B. Sc. Horticulture
B.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture
- Breeding of Field and Horticultural Crops
- Production Technology of Fruit Crops Management
- Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers
- Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal and Plantation Crops
- Diseases of Horticultural Crops and Their
B.Sc. Horticulture
Fruit Science
- Fundamentals of Horticulture
- Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
- Tropical and Subtropical Fruits
- Temperate Fruits
- Orchard Management
- Plantation Crops
- Weed Management in Horticultural Crops
- Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics
- Principles of Plant Breeding
- Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops
Vegetable Crops
- Tropical and Subtropical Vegetables
- Spices and Condiments
- Breeding of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops
- Seed Production of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops
- Temperate Vegetables
- Potato and Tuber Crops
Post Harvest Technology
- Post harvest Management of Horticultural Crops
- Processing of Horticultural Crops
- Fundamentals of Food Technology
Floriculture & Landscaping
- Ornamental Horticulture
- Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental Crops
- Principles of Landscape Gardening
- Commercial Floriculture
Plant Protection
- Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
- Mushroom Culture
- Diseases of Fruit, Plantation and Medicinal and Aromatic
- Diseases of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops
- Fundamentals of Entomology
- Nematode Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management
- Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
- Apiculture
- Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops
Natural Resource Management
- Fundamentals of Soil Science ?
- Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management ?
- Environmental Science ?
- Soil and Plant Analysis
- Farm Power and Machinery
- Water Management in Horticultural Crops
- Organic Farming
Basic Sciences
- Elementary Statistics and Computer Application
- Elementary Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology
- Introductory Crop Physiology
- Introductory Economics
- Horti-Business Management
- Fundamentals of Extension Education
- Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skill
- Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops
- Structural grammar & Spoken English (NC)
- Introductory Microbiology
1. B Sc. (Ag)- Hort
Breeding of Field / Horticulture Crops
Breeding objectives and important concepts of breeding self pollinated, cross pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Study in respect of origin, distribution of species, wild relatives and forms, Cereals, (rice, wheat, maize, millets, sorghum, bajra, ragi); Pulses (redgram, greengram, blackgram, soybean); Oilseeds (Groundnut, sesame, sunflower, safflower, castor, mustard) etc. Fibers (Cotton, kenaf, roselle, jute) etc. Vegetables (Tomato, bhindi, chilli, cucumbers); Flowers crops (Chrysanthemum, rose, galardia, gerbera & marigold); Fruit crops (aonla, guava, mango, custard apple, banana, papaya); Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops; Plant Genetic Resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement; Ideotype concept in crop improvement; Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses variability in pathogens and pests; Mechanisms of resistance in plant to pathogens and pest; Genetic basis of adaptability to unfavourable environments; Definition of biometrics, assessment of variability i.e., additive, dominance and epistasis and their differentiation; Genotype x Environment interaction and influence on yield/performance, IPR and its related issues.
Production Technology of Fruit Crops Management
Definition and importance of horticulture. Divisions of horticulture. Climatic zones of horticulture crops. Area and production of different fruit crops. Selection of site, fencing, and wind break, planting systems, high density planting, planning and establishment. Propagation methods and use of rootstocks. Methods of training and pruning. Use of growth regulators in fruit production. Package of practices for the cultivation of major fruits – mango, banana, citrus, grape, guava, sapota, apple, litchi. Papaya, Minor fruits – pineapple, annonaceous fruits, pomegranate, ber, fig, phalsa, jack, pear, plum, peaches and cherry.
Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers
Importance of Olericulture, vegetable gardens, vegetable classification. Origin, area, production, varieties, package of practices for fruit vegetables –, tomato, brinjal, chillies, and okera; Cucurbitaceous vegetables cucumber, ridge gourd, ash gourd, snake gourd, bottle gourd, bitter gourd and melons, Cole crops – cabbage, cauliflower and knol-khol. Bulb crops – onion and garlic. Beans and peas – French beans, cluster beans, dolichos beans, peas and cowpea. Tuber crops – potato, sweet potato, tapioca, colocasia, yams; Root crops – carrot, radish, turnip and beet root; Leafy vegetables – amaranthus, palak, gogu; Perennial vegetables – drumstick, coccinia and curry leaf. Importance of ornamental gardens. Planning of ornamental gardens. Types and styles of ornamental gardens. Use of trees, shrubs, climbers, palms, houseplants and seasonal flowers in the gardens. Package of practices for rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, crossandra, marigold and tuberose.
Production Technology of Spices, Aromatic, Medicinal and Plantation Crops
Importance and cultivation technology of Spices – ginger, turmeric, pepper, cardamom, coriander, cumin, fenugreek; Aromatic crops – lemon grass, citronella, palmarose, vetiver, geranium, dawana; Plantation crops – coconut, arecanut, betelvine, cashew, cocoa, coffee, oilpalm; Medicinal plants – diascoria, rauvolfia, opium, ocimum, perwinkle, aloe, guggul, belladonna, nuxvomica, Solanum khasiamum , aonla,senna, plantago, stevia,coleus and Acorus.
Diseases of Horticultural Crops and Their
Economic Importance, symptoms, cause, disease cycle and integrated management of diseases of: citrus, mango, banana, grapevine, pomegranate, papaya, guava, sapota, apple, chilli, brinjal, bhendi, potato, crucifers, cucurbits, tomato, beans, onion, coconut, oil palm, betelvine, mulberry, coffee, tea, rose, chrysanthemum and jasmine.
Fundamentals of Horticulture
Economic importance and classification of horticultural crops and their culture and nutritive value, area and production, exports and imports, fruit and vegetable zones of India and of different states, nursery management practices, soil and climate, vegetable gardens, nutrition and kitchen garden and other types of gardens – principles, planning and layout, management of orchards, planting systems and planting densities. Production and practices for fruit, vegetable and floriculture crops, nursery techniques and their management. Principles and methods of pruning and training of fruit crops, types and use of growth regulators in horticulture, water management, weed management, fertility management in horticultural crops, cropping systems, intercropping, multi-tier cropping, mulching, bearing habits, factors
influencing the fruitfulness and unfruitfulness. Rejuvenation of old orchards, top working, frame working, principles of organic farming.
Practical: Features of orchard, planning and layout of orchard, tools and implements, layout of nutrition garden, preparation of nursery beds for sowing of vegetable seeds, digging of pits for fruit plants, planting systems, training and pruning of orchard trees, preparation of fertilizer mixtures and field application, preparation and application of growth regulators, layout of different irrigation systems, identification and management of nutritional disorder in fruits and vegetables, assessment of bearing habits, maturity standards, harvesting, grading, packaging and storage.
Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
Propagation: Need and potentialities for plant multiplication, sexual and asexual methods of propagation, advantages and disadvantages. Seed dormancy (scarification & stratification) internal and external factors, nursery techniques, apomixes – mono-embrony, polyembrony, chimera & bud sport. Propagation Structures: Mist chamber, humidifiers, greenhouses, glasshouses, cold frames, hot beds, poly-houses, nursery (tools and implements), use of growth regulators in seed and vegetative propagation, methods and techniques of cutting, layering, grafting and budding physiological & bio chemical basis of rooting, factors influencing rooting of cuttings and layering, graft incompatibility. Anatomical studies of bud
union, selection and maintenance of mother trees, collection of scion wood stick, scion-stock relationship, and their influences, bud wood certification, techniques of propagation through specialized organs, corm, runners, suckers. Micrografting, hardening of plants in nurseries. Nursery registration act. Insect/pest/disease control in nursery.
Tropical and Sub-Tropical Fruits 3(2+1)
Horticultural classification of fruits including genome classification. Horticultural zones of India, detailed study of area, production and export potential, varieties, climate and soil requirements, propagation techniques, planting density and systems, after care, training and pruning. Management of water, nutrient and weeds, special horticultural techniques including plant growth regulators, their solution preparation and use in commercial orchards. Physiological disorders. Post-harvest technology, harvest indices, harvesting methods, grading, packaging and storage of the following crops. Mango, banana, bael, banana, grapes, citrus, papaya, sapota, guava, pineapple, jackfruit, avocado, mangosteen, litchi, carambola, durian and passion fruit. Bearing in mango and citrus, causes and control measures of special production problems, alternate and irregular bearing overcome, control measures. Seediness and kokkan disease in banana, citrus decline and casual factors and their management. Bud forecasting in grapes, sex expression and seed production in papaya, latex extraction and crude papain production, economic of production. Rainfed horticulture, importance and scope of arid and semi-arid zones of India. Characters and special adaptation of crops: ber, aonla, annona, jamun, wood apple, bael, pomegranate, carissa, date palm, phalsa, fig, west Indian cherry and tamarind.
Temperate Fruits
Classification of temperate fruits, detailed study of areas, production, varieties, climate and soil requirements, propagation, planting density, cropping systems, after care training and pruning, self incompatibility and pollinisers, use of growth regulators, nutrient and weed management, harvesting, post-harvest handling and storage of apple, pear, peach, apricot, cherry, persimmon, strawberry, kiwi, Queens land nut (Mecademia nut), almond, walnut, pecan nut, hazel nut and chest nut. Re- plant problem, rejuvenation and special production problems like pre-mature leaf fall, physiological disorders, important insect – pests and diseases and their control measures.
Orchard Management
Orchard management, importance, objectives, merits and demerits, clean cultivation, sod culture, Sod mulch, herbicides and inorganic and organic mulches. Tropical, sub-tropical and temperate horticultural systems, competitive and complimentary effect of root and shoot systems. Biological efficiency of cropping systems in horticulture, systems of irrigation. Soil management in relation to nutrient and water uptake and their effect on soil environment, moisture, organisms and soil properties. Integrated nutrient and pest management. Utilization of resources constraints in existing systems. Crop model and crop regulation in relation to cropping systems.
Plantation Crops
History and development, scope and importance, area and production, export and import potential, role in national and state economy, uses, industrial importance, by products utilization, soil and climate, varieties, propagation: principles and practices of seed, vegetative and micro-propagation, planting systems and method, gap filling, systems of cultivation, mulching, shade regulation, weed and water management, training, pruning and handling, nutrition, foliar feeding, role of growth regulators, soil management, liming practices, tipping practices, top working, physiological disorders, harvesting, post-harvest handling and processing, packaging and marketing, yield and economics of coconut, arecanut, oil palm, palmyrah palm, cacao, cashew nut, coffee, tea and rubber.
Weed Management in Horticultural Crops
Weeds: Introduction, harmful and beneficial effects, classification, propagation and dissemination; Weed biology and ecology, crop weed association, crop weed competition and allelopathy Concepts of weed prevention, control and eradication; Methods of weed control: physical, cultural, chemical and biological methods. Integrated weed management; Herbicides: advantages and limitation of herbicide usage in India, Herbicide classification, formulations, methods of application; Introduction to Adjuvants and their use in herbicides; Introduction to selectivity of herbicides; Compatibility of herbicides with other agro chemicals; Weed management in major field and horticultural crops, shift of weed flora in cropping systems, aquatic and problematic weeds and their control.
Principles of Genetics and Cytogenetics
Historical background of genetics, theories and hypothesis. Physical basis of heredity, cell reproduction, mitosis, meiosis and its significance. Gametogenesis and syngamy in plants. Mendelian genetics–Mendel’s principles of heredity, deviation from Mendelian inheritance, pleiotropy, threshold characters, co-dominance, penetrance and expressivity. Chromosome theory of inheritance, gene interaction. Modification of monohybrid and dihybrid rations. Multiple alleles, quantitative inheritance linkage and crossing over, sex linked inheritance and characters. Cytoplasmic inheritance and maternal effects. Chemical basis of heredity, structure of DNA and its replication. Evidence to prove DNA and RNA – as genetic material. Mutations and their classification. Chromosomal aberrations, changes in chromosome structure and number.
Principles of Plant Breeding
Plant breeding as a dynamic science, genetic basis of Plant Breeding – classical, quantitative and molecular, Plant Breeding in India – limitations, major achievements, goal setting for future. Sexual reproduction (cross and self pollination), asexual reproduction, pollination control mechanism (incompatibility and sterility and implications of reproductive systems on population structure). Genetic components of polygenic variation and breeding strategies selection as a basis of crop breeding. Hybridization and selection – goals of hybridization, selection of plants; population developed by hybridization – simple crosses, bulk crosses and complex crosses. General and special breeding techniques. Heterosis – concepts, estimation and its genetic basis.
Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops
Fruit breeding - History, importance in fruit production, distribution, domestication and adaptation of commercially important fruits, variability for economic traits, breeding strategies, clonal selection, bud mutations, mutagenesis and its application in crop improvement – policy manipulations – in vitro breeding tools (important fruit and plantation crops).
Tropical and Sub-Tropical Vegetables
Area, production, economic importance and export potential of tropical and sub-tropical vegetable crops. Description of varieties and hybrid, climate and soil requirements, seed rate, preparation of field, nursery practices; transplanting of vegetable crops and planting for directly sown/transplanted vegetable crops. Spacing, planting systems, water and weed management; nutrient management and deficiencies, use of chemicals and growth regulators. Cropping systems, harvest, yield and seed production. Economic of cultivation of tropical and sub-tropical vegetable crops; post-harvest handling and storage. Marketing of tomato, brinjal, chillies, okra, amaranthus, cluster beans, cowpea, lab-lab, snap bean, cucurbits, moringa, curry leaf, portulaca and basella.
Spices and Condiments
History, scope and importance, area and production, uses, export potential and role in national economy. Classification, soil and climate, propagation-seed, vegetative and micropropagation systems and methods of planting. Nutritional management, irrigation practices, weed control, mulching and cover cropping. Training and pruning practices, role of growth regulators, shade crops and shade regulation. Harvesting, post-harvest technology, packaging, storage, value added products, methods of extraction of essential oil and oleoresins. Economics of cultivation, role of Spice Board and Pepper Export Promotion Council, institutions and research centers in R&D. Crops: Cardamom, pepper, ginger, turmeric, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, all spice, curry leaf, coriander, fenugreek, fennel, cumin, dill, celery, bishops weed, saffron, vanilla, thyme and rosemary.
Breeding of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops
Centres of origin, plant bio-diversity and its conservation. Models of reproduction, pollination systems and genetics of important vegetable, tuber and spice crops. Selfincompatibility and male sterility, its classification and application in crop improvement. Principles of breeding self-pollinated crops, pure line selection, mass selection, heterosis breeding, hybridization, pedigree method, mass pedigree method, bulk method, modified bulk method, single seed descent method and back cross method. Polyploidy breeding. Mutation breeding. Principles of breeding cross pollinated crops, mass selection, recurrent selection, heterosis breeding, synthetics and composits. Application of biotechnology in crop improvement. Crops: Solanaceous vegetables, cole crops, cucurbits, bulb crops, root crops, leafy vegetables, okra, leguminous crops.
Seed Production of Vegetable Tuber and Spice Crops
Introduction and history of seed industry in India. Definition of seed. Differences between grain and seed. Importance and scope of vegetable seed production in India. Principles of vegetable seed production. Role of temperature, humidity and light in vegetable seed production. Methods of seed production of cole crops, root vegetables, solanaceous vegetables, cucurbits, leafy vegetables, bulb crops, leguminous vegetables and exotic vegetables. Seed germination and purity analysis. Field and seed standards. Seed drying and extraction. Seed legislation.
Temperate Vegetables
Importance of cool season vegetable crops in nutrition and national economy. Area, production, export potential, description of varieties and hybrids, origin, climate and soil, production technologies, seed production, post-harvest technology. Marketing of cabbage, cauliflower, knol-khol, sprouting broccoli, Brussels’ sprout, lettuce, palak, Chinese cabbage, spinach, garlic, onion, leek, radish, carrot, turnip, beet root, peas, broad beans, rhubarb, asparagus, globe artichoke.
Potato and Tuber Crops
Origin, area, production, economic importance and export potential of potato and tropical, sub-tropical and temperate tuber crops; description of varieties and hybrids. Climate and soil requirement, season; seed rate; preparation of field; planting practices; spacing; water, nutrient and weed management; nutrient deficiencies. Use of chemicals and growth regulators; cropping systems. Harvesting practices, yield; seed production, economic of cultivation. Post-harvest handling and storage, field and seed standards, marketing. Crops to be covered – potato, tapioca, sweet potato, arrow root, cassava, colocasia, xanthosoma, amorphophallus, dioscorea, Jerusalem artichoke, horse radish and other under exploited tuber
Post harvest Management of Horticultural Crops
Importance of post-harvest technology in horticultural crops. Maturity indices, harvesting, handling, grading of fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic plants. Pre-harvest factors affecting quality, factors responsible for deterioration of horticultural produce, physiological and bio-chemical changes, hardening and delaying ripening process. Post-harvest treatments of horticultural crops. Quality parameters and specification. Structure of fruits, vegetables and cut flowers related to physiological changes after harvest. Methods of storage for local market and export. Pre-harvest treatment and precooling, pre-storage treatments. Different systems of storage, packaging methods and types of packages, recent advances in packaging. Types of containers and cushioning materials, vacuum packaging, cold storage, poly shrink packaging, grape guard packing treatments. Modes of transport.
Processing of Horticultural Crops
Importance and scope of fruit and vegetable preservation industry in India, food pipe line, losses in post-harvest operations, unit operations in food processing. Principles and guidelines for the location of processing units. Principles and methods of preservation by heat pasteurization, canning, bottling. Methods of preparation of juices, squashes, syrups, cordials and fermented beverages. Jam, jelly and marmalade. Preservation by sugar and chemicals, candies, crystallized fruits, preserves chemical preservatives, preservation with salt and vinegar, pickling, chutneys and sauces, tomato and mushrooms, freezing preservation. Processing of plantation crops, products, spoilage in processed foods, quality control of processed products, Govt. policy on import and export of processed fruits. Food laws.
Fundamentals of Food Technology
Food and its function, physico-chemical properties of foods, food preparation techniques, nutrition, relation of nutrition of good health. Characteristics of well and malnourished population. Energy, definition, determination of energy requirements, food energy, total energy needs of the body. Carbohydrates: classification, properties, functions, source, requirements, digestion, absorption and utilization. Protein, classification, properties, functions, sources, requirements, digestion, absorption, essential and non-essential amino acids, quality of proteins, PER/NPR/NPU, supplementary value of proteins and deficiency. Lapids – classification, properties, functions, sources, requirements, digestion, absorption and utilization, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, deficiency, rancidity, refining of fats. Mineral nutrition: macro and micro-minerals (Ca, Fe and P), function, utilization, requirements, sources, effects of deficiency. Vitamins: functions, sources, effects of deficiency, requirements of water soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Balanced diet: recommended dietary allowances for various age groups, assessment of nutritional status of the population.
Ornamental Horticulture
History, scope of gardening, aesthetic values. Gardens in India, types of gardens. Landscaping, historical background, definition. Floriculture industry: importance, area and production, industrial importance in India. Landscaping, basic principles and basic components. Principles of gardening, garden components, adornments, lawn making, methods of designing rockery, water garden, etc. Special types of gardens, their walk-paths, bridges, constructed features. Greenhouse. Special types of gardens, trees, their design, values in landscaping, propagation, planting shrubs and herbaceous perennials. Importance, design values, propagation, plating, climbers and creepers, palms, ferns, grasses and cacti succulents. Flower arrangement: importance, production details and cultural operations, constraints, post-harvest practices. Bio-aesthetic planning, definition, need, round country planning, urban planning and planting avenues, schools, villages, beautifying railway stations, dam sites, hydroelectric stations, colonies, river banks, planting material for play grounds. Vertical gardens, roof gardens. Culture of bonsai, art of making bonsai. Parks and public gardens.
Breeding and Seed Production of Ornamental Crops
History of improvements of ornamental plants, objectives and techniques in ornamental plant breeding. Introduction, selection, hybridization, mutation and biotechnological technique for improvement of ornamental plants. Breeding for disease resistance. Development of promising cultivars of important ornamentals. Role of heterosis and its exploitation, production of F1 hybrids and utilization of male sterility, production of open pollinated seed. Harvesting processing and storage of seeds, seed certification.
Principles of Landscape Gardening
Principles and elements of landscape design, plant material for landscaping, symbols, tools and implements used in landscape design, layout of formal gardens, informal gardens, special type of gardens (bog garden, sunken garden, terrace garden, rock garden) and designing of conservatory and lathe house. Landscape design for specific areas.
Commercial Floriculture
Scope and importance of commercial floriculture in India, production techniques of ornamental plants like rose, marigold, chrysanthemum, orchid, carnation, gladiolus, jasmine, dahlia, tuberose, bird of paradise, china aster and gerbera for domestic and export market, growing of flowers under protected environments such as glass house, plastic house etc., post harvest technology of cut flowers in respect of commercial flower crops, dehydration technique for drying of flowers, production techniques for bulbous.
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
Introduction to the science of phytopathology, its objectives, scope and historical background. Classification of plant diseases, symptoms, signs, and related terminology. Parasitic causes of plant diseases (fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasma, protozoa, algae and flowering parasitic plants), their characteristics and classification. Non-parasitic causes of plant diseases. Infection process. Survival and dispersal of plant pathogens. Plant disease epidemiology, forecasting and disease assessment. Principles and methods of plant disease management. Integrated plant disease management. Practical: Familiarity with general plant pathological laboratory and field equipments. Study of disease symptoms and signs and host parasite relationship. Identification and isolation of plant pathogens. Koch's postulates. Preparation of fungicidal solutions, slurries, pastes and their applications.
Mushroom Culture
Introduction to mushrooms fungi – nutritional value, edible and poisonous types, edible mushrooms, Pleurotus, Volvariella and Agaricus, medicinal value of mushrooms, genetic improvement of mushroom, preparation of culture, mother spawn production, multiplication of spawn, cultivation techniques, harvesting, packing and storage; problems in cultivation – diseases, pest and nematodes – weed moulds and their management strategies. Economics of cultivation, post harvest technologies. Equipment and sterilization techniques for culture media, isolation of mother culture, and span preparation and maintenance of mushroom beds of oyster mushroom, Volvariella and Agaricus. Processing and preservations of mushrooms, economics of spawn and mushroom production and mushroom recipes
Diseases of Fruit, Plantation and Medicinal and Aromatic
Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of the diseases of fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops viz mango, banana, grape, citrus, guava, sapota, papaya, jack fruit, pineapple, pomegranate, ber, apple, pear, peach, plum, almond, walnut, strawberry, areca nut, coconut, oil palm, coffee, tea, cocoa, cashew, rubber, betel vine senna, neem, hemp, belladonna, pyrethrum, camphor, costus, crotalaria, datura, dioscorea, mint, opium, Solanum khasianum and Tephrosia. Important post-harvest diseases of fruit, plantation and medicinal and aromatic crops and their management.
Diseases of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops
Etiology, symptoms, mode of spread, epidemiology and integrated management of diseases of the following vegetables, ornamental and spice crops: tomato, brinjal, chilli, bhindi, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, knol-khol, pea, beans, beet root, onion, garlic, fenugreek, ginger, potato, turmeric, pepper, cumin, cardamom, nutmeg, coriander, clove, cinnamon, jasmine, rose, crossandra, tuberose, geranium. Important post-harvest diseases of vegetables and ornamental crops and their management.
Fundamentals of Entomology
Introduction to phylum arthropoda. Importance of class Insecta. Insect dominance. Definition, division and scope of entomology. Comparative account of external morphonology-types of mouth parts, antennae, legs, wings and genetallia. Anatomy of digestive, excretory, nervous and reproductive systems. Postembryonic developmenteclosion. Matamorphosis. Types of larvae and pupa. Classification of insects upto orders and families of economic importance and their distinguished characters.
Nematode Pests of Horticultural Crops and their Management
History of development of nematology - definition, economic importance. General characters of plant parasitic nematodes, their morphology, taxonomy, classification, biology, symptomatology and control of important plant parasitic nematodes of fruits – (tropical, subtropical and temperate) vegetables, tuber, ornamental, spice and plantation crops. Role of nematodes in plant disease complex.
Insect Pests of Fruit, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
General – economic classification of insects; ecology and insect-pest management with reference to fruit, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops; pest surveillance. Distribution, host range, bio-ecology, injury, integrated management of important insect pests affecting tropical, sub-tropical and temperate fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops like coconut, areca nut, oil palm, cashew, cacao, tea, coffee, cinchona, rubber, betel vine senna, neem, hemp, belladonna, pyrethrum, camphor, costus, crotalaria, datura, dioscorea, mint, opium, Solanum khasianum and Tephrosia.. Storage insects – distribution, host range bioecology, injury, integrated management of important insect pests attacking stored fruits, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops and their processed products. Toxicology – insecticide residue problems in fruit, plantation, medicinal and aromatic crops and their tolerance limits.
Importance and history of apiculture, different species of bees, morphology, anatomy, colony organization and life cycle, bee-keeping equipment, social behaviour, reproduction, queen rearing, bee pasturage, seasonal management, economics of beekeeping. Bee enemies, diseases of bees, role of bees in increasing the productivity of horticultural crops in India economy, bee products and their uses. Recent trends in apiculture. Acquaintance with honey bee species, morphology, structural adaptation, biology-castes-bee-keeping equipment, bee forage plants. Collection and preservation of bee flora, enemies and diseases of bees. Handling of bee colonies and manipulation for honey production.
Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops
Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops
Economic importance of insects in vegetable, ornamental and spice crops -ecology and pest management with reference to these crops. Pest surveillance in important vegetable, ornamental and spice crops. Distribution, host range, bio-ecology, injury, integrated management of important insect-pests affecting vegetable, ornamental and spice crops. Important storage insect-pests of vegetable, ornamental and spice crops, their host range, bioecology, injury and integrated management. Insect –pests of processed vegetables and ornamental crops, their host range, bio-ecology, injury and integrated management. Insecticidal residue problems in vegetables and ornamental crops, tolerance limits etc.
Fundamentals of Soil Science ?
Composition of earth’s crust, soil as a natural body – major components. Eluviations and illuviation formation of various soils. Problem soils: salt soils, permeable, flooded, sandy soil properties. Physical parameters; texture – definition, methods of textural analysis, stock’s law, assumption, limitations, textural classes, use of textural triangle; absolute specific gravity, definition, apparent specific gravity/bulk density – factors influencing, field bulk density. Relation between BD (bulk density), AD – practical problems. Pore space – definition, factors affecting capillary and non-capillary porosity, soil colour – definition, its
significance, colour variable, value hue and chroma. Munsell colour chart, factors influencing, parent material, soil moisture, organic matter, soil structure, definition, classification, clay prism like structure, factors influencing genesis of soil structure, soil consistency, plasticity, Atterberg’s constants. Soil air, air capacity, composition, factors influencing, amount of air space, soil air renewal, soil temperature, sources and distribution of heat, factors influencing, measurement, chemical properties, soil colloids, organic, humus, inorganic, secondary silicate, clay, hydrous oxides. Ion exchange, cation-anion importance, soil organic matter decomposition, pH and nutrient availability, soil buffering capacity, soil water, forms, hygroscopic, capillary and gravitational, soil moisture constants, hygroscopic coefficient, wilting point, field capacity, moisture equivalent, maximum water holding capacity, energy concepts, PF scale, measurement, gravimetric – electric and tensiometer methods – pressure plate and pressure membrane apparatus – Neutron probe – soil water movement – classification – aerial photography – satellite of soil features – their interpretation; soil orders; land capability classification; soil of different eco-systems and their properties, management of problem soils– soils environmental quality. Irrigation water quality, determination of quality parameters, empirical equation management of irrigation water.
Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management ?
Introduction to soil fertility and productivity- factors affecting. Essential plant nutrient elements- functions, deficiency systems, transformations and availability. Acid, calcareous and salt affected soils –characteristics and management. Role of microorganisms in organic matter- decomposition – humus formation. Importance of C:N ratio and pH in plant nutrition. Integrated plant nutrient management. Soil fertility evaluation methods, critical limits of plant nutrient elements and hunger signs. NPK fertilizers: composition and application methodology, luxury consumption, nutrient interactions, deficiency symptoms, visual diagnosis.
Environmental Science ?
Environment: introduction, definition and importance. Components of environment - interactions with organisms. Global and Indian environment - past and present status. Environmental pollution and pollutants. Air, water, food, soil, noise pollution - sources, causes and types. Smog, acid rain, global warming, ozone hole, eutrophication, sewage amd hazardpis waste management. Impact of different pollutions on humans, organisms and environment. Introduction to biological magnification of toxins. Deforestation - forms and causes, relation to environment. Prevention and control of pollution - technological and sociological measures and solutions - Indian and global efforts. India, international and voluntary agencies for environmental conservation - mandates and activities. International conferences, conventions and summits - major achievements. Environmental policy and legislation in India. Introduction to environmental impact assessment. Causes of environmental degradation - socio-economic factors. Human population growth and lifestyle.
Soil and Plant Analysis
Methods of soil and plant sampling and processing for analysis. Quantification of minerals and their abundance. Soil structure and aggregate analysis. Theories and concepts of soil moisture estimation – gravimetric, tensiometric, gypsum block, neutron probe and pressure methods. Characterization of hydraulic mobility – diffusion and mass flow. Renewal of gase in soil and their abundance. Methods of estimation of oxygen diffusion rate and redox potential. Soil fertility evaluation methods. Use of radio tracer techniques in soil fertility evaluation. Soil micro-organisms and their importance. Saline, alkali, acid, waterlogged and sandy soils, their appraisal and management. Chemical and mineral composition of horticultural crops. Leaf analysis standards, index tissue, interpretation of leaf analysis values. Principles of working of pH meter, electrical conductivity meter, spectrophotometer, flame photometer and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Quality of irrigation water.
Farm Power and Machinery
Basic concepts of various forms of energy, unit and dimensions of force, energy and power, calculations with realistic examples. IC Engines: Basic principles of operation of compression, ignition and spark ignition engines, two stroke and four stroke engines, cooling and lubrication system, power transmission system, broad understanding of performance and efficiency, tractors, power tillers and their types and uses. Electric motors: types, construction and performance comparison. Tillage: objectives, method of ploughing. Primary tillage implements: construction and function of indigenous ploughs, improved indigenous ploughs, mould board ploughs, disc and rotary ploughs. Secondary tillage implements: construction and function of tillers, harrows, levelers, ridgers and bund formers. Sowing and transplanting equipment: seed drills, potato planters, seedling transplanter. Grafting, pruning and training tools and equipment. Inter-culture equipment: sweep. Junior hoe, weeders, long handle weeders. Crop harvesting equipments: potato diggers, fruit pluckers, tapioca puller and hoists.
Water Management in Horticultural Crops
Importance of water, water resources in India. Area of different crops under irrigation, function of water for plant growth, effect of moisture stress on crop growth. Available and unavailable soil moisture – distribution of soil moisture – water budgeting – rooting characteristics – moisture extraction pattern. Water requirement of horticultural crops – lysimeter studies – Plant water potential climatological approach – use of pan evaporimeter – factor for crop growth stages – critical stages of crop growth for irrigation. Irrigation scheduling – different approaches – methods of irrigation – surface and sub-surface pressurized methods viz., sprinkler and drip irrigation, their suitability, merits and limitations, fertigation, economic use of irrigation water. Water management problem, soils quality of irrigation water, irrigation management practices for different soils and crops. Layout of different irrigation systems, drip, sprinkler. Layout of underground pipeline system.
Organic Farming
Introduction, concept, relevance in present context; Organic production requirements; Biological intensive nutrient management-organic manures, vermicomposting, green manuring, recycling of organic residues, biofertilizers; Soil improvement and amendments; Integrated diseases and pest management – use of biocontrol agents, biopesticides pheromones, trap crops, bird perches; Weed management; Quality considerations, certification, labeling and accreditation processors, marketing, exports.
Elementary Statistics and Computer Application
Basic concepts: Variable statistics, types and sources of data, classification and tabulation of data, construction of frequency distribution, tables, graphic representation of data, simple, multiple component and percentage, bar diagram, pie diagram, histogram, frequency polygon and frequency curve average and measures of location, mean, mode, median, geometric mean, harmonic mean, percentiles and quadrilles, for raw and grouped data. Dispersion: Range, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation for raw and grouped data. Probability: Basic concept, additive and multiplicative laws. Theoretical distributions, binominal, poison and normal distributions, sampling, basic concepts, sampling vs. complete enumeration parameter and statistic, sampling methods, simple random sampling and stratified random sampling. Tests of Significance: Basic concepts, tests for equality of means, and independent and paired t-tests, chi-square test for application of attributes and test for goodness of fit of mendalian ratios. Correlation: Scatter diagram, correlation co-efficient and its properties, regression, fitting of simple linear regression, test of significance of correlation and regression coefficient. Experimental Designs: Basic concepts, completely randomized design, randomized block design, latin square designs, factorial experiments, basic concepts, analysis of factorial experiments up to 3 factors – split plot design, strip plot design, long term experiments, plot size, guard rows. Computer application: Introduction to computers and personal computers, basic concepts, operating system, DOS and Windows 95, introduction to programming languages, BASIC language, concepts, basic and programming techniques, MS 120 Office, Win Word, Excel, Power Point, introduction to Multi-Media and its application.VISUAL BASIC-concepts, basic and programming techniques, introduction to Internet. Practical: Construction of frequency distribution table and its graphical representation, histogram, frequency polygon, frequency curve, bar chart, simple, multiple, component and percentage bar charts, pie chart, mean, mode for row and grouped data, percentiles, quadrille, and median for row and grouped data, coefficient of variation, ‘t’ test for independent, will equal and unequal variants, paired ‘t’ test, chi-square test for contingency tables and theoretical ratios, correlation and linear regression. Studies on computer components – BASIC language, VISUAL BASIC, programming techniques, MS Office, Excel, Power Point.
Elementary Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Carbohydrates: Occurrence classification and structure, physical and chemical properties of carbohydrates, isomerism, optical activity, reducing property, reaction with acids and alkalis, ozone formation. Lipids: Classification, important fatty acids and triglycerides, essential fatty acids. Physical and chemical control of oils, their rancidity, phospholipids, types and importance. Plant pigments – structure and function of chlorophyll and carotenoids, sterols, basic structure, role of brassinosteroles in plants. Proteins: Classification, function and solubility, amino acids – classification and structure, essential amino acids, properties of amino acids, colour reactions, amphoteric nature and isomerism; structure of proteins – primary, secondary tertiary and quaternary properties and reaction of proteins. Enzymes: Classification and mechanism of action; factors affecting enzyme action, co-factors and coenzymes. Vitamins and minerals as co-enzymes/co-factors. Carbohydrate metabolism – glycolysis and TCA-cycle; metabolism of lipids, fatty acid oxidation, biosynthesis of fatty acids, electron transport chain, bioenergetics of glucose and fatty acids, structure and function of nucleic acid replication, transcription and translation. History of biotechnology. Fundamental principles, micro-propagation and scope for commercialization. Application of micro-grafting in horticultural crops, meristem culture, anther culture, pollen culture, embryo culture, callus culture, cell culture, somoclonal variation, protoplast isolation, culture, fusion and applications. Cryopreservation .Genetic engineering. Future scope and present trends. Importance of biotechnology in horticulture
Introductory Crop Physiology
Water Relations in Plants: Role of water in plant metabolism, osmosis inhibition, diffusion, water potential and its components, measurement of water potential in plants, absorption of water, mechanism of absorption and ascent of sap. Stomata: Structure, distribution, classification, mechanism of opening and closing of stomata. Osmotic pressure, guttation, stem bleeding; transpiration methods and mechanism and factors affecting transpiration.
Drought: Different types of stresses; water, heat and cold tolerance; mechanism of tolerance.
Plant Nutrition: Essentiality, mechanism of absorption and its role in plant metabolism. Photosynthesis, structure and function of chloroplast, dark and light reactions, cyclic and non-cyclic electron transfer, CO2 fixation – C3, C4 and CA metabolism, advantages of C4 pathway. Photorespiration and its implications, factors affecting photosynthesis. Phytohormones, physiological role in controlling plant processes. Environmental stimuli for plant development.
Introductory Economics
Nature and scope of economics, definition and concepts, divisions of economics, economic systems, approaches to the study of economics. Consumption – theory of consumer behaviour, laws of consumption, classification of goods. Wants – their characteristics and classification, utility and its measurement, cardinal and ordinal, law of diminishing marginal utility, law of equi-marginal utility, indifference curve and its properties, consumer equilibrium. Theory of demand, demand schedule and curve, market demand. Price, income and cross elasticities, Engil’s law of family expenditure – consumer’s surplus. Theory of firm, factors of production – land and its characteristics, labour and division of labour, theories of population. Capital and its characteristics – classification and capital formation. Enterprises – forms of business organization – merits and demerits. Laws or return – law of diminishing marginal return – cost concepts. Law of supply – supply schedule and curve elasticities. Market equilibrium, distribution – theories of rent, wage, interest and profit. Price determination and forecasting under various market structures.
Horti-Business Management
Farm management - definition, nature, characteristics and scope. Farm management principles and decision making, production function, technical relationships, cost concepts, curves and functions – factors, product, relationship – factors relationship, product relationship, optimum conditions, principles of opportunity cost-equi-marginal returns and comparative advantages, time value of money, economic of scale, returns to scale, cost of cultivation and production, break even analysis, decision making under risk and uncertainty.
Farming systems and types. Planning – meaning, steps and methods of planning, types of plan, characteristics of effective plans. Organizations – forms of business organizations, organizational principles, division of labour. Unity of command, scalar pattern, job design, span of control responsibility, power authority and accountability. Direction – guiding, leading, motivating, supervising, coordination – meaning, types and methods of controlling – evaluation, control systems and devices. Budgeting as a tool for planning and control. Record keeping as a tool of control. Functional areas of management – operations management – physical facilities, implementing the plan, scheduling the work, controlling production in terms of quantity and quality. Materials management – types of inventories, inventory costs, managing the inventories, economic order quantity (EOQ). Personnel management – recruitment, selection and training, job specialization. Marketing management – definitions, planning the marketing programmes, marketing mix and four P’s. Financial management – financial statements and rations, capital budgeting. Project management – project preparation evaluation measures.
Fundamentals of Extension Education
Extension education: meaning, definition, nature, scope, objectives, principles, approaches and history. Forestry extension: process, principles and selected programmes of leading national and international forest institutes. People’s participation in forestry programmes. Motivation of women community, children, youth and voluntary organizations for forestry extension work. Rural Development: meaning, definition, objectives and genesis. Transfer of
technology programmes like lab to land programme (LLP) national demonstration (ND), front line demonstration (FLD) Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK), Technology Assessment and
Refinement Programme (TARP) etc. of ICAR. Communication: meaning, definition, elements and selected models. Audio – visual aids: importance, classification and selection. Programming planning process – meaning, scope, principles and steps. Evaluation: meaning,
importance and methods. Scope and importance of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) & Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA). Management and administration: meaning, definition, principles and functions. Concepts of human resource development (HRD), rural leadership.
Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops
Growth and development-definitions, components, photosynthetic productivity, leaf area index (LAI) - optimum LAI in horticultural crops, canopy development; different stages of growth, growth curves, growth analysis in horticultural crops. Plant bioregulators- auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene inhibitors and retardants, basic functions, biosynthesis, role in crop growth and development, propagation, flowering, fruit setting, fruit thinning, fruit development, fruit drop, and fruit ripening. Flowering-factors affecting flowering, physiology of flowering, photoperiodism-long day, short day and day neutral plants, vernalisation and its application in horticulture, pruning and training physiological basis of training and pruning source and sink relationship, translocation of assimilates. Physiology of seed development and maturation, seed dormancy and bud dormancy, causes and breaking methods in horticultural crops. Physiology of fruit growth and development, fruit setting, factors affecting fruit set and development, physiology of ripening of fruits-climatic and nonclimacteric fruits.
Introductory Microbiology
History and Scope of Microbiology: The discovery of micro-organism, spontaneous generation conflict, germ theory of diseases, microbial effect on organic and inorganicmatter. Development of microbiology in India and composition of microbial world.
Introductory Agroforestry
Introductory Agro-forestry
Agroforestry – definition, objectives and potential. Distinction between agroforestry and social forestry. Status of Indian forests and role in India farming systems. Agroforestry system, sub-system and practice: agri-silviculture, silvipastoral, horti-silviculture, hortisilvipastoral, shifting cultivation, taungya, home gardens, alley cropping, intercropping, wind breaks, shelterbelts and energy plantations. Planning for agroforestry – constraints, diagnosis and design methodology, selection of tree crop species for agro-forestry. Agroforestry projects – national, overseas, MPTS – their management practices, economics of cultivation – nursery and planting (Acacia catechu, Dalbergia sissoo,, Tectona, Populus, Morus, Grewia, Eucalyptus, Quercus spp. and bamboo, tamarind, neem etc.)
Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
History, scope, opportunities and constraints in the cultivation and maintenance of medicinal and aromatic plants in India. Importance, origin, distribution, area, production, climatic and soil requirements, propagation and nursery techniques, planting and after care, cultural practices, training and pruning, nutritional and water requirements. Plant protection, harvesting and processing of under mentioned important medicinal and aromatic plants. Study of chemical composition of a few important medicinal and aromatic plants, extraction, use and economics of drugs and essential oils in medicinal and aromatic plants. Therapeutic and pharmaceutical uses of important species. Medicinal Plants: Betelvine, periwinkle, Rauvolfia, Dioscorea, Isabgol, Ammi majus, Belladonna, Cinchona, Pyrethrum and other species relevant to local conditions. Aromatic Plants: Citronella grass, khus grass, flag (baje), lavender, geranium, patchouli, bursera, mentha, musk, Ocimum and other species relevant to the local conditions.