Ag- Engineering

B. Sc. (Ag) Agricultural Engg

1. Farm Power, Machinery and Renewable Energy

2. Post Harvest Technology

B. Sc. (Forestry) Agricultural Engg

3. Forest Engineering

B. Tech. (Agricultural Engg)

Farm Power & Machinery

4. Farm Machinery and Equipment-I

5. Farm Machinery and Equipment-II 

6. Farm Power 

7. Tractor Systems and Controls  

8. Renewable Energy Sources

9. Field Operation and Maintenance of Tractors and Farm Machinery-I 

10. Field Operation and Maintenance of Tractors and Farm Machinery-II 

Processing and Food Engineering

11. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials and Food Quality 

12. Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control 

13. Crop Process Engineering 

14. Dairy & Food Engg.

15. Drying and Storage Engg. 

16. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Soil & Water Engineering

17. Soil & Water Conservation Structures 

18. Irrigation Engineering 

19. Ground Water, Wells and Pumps 

20. Drainage Engg. 

21. Soil & Water Conservation Engg. 

22. Watershed Hydrology 

General Agricultural Engineering

24. Food Packaging Technology 

25. Design and Maintenance of Green House 

26. Waste and By-product Utilization 

27. Development of Processed Products & Equipments 

28. Food Processing Plant Design & Layout 

29. Micro Irrigation Systems Design 

30. Watershed Planning and Management 

31. Minor Irrigation & Command Area Development 

32. Environmental Engg.

33. Gulley & Ravine Control Structures 

34. Remote Sensing & GIS Applications 

35. Reservoir & Farm Pond Design 

36. Tractor Design & Testing 

37. Hydraulic Drive & Controls 

38. Farm Power & Machinery Management 

39. Renewable Energy Technology 

40. Human Engg. & Safety 

41. Biomass Management for Fodder & Energy 

42. Production Technology of Agril. Machinery 

43. Mechanics of Tillage and Traction 

44. System Engineering 


Farm power in India: sources, I.C engines, working principles, two stroke and four stroke engines, I.C. engine terminology, different systems of I.C. engine. Tractors, Types, Selection of tractor and cost of tractor power. Tillage implements: Primary and Secondary tillage implements, Implements for intercultural operations, seed drills, paddy transplanters, plant protection equipment and harvesting equipment; Equipment for land development and soil conservation. Energy sources, Introduction, Classification, Energy from Biomass, Types of biogas plants, constructional details, Biogas production and its utilization, Agricultural wastes, Principles of combustion, pyrolysis and gasification, Types of gasifiers. Solar energy, Solar flat plate and focussing plate collectors, Solar air heaters, Solar space heating and cooling, Solar energy applications / Solar energy gadgets, Solar cookers, Solar water heating systems, solar grain dryers, Solar photo voltaic systems, solar lantern, Solar street lights, solar fencing, Solar pumping systems. Wind energy, Types of wind mills, Constructional details & application of wind mills. Liquid Bio fuels, Bio diesel and Ethanol from agricultural produce, its production & uses.


Post Harvest Technology

Importance of post harvest technology in horticultural crops. Maturity indices, harvesting and post harvest handling of fruits and vegetables. Maturity and ripening process. Factors affecting ripening of fruits, and vegetables. Pre harvest factors affecting quality on post harvest shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Factors responsible for detioration of harvested fruits and vegetables. Chemicals used for hastening and delaying ripening of fruits and vegetables. Methods of storage – precooling, prestorage treatments, low temperature storage, controlled atmospheric storage, hypobaric storage, irradiation and low cost storage structures. Various methods of packing, packaging materials and transport. Packing technology for export. Fabrication of types of containers, cushioning material, vacuum packing, poly shrink packing, specific packing for export of mango, banana, grapes kinnow, sweet orange, and mandarin etc. Importance and scope of fruit and vegetable preservation in India. Principles of preservation by heat, low temperature, chemicals and fermentation. Unit layout – selection of site and precautions for hygienic conditions of the unit. Preservation through canning, bottling, freezing, dehydration, drying, ultraviolet and ionizing radiations. Preparation of jams, jellies, marmalades, candies, crystallized and glazed fruits, preserves, chutneys, pickles, ketchup, sauce, puree, syrups, juices, squashes and cordials Spoilage of canned products, biochemical, enzymatic and microbial spoilage. Preservatives, Colours permitted and prohibited in India.


Forest Engineering

Engineering survey, scope and types of surveying, chain surveying, types and instruments used; Traversing, triangulation, survey stations, base line, check and tie lines; ranging of survey lines; offsets and their types; chain of sloppy grounds, chaining across obstacles; cross  staff surveying, compass surveying, chain and compass traversing, magnetic and true bearings, prismatic compass, local attraction. Computation of interior angles and balancing of closed traverse. Plane table surveying; plane table and its accessories, methods of plane table surveying. Leveling: terms used, types of levels, dumpy level and its adjustments, booking of staff readings, calculation of reduced levels. Theodolite and its uses. Contour surveying. Building materials – types, strength and characteristics, site selection for building construction. Forest roads – alignment, construction and drainage; retaining walls, breast walls, waterways and culverts; bridges – types, selection of site, simple wooden beam bridges, check dams, spurs, farm ponds, earth dams.



Farm Machinery and Equipment-I

Objectives of farm mechanization. Classification of farm machines. Materials of construction & heat treatment. Principles of operation and selection of machines used for production of crops. Field capacities & economics. Tillage; primary and secondary tillage equipment. Forces acting on tillage tools. Hitching systems and controls. Draft measurement of tillage equipment : Earth moving equipment - their construction & working principles viz Bulldozer, Trencher, Elevators etc.; sowing, planting & transplanting equipment – their calibration and adjustments. Fertilizer application equipment. Weed control and Plant protection equipment - sprayers and dusters, their calibration, selection, constructional features of different components and adjustments.


Farm Machinery & Equipment-II

Principles & types of cutting mechanisms. Construction & adjustments of shear & impact-type cutting mechanisms. Crop harvesting machinery : mowers, windrowers, reapers, reaper binders and forage harvesters. Forage chopping & handling equipment. Threshing mechanics & various types of threshers. Threshers, straw combines & grain combines, maize harvesting & shelling equipment, Root crop harvesting equipment - potato, groundnut etc., Cotton picking & Sugarcane harvesting equipment. Principles of fruit harvesting tools and machines. Horticultural tools and gadgets. Testing of farm machine. Test codes & procedure. Interpretation of test results. Selection and management of farm machines for optimum performance.


Farm Power

Sources of farm power -conventional & non-conventional energy sources. Classification of tractors and IC engines. Review of thermodynamic principles of IC (CI & SI) engines and deviation from ideal cycle. Study of engine components their construction, operating principles and functions. Engine systems : valves & valve mechanism. Fuel & air supply, cooling, lubricating, ignition, starting and electrical systems. Study of constructional details, adjustments & operating principles of these systems. IC engine fuels - their properties & combustion of fuels, gasoline tests and their significance, diesel fuel tests and their significance, detonation and knocking in IC engines, study of properties of coolants, anti freeze and anti-corrosion materials, lubricant types & study of their properties. Engine governing systems.


Tractor Systems and Controls

Study of transmission systems, clutch, gear box, differential and final drive mechanism. Familiarization of brake mechanism. Ackerman and hydraulic steering and hydraulic systems. Tractor power outlets: P.T.O., belt pulley, drawbar, etc. Tractor chassis mechanics and design for tractor stability. Ergonomic considerations and operational safety.


Renewable Energy Sources

Classification of energy sources; Introduction to renewable energy sources; characterization of biomass; types, construction, working principle, uses and safety/environmental aspects of different renewable energy devices like gasifiers, biogas plants, solar passive heating devices, photovoltaic cells and arrays; Brief introduction to wind energy, hydroelectric energy, ocean energy, briquetting and baling of biomass, biomass combustion, biodiesel preparation and energy conservation in agriculture.


Field Operation and Maintenance of Tractors and Farm Machinery

Introduction to tractor maintenance procedure and trouble shooting. Scheduled maintenance after 10,50,100,250,500 and 1000 hrs. of operation. Safety hints. Top end overhauling. Fuel saving tips. Preparing the tractor for storage. Care and maintenance procedure of agricultural machinery during operation and off-season. Repair and maintenance and workshop requirements.



Engineering Properties of Biological Materials and Food Quality

Importance of engineering properties of biological materials, Study of different physical and thermal characteristics of important biological materials like shape, size, volume, density, roundness, sphericity, surface area, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, etc. measurement of colour, flavour, consistency, viscosity, texture and their relationship with food quality and composition. Rheological characteristics like stress, strain time effects, rheological models and their equations. Aerodynamic characteristics and frictional properties. Application of engineering properties in handling processing machines and storage structures. Concept, objectives and need of quality, quality control, methods of


quality control, sampling; purpose, sampling techniques, requirements and sampling procedures for liquid, powdered and granular materials, sensory quality control, panel selection methods, interpretation of sensory results in statistical quality control, TQM and TQC, consumer preferences and acceptance, Food Laws and Regulations in India. Food grades and standards BIS, AGMARK, PFA, FPO, CAC (Codex Alimantarious Commission), sanitation in food industry , GMP, HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control point) and ISO 9000 Series.


Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control

Planning and layout of farmstead. Physiological reactions of livestock to solar radiation and other environmental factors, livestock production facilities, BIS. Standards for dairy, piggery, poultry and other farm structures. Design, construction and cost estimation of farm structures; animal shelters, compost pit, fodder silo, fencing and implement sheds, barn for cows, buffalo, poultry, etc. Design and construction of rural grain storage system Engineering for rural living and development, rural roads, their construction cost and repair and maintenance. Sources of water supply, norms of water supply for human being and animals, drinking water standards and water treatment suitable to rural community. Site and orientation of building in regard to sanitation, community sanitation system; sewage system, its design, cost and maintenance, design of septic tank for small family. Estimation of power requirement for domestic and irrigation, source of power supply, use of alternate source of energy, electrification of rural housing. Scope, importance and need for environmental control, renewable and non-renewable resources and their equitable use, concept of eco system, biodiversity of its conservation, environmental pollution and their control, solid waste management system, BOD and COD of food plant waste, primary and secondary treatment of food plant waste.


Crop Process Engineering

Scope and importance of food processing, principles and methods of food processing. Processing of farm crops; cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables and their products for food and feed. Processing of animal products, Principal of size reduction, grain shape,


size reduction machines; crushers, grinders, cutting machines etc. - operation, efficiency and power requirement – Rittinger's, Kick’s and Bond’s equation, fineness modulus. Theory of mixing, types of mixtures for dry and paste. materials, rate of mixing and power requirement, mixing index. Theory of separation, size and un sized separation, types of separators, size of screens, sieve analysis, capacity and effectiveness of screens, pneumatic separation. Theory of filtration, study of different types of filters, rate of filtration, pressure drop during filtration. Scope & importance of material handling devices, study of different types of material handling systems; belt, chain and screw conveyor, bucket elevator, pneumatic conveying, gravity conveyor- design consideration, capacity and power requirement.


Dairy and Food Engineering

Dairy development in India. Engineering, thermal and chemical properties of milk and milk products, unit operation of various dairy and food processing systems, process flow charts for product manufacture, working principles of equipment for receiving, pasteurization sterilization, homogenisation, filling & packaging, butter manufacture, dairy plant design and layout, composition and proximate analysis of food products. Deterioration in products and their controls. Physical, chemical and biological methods of food preservation, changes undergone by the food components during processing, evaporation, drying, freezing juice extraction, filtration, membrane separation, thermal processing, plant utilities requirement. Practical: Study of a composite pilot milk processing plant & equipments; Study of pasteurisers; Study of sterilizers; Study of homogenisers; Study of separators; Study of butter churners; Study of evaporators; Study of milk dryers; Study of freezers; Design of food processing plants & preparation of layout; Visit to multiproduct dairy product; Determination of physical properties of food products; Estimation of steam requirements; Estimation of refrigeration requirements in dairy & food plant; Visit to Food industry.

Drying and Storage Engineering

Moisture content and methods for determination, importance of EMC and methods of its determination, EMC curve and EMC model, principle of drying, theory of diffusion, mechanism of drying- falling rate, constant rate, thin layer, deep bed and their analysis, critical moisture content, drying models, calculation of drying air temperature and air flow rate, air pressure within the grain bed, Shred’s and Hukill’s curve, different methods of drying including puff drying, foam mat drying, freeze drying, etc. Study of different types of dryers- performance, energy utilization pattern and efficiency, study of drying and dehydration of agricultural products. Types and causes of spoilage in storage, conditions for storage of perishable products, functional requirements of storage, control of temperature and relative humidities inside storage, calculation of refrigeration load; modified atmospheric storage and control of its environment, air movement inside the storage, storage of grains: destructive agents, respiration of grains, moisture and temperature changes in stored grains; conditioning of environment inside storage through natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, artificial drying, grain storage structures such as Bukhari, Morai, Kothar, silo, CAP, warehouse - design and control of environment. Storage of cereal grains and their


products, storage of seeds, hermetically sealed and air-cooled storages-refrigerated, controlled atmosphere, modified atmospheric and frozen storages. Storage condition for various fruits and vegetables under cold and CA storage system. Economic, aspects of storage.


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Principles of refrigeration, second law of thermodynamics applied to refrigeration, carnot cycle, reversed carnot cycle, coefficient of performance, unit of refrigeration. Refrigeration in food industry, types of refrigeration system, mechanical vapour compression, vapour absorption system, components of mechanical refrigeration, refrigerant, desirable properties of ideal refrigerant, Centrifugal and steam jet refrigeration systems, thermoelectric refrigeration systems, vortex tube and other refrigeration systems, ultra low temperature refrigeration, cold storages, insulation material, design of cold storages, defrosting. Thermodynamic properties of moist air, perfect gas relationship for approximate calculation, adiabatic saturation process, wet bulb temperature and its measurement, psychometric chart and its use, elementary psychometric process. Air conditioning – principles- Type and functions of air conditioning, physiological principles in air conditioning, air distribution and duct design methods, fundamentals of design of complete air conditioning systems – humidifiers and dehumidifiers – cooling and calculations, types of air conditioners – applications.



Soil and Water Conservation Structures

Introduction; classification of structures, functional requirements of soil erosion control structures; flow in open channels-types of flow, state of flow, regimes of flow, energy and momentum principles, specific energy and specific force; hydraulic jump and its application, type of hydraulic jump, energy dissipation due to jump, jump efficiency, relative loss of


energy; runoff measuring structures-parshall flume, H - flume and weirs; straight drop spillway - general description, functional use, advantages and disadvantages, structural parts and functions; components of spillway, hydrologic and hydraulic design, free board and wave free board, aeration of weirs, concept of free and submerged flow, structural design of a drop spillway-loads on headwall, variables affecting equivalent fluid pressure, determination of saturation line for different flow conditions, seepage under the structure, equivalent fluid pressure of triangular load diagram for various flow conditions, creep line theory, uplift pressure estimation, safety against sliding, over turning, crushing and tension; chute spillwaygeneral description and its components, hydraulic design, energy dissipaters, design criteria of a SAF stilling basin and its limitations, drop inlet spillway- general description, functional use, design criteria; design of diversions; small earth embankments-their types and design principles, farm ponds and reservoirs, cost estimation of structures.


Irrigation Engineering

Irrigation Engineering: Irrigation, impact of irrigation on Human Environment, some major and medium irrigation schemes of India, purpose of irrigation, sources of irrigation water, present status of development and utilization of different water resources of the country; Measurement of irrigation water, weir, notches, flumes and orifices and other methods; water conveyance, design of irrigation field channels, underground pipe conveyance system, irrigation structures, channel lining; land grading, different design methods and estimation of

earth work and cost; soil water plant relationship, soil water movement, infiltration, evapotranspiration, soil moisture constants, depth of irrigation, frequency of irrigation, irrigation efficiencies; surface irrigation methods of water application, border, check basin, furrow and contour irrigation; sprinkler and drip irrigation method, merits, demerits, selection and design; Participatory irrigation management. Economics of water resources utilization.


Groundwater, Wells and Pumps

Occurrence and movement of ground water, aquifer and its types, classification of wells, steady and transient flow into partially, fully and non-penetrating and open wells, familiarization of various types of bore wells common in the state, design of open well, groundwater exploration techniques, methods of drilling of wells, percussion, rotary, reverse


rotary, design of assembly and gravel pack, installation of well screen, completion and development of well, groundwater hydraulics-determination of aquifer parameters by different method such as Theis, Jacob and Chow’s etc. Theis recovery method, well interference, multiple well systems, surface and subsurface exploitation and estimation of ground water potential, quality of ground water, artificial groundwater recharge planning, modelling, ground water project formulation. Pumping Systems: Water lifting devices; different types of pumping machinery, classification of pumps, component parts of centrifugal pumps; pump selection, installation and trouble shooting; design of centrifugal pumps, performance curves, effect of speed on head capacity, power capacity and efficiency curves, effect of change of impeller dimensions on performance characteristics; hydraulic ram, propeller pumps, mixed flow pumps and their performance characteristics; priming, self priming devices, rotodynamic pumps for special purposes such as deep well turbine pump and submersible pump.


Drainage Engineering

Drainage, objectives of drainage, familiarization with the drainage problems of the state, Surface drainage, drainage coefficient, types of surface drainage, design of open channel, sub-surface drainage purpose and benefits, investigations of design parameters, hydraulic conductivity, drainable porosity, water table etc., types and use of subsurface drainage system, Design of surface drains, interceptor and relief drains. Derivation of ellipse (Hooghoudt’s) and Ernst’s drain spacing equations. Design of subsurface drainage system. Drainage materials, drainage pipes, drain envelope. Layout, construction and installation of drains. Drainage structures. Vertical drainage. Bio-drainage. Tile Drains. Drainage of irrigated and humid areas. Salt balance, reclamation of saline and alkaline soils. Leaching requirements, conjunctive use of fresh and saline waters. Economic aspects of drainage.


Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 3(2+1)

Introduction; soil erosion - causes, types and agents of soil erosion; water erosion - forms of water erosion, mechanics of erosion; gullies and their classification, stages of gully development; soil loss estimation - universal soil loss equation and modified soil loss equation, determination of their various parameters; erosion control measures - agronomical


measures - contour cropping, strip cropping, mulching; mechanical measures - terraces – level and graded broad base terraces and their design, bench terraces & their design, layout procedure, terrace planning, bunds - contour bunds, graded bunds and their design; gully and ravine reclamation - principles of gully control - vegetative and temporary structures; wind erosion - factors affecting wind erosion, mechanics of wind erosion, soil loss estimation, wind erosion control measures - vegetative, mechanical measures, wind breaks & shelter belts, sand dunes stabilization; sedimentation - sedimentation in reservoirs and streams, estimation and measurement, sediment delivery ratio, trap efficiency; characteristics of contours and preparation of contour maps; land use capability classification; grassed water ways and their design; introduction to water harvesting techniques; introduction to stream water quality and pollution.


Watershed Hydrology

Introduction; hydrologic cycle; precipitation - forms, rainfall measurement, mass curve, hydrograph, mean rainfall depth, frequency analysis of point rainfall, plotting position, estimation of missing data, test for consistency of rainfall records; interception; infiltration; evaporation; evapo-transpiration - estimation and measurement; geomorphology of watersheds - stream number, stream length, stream area, stream slope and Horton’s laws; runoff - factors affecting, measurement; stage and velocity, rating curve, extension of rating curve; estimation of peak runoff rate and volume; rational method, Cook’s method, SCS method, Curve number method; hydrograph; components, base flow separation, unit hydrograph theory - unit hydrograph of different durations, dimensionless unit hydrograph, distribution hydrograph, synthetic unit hydrograph, uses and limitations of unit hydrograph; head water flood control - methods, retards and their location; flood routing – graphical methods of reservoir flood routing; hydrology of dry land areas - drought and its classification; introduction to watershed management and planning.


Food Packaging Technology

Factors affecting shelf life of food material during storage; spoilage mechanism during storage; definition, requirement, importance and scope of packaging of foods; types and classification of packaging system; advantage of modern packaging system. Different types of packaging materials used. Different forms of packaging, metal container, glass container, plastic container, flexible films, shrink packaging, vacuum & gas packaging. Packaging


requirement & their selection for the raw & processed foods. Advantages & disadvantages of these packaging materials; effect of these materials on packed commodities, Package testing, Printing, labeling and lamination. Economics of packaging; performance evaluation of different methods of packaging food products; their merits and demerits; scope for improvements; disposal and recycle of packaging waste.


Design and Maintenance of Greenhouse 3 (2+1)

History and types of greenhouse; importance, function and features of green house; scope and development of green house technology. Location, Planning and various component of greenhouse; design criteria and calculation; constructional material and methods of construction; covering materials and its characteristics, solar heat transfer, solar fraction for green house, steady state analysis of green house, Greenhouse heating, cooling, shedding and ventilation systems; Carbon Dioxide generation and monitoring and lighting systems, instrumentation & computerized environmental Control Systems. Watering, fertilization, root substrate and its pasteurization, containers and benches, plant nutrition. Alternative cropping systems; plant tissue culture, chemical growth regulation; disease control; integrated pest management; postproduction quality and handling Cost analysis of greenhouse production; Applications of green house & its repair & maintenance.


Waste and By-Product Utilization 2(1+1)

Types and formation of byproducts and waste; magnitude of waste generation in different food processing industries; concept scope and maintenance of waste management and effluent treatment, Temperature, pH, Oxygen demands (BOD, COD), fat, oil and grease content, metal content, forms of phosphorous and sulphur in waste waters, microbiology of waste, other ingredients like insecticide, pesticides and fungicides residues, Waste utilization in various industries, furnaces and boilers run on agricultural wastes and byproducts, briquetting of biomass as fuel, production of charcoal briquette, generation of electricity using surplus biomass, producer gas generation and utilization, waste treatment


and disposal, design, construction, operation and management of institutional community and family size biogas plants, concept of vermi-composting, Pre-treatment of waste: sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation and floatation, Secondary treatments: Biological and chemical oxygen demand for different food plant waste– trickling filters, oxidation ditches, activated sludge process, rotating biological contractors, lagoons, Tertiary treatments: Advanced waste water treatment process-sand, coal and activated carbon filters, phosphorous, sulphur, nitrogen and heavy metals removal, Assessment, treatment and disposal of solid waste; and biogas generation.


Development of Processed Products & Equipments 3(2+1)

Applications of unit operations to the food industry, analytical processing concepts with regards to mass and energy balances, equipment involved in the commercially important food processing methods and unit operations; value addition to cereals like rice, wheat etc. Parboiling of rice, quality of processed products of rice & wheat. Processing of pulses, spices and condiments; extruded food product, fermented food product, frozen and dried product, technology of meat, fish and poultry products, technology of milk and milk products. Technology of oilseeds and fat products, snack foods, Fruits and vegetables product: candy, nutraceuticals, food product development trends, food additives and labeling. Process equipment for thermal processing-evaporation, dehydration, drying, blenching, pasteurization, distillation; mechanical separation-filtration, sieving, centrifugation, sedimentation; mechanical handling-conveying and elevation; size reduction and classification-mixing; kneading, blending.


Food Processing Plant Design & Layout 2 (1+1)

Meaning and definition of plant layout. Objectives and principles of layout. Types of layout. Salient features of processing plants for cereals, pulses oilseeds, horticultural and vegetable crops, poultry, fish and meat products, milk and milk products. Location selection criteria, selection of processes, plant capacity, project design, flow diagrams, selection of equipments, process and controls, handling equipments, plant layout, Plant elevation, requirement of plant building and its components, labour requirement, plant installation, power and power transmission, sanitation. Cost analysis, preparation of feasibility report.


Micro Irrigation Systems Design

Past, present and future need of micro-irrigation systems, Role of Govt. for the promotion of micro-irrigation in India, Merits and demerits of micro-irrigation system, Types and components of micro-irrigation system, Micro-irrigation system- design, design synthesis, installation, and maintenance. Sprinkler irrigation - types, planning factors, uniformity and efficiency, laying pipeline, hydraulic lateral, sub-mains and main line design, pump and power unit selection. Drip irrigation – potential, automation, crops suitability. Fertigation – Fertilizer application criteria, suitability of fertilizer compounds, fertilizer mixing, injection duration, rate and frequency, capacity of fertilizer tank. Quality control in micro-irrigation components, design and maintenance of polyhouse; prospects, waste land development – hills, semi-arid, coastal areas, water scarce areas, Benefit and Cost analysis.


Watershed Planning and Management

Watershed management - problems and prospects; watershed based land use planning, watershed characteristics – physical and geomorphologic, factors affecting watershed management, hydrologic data for watershed planning, watershed delineation, delineation of priority watershed, water yield assessment and measurement from a watershed; hydrologic and hydraulic design of earthen embankments and diversion structures; sediment yield estimation and measurement from a watershed and sediment yield models; rainwater conservation technologies - in-situ and storage, design of water harvesting tanks and ponds; water budgeting in a watershed; effect of cropping system, land management and cultural practices on watershed hydrology; evaluation and monitoring of watershed programmes; people’s participation in watershed management programmes; planning and formulation of project proposal; cost benefits analysis of watershed programmes; optimal land use models; case studies.


Minor Irrigation and Command Area Development

Major, medium and minor irrigation projects – their comparative performance; development and utilization of water resources through different minor irrigation schemes. Basic concepts of command area – definition, need, scope, and development approaches: historical perspective, command area development authorities; Interaction/collaboration of irrigation water use efficiency and agricultural production. Planning and execution of on farm development activities with in the scope of command area development; Use of remote sensing techniques for command area development; case studies of some selected commands; Farmers participation in command area development.


Environmental Engineering

Importance of safe water supply system. Domestic water requirements for urban and rural areas. Sources of Water supply. Intakes and transportation of water. Drinking water quality. Indian Standards of drinking water. Introduction to water treatment. Importance of sanitation. Domestic waste water: quantity, characteristics, disposal in urban and rural areas. Sewer: types, design discharge and hydraulic design. Introduction to domestic wastewater treatment. Design of septic tank. Solid waste: quantity, characteristics and disposal for urban and rural areas. Introduction to air pollution. Types of pollutants properties and their effects on living beings. ISI standards for pollutants in air and their abetments.


Gulley and Ravine Control Structures 3(2+1)

Introduction; floods - causes of occurrence, flood classification - probable maximum flood, standard project flood, design flood, flood estimation - methods of estimation; estimation of flood peak - Rational method, empirical methods, Unit hydrograph method; Statistics in hydrology, flood frequency methods - Log normal, Gumbel’s extreme value, Log-Pearson type-III distribution; depth-area-duration analysis; flood forecasting, flood routing – channel routing, Muskingum method, reservoir routing, modified Pul’s method; flood control - history of flood control, structural and non-structural methods of flood control measures, storage and detention reservoirs, levees, channel improvement; Gulley erosion and its control; soil erosion and sediment control measures; river training works, planning of flood control projects and their economics.


Remote Sensing and GIS Application 3 (2+1)

Remote Sensing: Definition, stage in remote sensing, modern remote sensing technology versus conventional aerial photography; visual image interpretation, image interpretation, basic principles of image interpretation, factors governing the quality of an image; factors governing interpretability, visibility of objects, elements of image interpretation, techniques of image interpretation, digital image processing, digital image; remote sensing in agriculture progress and prospects, microwave radiometry for monitoring agriculture crops and hydrologic forecasting; aerial photo interpretation for water resources development and soil conservation survey. GIS: History of development of GIS definition, basic components, and standard GIS packages; data-entry, storage and maintenance; data types-spatial-non-spatial (attribute data), data structure, data format- point line vector-raster – polygon-object structural model, files, files organization-data base management systems (DBMS), entering data in computerdigitizer- scanner-data compression.


Reservoir and Farm Pond Design 3 (2+1)

Earthen embankments - functions, advantages and disadvantages, classification – hydraulic fill and rolled fill dams - homogeneous, zoned and diaphragm type; foundation requirements, grouting, seepage through dams - estimation of seepage discharge, location of seepage/phreatic line by graphical and analytical methods, flow-net and its properties, seepage pressure, seepage line in composite earth embankments, drainage filters, piping and its causes; design and construction of earthen dam, stability of earthen embankments against failure by tension, overturning, sliding etc; stability of slopes - analysis of failure by slice method; types of reservoirs and farm ponds, design and estimation of earth work; cost analysis.


Tractor Design and Testing

Procedure for design and development of agricultural tractor, Study of parameters for balanced design of tractor for stability & weight distribution, hydraulic lift and hitch system design. Design of mechanical power transmission in agricultural tractors. Design of Ackerman Steering and tractor hydraulic systems. Study of special design features of tractor engines and their selection. Design of seat and controls of an agricultural tractor. Tractor Testing.

Hydraulic Drives and Controls

Hydraulic Basics: Pascal's Law, Flow, Energy, Work, and Power. Hydraulic Systems, Color Coding, Reservoirs, Strainers and Filters, Filtering Material and Elements. Accumulators, Pressure Gauges and Volume Meters, Hydraulic Circuit, Fittings and Connectors. Pumps, Pump Classifications, Performance, Displacement, Designs, Gear Pumps, Vane Pumps, Piston Pumps, Pump Operation. Hydraulic Actuators, Cylinders, Construction and Applications, Maintenance, Hydraulic Motors. Valves, Pressure-Control Valves, Directional- Control Valves, Flow-Control Valves, Valve. Installation, Valve Failures and Remedies, Valve Assembly, Troubleshooting Valves Hydraulic Circuit Diagrams and Troubleshooting, United States of American Standards Institute USASI Graphical Symbols Tractor hydraulics, nudging system, ADDC. Pneumatics: Air services, logic units, Fail safe and safety systems Robotics: Use of Hydraulics and Pneumatics drives in agricultural systems, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controls).

Farm Power & Machinery Management

The role of mechanization and its relationship to productivity, employment, social and technological change; performance and power analysis; cost analysis of machinery: fixed cost and variable costs, effect of inflation on cost; selection of optimum machinery and replacement criteria; Break-even analysis, reliability and cash flow problems; mechanization planning; case studies of agricultural mechanization in India.

"Renewable Energy Technologies

Design and operational parameters, performance evaluation and maintenance aspects of different renewable technologies like gasifiers, biogas plants, solar passive heating devices, photovoltaic cells and arrays, briquetting machines and balers; bio-diesel utilization in CI engines.

Human Engineering and Safety

Human factors in system development – concept of systems; basic processes in system development, performance reliability, human performance. Information input process, visual displays, major types and use of displays, auditory and factual displays. Speech communications. Biomechanics of motion, types of movements, Range of movements, strength and endurance, speed and accuracy, human control of systems. Human motor activities, controls, tools and related devices. Anthropometry: arrangement and utilization of work space, atmospheric conditions, heat exchange process and performance, air pollution. Dangerous machine (Regulation) act, Rehabilitation and compensation to accident victims, Safety gadgets for spraying, threshing, Chaff cutting and tractor & trailer operation etc.

Biomass Management for Fodder and Energy 3(1+1)

Introduction to biomass management, biomass resource assessment management techniques/supply chains, Processing of paddy straw, densification- Extrusion process, pellets, mills and cubers, Bailing-classification, uses; residue management for surface mulch and soil incorporation, Paddy Straw choppers and spreaders as an attachment to combine Harvester, Mulch seeder, Paddy Straw Chopper-cum-Loader, Balar for collection of straw; Processing of straw/ fodder for animal use; Agricultural and horticultural use, Cushioning material for fruits and vegetables, Mulching and Composting, Paper and cardboard manufacturing, Straw as a fuel.


Production Technology of Agricultural Machinery 3 (2+1)

Critical appraisal in production of Agricultural Machinery; Modelling and stress analysis of Machinery parts by using standard software; Advances in material used for tractor & Agril. Machinery. Cutting tools including CNC tools and finishing tools. Advanced manufacturing techniques like powder metallurgy, EDM (Electro-Discharge Machining), Heat Treatment of steels including pack carburizing, shot pining process, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) etc. Limits, Fits & Tolerances, Jigs & Fixtures, Microstructure Analysis. Industrial lay-out planning, Quality management,. Economics of process selection. Techno-economic feasibility of Project Report. Selection of Standard/ critical components. Case studies of manufacturing of agril. machinery. Servo motors, drives & controllers, CNC controllers for machine tools. CNC programming. Assembly and plant automation. Storage and transportation.


Mechanics of Tillage and Traction

Introduction to mechanics of tillage tools, engineering properties of soil, principles and concepts, stress strain relationship, design of tillage tools principles of soil cutting, design equation, force analysis, application of dimensional analysis in soil dynamics performance of tillage tools. Introduction to traction and mechanics, off road traction and mobility, traction model, traction improvement, traction prediction, tyre size, tyre lug geometry and their effects, tyre testing, soil compaction and plant growth, variability and geo statistic, application of GIS in soil dynamics.


Systems Engineering

System concepts. Requirements for a Linear programming problems. Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming problems and its Graphical solution. Response of systems. Computer as a tool in system analysis. Simplex method. Degeneracy and Duality in linear programming. Artificial variable techniques, Big M method and two phase methods. Mathematical models of physical systems. Modelling of Agricultural Systems and operations. Cost analysis. Transportation problems. Assignment problems. Waiting line problems.Project management by PERT/CPM. Resource scheduling.