonging to the Orders- Siphonaptera and Hemiptera, Cimicidae and Reduviidae. Distribution, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Vector potentiality, Pathogenesis economic significance and control of acarines belonging to the families: Argasidae and Ixodidae. Distribution, Morphology, Life cycle, Seasonal pattern, Pathogenesis, Economic significance and control of acarines belonging to the families: Sarcoptidae, Psoroptidae, Demodicidae, Trombiculidae, Dermanyssidae. Cytoditidae and Linguatulidae. Chemical, Biological, Immunological control measures and integrated pest management. Detection and mechanisms of acaricidal resistance.

Practical: Collection, preservation/ processing, identification, differentiation of arthropod parasites and their developmental stages; associated lesions and skin scraping examination.

  1. Parasitic Protozoa

Content: Introduction, classification, general account and economic importance of protozoan parasites. Morphology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, and control measures of protozoan parasites belonging to the families: Trypanosomatidae, Monocercomonadidae, Trichomonadidae, Hexamitidae and Endamoebidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis and control measures of protozoan parasites belonging to the families: Eimeriidae, Cryptosporidiidae and Sarcocystidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis, Treatment and control measures of protozoan parasites belonging to the families: Plasmodiidae, Babesiidae, Theileriidae, Haemogregarinidae and Balantidiidae. Morphology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Diagnosis and control measures of Rickettsiales in relation to haemoprotozoans.

Practical: Collection, Preservation/ Processing, Identification of parasitic protozoa in clinical material and host tissues. Special techniques for certain protozoans such as coccidia and Cryptosporidia.

  1. Diagnostic Parasitology

Content: Microscopy and micrometry, Preparation of Romanowsky stains. Collection, preservation, Processing and examination of faecal and blood samples; Lymph node biopsy, Skin scrapings, Nasal washings, Sputum, genital discharges/ washings and urine samples from animals for parasitological examinations. Quantitative faecal examination, Maintenance of fly and tick colonies in laboratory for experimental purposes and testing of drugs; tick dissection for vector potential. Collection of aquatic snails from field and their examination for the presence of different parasitic stages. Collection, fixation, staining, whole mounts and identification of parasites. Culturing techniques for important parasites, pasture larval count, worm count and assessment of worm burden. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) as tools for mapping parasitic diseases.

  1. Clinical Parasitology

Content: Collection, preservation and dispatch of clinical material to laboratory for diagnosis History, clinical signs, gross and microscopic examination of diagnostic material.  Animal sub-inoculation technique; blood and lymph node biopsy smear examination; histopathology of affected organs.

Practical: Identification, observation of parasitic stages in host tissues, excretions, secretions and associated pathological lesions. Special techniques for haemoparasites and coccidians.

  1. Management of Parasitic Diseases

Content: Conventional and novel methods for control of helminth infections in livestock – anthelmintics, their mode of action, characteristic of an ideal anthelmintic drug, Anthelmintic resistance, Spectrum of activity, Delivery devices and integrated control method. Immunological control, Deworming schedule, Snail and other intermediate host control. Ethno veterinary practices. Conventional and novel methods of control of protozoan parasites–antiprotozoal drugs, Their mode of action, Integrated control method including immunological control. Conventional and novel methods of control with insecticides/ acaricides. Methods of application, their mode of action, insecticide resistance, biological control, integrated control method, genetic control and immunological control.

Practical: In vivo and in-vitro detection of efficacy of control agents and resistance to anthelmintics, anticoccidials, insecticides and acaricides.

  1. Immunoparasitology

Content: Introduction, types of parasite-specific antigens and their characterization. Types of immunity in parasitic infections. Invasive and evasive mechanisms, immunomodulators and their uses. Immune responses in helminths, arthropods and protozoa of veterinary importance. Immunological control against parasitic diseases.

Practical: Preparation of various antigens (somatic, excretory-secretory) and their fractionation and characterization and demonstration of various immunodiagnostic methods for the diagnosis of parasitic infections.

  1. Parasitic Zoonoses

  1. Parasites of Wildlife

Content: A detailed study of protozoa of zoo and wild animals with particular emphasis onmorphological features, Geographical distribution Epidemiology, Diagnosis and management. A detailed study of arthropod parasites of zoo and wild animals with particular emphasis on morphological features, Geographical distribution, Epidemiology, diagnosis and management. A detailed study of helminth parasites of zoo and wild animals with particular emphasis on morphological features, Geographical distribution, Epidemiology, diagnosis and management.

Practical: Methods for investigating parasitic diseases of captive and wild animals. Collection and identification of parasites. Visits to zoos and biological parks/ sanctuaries for collection of samples.

M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

  1. Concepts in Veterinary Public Health and One Health

Content: VPH administration; organization, administration and implementation of VPH services/ programs; Structure and function of VPH agencies/ organizations of national and international importance. VPH team, administration and functions; responsibilities of veterinarians in public health team. Definition: One Health. Historical emergence of the concept. Scope, Objective and Area of activities of One Health. Strategic frame-work. Purpose for creation of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology –NET. Global burden of disease, Coordinated and systemic disease control response, Ecosystem, Urbanization intensive agriculture and animal husbandry practices, Host-pathogen interaction, Anti-microbial resistance and climate change.

  1. Zoonoses-I

Content: Definition and classification, Factors affecting the occurrence of zoonoses; Diseasemanagement strategies, Disease burden on population and socioeconomic impacts. History, Etiology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and management of important Bacterial zoonoses, viz., Anthrax, Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, Borreliosis, Cat scratch disease, Glanders, Lyme disease, Malidiosis, Streptococcosis, Plague, Rat bite fever, Tetanus, Tularemia, Yersiniosis, Staphylococcosis, Vibriosis, Listeriosis, Campylobacteriosis and others. History, Etiology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of important Mycotic zoonoses, viz., Dermatophytosis, Blastomycosis, Coccidioidomycosis, Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis, Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Rhinosporidiosis, Sporotrichosis and others. History, Etiology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis and Ornithosis) and Prions diseases, viz., Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD); Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), Kuru. Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and Scrapie.

Practical: Isolation and identification of important Bacterial, Mycotic and Chlamydial agents of public health significance from host, Vehicle and environment.

  1. Zoonoses-II

Content: Disease burden, History, Etiology, Epidemiology, Transmission pattern, Diagnosis and management of important viral zoonoses, viz., Japanese encephalitis, Tick-borne encephalitis, Encephalomyelitis, Rabies, Influenza, KFD, Rift valley fever, Chickungunya, FMD, and Enteroviruses. Disease burden, History, Etiology, Epidemiology, Transmission pattern, Diagnosis and management of important viral zoonoses, viz., Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, Dengue, West-Nile fever, Yellow fever, Rift-valley fever, Equine encephalitis, Louping ill, Ebola, Marburg, Hantavirus, Zika, Hendra, Nipah and Corona viruses. Disease burden, History, Etiology, Epidemiology, Transmission pattern, Diagnosis and Management of important Rickettsial zoonoses, viz., Q fever, Typhus fever group. Disease burden, Etiology, Host range, Epidemiology, Transmission pattern, Diagnosis and Management of important Parasitic zoonoses, viz., Hydatidosis, Taeniosis, Trichinosis, Fascioliosis, Fasciolopsiosis, Toxoplasmosis, Trypanosomosis, Cryptosporidiosis, Cysticercosis, Leishmaniosis, Sarcocystosis, Dracunculosis, Paragonimosis and Diphylobothriosis.

Practical: Isolation and identification methods for important viral and parasitic agents of public health significance from host, vehicle and environment.

  1. Principles of Epidemiology

Content: Historical perspective and scope of veterinary epidemiology. Theories of disease causation and advancement in the concepts of disease causation, Iceberg concept. Koch’s postulates of disease causation. Epidemiological tringles, Disease causing wheels, webs and pies. Definitions: Epidemic, Endemic, Pandemic and Sporadic diseases. Qualitative and quantitative approaches to epidemiology. Measurement of disease. Endemic stability and herd immunity, Basic reproductive ratio, Trends and spatial distribution of disease, Epidemic curve and their utility. Transmission of disease and role of ecology in maintenance of disease agents. Type of epidemiological methods. Landscape and molecular methods used in the epidemiological investigation. Epidemiological Studies-Observational (Case-control, cohort and cross-sectional studies) and experimental studies (field and clinical trials). Disease surveys, monitoring and surveillance. Epidemiological data bases. Definition, scope and limitation of serological epidemiology and interpretation of results. Characteristics of ideal serological test, multiple testing and evaluation of tests. Investigation of disease outbreaks. Strategies of disease control and eradication.

Practical: Data collection from various sources, analysis and interpretation. Serum collection method demonstration. Analytical diagnostic and relative sensitivity and specificity calculation. use of software for data analysis.

  1. Hygiene and Safety of foods of Animal and Aquatic origin

Content: Principles of food hygiene in relation to foods of animal and aquatic origin. Importance of food hygiene in public health. Impact of environmental sanitation and other factors on food quality. General principles of prevention of food-borne illnesses, risk analysis. Importance and objectives of milk hygiene. Hygienic production, Handling, Transportation, Storage and marketing of milk. Mastitis. Milk spoilage and preservation. Milk-borne diseases of public health significance. Milk allergy-lactose intolerance. Residues of pesticide and antibiotics in milk and its impact on human health. Milk spoilage. Milk adulteration, synthetic milk. Milk plant hygiene and sanitation. Objectives and importance of meat hygiene. Hygienic practices at farm and during transportation of food animals including poultry. Hygienic meat production-an overview. Adulteration. Speciation, spoilage and preservation of meat. Meat-borne diseases of public health significance. Treatment and safe disposal of slaughterhouse by-products. Hygienic practices in abattoirs. Fish, fisheries and ichthyology: an introduction. Environmental factors affecting aquatic food hygiene. Hygienic production, Handling, Preservation, Transportation and marketing of aquatic foods. Microbiology and Spoilage of aquatic foods. Safe disposal of fish byproducts. Fish-borne diseases of public health significance.

Practical: Collection of meat/ milk/ egg/ fish samples for determination of physical as well as microbiological quality. Examination of meat/ milk samples for possible adulteration.

  1. Food-borne Infections and Intoxications

Content: Definition: Food borne infection, Food intoxication, Bacterial toxins, Toxi-infection, etc. Classification, Epidemiology, Disease burden and Economics of food-borne diseases. Reservoirs of food-borne pathogens and its mode of transmission. Vehicles of pathogens. Measures employed for prevention and control of food-borne diseases. Food- poisoning outbreak investigation and management. Epidemiology, Economic, Diagnosis and Management of bacterial food-borne infections and intoxications due to Salmonella, Campylobacter, Clostridium, Staphylococcus, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, E.coli, Bacillus cereus, Shigella, Yersinia enterocolitica and others. Types of bacterial toxins and its manifestations. Epidemiology, Economics, Diagnosis and Management of food-borne Viral pathogens: Hepatitis viruses, Entero-viruses, Noroviruses, Rotaviruses and other. Food- borne parasitic and rickettsial infections. Illness due to food additives, seafood toxins, mycotoxins, biocides, plant origin toxins, heavy metals, veterinary drugs, hormones, etc. in foods. Anti-microbial resistance (AMR) in food-borne pathogens-definition, current status, factors responsible, mechanism of resistance, mode of transmission and control.

Practical: Food-borne disease outbreak investigation. Detection, characterization and quantitation of food-borne pathogens, toxins, antibiotics, pesticides and additives in foods.

  1. Food Safety Standards and Regulations

Content: Indicators of food quality and spoilage (biological and others). Food plant hygiene and sanitation. Hurdle technique and its relevance. Microbiological criteria for food quality. Food standards- National, International, Private standards. GSP, GMP, HACCP and ISO 22000, etc. Genesis of food safety standards, Mechanism of food safety standards formulation, Agencies associated in food standard formulation, Role of WTO, FSSAI, BIS and others in standard formulation. National and international regulations and legislation enacted for quality food production. Food safety regulations in reference to the Pesticides, Veterinary drugs residues, Heavy metals, Hormones and others (MRLs, ADIs, etc.). Traceability system, Organic food production.

Practical: Detection of Pesticides, Veterinary drug residues, Heavy metal in food samples. Visits to the various food processing units for examining the compliance of HACCP/ FSSAI regulations and other standards. Microbiological assessment of cleanliness of surface and equipment in abattoir/ meat/ milk plant

  1. Environmental Hygiene and Safety

Content: Introduction to environment, Environmental hygiene, Pollutants and its impact on animal/ human health. Green-house gasses and its effect. Microbial pollution. Environmental risk assessment and management. Nature and characteristics of various environmental pollutants. Pollutions of soil, air and water and its effects on health. Impact of noise pollution on health. Genetic risk from Environmental agents, Health problems due to nuclear energy, Microwave, Electro-magnetic and other radiation pollution, Environmental estrogens, Pesticides pollution. Industrial pollution as well as pollution due to plastic and petrochemical products. Role of live-stock in environmental pollution, Dissemination of excreted pathogens, animal-waste and human risk, principles of safe disposal of bio-medical waste and recycling of wastes. Contamination of environment with heavy metals, pesticides, veterinary drug residues and its impact on human health. National and international pollution control agencies and its role in management of environmental pollution. Regulations on control of environmental pollution.

Practical: Determination of portability of drinking water, Estimation and detection of pathogenic microbes in water, air, soil, animal products, sewage, and animal waste; Visit of sewage and waste disposal plants/ sites.

  1. Applied Epidemiology

Content: Introduction to applied epidemiology. Models, modelling and types of models. Epidemiological and economic models. Principles and classification of models. Deterministic and stochastic models. Empirical and explanatory models. Application of models in disease forecasting. Modelling in disease prevention and control. Disease occurrence, Ecology of disease, Monitoring and surveillance. Outbreak investigation protocol. Path, regression and discriminate analyses. Time series analysis and analysis of variance. Animal disease economics (cost-benefit analysis, internal rate of return, payback period, partial budgeting), decision analysis. Bayesian analysis. Monte-Carlo and Markovian processes and system evaluation. Uses of multivariate analysis. Disease outbreaks, Participatory epidemiology, Disease reporting system, Tracing and notification. Disease control strategies, Risk assessment, Exotic diseases, Transboundary diseases, Vaccination. Definition; Disease intelligence. Tele-epidemiology. Remote sensing, Geographic information system, Disease surveillance and Early warning system.

Practical: Survey, Sampling and Data presentation. Measurements of disease occurrence, Outbreak investigation and reporting. Use of epidemiological software.

  1. Bioterrorism and Disaster Management II

Content: Definition: Bioterrorism. Major agents used as biological weapons, Hazard analysis and combating bioterrorism. Bio-ethics and social ethics, Advisory role of veterinarians during such events. Definitions, Natural and man- made disaster, Impact analysis and classification of disaster scale, Essential preparations to manage disaster, Role of central, State and Local government bodies in disaster management, Role of veterinarians/ veterinary public health personnel during emergency/ Disaster and sequence of emergency medical services. Effect of natural disasters like floods, Prolonged draughts, Forest fires, Earthquakes, Tsunami and Tidal damages, Storms, etc. on human as well as animal population, post-disaster disease susceptibility and remedial measures. Biosecurity– definition, importance, methods used for pathogen inventory, Food processing/ quarantine units/ animals/ poultry farms, etc. Biomedical hazards and biosafety in the laboratories. Occupational health risk and its management.

  1. Laboratory Techniques in Veterinary Public Health

Content: General practices: Use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and biosafety cabinets, Preparation of glass-wares, cultural media, buffer solution, solutions of different molarity and other laboratory materials. Sampling methods for biological materials. Quality analysis of milk, meat, water and other food materials and others. Microbiological techniques: Plate counts, Enumeration and isolation of psychrophilic, Thermophilic and thermoduric organisms in food samples, Enumeration, isolation and identification of important food-borne pathogens, Detection of bacterial toxin involved in food-poisoning, Detection of viral pathogens in various samples. Isolation, identification and enumeration of yeast/ molds/ spores in food samples. Immunological/ Serological and electrophoretic techniques: AGPT, Precipitation tests, Agglutination test, Haem-agglutination test, Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Counter immuno- gel electrophoresis, ELISA, FAT, Intra-dermal inoculation tests and others. Detection and quantification of residues of pesticides and drugs using immunological and chromatographic methods. Methods for isolation and quantitation of genomic DNA/ RNA from bacterial and other biological specimens using Latest molecular techniques and others. Laboratory records and log books of equipment.

Course Contents M.V.Sc. in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

  1. Concepts of Pharmacology, Drug Design and Development

Content: Scope of pharmacology, Drugs and other therapeutic agents, Principles of biopharmaceutics and veterinary dosage forms, Dynamics of ADME; Principles of therapeutics; Rationale and Empirical, Various other types of therapeutics. Pharmacodynamics targets for drug actions (enzymes, ion channels, structural and transporter proteins) evidence of drug action through receptor, Signal transduction mechanisms (GPCR, enzyme linked receptor), Regulation and malfunctioning of diseases. Quantitation of drug-receptor interactions and elicited effects, Drug-drug interactions and adverse drug reactions. Drug invention: Screening, Assaying, Designing and Development of drugs, Clinical trials, Drug safety, Regulations and standards; Gene based therapy and drug delivery system.

  1. Autonomic and Autacoid Pharmacology

Content: Anatomical and physiological considerations of autonomic and somatic motor nervous system and Neurohumoral transmission. Agents modulating peripheral nervous system, Non-adrenergic-non cholinergic (NANC) transmission. Pharmacology of adrenergic agonists, Antagonists and Adrenergic neuron blockers. Pharmacology of cholinergic agonists, Antagonists and cholinergic neuron blockers. Drugs acting at the Neuromuscular Junction and Autonomic Ganglia. Autacoids: Introduction to immunity and inflammation, Immunostimulants, Immunosuppressants and Tolerogens, Pharmacological aspects of histamine, serotonin, kinins, eicosanoids and platelet activating factor, Angiotensins and other putative autacoids.

Practicals: Pharmacological experiments on intact and isolated preparations for studying the effects of various prototype autonomic and autacoids drugs on vascular, intestinal, respiratory, urinary and reproductive smooth muscles, autonomic ganglia, skeletal muscles; blood pressure, ECG, heart, etc.

  1. CNS Pharmacology

Content: Anatomical and physiological considerations and neurohumoral transmission in CNS. Historical development, theories, principles and stages of general anaesthesia. Recent advances in pharmacology of general anaesthetics and therapeutic gases, local anaesthetics, sedatives, hypnotics, neuroleptics, antiepileptics. Pharmacology of CNS stimulants, analeptics, opioid agonists and antagonists; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, central muscle relaxants, Pharmacology and regulations of euthanizing agents.

Practicals: Study of pharmacodynamics of prototype drugs of each class of drugs in experimental animals.

  1. Digestive and Respiratory Pharmacology

Content: Physiological considerations of GIT functions in ruminants and non-ruminants. Pharmacology of drugs acting on gastrointestinal tract. Appetite stimulants, emetics and anti-emetics. Pharmacology of anti-ulcer drugs, modulators of gastric and intestinal motility and secretions. Agents promoting digestive functions; bile acids and pancreatic enzymes, drugs affecting liver; rumen pharmacology. Gastrointestinal protectant and adsorbents, laxatives and cathartics. Physiological considerations of respiratory functions in animals. Pharmacology of drugs acting on respiratory system: Bronchodilators, Antitussives, Mucolytics, Expectorants, Decongestants. Drugs used in treatment of asthma.

Practicals: Study of effects of drugs on digestive and respiratory functions using different invitro and in vivo animal models.

  1. Cardiovascular and Urinary System Pharmacology

Content: Cardiac electrophysiology consideration, Pharmacology of antiarrhythmic drugs, Cardiac glycosides, Myocardial stimulants. Antihypertensive, Antihypotensive and Antihyperlipidaemic drugs. Coagulants and anticoagulants, Thrombolytic agents, Plasma expanders, Drugs affecting haemopoietic system and antiplatelet drugs. Pharmacology of drugs affecting renal functions and fluid-electrolyte balance: Diuretics, Antidiuretics, Urinary acidifiers, Urinary alkalizers, Urinary antiseptics and Uricosuric and other anti-gout drugs. Principles of acid-base balance, fluid and electrolyte therapy and blood substitutes.

  1. Endocrine and Reproductive Pharmacology

Content: Drugs affecting endocrine functions of hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and pancreas. Drugs affecting calcium and phosphorus homeostasis. Drugs affecting male reproductive organs, spermatogenesis and erectile dysfunctions. Drugs affecting female reproductive organs: ovulation, oestrus, conception, gestation and lactation. Oxytocic and other drugs affecting uterus.

Practicals: To study the effects of various endocrine agonists and antagonists in animal models and isolated tissues.

  1. Chemotherapy

Content: General consideration and principles of Chemotherapy, Classification of chemotherapeutic agents; Molecular mechanism of Antimicrobial resistancedevelopment and Prevention strategies; Combination therapy, Therapeutic failure. Unit II Systemic and gut acting sulphonamides, diaminopyrimidines, sulfones, quinolones, nitrofurans, nitroimidazoles. Unit III Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems, Carbacephems, monobactam, beta lactamase inhibitors. Unit IV Aminoglycosides, Tetracyclines, Chloramphenicol and its congeners, macrolides, lincosamides. Unit V Antitubercular drugs, Glycopeptides, and Polypeptide antibiotics, Methenamine, Carbadox, Novobiocin, Virginiamycin, Spectinomycin, Oxazolidinones and newer agents. Unit VI Antiprotozoans, Anthelmintics, Ectoparasiticides Unit VII Antifungal agents, Antiviral and Anti-neoplastic drugs. VI. Practicals Assay of chemotherapeutic agents, Antibiotic sensitivity tests. Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), Mutant Prevention Concentration (MPC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) and time kill kinetics. Molecular techniques for intervention of antimicrobial resistance. Determination of anthelmintic properties of drugs using in-vitro models.

  1. Toxicology of Xenobiotics II

Content: Principles and scope of toxicology. Molecular mechanism of action of poisons and their detoxification, rational approach for diagnosis and treatment of poisonings. Toxicology of metals, non-metals, agrochemicals, solvents and vapors, common salt, urea and other feed additives. Toxicity of drugs. Genotoxic and other effects of radiations and radioactive chemicals; toxicogenomics and developmental toxicology; forensic and regulatory aspects of toxicology.

Practicals: Extraction, separation and detection of common poisons in toxicological specimens, study of toxicity and antidotal treatment in animals, designing of animal toxicity experiments and general toxicity spot tests.

  1. Toxinology

Content: Classification and identification of different types of toxins. Toxicity induced by abrin, strychnine, dhurin, amygdaline, sanguine, solamine, gossypol, beta-amino propionitryl, beta-oxolyl amino L-alanine, other Phytotoxins. Toxin induced Teratogenicity, Thiamine deficiency and Phototoxicity. Toxicology of mycotoxins: aflatoxins, rubratoxins, ochratoxins, sporidesmin, citrinin, F-2 toxin, trichothecenes, tremorgens and ergot alkaloids. Zootoxins: snake venom, scorpion, spider and insect stings and bufotoxins, Puffer fish and Shell fish toxins. Bacterial toxins (botulinum and tetanus toxins).

Practicals: Detection of alkaloids, glycosides, cyanides, nitrate/ nitrite, tannins, saponins, resins and oxalates. Detection of mycotoxins in the samples of feed/ fodder and animal tissue. Identification of toxic weeds and plants of the state/ local area.

  1. Pharmacological Techniques

Practicals: Principles of drug action and bioassay. Construction of dose-response plots and their significance. Determination of EC50, median effective (ED50), toxic (TD50) or lethal doses (LD50) from dose-response plots. Calculation of dissociation rate constants, therapeutic ratio, margin of safety, potency ratio, pAx, pDx and pD’x values. Techniques for setting up isolated and intact preparations, recording of BP in hen/ rat, recording of ECG in rat/ other small animals. Organization of screening programme of drugs; multidimensional screening procedures and gross observational methods. Specific tests for evaluation of tranquillizing, hypnotic, analgesic, anticonvulsant, general and local anaesthetic, muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive and antihyperglycemic activities. Guidelines for safety studies on drugs.

  1. Techniques in Toxicology

Practicals: Designing of animal models in toxicological studies. Introduction to different toxicological guidelines for in-vitro and in vivo studies (OECD, WHO, EPA, etc.). In silico toxicity prediction. nimal toxicity tests for acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity. Specific toxicity tests for Neurotoxicity, Immunotoxicity, Behavioural, Reproductive and Developmental, Inhalation Toxicity, Mutagenicity, Carcinogenicity. Toxicological tests for the study of metabolism, synergism and antagonism. Assay for marker enzymes, analysis of toxicant residues in biological materials.

  1. Ethnopharmacology

Content: Historical aspects of traditional Indian remedies. Alternate systems of medicine in animals. Scope of Ethnopharmacology. Classification and identification of medicinal plants. Classification, Metabolism and interactions of Phytoconstituents. Standardization and clinical validation of bioactive molecules from plant sources. Therapeutic and adverse effects of potential herbal drugs. Indigenous drugs used as glactagogues, carminatives, antiseptics, antidiarrhoeals, anthelmintics, Immunostimulants, antimicrobials, bioenhancers, analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents, etc.

Practicals: Identification of medicinal plants. Preparation of plant extracts in various solvents using different techniques. Phytochemical screening of plant extracts. Evaluation of pharmacological activities of extracts using in-vitro and in-vivo methods.

  1. Fundamentals of Pharmacokinetics

Content: Routes of drug administration, ADME, plasma protein binding, factors modifying ADME. Basic concept of pharmacokinetics, Order of pharmacokinetics processes (zero order, first order and mixed order), Models of pharmacokinetics analysis of drugs (compartmental, non-compartmental model). Compartmental models of drug distribution, determinants of absorption, distribution and elimination, rate constants (Cmax, Tmax). Calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters, dosage regimen and bioavailability based on compartmental analysis, Non-compartmental pharmacokinetic modelling.

Practicals: Analysis of pharmacokinetic data and determination of different pharmacokinetic parameters and bioavailability of drugs in normal and diseased animal models.